HomeMy WebLinkAbout001-099F'cESOI,t1'rLw wo, 99 (1956 series) A RESoLUTICLT AMORIZM THE EXECUTION OF. A 7 .5E NIM Tm SoumnH PACIFIC nnRoAti commix Bon mORAGE.SPAGZ, HE IT %SOLTM by the Council of the City of San Luis Map* as follow: 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Sen Luis :Obispos and the City Clerk id hereby authorised and directed to attest that certa�Tdocuwnt entitled "Limped Lea-a" wherein the the Southern Pacific Company leases certain property tharein described to the City of San Luis Cbispo for housing trucks and storage of street department materials,, PAS= MiD ADCP`PE{! this 2d of Jules n 1956$ by the fol7:v�ng rali call. vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E; Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth.W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ' A33EFTs None A'1TESTs .• 3,<D 98 (1955 serlaB) A RE,SOLMON AUTHORn.INO TB TEMMTICN OF M V.TER 6dMI AG. �'P4BN'i' WITH SOUTiUM PACIFIC CO31P 21yo EE IT MRSOLIM by the Cosaa 11, of the MtDr of Saar Luis ObUpo as. follovas That the k-wor is Hamby authorized and direeved to mmcute, and the City C19rk to attest for and or. hehaU of the City of Sem Luis Obispo that car documnt t�.�tir4 tra liew as to sale water from the m11 3ocated on the property of the Southern Paac=c Compmy, aASsED A?m mwTo this 2nd day of Jmkv,39568 by tha following roU mu vat3s AYESs Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger VOEss None AMP'= None ATTESTs 3 g H.ESDI.Unax No. 97 (1956 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISKM CLASSIFICATIONSy SETTING SALARY RANGES TIER FORe ASSICININ4 CITY EMPLOYEES To CL4SSIFICATIMS AND SALARY RATEZ TMU-IN, SPECIFYING METHODS OF AD4'ANCE10NT kND R�I!Ai.M. 0 ALL PREVIOUS SALARY RESOLUTIONS- BE IT YMSCLVED by the Courwil of t.'m City of San Luis Obispo as follos, -9: That all previous salary resolutions are hereby repealed and t.Ym foll.caiz� sections enacted to supersede all previous provisions: Section 1, Salary- R!.nges. The following salary ranges are adopt-ad and applied to the several classes of positions as indicated in Section 2s Salary Norte First Pull Abovs Avg. outstanding Range Hiring Incentive qualifica• Performance Pe_pfo -n=ce Nor Rate Rats Lion Rate Rate Rate 13 $215 month $227 $2110 02% $268 114 227 2140 254 268 284 15 2140 2514 266 2a4 30D 16 254 266 284 300 317 17 268 2814 300 317 336 18 2% 300 317 336 354 19 300 317 336 354 375 20 317 336 3514 375 396 21 336 3514 375 396 419 22 354 375 396 419 U-3 23 375 396 419 443 469 24 396 419 4143 1469 h95. 25 419 443 4469 495 5214 26 1443 469 495 54 553 27 469 h95 524 553 585 28 495 524 553 585 619 29 524 553 585 619 655 30 553 585 619 655 692 31 585 619 655 692 732 32 619 655 692 732 773 33 655 692 732 773 817 34 692 732 773 817 865 35 732 773 817 ti65 9114 17Aa 295 3244 353 385 419 Section 2. Titles and Ranges, The classes of positions $hall each have the salary range shown opposite the title in this section. Title Director of Public Works (31) $585 619 '655 692 732 Director of Finance MAO 295 324 353 385 419 Police Chief (28) 495 524 553 585 619 Fire Chief (28) Water Superintendent (28) 0 Administrativa Asst, to Director of Public Works (22) 354 375 396 419 443 Civil Eiginesring Assistant (22 Police Lieutenant I-itle Fire Captain (22) Senior Dispasal Plant Operator (22) Supt, of Parks & Recreation (26) $443 469 495 524 553 Supervising Design Engineer (26) 317 336 354 375 396 senior piltratLon Plant operator (20) Mechanic (20) City Librarians (25) 419 443 469 495 524 Building Inspector (24) 396 419 443 469 495 Asst. Street Superintendent (24) `�7e Senior Librarian (18) 284 300 317 336 354 Police Captain (24) Equipment Operator- eadman (18) Chief Clerk Asst. Fire Chief (24) Laborer- Egv-ipmcnt Operator (17) Disposal Plant Operator (17) Accountant (24) (17) ' Water Mater Repairmn (17) Hater Foreman (23) 375 396 1j'.9 443 469 Planning Tectmician (23) Junior LibrarLm (16) Sawetary (15) Administrativa Asst, to Director of Public Works (22) 354 375 396 419 443 Civil Eiginesring Assistant (22 Police Lieutenant (� Fire Captain (22) Senior Dispasal Plant Operator (22) Police Sergeant (2a) 336 3% 375 396 419 Fire Fxginser (21) Field Auditor- Appraiser (20) 317 336 354 375 396 senior piltratLon Plant operator (20) Mechanic (20) Principal Engineering Aids (20) Asst. Building Inspectcr (20) Heavy Equipment operator (19) 300 317 336 354 375 Police Officer ((1099R)) Fireza gupt:.p Parks & Recreation `�7e Senior Librarian (18) 284 300 317 336 354 Parking deter Repairman (18) Equipment Operator- eadman (18) Chief Clerk (17) 268 284 3DD 317 336 Laborer- Egv-ipmcnt Operator (17) Disposal Plant Operator (17) Filtration Plant Operator (17) ' Water Mater Repairmn (17) Water Pieter Tier (17) Senior Engineering Aide (17) areundskeeper (16) 254 268 284 300 337 Junior LibrarLm (16) Sawetary (15) 240 254 268 284 300 Account Clerk (15) Laborer (15) ooTypist Clerk (1) - J� Stenographer (14) 227 240 254 268 284 Typist Clerk (13) 215 227 240 254 268 Section 3. Rules SwerningStag Progession. (a) The fallowing rules shall govern step increases for all employees hied hereafter and for employees listed under section S(b) below: 1. The first step is the minimum, rate and shall normally be the hiring rate for the class. In cases where it is difficult to secure qualified personnel, or if a person of unusual qualifications is engsged, the City Council =y authorize the Administrative Officer to hire at the second or third step. If a person is hired at the second or third step, he shall receive the nest step when he bras.Pilled the tima requirement for such advanced stop as cutlined below and is so approved by the Council for advancement. 2, The second step is an incentive adjustmant to encourage an e- ployee to improve his work. Employees any be advanced to the second step following the completion of six months satisfactory service, upon recort-mandation by their department head and the Administrative Officer and approval by the City Council6 3. The third step represents the middle value of the salary range and is the rate at which a fully qualified, experienced, and ordinarily conscientious employee may e<pect to be paid after a reasonable period of satisfactory service. An employee may be advanced to the third step after the completion of a year of service at the second step provided the advancement is recsormzendad by his department head and the Administrative Officer and approved by the Council. 4. The fourth step is to be avarded'oray in,.case of work which is weU above average for the class. An employee may be advanced to the fourth step after completion of one year of service at the third step provided the advancement is recommended by the department hsad and the A&ainistrative Officer and approved by Um Council. 5. The fifth step is intended as r a w and for outstare i.rg performar =o An employee.may be advanced to the fifth step after completion of two year's service at the fourth stop proem the advaneewnt is rwovz.ended by the departmant head and the Administrative Officer and approved by the Council. (b) :bm following named employees hived on or prior to the effective date of this resolution Shall be governed by the rules above for step advancement purposes: Stop in mange Date last Name Class as of JLaz 1, 1956 Step Increasm Horn, Charlotte Chief Clark 4th 8- 1-514 _icKenzie, J. K. Janitor 3rd 9.1 -54, Eppert, Thomas A. Fireman hth 11 -1 -511 Angeloni, Pacific' Janitor T-d 1 -1 -55 OF. n , Daniel C. Polices Officer lath 2 -1 -55 Fitzpatrick,, J. Ho director of Finance Toth 2-1-55 Edmands, Loren 0. Laborer- Equipwnt Operator 10th 3 -1-55 Leister, Arthur E. Fireman 4th h.1 -55 martin, Joseph Filtration Plant Operator 4th It -1-55 Laursen, Johns Parking meter Repairman lath 11 -1 -55 'Perna, Sally D. Account Clerk 3rd 12 --1 -55 Adams, John Q* Disposal Plant Operator 10th 2 -1 -56 Noel, Kenneth E. Laborer - Equipment Operator lath 3 -146 Law, Dollie Accoaint Clerk 2nd 4 -1 -56 Freder ck, Jerry L. Polite Officer 4th 5-1 -56 Data Step in Range Last Claus As of Jealz 1„ 1956 inccrease Name w Buss, Mi.'.tan A. Laborer- EgVlPment OPeratos �a : 4vh 8_1 56 8_145 aSal=q Willi= De Police Sergeant 3rd 8-1 -55 vaden, Ray E. Police Officer 3rd 1 -55 Iunker, Earl J. Fireman 3rd B 6-1m55 Woodward, willign Ho Fireman Gar -.o1i Prank J, Police Officer 3rd 11 @1 -55 12-1-55 Vane, Rolland Ho Vosburgh, Robert I. Police Officer Supervising Dasign Engineer lst 7-1-56 Lamboy, Oscar D. LaboractmEgaipment Operator 3rd 3rd 4-1 -56 7a -1 -56 Blair, Loretta H. Secretary Hca�a.•'d, Douglas S. Civil Engineering Assistant arm 6-1 °56 7 Silipigni., Lal -lance 2nd 3rd -1-55 7 °1 °56 Burley, Charles Police Offices' rd 6-1 -56 6 -1-55 Wright, Harold L. water motor rLapair an i Lyons, Glenn E. Fir man Dance, Gsrzvieve R. stenographer 2nd 2nd 71 =1 =55 12 -1 -55 Raybur% Richard H. Police Officer Laborer- Equipmant Opwater 3rd 641 °56 Levis, Rsuban A. Jordan, :Margie L. Typist Clerk 2nd 12 -1 -55 1-1 Lyons, Caralse Stenographer 2nd °56 Casteel, Miriam City Librarian 1st 7 -1-56 Kauffold, Fred H. Police Officer Laborer- Equipmst Operator 2nd 2nd 2 °1 °56 4m1 -56 Leans J00 3orp, William E. Sept, of Parks and Recrsation 1st 7 °1 -56 McGinnis, Wayne B. Policm Officer 2nd 2nd 5 °1 -56 5-1-56 3oi-5nscn, Donald F. Waldron, Burke V. Pienning Technician A&drL. Asst, to Dir, of Pub. Wks. 3rd 11 °1 °55 Studle Leo Fiechanic 2nd 2nd 6 -1-56 6-1 -56 Seward, Carol A. Secretary radish Ahud Disposal Plant Orvorstor 2nd lat 1 =1.56 Started 2 -28-56 Evans, Robert P. Water ?meter Ropairme:aa Field Auditor- Appaaiser 1st Started 3 -6-56 Ulansky, David Lincicum, Clem g. Police Officer 4th 3 -16-56 6-1"56 House, Elizabeth C. Typist Clerk 2nd Walter Bur Pi. Asst, Bldg. Inspector lst 7 -1 -56 Jones, Melvin Melvin L, Fire Captain nth 8 1 ®55 Babcock, Gerald B. Fire Captain 6th 11-1-55 Wainscott, Jack No Fire E1sginew (c) In applying the above riles, the next step shall be graaated, other conditions being metz on the following basis: (1) For those having an ann:L vursary lots on the first of the month, the increase stall be affectity that dates (2) For those having an an dversarg (bte on the second of the month or later, the increase shall be effective the first of the following month. Section 4, SaEgA Rates and Method of Progression for Empl es Hived Prior to Ado U of Mgnal Pa an,or Piaced in s sss ca on Lotus Ac on. The g nod sipioyees shall start July ' i 195b at the step iivai aril will be considered by the Council for the neat stop on nu manual basis effective each July 1 until they have reached tbo maxim= step for their classification. Vhould the Council fail to grant an increase on July 1 of any year, it shall be the privilege of the department ksad and administrative officer to reconsider such ineream and so read to the Council at any time during the fiscal year. MonLbl3► Name Class of lar, Christina F. Typist Clek $266 5th Gonzales, John J. Groundskeeper 317 5th Smith, Mary Ho Senior Librarian 336 4th Venema, Athleen Junior Librarian 317 5th Cotter, Alive Bo Junior librarian 317 5th Schofield, William E. 'Police Chief 619 5th Ticidom, R. E. Police Captain 469 lath Elsea, Lawrence F. Police Lioitenant 443 5th Reams, William ED Pd.-Lies Lieutenant 419 lath Rodgers, Ervin Le Police Sergeant 396 lath Smmer8 William EL Police Sergeant 396 lath Lokay, A. R. Police Offic+ar 354 4th Babcock, Worth P. Police Officer 375 5th Ryan, Wilford L. Police Officer 354 4`h Hal.ford, Ira H. Police Officer 375 5th V,aldmeier, Jams Fire Chief 595 4th Villegas, William Asst. Fire Chinn 4:69 4th Gill, John S. Fire Captain 443 5th Woodward, John R. Fire Captain 419 4th Speer, Robert Be Fire Captain 419 lath Finch, Harlan W. Fire Engineer 396 4th Drake, Daryl W. Fireman 3% 4th Hale, Donald Fireman 375 - 5va Tonini, Henry Ho Fir w= 354 4th Krege, Emil ED Fireman 375 5th Juanraz, Anthony A. Civil Entering Aset. 396 3rd Kinney* Seth G. Building Inspector 495 5th ,^apps, Ailo S. Asst..Stmt Supt. 443 3rd Ritchell, Charles Lo ?umvq Equipment Operator 354 4th Santos, Lewis Equipment (perstou -Ldmn 3% 5th Soto, Val Equipment Operator -L(bn 354 5th Studle, Ted Laborer °Fquipe Operator', 336 5th iullikin, Rotard Laborer -£qu pe Operator 336 5th Lanus, R. 0. Laborer -Eg4p, Operator 336 5th Sime, Mike iaborea%DEgtaipo .Operator 336 5th Name Class Salary - Reed, Frank R. Sr. Disposal Plant Operator $419 bath Thompson, E./�Price Hater Supt. 565 hth 5chults, S. C. Viater ?army; 469 5th Bickell, Marvin Labor cer,- Ecguipment Operator 336 5th Terra, Billie Laborer - Equipment Operator 336 5th Young., Carl Sr. Filtration Plant Oper. 396 5th Sanson, S. 'W, Accountant 495 5th Romero, Livid F. Di ector of Public Works 655 3rd Section 5, Schedule of Salaries Not Within Basic Salag &Ryes. Title Monthl$ Sal.arp City Adudrdstrative Officer 8 600,00 City Clerk- Assessor 250000 City Attorney (Half-time) 400,00 City usurer (Part -time) 125,00 School Crossing Guard (Part,-time) 123900 Asst. Director of Civil Defense (Half -tins) 150,00 Section 6, Part -time Recreation Leaders* (a) The r nge for part-time recreation leaders shall be as folle : Step A $1.32 hour Step B 1.38 hour Step C 1.46 hour (b) The folloi3ng wrdmnm time requirements are hereby imposed for such steps. In addition to fulf311ing the time requireamants, a leader must be recconeznded by the Departm3nt Head and ArbA rA strative Officer and approved by the Council before he can be advanced, step A Starting rata - The Departm9nt Head and Administrative Officer may rec ohm end to the Council a higbsr starting rate within the range in case a person of uaansual qualifications is engagedo Step B After 250 hours Ong time, 6 months employment, or one swmw, whichever is longero Step C After 750 hours vmidmg time, 18 months employment, or two full surmmrs, whichever is longero Section 79 Party Park and Grounds Maintenance Labcrer. (a) The range for part-time park and grounds maintenance laborer shall be as follows: Step A 5 1,32 hour Step B 1o36 hour step C 1.46 hour (b) The following minimi= time requirements are hereby imposed for each steps. In addition to f l tlling the time requirements, a part -time park and grounds radntennance laborer must be re=mne4ed by the Department head and Administrative Officer and approved by the Council before he can be advanced. Stop A, Starting Rate - The Department Head and Administrative Officer may recommend to the Council a higher starting rate within the range in case a person of unusual qualifications is engaged. Step B After 500 hours satisfactory work or 6 months employment, whichever is longer. Step . C After 1500 hours working time or 16 months aiplaymeznt, whichever is longer, Sec'A' on 8. Recreation Smda dtro (a) The range for recreation specialist shall be as follow: step ,A $1, 63 hour Step B 1,72 hour Step C 1.82 hour (b) TIm following minimum time requirements are bareby imposed for sues steps, In addition to fulfi33 ing the time requiremants, a recreation specialist must be recommended by the Department Head and Administrative Officer and approved by the Council before he can be advancedo step A Startirg Bate - ahs Department Head and Autdni.stratise Officer may recommend to the Council a higher starting rate within the range in case a person of unusual qualifications is engagede Step B After hmdli.ag two successful instruction 'series or 120 hours working time, whichever is longer* Step C After 18 months satisfactory performance or 100 hours working °cites, whichever is longer. Section 9. Recreation Attendant, The rate far recreation attendant slmL be $1000 per honcro Section 10. Library Pap®. The rate for library, page shall not eased $1,00 per heure Section U. Effective Date. This resalntion shall be offecUve July 1, 1956. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of June, 19560 by the following roll call vote: APPS: Eels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None eta r AI ISTs RESOLUTION 90, 96 (1956 Series) A R"SOLUTION AL'TH .UZINC THE MAYOR TO SIGH? AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR TF1*EPHONE POLE INFTALLA'111LON AT MONTER,EY STREET . AND CALIFORNIA BOULEVARD BT IT RESOLVE -D by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign agreement between the City of San Luis Obispo and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for telephone pole installation at Monterey Street and California Boulevard, That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo to approve said agreement, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 1955, by the following roll call vote:: AYFS; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSF11T: None ATTEST: , g6 RESOLUTION NO, 95 (1956 Series) A RESOLUTION AJTHORIZITN77 CITY CLERK TO ACCE"'T AND RECO71D DEEM OF REAL PROPERTY FRO M 0. R. JOHNSON AND BRRTIE J* JOHNSONO BE IT RRSOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to receive and record a deed from 0. R. Johnson and Bertie Je Johnson, husband and wife, granting to the City of San Luis Obispo the real propertjp described in said deed. PASSED ANU ADOPT; D this 18th day. of June, 1956, by the follolwing. roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell. E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones Fred H. Lucks ing er ?dOF : None ABSENT: None �.�Y._ ._._._ "- ATTEST: %R�� jPno ' i i i RESOLUTION NO, 94 (1955 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE REVISED AGREEMENT 1t71TH CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE FOR PIPELINE EAR` FE ENT THROUGH CALIFORNIA STATE POI. I- ,CHNIC COLLEGE CAMPUS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign.:revised agreement between the City of San Luis Obispo and the California State Poly- technic College for pipeline easement through California State Polytechnic campus, `and that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo to approve said agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June , 19569 by the following roll call vote: AYES:. Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOFS: None ABS�'NT: None ATT'E'ST: E C iiI;SOI JTIOIa ?asp. (19: series) . 22 A MSOLUTION TRAWSMOlidlV07 JRJNDS .. 7 EE IT IMSOUVED by the Council of the City of San Iz= Obispo as follows That 475r,000,O0 be transferred from the Genera.Reaerre Account to the rater rur_: to cover the cost of water pipe purchase in connection F--.th the water departzment master plan program$ to he considered as an Interest free loLin and to be repaid to the General Reserve Account when possible, PASSED Aril ADOPTFM this 18tthday of June g 1956, by the follmring votes: A7ES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Luck s ing er NOES: None A BSEFT: None i ATT:ZT: PMC- LUTIOP? TAO. 92 (1956 Series) A FT.�SOLUTIOA7 INCREA.SIED THE 1955 -56 BUDGET 3E IT RESOLVED by the Co+.u•►adl of the City of San Luis Obispo as f ollows I 1. That w1,000.00 be added to account #200,25p Gentenssia3.a 2. That the Unburigeted Reserve be decreased by 411,000.000 3. That accou� -t 7'T250,3s Public improvempts and Bettermen$p a Gudal Property, be increased by 404508a 4. That account x`250.9, Public Improvement and Detterment-Traffic Sigrs3�p be increased by 41,500.00. 5. Tint account #250.1 3'be set up as Public Improvement and Jetter- ment &aargement1, Fimhouse1, in the amount of 05040, 6, That account #343, Water Transmission and Distribution Mainsl, be increased by &.,15,000,00, tWSSLD ATM ADOPTED this 18th day of rune s 19565 by the fcIlmdxW, votes Aye; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Luck singer NOES: None ABSTITs None- sue...... ATTF-13T: ymol K _: RESOLUTION NO._�1.(1956 Series) A MSOLUT-1011 OF INTENTION TO ABANDON A PORTION OF PART{ AVM7E BE IT PESOLVE D by the Council of the. City of San Luis Obispo as follow-as 1, It is the intention of the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo to abandon the folloving,described portion of Park Avenue: All that portion of Park Avenue in the Phillips Addition to the City of San Luis Obispo, subdivided for Edwin Goodall, Sept. 1887, in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to map filed for record August 27, 1902s, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block 14 of said Addition cn the West line of Park Avenue; thence South along the East line of said Block to the intersection thereof with the Northerly line. of the property conveyed to the State of California for freeway purposes by deed dated July 318 1952 and recorded September 26, 1952, in Book 677, at page 509 of Official. Records; thence North 800 35' East along said line to a point on the West line of Block 21 of said Addition; thence North along said West line to the Northwest corner of said Block 21; thence West across Park Avenue to the point of beginning. Sept. 4, 195)6 2, That 2x1pLtpcWt at 8 :00 p,m, at the Gitt} Council Chambers of the City Hail is herby declared to be the time and place set for public hearing an said abandonment. 3.. That the City Engineer shall post notices on said street in accordance with Section 8322 of the Streets and Highways Code and shall cause this Resolution to be published once at least ten days prior to said hearing in the Telegran. Tribuhe, a newspaper published and circulated in said City, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June , 19562 y the following roll can votes AYE,: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren,G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jon:, ; Fred H. Lucksinger PIOF:Sa gone AffiLTITs None �!.�__... � /.rte:✓ __. _._ ATTEST: S)/ -'count Carmel 'Lutheran Chum � C. 3an Luis Obispo, aliforn July 60 1956 City Council,'. Res Closing of Park Avenue San Luis OBispo;.Californis Gentlemen: In a letter to you dated -April 5; 1956, - Pastor Glean. Kidthun, Fount Carmel. Lutheran Church, regiueisted•that•Park Avenue, between Fredricks Street and the freeway, be abandoned. . At - that time we were not legal "ownsre' of •this property; .however, since that date,'we have -purehased the property .. - adjacent to Park Avenue on both sides, through Richard Willet, realtor.. It is our intention to buad a-church'on thig. property in the near futures Our arohitect -•.is Holdredge, Hasselin, and Associates. We are again 'requesting the abandoning of the above mentioned property and your further consideration will be appreciated. Please 'inform us of arlq additional information required from us reguarding this matter. Sitrcerely, ..: Glen Xidthun 755 Serrano Drive San Luis Obispo by_ Charl.e's S.. Anderson Chairman, building "committee Hount'Oarmel_Lutheran Church o� 'I 6 8 91p,> >� ca • ��l�9�S b�£Z���Z�� P.ESOLtPi'ION NO...20 (1956 Series) A RESOLTJTION ACCEPTING A PORTION OF PARE AVVN' BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the followi.nC described portion of Park Avenue is hereby accepted into the City street systens All that portion of Park Avenue inthe Phillips Addition to the City of San Luis Obispo, subdivided for Edwin. Goodall' Sept. 1887,, in the City of San Luis Obispo,, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California., according to map filed for record August 27, 1902 in the office of the County Recorder of said County,, described as f0110WB: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block 14 of said Additions on the West line of Park Avenue; thence South along the East line of said Block to the intersection thereof with the Northerly :Um of the property conveyed to the State of California for freeway purposes by deed dated July 311 3952 and recorded September 26y 1952, in Book 677,, at pap 509 of Official Records; thence North 80 35' East along said line to a point on the West line of Block 21 of said Addition; thence North along said West line to the Northwest corner of said Block 21; thence idest across Park Avenue.to the point of beginning. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 118th day of June � 3956Q by the following vote: pim- Nels Beck, Lawwell E. Fred H. Lucksinger AOrs: None APSE NV: None ATTESTS Christie, WArren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, GO ~ MoLU= No, 2.(19�6 Sys) A r=Tj U�T1d40N SpT PESeCpiF��igI1�1t0dTR APPROPRIATIONS FOR E114UIRMN REPLAG NT XND LISMG PRICR Y:GiVl7CiNirAd:6ViR � 7s TO DA T& BE If RESOLVED br the Comw:a of the GYty of Sara Luis Gbspo as 2032oaVI That ttm va. -..ous eZuip mmt r+ep acem w appropriations fer the :956 -57 fists year be added to previous acctmulAticns in t le 42iPment tR9p1���s Fundq to be reserved for the purchase of replaomenta for tba individual items of esguipmant as listed beloars city Ala wt Tata1 It6m Year Engine No, No* Budgeted Acatmilat1cm s 7ZRE W�Fa:aa Trek. 1950 B228273625 I $ 200.03 $ 19000,03 MM Fire Track 1955 634 -50 -0029 2 190410.00 10,000"00 Mack Fire'Tuck 1941 SW1075 3 29000 >00 109000000 ?lack Fare INZ=k 1939 SW1017 4 20000,410 3.30€0.,00 imerimn LaFranw Track 1941 BF3571 5 20000000 39043®0,003 international Pickup 1953 197937 6 175,00 725oGO Ford Sedan 1952 Azua33943 7 300000 152w,00 Ford Selo., 1953 A3RG136704 8 300600 900003 POLICE et Seed 1955 A55L077183 ZL 7500-00 7P.00 Chevrolet- Sewn 1954 A54LO493O1 22 750000 18250400 Chenvlet. Sedan 195+5 A5p5T•LO12829 2� 75DoOD 1m25D,00 Clievraet Sodom 1975 A55L67= {3� ~24 750,00 754 400 C4_ "vlet Sadam A954 A5hLO32185 27 75040 19250000 H-D 3 vhea cycle 1952 52t�754 28 2443,01 I92O0$,OO ff -D 3 whsel cycle 1952 52G2150 29 240,00 19200000 ci3CrIA CYO et Sedan 1955 A55LO76203 255 250000 250000 Internation2l Pickup 1953 12827 153 200,00 600a0o p6mic WORMS (Misc.) Chswsol.s Piriap (Bldg Insp) 19510 Hlq=0681L 2514 2001 .600 400r,00 Stadebakpr° Tip (Sewer) 1953 R17A 31922 253 5We00 105DOe00 Int nmatl' Pickup (Paint) Pickup (Shop) 1951 1951 '45739 45015 551 451 250.00 250000 1.9m,03 1.,250000 Interr_ati �.qi?^,�T RA; td; t TENANCE Pam Gmder 191'47 p� 89B 147 2900040 100000,00 International Pickup 1951 1949 45781 2192 2% 2149 250400 900,00 10250.00 149500000 Elgin Sweeper tort$ Wriip 1953 F60 R3R22132 353 500,00 19500,00 Dodge Duna 19148 714825875 248 7C*.00 3,500.00 Studebaker Dump 1951 4824795 151 6oO,00 3000409 Hough Tractor loader Internatl Tractor w /dozer 1950 1941 790838 TBFM2818 250. 341 600,00 la000000 39009,00 500ODa00 Standard oil d stribntor 1948 1032661 448 200400 10000400 Galion Roller 1954 1955 33049 49999 554 855 350.00 350,030 700000 350000 Fortson Tractor Jaeger Air Compressor 1955 C -14557 955 300,00 300.00 UYA'i°IIt 'Lincoln Arc Welder 1935 8018243 236 503,00 20500,00 Jaeger Air Compressor 1948 85-CF 348 300400 10500 +00 Ford Pickup 1949 98RC2o0826 1L9 300.00 105weOO Znternatl Pickup 1951 1954 36771 51410122141 351 1514 250,00 250900 10250,00 500,00 Chevxalet Pickup Chicago Pneumatic compressor 1954 5`71145 654 400.05) 800800 "M Ford Mrpress uck Empress Truck 1955 1955 r25D5R33752 P25M33751 455 555 400.030 400,00 400000 100100 } Ford 1940 640 Jeger V P=p Unallacated Reserve 12 2008 Total BE IT FTZRTHFP. RESOLVED that expenditares- mar be maser for tha pvnhase of replaceassnts for the specified pieces of equip osa2y, and such expenditures u'3tt:st $!O approved ; ' L'OV.aIQi�.o Adjustments may be made by the Caun &l at the time of purchase to mset prevailing mart conditions Dow=ard adustments may be made-z (1) By e1lowing aW unwTan ed emounts to rsuain In the Equipawt Repascemsnt Fia+ad in the unallocated resew" ; or (2) By tran3ferr .ng such emounts to othsr Lppropx3ate gbndso U�wzrd adjustments may be made: (1) By tansger from the General AwA Ud ndgeted Reserve; (2) By making use of the unallocated reserve within the Equipment Roplacemant A,.rAj or (3) By paying a portion of the cast from an appropriate, daps lmental beat account PASSED AND ADOPTED tires 18th day of Jun a 1956, by the following roll call vote: AYES.. Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger pIO M: None AESMT: None Mayor A'TTFaST. city Amok `dotal item Year a No Id, oo Lm Acemmilation PARK Lpovr der 200aGG 8 80040 Internat? mss Tfwk 1952 141865 252 500o03 500,00 Ford &quws Txuok 1955 F'253M914 655 250000 20oC0 HTJHICIPALL BUSING �g79 e a7edan �9�![ 1955 +� �yG'. A55LOi64M �±�+ 355 �r 250900 250,00 Unallacated Reserve 12 2008 Total BE IT FTZRTHFP. RESOLVED that expenditares- mar be maser for tha pvnhase of replaceassnts for the specified pieces of equip osa2y, and such expenditures u'3tt:st $!O approved ; ' L'OV.aIQi�.o Adjustments may be made by the Caun &l at the time of purchase to mset prevailing mart conditions Dow=ard adustments may be made-z (1) By e1lowing aW unwTan ed emounts to rsuain In the Equipawt Repascemsnt Fia+ad in the unallocated resew" ; or (2) By tran3ferr .ng such emounts to othsr Lppropx3ate gbndso U�wzrd adjustments may be made: (1) By tansger from the General AwA Ud ndgeted Reserve; (2) By making use of the unallocated reserve within the Equipment Roplacemant A,.rAj or (3) By paying a portion of the cast from an appropriate, daps lmental beat account PASSED AND ADOPTED tires 18th day of Jun a 1956, by the following roll call vote: AYES.. Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger pIO M: None AESMT: None Mayor A'TTFaST. r RESOLt3TIoN No. 88_(lo56 Series) A BESOLWaON ACCEPTING THE FINAL ASAP OF FERRILI HEIGHTS #1 TRACT 104 BE IT RiSoLVEM by the Council of the City of San Luis Ubispo as fo3.lo t 19 That the.,final map of the Fsrrini Heights #1 Tract 104 is hereby acceptedo a* That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to sign and record said map Vhen the bond and contract agreements have been filed* FASSED AM Ar pmm this lath day of June, 1956o by tie follos&ng roll call vote: AYESs A:e18 Becket Lowell Cbristiea 6jarzen Edwards, Kenneth Jones Fred Lu.cksinger %OES: %Aoate ABSENT: Alone i AT7MT: m AT7MT: m RESOLUTION No, gZ_. {1956 series) .A PESOLUTION AUTFORIZIM THE FxECMCrr OF CUMACT DOC'UMENT'S FM THE AD MITON TO THE FIREHOUSE BE IT F&qOLVM by the Council of the City of San IvU Obispo as fol'mes. to That the Mayon° is hereby authorized and directed to si&n for and cm hebalf of the City* of San Luis Obispo the contract documents for the construction of the addition to the city fire station in accordanae with the plane and specifications prepared by IdIlimm Holdredgey Architect, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of Jump p 19560 by the fbIlowing roll cau Vote: AYE,Sa Nels Fleck.,. Iam- 11 Christie. Warren Edwards., Kenneth Jones, Fred Lucksinger NOES: Noes ASSENT: None ATTESTS G MSOi,UTION Woo 86 (3956 Series) fl ...�rc{��rT'*?'T.'a. ` r- n- gin— �•r•, •"" tJl�' �tljYti4�� Tr"SFM- IIIG A POVION OIL BOND STYM TO Bo J, Aj gEka IaT IT }E C xM by tA* CR+vmM !cif the ^f ty of San M-4,P :+ as 101IOWa; 1, VHEUAS., the follow described portion of Bond Street is unracesseary for present or prospective public street purposes or aM other public purprje,, -CM2 2a TIm adjoining owners, H. J, arid. Amelia Albert, are willing to can'aey by gaaitcloiaa dead the porti co. of lam in vbich the city pursp ff1vase is 1DC8tady NOW t-I°1IMHEFOIG, the Pryor is aereby authorized for and on behalf of the city of San Luis Obispo to executes and the City Clark to attest$ a cidtckcIR.dead. transf'e=ing the following described portion of Bond Street to H. J. and Amelia Albert, PAPIML 1, That portion of Bond Street as shown on map of Phillips Addition filed in Book 0A"'s, page 162 in the office of the County Recorder described as follovass. CommnaLig at the northwest corner of Block 20 of said map.end running East along the north lime of Block 200 U5o00 feet to a point; thence NORTH 20000 feet to a point; thence rMST, 145,00 feet to a point; thence SOUTH 20.00 feet to the point of begitiaing, -PARML 2, That portion of Bond Street as shown on rjap of Phil.lipa Addition filed in Book "A "p page 162 in the office of the County Recorder described as follow: Commencing at the northeast corner of Block 20. and running WEST along the north lime of Block 209 123a16 feet to a point; thence WORTH 20,:)0 feet to a point; thence EAST 123,16 feet to a points .thence SO M. 20,00 feet to the point of beginninga M'e City Clerk is hereby authorized to receive and record a quitclaim deed from H. Jo and Amelia Albert to the Gity of San leas Obispo transferring to said catty that portion of land upon which said city pimp bouse is locatedo PASSM AM AJOP '0 this 4th _day of June 1456 by the following , votes AMSs Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H' Lucksinger NOES: None ABSIMM: None r LLS ESA: ayor a urn ®. 0 PMCLUTION ,NO..2�.(1956, series) A RESOLUTioN INCREASING THE 1955°56 UMET . BE IT RESOLVED by tba Cmaull of the City of San Luis Obispo as tnnMr. a le That the City Clerk- Assessor's budget be increneed by adding $1,7o0,00 to accoant number 203.3 Materials and Supoiieso 2. That the gnbudget+ed Reserve be decreased by 61970040a, PASSED AND ADOPM Ibis .,day of „Juri e 2956: by the fQ3l.oving "ll call, vote: AMs Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones Fred H. Lucksinger nIoESs None ABSEUTa None A.TTa I 8' RESOLUtION NO. 84 (1956 Series) A RESOLUTION AUpTHORIZING T:IE PURCHASE OF SEM (7) 'G+i ca4 MI ER PARKING MIMES IN ACCORMANCE WITH THE OFFER 2iilDE TO THE CITY BY THE TRAFFIC APPLLU.'CE CORPORATION !N THEIR LETTER DATED APRIL 18, 19560 HE IT RESOLVED by the Couaci.l of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed on behalf of said City to purchase seven (7) Dunce - Hiller pig meters from the Traffic Appliance Corporation in accordance with their offer dated April 18, 1956, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of June, 1956 by the following roL call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTE""T: "� �- t%ayor RFSO;s.mloN iQO.,, j�,, (1956 Series) A RE.SOLMIOIi• AUTH0?-TZMG VW Ai CLICA LVlY F7.e . IM CITY 0? S4i\ LVIS OBISPO TO THE T IVIS.I a3 OF 6•lr,MH dUMCES ©F1 ME STP'i'g OF OALiFORMA Fri. TI?F. An�:�fPRT.4ii4�3_ � MM, tt f W1.i GID CREEL„ - BE IT FbSOXEU try t119 CcLIp s.I of the City of Bar, Luis Obispo as folilwss 30 'Fiat -Lice HVer and City Clerk of said OLV bO anrif ttiey are hely-NL7 wl,horize d to a_�crte nor and an behalf of said city, an aprlieatiofn to tk.e Vildsion of Water :�.oeo�arcew of th, ytzte of C2 ifornia for the appropriation of trader from o3d Creels for M=ici JW. �=-aY Ps 5SIMI XIM AMPTIM, th s- lath day of Junes, 1956, by t7be foll(n4 ng vote: Amt Nels Beck, Fred H. NOES None uBSb�+Ii': None ATTEST Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Lucksinger O 6 . 1. P-3 Ei °,>DLUTION 00.2 (1956 Series1 Ar. ^•;. w r �r Terry T9y"• f 'Qr"1 m.. �� r A R- SCLI1�]ION AUTHO�.IZINV tl7ii !'•_i fDNRZ LU SIG' AGREr,� 13T 1'7H PACIFIC CAA S & LECTRiC COMP lY FOr 1 L "PHONE POLE INSTALLPTION AT FOOTHILL Bi,trD> ANID RINCON DRIVE. 0 8U" iT rr;OLVED by 'the Council of the Clty of San Leis Obispo as fol- 1011s: That theayor is hereby authorized to sign agreement betwee.R the City of Sari Luis Obispo and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for telephone pole installation at Foothill Blvd. and R•inco, D. ive o That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo to approve said agreement.o r=Assn An ADOPtED this 23rd clay of May, 1956, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Ness Beck, Lowell. Er' Christie, Warren G. �£c�ards, Kenneth W. Sore, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABS. 'I': Mona or ATTEST: R 6� RESOLUTION N0. $1 (19;6 Series) A RESOLUTION! ESTABLISMIG fiO PARKING ZONES AT TfE INTEIvSECTION OF CALIFORNIA BOULFWARD AND MONTEREY ST 1 a a BE IT ftESOUED by the Council of the City of San. Luis Obispo as follows: That no Paring Zones are hereby established on the following streets la Approximately 48 feet along the soux.,h side of Monterey Stmt west.of the intersection with California and along the north side of Monterey east of the California intersection. 2. Approximately 60 feet north on California. from ;icnterey, along the west side of California. The chief of Police shai.l cause appropriate signs or curb raarkir..Ps t.'o be placed along said s"Ureetsa PASSED AND ADOPIO this' 23rd day of tray, 1956, by the follokuag roll call votes A ESs Wels Beck, I melt Christie, Warren Ed- eiards, Kenneth Jorns, Fred Lacksingera NOF,S z A me AB'Uv T E None ATTESTS Rmo3 mmq No, 80 - 1956 series) A f!F;SQLIJ`£I%M AUTH©RIZIM E)MCUT'ICN OF AGMMBPT VJTTII 'DINT TORS" BE IT MSOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lutz 0bispo as fol.lov92 That the 497ycr and Mer~ic be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, to e=cute on behalf of the City- that certain sgmement whidh ralatas to tim acquisition of. property for off-street parking purposes with INVESTOPS eyeing to loar�Tifteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and 00/100 NA5x500000} to the . MY for this purpose, 0 pAssrw m ADOI''m tb s 23rd de7 of Mays, 2956, bjr the following roU call votes. AYES: Nele Back:, I0xell Christie, Warren lkvaards, Kenneth Jcross, Fred. Lucksinger. NOES: Ncme ABSPXT: None ATTEST: C ImsounigN No, 79 (19565eries) A RIZOLUTION INC':MASIP ?G TM 1955 -56 BUDGET H3 IT ii t;OLYID by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo ss fgllMYS a 1. That a new account be added to the engineer °s budget, account number 211011, Ferrini Inspection Fees, in the amount of $1200,00, and that the Unbudgeted Reserve be reduced by $1200,00, PASSM AND ADOPTFD this 23 day of May 1956, by the following vote: Ayes; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger RODS= None ABSMjTs None ATTFSTs _=-z� . 70 RESOLUTION +NO. '78 (1951fteries) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. WHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accord- ance with a project statement submitted by the City of San Luis Obispo for expenditure of the gas'tax allo- cation-to cities for the fiscal year 1957, and WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said agree - rkent in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo that said project statement be and it is.hereby adopted as the budget of proposed ex- penditures of the'_gas tax allocation to cities, and 'said agreement be and the same is-hereby approved.and the mayor and. the city .clerk are directed-to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding upon the City upon.its execution'by the authorized officials of the State, ADOPTED this 21st day of May , 1956. 07 San Luis Obispo Attest: City CWk of _ e; ;City of 'San Lugs Obispo I hereby certify'that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City f 21antLuis Obispo at a9regular meeting thereof held May 1956 Cleric or taw, uity. of San Luis Obispo MC -10 %8 1 y RESOLUTION NO. 77 (1956 Series) A RESOLD ION AUTHORIZING THE TYAYOR TO SIGN AGREE'ar�YT vITH GALIFOIU:IA STATE PERSONNEL B7ARD COOPEsRATIV;s PERSONNEL SrRVICES, TO PROVIDE CERTAIN SXAh11N�:TION SA�RVICES TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. BE IT RcSOLV SD by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized. to sign agreement between the City of San Luis Obispo and the California State Personnel Board to provide certain examination services to the City, for the fiscal year 1955 -56, and that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed on. behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo to approve said agreemento PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of N:ay, 1956, by, the following roll call vote: n AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards,, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucks inger NOES: None ABSENT: Alone ATT -ST: �f G ri. Y I 77 RmOLUTION go, 76 (1956 Series) A M OLUTICN Mflt'IPtG CIiANGES IN THE 1955 +56 B 1.;GET BE IT MOLVM by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follms: 1, That the Building Inspector Salary Account 212.1 be increased by 62,000oOO and that the Umbudgeted Reserve be decreased by a like amount. 2. That the Centennial Account 200.25 be increased by 6. .1000.00 and the Unbudgeted Reserve decreased by a similar amount, 3, That Library Contractual Services 251,2 be increased by 61150.00, and that Library Retirement 251.11 be increased by X200.00. That Library Capital Outlay 251.6 be decreased b3, 6650.00. 4, That Park Retirement 2524 be increased by r50.00 and that Parlc Prior Year Commitment 252,$ be decreased by $50.00. 5, That Neater Retirement 795 be increased by 6500000 and that ,dater Vouchers Payable 222 be decreased by 6500.00. PASSIM AM ADOPM this 21st deg. of May , 1956, by the following votes AMt Nels Beck, Fred H. NOES: None AI'Ts None .UTFST: Lowell E. Christie, Luck s finger Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, i__ ..... . -7<S RESOLUTION NO, '75 (1956 SL'RIzs) A R &SOT UTION AUTHORIZIVG CITY CLi.RK TO ACCEPT AP;D RECORD DEED OF REAL PROPERTY FRO TM FRANK B. DURKEE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the CBty of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to receive and record a deed from Frank B. Durkee, Director of Public t1oorks, State of :alifomia, granting to the City of San Luis Obispo the real property described in Director's Deed.-Department of Public Works, State of California. PASSED AID ADOPTED this 7th day. of May, 1956$ by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None Nq aye ATTEST* ity Clerk 0 77 i P.ESmuTim xo, 74 (1956 Series) A Ei SOUTION INCREASING THE 1955 -56 BUDGVr BE IT RMOLVED by the Counaill of the City of S= Ltels Obispo as f0nOWO `Z'het the 1915-56 Budget be increased by t.- ansferring 43,,000,00 from the '3nbudgetcd Resem and vatting up Accauat Wo. 221s Johnson District-Revolving AccMint PAS 50 AFB! AD0P'LW this 7th day or 1956, by the foil cam' ng xon wit votes A,g Nels Beck, Lowell L. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred. H. Lucksinger FMS: None ABSENT' None ti. ATTEST t r i aiES�tLL"TtCa`a NO, 73 x(1956 Seri.ev) A FESCIATTION CITING RhNOULNG n= FOR J0M)SU1T VEFUZ ET A..L0 PROJECT 55&-L n., IT '.&.c0'NrJ1 by. the Council of the City of San Luis a)ispo as followsl 1, The City of San Luis Obispo Jolirson Aveime Project 356-1 Account is- heraby created within the General Fund and s:mrL be referred to in the accounting- books of the City by the short title of "Jolmson District Revevving .AOcciinL„' do,'2�1 }, All monies expended from said revolving f and shall he rei bursad in full to the General Fund from the proceeds of SRIA special asaessments and assesmwnt bonds, ?. The monies in said Revolving Aaaaunt shall be expended for the cost if said aCquUJt4-on,0 constru.tion and improve,aents and costs ilcidental thereto fxon, titre to tirp, as said funds are needed therefor: 3, All Funds e,--jended from said Revolving Accts shall be reimbursed in mill.. from~ the proceeds of said special ,assessments and assesammaen• bends, 4. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed with the City Traasurnr, PASSED AND ADOPmIED this 7th'% day of May s 1956, by the follo;dng rail call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie,' Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NO:,,.ge None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I �7,y i RESOLUTION Nc.s2,(1956 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TI- HIRING OF AN &RC =FECi FOR THE FIREHOUSE EitETSION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as foll.o±a*as That W. D. Froldredge,, Architects be retained to prepare `the plans for the addition to the firehouse and provide information and supervision as outlined in his letter of May 7, 19%, That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the City of Sam Luis Obispo to appraya said letter agreement, RASSE'D AND ADOPTED th=s 7th day of Mey, 1956, by the .following roll call vote. AYES& Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES; None ABSEP T * None A`1`TEST RESOUiTION No, 71 Series) A TMSMUTION ESTABLISHNG B U&FVA..;M STOPS AT FACE DITRANCE 19M THE JOHfiSON STMET WMERPASS, BE IT TESOLVED by th® Counca of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTI43 b, That tyre is hereby created a boulevard on that portion of the extensson of Johnson Street Vat is within the Southern Pacific Railroad right of vw at the Jobwon Street underpass. SECTION 2, That stop signs aball be erected at each entrance to said underpass and that "Stop for pedestrian" signs be lusts d at each entrance along with cross hatch street paint markings, PASSED AM ADOPM thin Tth day of May, 1956, by the follovirc votes AYESs Nels Beck., Lowell Be Chxiv e9 Warren &Wards, &mneth Jones, Fred Luckdnger HOESa None ABa"EN Now ATTESTt r�. wvm- F a IMULUTION No. 7070 (3,956 Series) A MESOIMIOP. AUVIORIZING TFir,, MECITiON OF V12 CA:hTRACTI OF i."LE or THE C. A. MAINO 71.10p?RTT ME IT FESCIMM by the Council of 'the City of San Lti,.s Obispo as follows. Section 1, Al--at prarsuaant to Resolution No. 64 (3956 Series), the tisyor is he:,mby authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest a. Contract of 114irch2se as descr'.ioed in Section 3 of Resolution No. 64 (1956 Series) and in accordance with the terms as set ottt in said Hesolutlon No. 64 (1956 Series), Section 2, The City Clerk is farther authorized to record said Contract and to delimr it to the Title Insumme and Tra Comp=7, PASSED AM ADOrtED this 7th day of XVq 1956, by the follow ro33 call votes AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger Kass None ABS'NT# None ATTEST: •�a 07v Fisournow No. 69 (1956 SsriesN A RASOZMM PROVIDING FOR A llnmm- Fm FOR C. A. TeIVo PURCFASE.R DE IT MSOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That as "Rass?wo Fund for C. A. Maino 1 %rchaselr is hereby created s�a the F- mou?t of X9,053.339 2. Th;A the fund is to be disbursed in accox°da.nce with Resolution fro. 64 (1950' S -eriez ). P SSFTI kY:m ADOPTED -this 7th day of YaW, 1956, by the f onowing .roll, c,.1.1 vote: LMS: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENITs None Pi�yo ' ATM-Tv C' C erk C� (�a LI ,%&coLGTjcN No, 68 W56 series) A Rmo unor INMYASiNG VI 1955 -56 13MOET, q&QoLVED by the Calmcil of the Gib,+ of san imis ouisp* as fo3- ays: That $1,100.00 be transferred f.m- m Upbudgeted kflsern arse the follodvt g accounts increased: Centennial Celebration 200,25 0-lJ 1030000 `:ewer Motor Vohicle 213.1 160,00 i PA.s.S'm jim A .iopim this y vt Mai , 1 ,0569 by the follawLn,g roll cull voter AyLB: Kels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES.- None AMEiTi'a None AT'fMSTt I� /_-.0. 00 6g RESOLUTION NO. 67(1956 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIMM EX=,CUTION OF AGREMN)f NITH PACIFIC GAS AM ELECTRIC COMPANY BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows.- That the Mayor and Clerk bap and they are hereby authorized, empo mred and directedp for and on behalf of said Cityp to enter into and execute with Pacific Gas and Electric C=p=y, a corporations that certain agreement which relatss to the percussion given by said CompaiV to said City to use .a certain pole of said Comgarp for the purpose of installing, maintaining aid using said City °s service riser, meter socItets and appliances connected therewith and which was submitted by said Company at this meeting to this said City Council, PASSIM AND ADOPTM this ?th dad- of rvp 19562 by the following roil can 'Mte s AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOESs None ABSM- sNone ATTEST s 6- 7 RESOLUTION NO. 66 (1956 Series) A RESOLUTION REDUCING THE VARIOUS EQUIPMENT REPLACM04T ITIl9S TO REIT M UNSPENT PORTIONS THE,REDF AND HAKDIG TIM NECESSARY FUND TRANSFERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION N0.1476 (NEW SERIES) BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1, That the following General. Fund accounts be reduced: Fire Equipment Replacement 210,5 ;r. 975x00 Building Inspection Equipment Replacement 212.5 200.00 Sevier Equipment Replacement 213.5 500.00 street .Equipment Replacement 211.5 7.4100.00 Painting Equipment Replacement 215.5 250,00 Shop Equipment 'Replacement 218.5 250,00 9; .00 2. That the Unbudgeted Reserve be increased by 39,275.00. 373 ' 3. That the Water Budget, account no. 3, Transportation Equipnm-it, be decreased by 3.22. 4, That $.22 be transferred from the Water P,,md to the Equipment Replacement Fund. 5. That 49,275,00 be transferred from the General F'and to the Equipment Replacemetnt Furd. PASSED AAD ADO111= this 7 th___day of Niay , 19561 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None A 3SENT: None ATTEST: UV Cls wee 6�5 C i P.KOojiP.i mi No. 65 (1956 Series) A FMCXXT10 TRH" OFERMING F[M. Br IT IM50LIND by tha Cai ncii of the City of San Ur is Obispo as follows s 10 Tlkwt �27r%3.33 be transfermd from the 02f- Street fteking F�- ,serve to Resezve ak ind for Maim -Purchase. 2. That. 822,0 -X.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the Reserc*a FWA for the Mlaino Purchase. PAS !SAS Ar-OnED Ehia 7th day of May b95??, by the Zollowidng vc -An AUSs Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth IV. Jones, .Fred H. Lucksinger g't�ae None Ak3UE?3 A : 14 one A TTEST s 61Y RESOLUTION NO, 64 (3.956 Series) A RESOLUTION Pf:OVIDING FOR T1B. ACQUISI'T'ION 0 REAL FaO?ERT`° FRAM MR. C. A. NUIINO BE IT ?3SOLVED, r,y the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as fol cus SECT?OI 1. The the public necessity requires that the real property hereinafter described be acquired and purchased by U4 City of San Luis Obispo for the VjM' oz" Sixty -Six 'thousand Five luidred Dollars and QO /100 066,500,00, . from Mr. C. A. I•?aino. SI,CTIQIu' 2. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to purchase said propezzt-y for and or. behalf of said City, for Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars a_rd DO/100 ($13,9500.00) dawn payment and installmnts in the amounts of °11nenty-Five Thousand Dollars and 00/100 (:x25,000.00) principal plus One Thousand 'Ore iiurAred Seventy -Three Dollars and 33AOO (01,173.33) interest payable on January 3, 13579 and Twenty -Two Thousand Dollars and 00/100 (622,000,00) principal plus Eight Hundred Eighty Dollars and OQ/l00 (0880900) interest payable on January 3, 1958, The Director of. Finance is further authorized to open escro -w for ` said purchase and to secure a policy of title insurance in the wwunt of Sixty- Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and 00/300 (1°66.,500,00) and to pay one-half of all Expenses. SECTION 3. Said real property is described as follows: ' All that certain real property situated in the City of San Luis Obispo, county of San Luis Obispo, state of California, and particularly described as follows All that portion of Block 14 as designated on Harris and 1fards Map of the City of San Luis Obispo, described as followss Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Monterey Street, in said City., distant North 540 69 East 227 feet 6 inches from the northeasterly corner of Chorro and Monterey Streetsrj thence running North 540 60 East along said northerly* line of Monterey Street 52 feet and 6 inches to the southwesterly corner of the lot formerly owned by Mrs. N. E. Call; thence North,330 221 West, along the westerly line of said lot of Mrs, N. E. Call, 351 feet to the southerly line of Palm Street; thence South 530 38' 47est., along said SoutheeLy line of Pala Street., 107 feet to the northwesterly corner of the lot fonaerly oirmed by B. Brizzolara; thence South 360 22# East along the westerly fins of said Brizaolara lot 56.36 feet to a point; thence forth 530 381 East and parallel with the southerly line of Palm Street 38,08 feet to the easterly line of a lot conveyed by Nathan and Isaac Ooldtree to 1.1. J. Oaks by deed dated August 21, 1882 and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county in Liber 1 °0n of Deeds, at Page 431 and following; thence South 350 5-41 East along the easterly line of said Oaks lot 296 feet to the northerly line of Monterey Street and point of beginning, excepting therefrom all that portion thereof included within the present lines of Monterey Street. 0-5z .2- PASSM AMD A PTIM, this 17th day of April, 1956, by the fono6.5ing votes A16=Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOESs None AASENT None or P. =T I� .r" C. A. MAINO 1118 GARDEN ST., PHONE. 80 SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA March 21, 1956 Mr. Richard Miller San Luis Obispo City Hall San Luis Obispo, California Dear Dick: We overlooked marking the rate that a Trust Deed of an unpaid balance should carry. It was our verbal agreement that I would make the interest rate at four per cent (0), so it will be satisfactory to consider this let- ter as acknowledging the above- mentioned rate. CAM : mb Sincerely, a. G. adzes C'. A. Maino a VOL •839 PAGE o% • 4�� j OPTION r f In consideration of the incurring by the City of San Luis Obispo of expenditures in investigating the desirability-of acquiring the real property hereinafter described, and in further consideration of one dollar to me in Band paid, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant and give to the City of San Luis Obispo hereinafter called the optionee, an exclusive option, right and privilege to purchase the hereinafter described real property for the sum of Sixty -Eight Thousand Dollars (068,000.00), payable by City warrant as follows:- 16 $23, 000.00 down payment 2. $23,000.00 on January 1, 1957 3. •$22,000,00 on January 1, 19580 Notice in writing of the intention of the optionee to exercise this option as hereinafter provided shall be mailed to me at the address set forth.hereinbelow within sixty (60) days from and after date hereof, and if such notice is not so given, this option shall be null and void, it Upon election of the optionee to exercise this option, I hereby agree atniV cost (1) to open an escrow with•a title or abstract company to be approved by optionee; (2) within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of intention of optionee to exercise -said option, to furnish optionee with (a) three copies of a current preliminary report of title to said real property issued by said title or 3 abstract company and (b) three copies each of grantor's deed of conveyance and grantor's escrow instructions, certified by the title or abstract company as being • w cn fall, true and correct copies of the instruments in escrow; (3) to convey the hereinafter described real property to optionee free and clear of all deeds of N trust, liens, encumbrances, charges and defects of title, excepting only such trust deed as may be necessary to cover mipaid balance, 1i ��7 bcRRtARRp�ft by good and sufficient grant deed, deposit into escrow by City warrant of the purchase price herein specified, which deposit shall be made by optionee within sixty (60) days after the receipt by .optionee of the documents, in proper form, mentioned in subparagraph 2 hereof; (4) to furnish and deliver to optionee, concurrently with the delivery of the voE 839 PAsE58 i aforesaid conveyance, a California Land Title Association standard policy o insurance in the amount of the purchase price whereby title to said property is insured as aforesaid in optionee. All tames or assessments levied or assessed upon said property, and which pro— rated. � Z vf... are due and payable at close of escrow, shall. bed All taxes or assess= meats thereafter to be paid.by optionee. In the event grantor, through no fault of optionee, fails to convey the Property as herein-provided within six (6) months from and after the date of exercise of option, the optionee may, at its election, withdraw and be relieved of any obligations hereunder. In this option the singular includes the plural. The real property hereinabove referred to is described as follows: Situated in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California All that portion of Block 14 as designated on Harris and Wards Map of the 'City of San Luis Obispo, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Monterey Street, in said city, distant North 5110 61 East,.227 feet -6 inches from the northeasterly corner of Chorro and Monterey Streets; thence running North. 5110, 61 East along said northerly line of Monterey Street 52 feet and 6 inches to the southwesterly corner of the lot formerly owned by Mrs. N. E. Call; thence North 330 221 West, along the westerlyline of said.lot of Pars. A, N. E. Call, 351 feet to the southerly line of Palm Street; thence South 530 381 West, along said southerly line of Palm Street, 107 feet to.the northwesterly corner of the lot formerly owned by B. Brizzolara; thence South 360.221 East along the westerly line of said Brizzolara lot 56.36 feet to a point; thence North 530 381 East and. parallel with the southerly line of Palm Street 38.08 feet to the easterly line of a lot conveyed by.Nathan' and Isaac Goidtree to W. J. Oaks by deed dated August 21,.1882 and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county in.Liber 900 of Deeds, at pages 1131 and following; thence South 350 541 East -along the.easterly line of said Oaks lot 296 feet to the northerly line of Monterey Street and point of beginning, excepting therefrom all that portion thereof included within the present lines of Monterey Street. Witness my hand this L day of 19560 ame Executed in the presence of y7� Address,:. STATE OF COUNTY OF SANK LUIS OBISPfD - 1956, before rsbn - ally• r ?, �..t, appeared C. A. Maino, known to me to be the pe on whose name is .subb6idbed,'tc:; "this" within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same,v ✓ ' "^ l'.` ' ° Not c in and for (SEAL) County and State -- eI5 r3 30 �*�tioq b�sbf�s *e rroij4ZjO0a8A 3itiT :haCA 3.UMOU Csu s taon3 4zT-oo blsavlolu' 33 019clo%q biza u1 sl111 --t sf *.; soi sq 9e.sdo x.uq WiI g0 Ifuro:ls sdd ni. sons -life= ssrfotIgO ai b1zescsols as banueai ' da.rdsr me t�'r °galg. big moqu baczsaar xc bsl�t zd:�s�.ESEes �o EsFS1 II.� i a` �.�4 �saea2s ^ao E9x lid s r. ed iiasiz • �sro'saas �o eznlo' Js 91dsYsr bras sub sxa 36ft6ilgo vd.bisq act of 7313s9r9d1 elas7 ed1 -Zevaoo 01 alisi :.tssnc.clgo 'to dlfrsl oft dwmdl txoiaev* drrev9 acid al 30 .sdsb aril Ze33.a b ar efoZ3 stilaozII (a) xia aiffds•a bsbivorq,.r* 'Tad as -3•zsgaI bsveilez 9d bar Y smsb:idiv t1101doels aahx 1s O am 9e110ilgo sffd taojty, qo. 36 ealojaza .zsblzfrsZ eftoidstildo %as 30 . Ls Jftq grid aebula::i -sslsgaia e d1 fzoidgo e :f i rfI bslsuliz :ermllo3 Es b9ci.irioEe.5 al o1 bsz^s3sl eeodsaioserf 7, Lsc.;ozq Iasi aAT s,tcrto'i2.w 3o ads1p, toraido aiui as8 30 VmroJ Qoga rc'J a rmi aa2 30 -t110 srU cti 10 grri ab -isi? bcrs akrrs ao bslsf ia9b 'E's -41 ziaol$ 30 .aoilzoq tzdt M a Is mlra paa : e-v-oIIo3. as b9disoa4::,,ogald0 .eh9 mr,8 '20 -Zdit3 ed1 Jt,w1aib .V#3 bra ak t$f)emwte, - pagSTtorl 16 Ural yfuf ty.0 Imtoq to -%eir s V.119dwII9Ld3ott 341 I?aZi aedoal 6 1983 TSS . t*dSzk ed Oi z dflaw gaols d2sa 16 04Z eaned't zeteeadE fig a-!odJ r*a 01 zad0rf.c a bas 1993 S� d3smIa �s7edao i io 9a.il VrI911:tZOl1 biSE �LCe;J *a. 'I .ez1 Vd bezWo. YLlerao3 dol 941 '3o zsar03 V�,CZ91ae•,0ilu03 30 101. bisa 30 sai!yI:sdEesl sfI gaols tdaski 'SS OU d,*td': eofrsdl ?2 soaa3l Zdse7da rls`f 30 9MU XIVedgtoa sfU od 4993 I E JLrO .3 Sol tdscn� P-Wl 3o em.0 yl�csdditoa' b±ea gaols ttasi: 'SE °EC IfI908 .if tid b", o•'LD%Smo3 ;of '):& go: •isfiroo ytZ91 s'.rti1roa s1a4 01 steal Use 10 w-al '41ZSlasu grid ;rots, Iaza 'SS °aE fiduoa eoited1 ZS- lZIossraH bfss 4993 18E oEZC d1•zo;l 96zefdl Zan. oq s o4 4993 3E.6z 1 0.1 a-rs.Cossraa . sr{.t :f4 dss3 80.5E dsaZla t:+tsq `10 9n -1 ypisdIgoe sfif fi •;w Islla -Acq .Z .al nd ssrdbloa ossal brt3'rmSI&I �d bezevnoa 401 a io s.•s.al` �t•aedas9 941 30 9a_ *33o .add ai beb:oom bas 5881.,IS 1atrgtrtt bslsb beeb -'Ed also bns. IEfl zsdsq 1s. tabeed 30 1100 Zsdil zi XImm bssa .3o uibZool4. v ,ta=D Use 0 9trit v Insdes9 .9tfd i aols tas3 't Z Oc dtooe sofrsrfl CBnk..•rollol 1lztoq brus 495z1E vu:9dao -A 10 aail gl -leftl•soa- ed1 0� t 1993 aQS 10l aztsO babelaai loamil aoid^tocf tzAt Its cccox3:019rid 9fd4gsaxs tJfiimi-;sd 30 .ds9 -11a xeZSjfwii 3o rend .iasavfo ado ai_"1icT 30 'v sb. ' aid1. grad EeBafi'i eru� a 9oa9E8Zq 9�-t tit •�a b5 � O CID g Be ens 9701.9d add+ sd o1, 9r-. 01 ariofn: .oajsK A . v be t.ssgas trosxs sfI 1eff1 bagbeltromfes ;are t+rSflmlfS! i aid*! -w a. �J p 317f O P T I O N In consideration of the incurring by the City of San Luis Obispo of expenditures in investigating the desirability of acquiring the real pro hereinafter described, and in further consideration of one dollar to me paid, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I do here and give to the City of San Luis Obispo hereinafter called the optionee, exclusive option, right and privilege to purchase the hereinafter descri property for the sum of Sixty -Eight Thousand Dollars (068,000.00), payab City warrant as follows: 1. $23,000.00 down payment 2. $23,000.00 on January 1, 1957 3. $22,000.00 on January 1, 1958. Notice in writing of the intention of the optionee to exercise this as hereinafter provided shall be mailed to me at the address set forth hi within sixty (60) days from and after date hereof, and if such notice is given, this option shall be null and void. Upon election of the optionee to exercise this option, I hereby agrE cost (1) to open an escrow with a title or abstract company to be approvc optionee; (2) within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of intents optionee to exercise said option, to furnish optionee with (a) three cop' current preliminary report of title to said real property issued by said abstract company and (b) three copies each of grantor's deed of conveyan grantor's escrow instructions, certified by the title or abstract company full, true and correct copies of the instruments in escrow; (3) to cone hereinafter described real property to optionee free and clear of all dee trust, liens, encumbrances, charges and defects of title, excepting only trust deed as may be necessary to cover unppaid balance, matEryDC32�c�sog by good and sufficient grant de deposit into escrow by City warrant of the purchase price herein specifie deposit shall be made by optionee within sixty (60) days after the receip optionee of the documents, in proper form, mentioned in subparagraph 2 he (4) to furnish and deliver to optionee, concurrently with the delivery of I i conveyance, a California Land Title Association 'standard policy of title in the amount of the purchase price whereby tit I to said property is s aforesaid in optionee. taxes or assessments levied or assessed upon saidjproperty, and which pro- rated, vC, CG nd payable at close of escrow, shall be vacx All taxes or assess- . reafter,to be paid by optionee.. he event grantor, through no fault of optionee, fails to convey the as herein provided within six (6) months from and after the date of :)f option, the optionee may, at its election, withdraw and be relieved Ligation hereunder. +is option the singular includes the plural. I Teal property hereinabove referred to is described as follows: Situated in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California All that portion of Block lh as designated on Harris and Wards Map of the City of San Luis Obispo, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Monterey Street, in said city, distant North 540'61 East, 227 feet 6 inches from the northeasterly corner of Chorro and Monterey Streets; thence running North 510 61 East along said northerly line of Monterey Street 52 feet and 6 inches to the . southwesterly corner of the lot formerly owned by Mrs. N. E. Call; thence North 330 221 West, along the westerlyline�of said lot of Mrs. N. E. Call, 351 feet to the southerly line of Palm Street; thence South 530 381 West, along said southerly line of Palm Street, 107 feet to the northwesterly corner of the lot formerly owned by B. Brizzolara; thence South 360 22.' East along the westerly line of said Brizzolara lot 56.36 feet to a point; thence North 530 381 East and parallel with the southerly line of Palm Street 38.08 feet to the easterly line of a lot conveyed by Nathan and Isaac Goldtree to W. J. Oaks by deed dated August 21, 1882 and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county in Liber 00" of Deeds, at pages 431 and following;.thence South 350 54' East along the easterly line of said Oaks lot 296 feet to the northerly.line of Monterey Street and point of beginning, excepting therefrom all that portion thereof included within the present lines of Monterey Street. ss my hand this day of a '-C� , 1956. r the presence of .IFORNIA ) B LUIS OBISPO) ss 1956, before me t Personally A. Maino, known to me to be the pe on whose name is subscribed to the ument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. NotarYPblic in and for s L) County and State J. Em,iStnrll'1' cu $1Gom.63 (1956 sax-7.es) A FESOL T"TIGN ?RMSi"ERRING FUNM ANYD INCRE;SING i' 1955: -56 -Budget,. BE 1'T• FMCLVEB by the Coimeil of the Cite of San Luis Obispo as Sollayst lr That -$3,500,00 be transferred ffima the General glad to the Park : mzjda e ". TIm' ,�^ >e Park bud st be ir�creasecl by adduce account ssamber 2?�2.9� Kissim Plaza, in the amount of $4.00040. PASSE=D Any .ADOPM this 16yi d8 J of Anri2 1956, by the toll-owing roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Luck.sin:ger NOES: None ABSENTS None i ATUBT: 4-�-v z 0 - r RESOInnw NO. 62 (1956 Series) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ADOPTING BUDGET ATE APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGPIMMT FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER SECTION 2107.5 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE WHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City of San Luis Obispo for expenditure of the engineering allocation.to cities for the fiscal year 1956, and WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by.the city council of the City of San .Luie Obispo that said project statement be and it-1s hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the engineering allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on. behalf of said city, said agreement to be binding upon the city upon its.execution'by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this 16th day of April 1956 . Mayor o Ci. o S Luis Obispo Attest: City .Cle o r * theewtFor San Lugs Obispo - I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo at a regular meeting. thereof held April 16th C or ity. or San Lugs Obispo ��v RESOIXT1 +321 TX* 61 (1956 Series) y RIMi L jt ION COMPUi CTMG `PHE 'rj: XAL Eii ?016 OE moismip?'lmiz iN '£;EsOUTTION WO. 26, (1955-56 Se i s) v,-TNEEDI 3, u , b -a lh p'arsuant to Division 99 Part. 3, c,_ailter 2x o:? Ube California 4reetc andl Hiak°qys Code, and '�.'kiEi' , So tare City Ccimcil of the City of San Laiis Obis7oo :N.nds fres+; a' I the evidence m- 1- ,mittc4 "at I . To2joving drscribad streets or parts t. - reof zera urneccsswry - cr present Ezzd prospective public street purposes; and 11 -T,. ,fi5.j wy clerical arr%x the description in lk-- solution No, 26 (1355• -56 Svrios) anti Ordirmnce #11 (1955.56 Series) did not correc-0,tr describe the portAlom of :iirrsvx° Stmet , Stafford Street, and Chamtplin Stet ti c I%�re abandane by tb�a ounoi 1. n°Oc'i ` mnrom mv rr FESOLYM4 Iry the Cotimcil of the City of Saar Luis Obispo thvt eat - dascrAptianz of th-a poatiomms of the follo•,oing etreat® that were-, - ^ l one's be corrected to read a.°..c o2lovs t P".RCEL Is All that portion of Q=V. .in Avenue in the city of San WiE biSQ9 count- of S:;n LUiO Cbi51,301y State? Of W- iforrdaq as shmr, on the reap of 'I'!ai:Fl.ips Addition, tim Cgvr of Ssn Luis OUEsW recoadad in book A page 162 of';ans in the o± flee of the county --s corder of said emmty, bounded as fo23x M r Qz tlLax norr >L by to prokngod soatth li.s.a of FrGderi.cl s ftnet; on the south by the center lip of S` affoit Street; on ire east by the vast line of Block I.0 of said38,yrhilli s Addition; and, oa the wrist by the east, lib of Slock 3 o.^: said Fhintps Ad:�.s.i tion, stt^ emT,.heely portion. Vhsreoa is a.an included writhir the lines or Staf'fcTd Stmet. PARCEL 20 All that portion of Stafford Street in the city of San Luis Obispo., county of S)8r_ Izs Obiwrpon state of Calfornia9 aE ahotin on the mnp of �"�' `pa, Addition to ,�,e City of San Luis Obispo° mcorded in book A page 162 of Raps iri the office of the county racorder of said warty, bomded as follows: On t10 north by th,e scarth Lines of Blcoks 3 and 10 of said Phillipe Addition, pra].onged as spa to cross Champlin Avenuft.; on the aouth by the north lines of Blocks 2 and ll of said 11hillipa Addition, prolonged ro as to cross CImpl.in A- vexrsf3; on the vu y 'thy he prolonged east line of Motley Avenue, am' on the east by `kkist Uamain north ester13 lim of the land coneeyed to the st&te of C.T211fornia by deed recorded Jax-m 27, 1252 in book 663 page 286,9 Official =Recordst deser -lbed therain as beExing South 63Y 121 25" 'hest, EXCEPT that portion of said Stafford Street described as followa. Begir.-aing at tl'.s scrati-Azdat corner of Lot 1.Ln Bloch 3 of said.Phfilips Addition; Umnce south along the' soat -herly prolongation of the east line of Motley Avenue; 10 Pest to the true point of beginning; thence east parallel vilth ti ,- north line of said Stafford Street., 161.1 feet; thence bearing to the left and fol cuing a cur re which circles to the right having a r wdus of 35 feet, the center point of whii.ch bears south 25 feet and east 185.6 feet from the true noint of begim ing9 for a distance of 164418 feet; thence t*'est parallel with t1w south lines of said Stafford Strretn 161.1 fast to the southerly nv-nlonaation of ti- east line of -mo ti sy Avenue, thar:ce north 'a? oA:g weir prolonged _ 1me, 550 feet to rhs true point of beginningo r ED / Ito Gad P. ITIET, 3a All that partion a:" Turner Avwm in the city of San Luis Gbi.spo3 musty of San Luis C`bispo, state of Cali forania$ as shown as the W of "PhilulDs Addition to tins City of San. Luis Obispo^ recorded in boetc A page 162 of Maps in ,zhs office ice of t1ra cow retarder of said eomaty' bounder.- as folloma t On the m-t,b by the prolonged south lilts of Fredericks S-tmet; on the south by thab certain northerly lina . of thq land conrr pddtto the State of Califortd.a by did recorded Jma 27, lay? i.za bo3k 663 page 2869 Official Recor+dab dsscribed t wrein sa searing a bearing of South 370 321 500 Feet wrl a length of 70.09 feet$ on tba oast by the ,%zest lira of Block 14 of said Fbalips Addition; and on the *_�st by the east lime of Block 10 of said Phillips Addition. EXC P2' that port r, �o. ° said Tt=ar Av anue, described as follows: Beginning at the nod thsast corner of Lot 12 Jm Block 10 of said PIA11 p a Addition; thence east slon g the easterly proloz:gatAon of the south 29.ne of FYodericks Sireetp 3.0 foot to tire trw point of beglznring; thence south parallel. with the west line o% said Timrnaer Avenue:, 2n.5 feet.- tbsnoe bearing to Idm right and following a curve which clscles to the left having a radius of 35 feet, the center point of uAdch bears east 25 rest and south 246 feet from the true point of beginnirg, For a distance of 164al8 feet; ithenoa north parallel with the east line of said `iurrnor Av., m, 233,5 feet to the easter]y prolonpti on of the south lime of Fredericks Street; thence west along said prolonged lines 50 fee+, to the truz point of beginning. BE, IT YUPTIEZF. RESO:, , that the City Clark is hsrekr ordered to record a certified copy of this order with the office of the .Sad Lui,.Obispo Cos�nty ?ia corder , PASSED AIM ADOPTO by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo on this 9th day of April g 19560 by the following votes AYESt Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Fred H. Lucksinger WOOS: None ._ ABMIit Kenneth W. Jones A?TdST: 0) PMOLUTION No. , 6o (1956 Sees) A IMsoLuTaON INMEASING THE 1955-56 BUDGET BE IT !MSOLVM by the Council of the tits of San Isms Obis_vo as follcus e That the 1955 -56 budget ba increased by adding accozmt mu0sr 263,,3,,/ 14='cipal Parking Lot NO- 3, to the Off-street PaAc ng Reserve Budget in the amount of $25,Oa0,00, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of April �...a 1956s by the fon wf ng non call vote z AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES.- None ABSEtidTTs N one ATTEST: R ezk Go r — RESOLUTION NOe.29 (1956 Series) r11 RjSSOT Ui ' OT PXTNORI27, WG HIRINTG OF D. JACKS ON FAUSTh3AN FOR THE PREPARLA ION OF AN FGINE MIRIfiG REPORT ON AN 0Z"F- S"t'RKET PARK112; PR0GR,1J'- FOR 11M CITY OF SAT: LUIS OBISPO. BE ITT R �SOLV;3D by the Council of the City of Sap. Luis Obispo as follows: 1> 71hat D. Jackson Faustman, :regist,ared civil enginser, is hereb;- hired for civil angineer ng services for the preparation, of an eiSig %eerinjg repots of an off - street parking program foi rite city* of Sar, a,uis Ouispo, in accordance with his letter of March 26, 19;'6, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference. 2. That this resolution including the attached letter shall constitute the cor?tract of hire and shall be countersigned by the City ti Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ 2d day of � April a 1.9562 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie';; Warren' G..Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger a;OuS: None ABS iQT: None -1 1. A ST . City Clerk o W&1�47�j_ _. C D. JACKSON FAIJSTMAN CCNSULTING TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1243 MARIAN WAY SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA March-26, 1956 Mr. Richard Miller City Administrator City Ball San Luis Obispo California Dear Mr. Miller: Pursuant to our discussion of March 22nd, 1956, I am submitting herewith a proposal covering the preparation of an engineering report on an off - street parking program for the city of San Luis Obispo. This report will include a review, analysis and correlation of previous reports and studies on location, usage, design, and construction of potential . off- street parking sites. Investigations will be made of present parking conditions, sites and other relevant factors. Information will be furnished on which of several sites will be most satisfactory from the stand- point of usage, cost, and service to the public. Recom- mendations will be made on the functional design and layout of the facilities..Estimates will be made of the cost of clearing and constructing parking facilities on the recommended sites. An estimate of the anticipated revenues and operation and maintenance expenses will be developed on the basis of the use of parking meters on the facilities. In addition I will furnish such other informa- tion and service as may be required by your financial consultants, Stone and Youngberg. It will be necessary for the city to furnish the following: 1. .Property appraisals of potential off - street parking sites; 2. Segregation and analysis of existing curb parking meter revenues on a block by block basis for a period of at least two consecutive weeks; 3. Base maps and other related material; REGISTERED ENGINEER_ CIVIL 5176 MECHANICAL 117 C' Mr.Richard Miller, March 26, 1956 10 Page 2 4. A tabulation of existing parking meter revenues and expenses by months for the past five years. My fee for professional services for the park- ing study will be $3,000. Fifty copies of the parking report will be furnished approximately ninety days after receipt of the required property appraisals. A supplementary proposal is submitted herewith for the preparation of a study on the need of a one -way street system for the city of San Luis Obispo. On the assumption that the city will obtain the necessary traffic count information, a report on one -way streets will be rendered within 30 to 60 days after receipt of the traffic data. Fifty copies of this report will be furnished. The fee for this study will be $500. Your acknowledgment of the acceptance of this proposal can be indicated by signing and returning to me the duplicate copy of this deter. Sincerely yours, D. ackson Faustman DJF:nc Enclosure City Administrator Mayor Attest: Orty Clerk fO I VCM.. 6'6� R&SOLuTZO,N 10.x$ ,x(1956 Series) 0 A RKSGIMION ADJUSTING THE 1955-56 BBDaff BE IT RESOLVED b)r the CaMOn of the MY of San T-ui$ Obi-SPID as T,W,, W 9o29 he trwisferrcd from Unbudgeted Reserm and added to the Genaral Government Budget 'under a new ecwmt, number 200,23., Xigmlon Gamar Rental and Taxes. FAMO, Ar4 PDOPTO thIS 2,. d cby of.�. A2ri1 19567 ba the fbIlox-ing roll call votes 4MS.- Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger FORS.- None ABSMIT.- None Oe w 7 / OHM: m . - REsoLTrima Wo. . 57.- f3.956 Series} rt rsabmm nEvismo THE 195556 mmam DE IT P. a0iliLB by the Council of the.. City of Scz iuir, as follairs: That ;600.00 bd added to scccuat Nlz&er 371, T'=ater St=ctums and Irrsrovements;p and t:.'nat Account Nurmber 755, irmter Cust.0mr. 7nst�cUatione Ea-*ense, be raduced by {�600,00a PASSIM I'D ADOT -41 D this 2d &y of � April , 1950-s by the fol-Imring •roll call vota r PYSS.- Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth l9. Jones, Fred H. Lucks in ger POPS: None A9S;sR'Tz None rZamn ; j S H RESOLUTION Pto,, ' (1956 Series) A MSOLUTION INCRUSING THE. 1955 -56 BU= BE ITT , 5 OLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follauss 1. That account number 21102, Engineer Contractual Services, by increased in the amount of $722,00 by tranferring that amount from the Unbudgeted Reserve, 2, That account numbe.- 211,3., Engineer Materials and Supplies., be increased in the amount of $200.00 by transferring that amount from the Unbudgeted Faserus, PASSE RAID ADOPTED this 2d day of April ., 1956, by the P0110AW vote~ Ana; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, FOES: Fred H. Lucksinger None ABSENT~ None ATTEST s S� N3.SOLUMCS WO. 55 (5956 Saides) A F.ESG3,U'.E'?'M iRT MASING 'IM 1975 -56 BUD BE IT PZSOLV by the Counc;U of the City of San. Luis C"bispo as foUcusa The the Off-street Pa.=. king P,azerve Budget be Increased by a6dam A.ccaunt Thx&er 26302.t :bbter Off-street Parking Plan :W U a wtount of OsWOAO, PASSED, _ 1D IMF= tbisa.,�.2d...._ _ of 19560 by the fo2az -i -ing roU call mate; AYRSs Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Marren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger K,Clr<Ss None A3SEs,': None AT-TEST: mor a 115� a 115� 1 _4QLF3TION 110. 54 (1956 Sexniez) A R'SSIC'LOTTri d a�!•ISRFF' DS FTAM AND IMUR : SIM3 r8°,-Cm 1955 --56 1U1lLY T- .LrB IT lldAJULVM by Vbe Geakanc'sl of he cit7 02 C-an Luis ribispo 6N i.. xt ^• & : �aG ^.'.3i '� trarzfmarod ili L i Utz Gmiur a ��'` P,t? t,Yie R+ ?iY ? .: S a +,�°c e^� ;� Comtructim P"d; and 20 That thr, 1955--;56 budget be incrowad by adding. ? x135.33 to acQ,-;1r&t auprtcer 150.1 FimMips lmprov i =t Gams' action R4md. PASSED An AMP' t?ais 2d day of Apri 1 ,3.9560 ny the gonj ca7ax roll call. vote; plfFS.- Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, • Fred H. LU ck singer NOM None ABSM: None j a x m9V'FAOv RM I 6�t . KWHW:EAW:HNB:ms '3- 28 -56' 8c RESOLUTION NO. 53 (1956 SERIES) DETERMINING SURPLUS AND DIRECTING REFUND RAMONA DRIVE, ET AL PROJECT.NO. S -55 =1 RESOLVED, by the-City Council of the'City of Sari Luis Obispo, California, that. WHEREAS, all "work and improvements provided to be done pur- suant to proceedings -had under Resolution No. 1426 -NS of Prelimi- nary Determination and 6f.Intention` adopted by thi's Council on March 7, 1955, -have been completed and the Icost'of•said project . has been finally ascertained; NOW, THEREFORE., ITSIS.HEREBY F..OUND,•DETERMINED AND ORDERED, as follows: 1, A surplus in the amount of.$` 2,42$.30_ exists in the Improvement Fund for said project. 2. It is hereby found and determined that said surplus arises wholly because ,the estimat.ed: cost of. the portion of the project designated "Unit A ".exceeded the actual cost of improve- ments and incidental expenses assessed against the properties designated by.diagram and assessment numbers .A -1 to A- 45,inclusive. 3. Said surplus shall be refunded or credited pro rata to the parties assessed for said "Unit A", as follows: (a) Where the assessment has been paid in cash, the. credit shall be returned in cash to.the owner of the.land. upon which each respective assessment was.levied, as such owner appears from the last equalized assessment roll.•at the time said .refund is made. (b) Where the assessmerit_or'any installment thereof is unpaid, the credit shall be applied upon the earliest unpaid in- stallment of principal and interest thereon.' I I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, at a meeting thereof held on the 2d day of April 1956, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None !APPROVED: =2&LWe 49 ayor/ J f �I ` I �Clty Clerk or City of an Luis Obispo 1 or 1 RMOLi TIM 30. 52 (1956 Saries) art MSOLUTION. DI&Ql1_11M M117"AI 1 RPM na MRSECT1 23 SMI?.Z -VAI11 STOPS* 4 .,m 111,atCL•M 173' the G= of ba 4itV of San lode Obispo that th-, foll M7 r wnteersAc?.ium t* cold mim sa» am bsr%IW decLmmd to be ban3evm-d stops, 1. Both diractiene ax? Uncoln Street at Choivo Street 2. Dot7-x &L- ecV. -c s on Mountain Vie v, at Chorro Streak 3. Rath d:ireat ons on Cent-or 5txwt at Morro Stet 4. Both d-ireL, ?'-,lons can itmcion St -evat: at Ck.*rrs Stmet 5. Do ;h di.reeUms or btm- cke Street; alb 01mrro Streat b. Both :<yi.rec•s, em on Rongeot Street. at Chom —o S•treat: 7. 'Kesltbouad traffic on Venable Street at Gborr o St mat at 60 giyye,,,3tbm d traffic on West Street /ayes Calm= Shy 9a Both di— Aa�$om oil Scrath SVraet at Figuer3 Street/ BE IT : 'hT:IEFx RFS'S'QT VIM tihel, the Chief of Folioe is .I2areby eathor9.^dr4 and. directed to sui.'tebly indicate 'tfzee M&Aatiens as provided by, Section 3c"(j.32 of the San Luis Obispo Radcipal Coda, PALM, MiI'i ADO ?= this ' 19th dry of March . 1956 tw the follobing roll ca'A voter A°FZ= Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. NCSS2 None Lucksinger APSEz i Nels Beck IRQM�m qza . ATTEST: S-�z 1 _i'SLLIIITON {19.56 S eries) A F, SOLUTION i= 1U:JVID1113 FOR LEASE OF R11,AL PROPERTY LGCA.TEL AT NORTHEAST CORIR."R OF BLOCK 10 OF MH CITY OF SAN LUIS O FROe JOHN F. iARRIIaiOAOBISPO LY, THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISP J?, , TRUST E bNT)FR THE WILLW MARY' S. FRiXIERICX. BE IT RESOLVED by the City council. of the City o£ San Luis Obispo as follows: - 1. it is hereby determined by the Council of the City of San L',iz Obispo that the public interest requires and that it is to t1:e advantage of said City to lease that real property located at the Northeast Corner of Block 10 of the City of ran Luis Obispo, commonly kn oi.� as the "Ydssion Gar age Property" for a period of five years beginning oa the 29th day of i':arch 1956 and subject to the terms and conditions of that certain document entitled "Lease "dated :L'? A�iT�r°:Z 19 >6 and on file in oirice 'of the City Clerk. 2. The Nlayor of said City is hereby authorized to execute said .ease on behalf of said City, which executi.on shell be attested by the City Clerk. PASSED AND AMPTED this 19th day of March , 1955, by the follo%d n - roll " call vote: 4YEc: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H: Lucksinger NOES: None ABSEFIT: Nels Beck ST : L C1 °T .. Y 6-1 E RESOLUTION No. 50 U956 Series} A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HIRING OF GEORGE E. PEARSON FOR THE ENGINEERING OF TIM, PROPOSED SANITARY SES'ER A - SESF' -,1F,_HT DISTRICT, SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO AREA. BE iT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1, That George E. Pearson, registered civil engineer, is hereby hired for civil engineering services for the proposed sanitary sewer assessment district, south San Luis Obispo area, in accordance with hi;'ietter of March 14, 1956, a copy of which.is attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference. 2. That this resolution including the attached letter shall constitute the contract of hire and shall be countersigned by.th6 City Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of March ., 19,55; by the following roll call vote: nygS; Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOrS ; None ABSENT: Nels Beck Ma r q(^1 F (ry Ti i erk �57-0 To The Honorable City of San Luis City Hall San Luis Obispo, Gentlemen: i GEORGE E. PE ARSON Civil Engineer ,ity Council Obispo Calif o c ^ni a March 14, 1956 22,201 Hillview Dr. Lop Altos, Calif. Subject: Civil Engineering Services. ro osed Sam tar ewer Assessment District Sou% San Luis Obispo Area. In accordance with my discussion with Mr. G. H. Hamlin, City Engineer, and mw understanding of the urishes of the City Gouncil, offer Lo serve the City of San Luis Obispo as Civil Engineer on the assessment diagram work and on the desi,,7i of the sanitary sewer installations for the proposed sanitary sewer as- sessmant district in the South San Luis Obispo area, vihich service shall provide for furnishing to the City, civil engineering work as follows: W ?repare assessment diagram of District. (2) Prepare schedule of individual property assessments for District. (3) Furnish all field survey work required for preparation of sanitary sewer construction plans and for the pre- paration of required easement descriptions. (4) Prepare complete sanitary sewer construction plans for District. (5) Prepare complete set of required easement descriptions. (6) Prepare complete construction specifications and contract documents for sanitary sewer construction for District. (7) Prepare Engineer's estimate of construction costs for sanitary sewer construction for District. (8) Consult with V�ir. G. H. Hamlin, City Engineer, and the Attorney appointed for district formation work, as will be necessary for the proper correlation and progress of the several divisions of the whole work. (9) The work herein specified to be prosecuted diligently to completion with the maximum engineering force consistent with efficiencv. ('LO) The fee for furnishing the above engineering . services to be six and eight- tenths per cent (6.8%) of the sanitary sewer system construction costs as established by the ac- ceated bid for the construction of the work. C 0 P X Proposal to City of San Luis Obispo - 20 The above fee to be payable in monthly progress payments based upon the progress of the work. The finial ten per cent of the fLe to become due and payable at the time of the awarding of the coat Tact for the construction work. (11) The above fee does not provide for construction sta_-ki.ng, supervision and inspection, nor the cost of engineering tests re- quired for design purposes. GEP /cv Respectfully sub:ait.ted, /s/ Geo._ E. Pearson Pearson. Registered Civil Engineer No.. 828 i 1 Rv SCLixILN NO , (4V 956 Series) P"M '.CIE FNUIMIMI ^1s Gl `I'.L, =M. STR96 —ii EP-MM. S IT RM OMM) ty the Co=cil oZ the Citv of San Wis Obispo as fol.7xvim- I., trMt PBS �, A,. $drn0014 ragis =d engineerp is bemby himad to design e;,-A prsp&va plans ffd east anelysis for a *ar v Esrm Strea b tax idge aver the Saga Lair, Oo apa 0 -nook in accerdancr •Ath W.$ letter of Mrah 22, 1956v a copy C4f Frbi(:h S.a eAached h3ro o and bereby incorporated 'sue raferencab 2Q Met +v s r•escluften includixa5 the attached letter shall carstitute tbo contract of him and shall be rAau UmIggAe. d by the City Mark. ?ASSED e:i3i ADO tW" 19th . dqv of Narcch , 19560 by vie. foni.m4mg roll can 704v t AYES: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred'.H. Lucksinger ' HMSs None Nels Beck AMSTs .Z-9 CG?'f P y zx)a zl Sae Adamson civil EngismR` Palo alto, CalifOrMI& rx, 0. St eP r H&MUn City f,,n��p C4 ty Han San Luisia^ Califon 03ar Sir: - March 12; 1956 In accordance with mv* racwtx discus sUMss I hsx+$Ln.r of for to lhwnish GaXt s73Ecri sex°a.ces to the City of Ban %xis Wisp► covering the praparaticm Gf p.sn_ aria an3cificatlow fcr the cons4auat%n of a bridge over San Luis Crol.spo :,reak at Fassx StTC Mo It is understood that the Ca.ty Vin proeift Us site mirveyo estimate of ragidrad x"lood ft (w capacitY, foundstUM. borings &-±d fie? d enginaerirg during Fq work xd31 col of: 19 Plotting os the. site plena WA colt -C- fiinati ®a Of twr� f uredatien investigation meded # 2e study of the bridge r°equiravents and =P3— ri.son of oasis to deterudim tIze 1L' st s- altable type . of S".,turS, 3, I2ac 3 ,m ei:d praparat .ou of plan and specificaci.ong for the coeastructLon of V e bridges Snag the substr�:cturb, bank protection, &oproaches and sppurtenant vow, Leo P. ep.us''tian of estirmtes of quantities and oostso 5. Parjaisning to the City the traciMls and four (4) nrimts of Sam., .four (4) copies of quantkdas wad coat asUmateea aril lea - �- (20) sets of specificationeo 6. Consultation and advice at your request during ewstructionr includIM9 the chu along of sA.op and worldrag drwdaigs furnished by the Contiractcas, itr fee for tm forr .going work •tAll be Three Thousand Two Rundred Ao -Urs ( 93,200.00),, payable "=Paa congletion and delivery of the plarta and specificattMs, Upon raoeipt of your authorisations I will proceed with the =rk and - -i.Ill deliver the completed plans and specificatiOnS to YOU blr July 16s• 1956a vary tray' yours, /a/ Pans L, Adamson :i�1:3 I auso UTION Igo. „4L(1956 Series) A gF-FOL IL'ION AUTHORIZING HIaIHG OF STONE AND YOUNG - BERG, MUNICIPAL FINANCING CONSULTANTS. RETAINED TO ACT AS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS IN CONN ECTT0 ?d y IlnH OFF. STREET PARKING FACILITIES IIN THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. BE IT IVSOLIXED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obisao as follows: 1. That Stone and Youngberg, Municipal Financing Consultants are hereby retained to act 'as financial consultants in connection with off- street parking facilities in the City of San Luis Obispo, in accordance with their letter of March 14, 19568 a copy of which is .attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference. 2. That this resolution including the attached agreement shall constitute the contract of hire-and shall be countersigned by the Cit;r. Clerk, PASSED AND ADOPTED this nth day of March , 15565 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth.W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger 1uoES: None ABSENT: Nels Beck ATTE T: Gitj Clerc it I.SOLUTICS NO._L Z_(1956 oeraca� A FMOL tTTON LITCRMASING THE 1955-56 BUDGr BE IT , =OLVM 7rj the Coanoil of the City of San Luis Obit .w That the Following tram -:Sers be merle fr= the Unbadgeted Hassrva In=asing the -respective "courts Usted bela44a, $0600,00 to Account Noo 200.144 Chamber of Gaarao f1=250,0G to Acco=t No. 216,6. Parking 1%ietr Capital CRitIV PASSED AND ADOPTED thU12th �day of March 1956 by fbo f olloiri ng roll cen vote x AM; Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth-W. Jones, Fred Pt0E8s None H. Lucksinger ABSMN s Nels Beck i AM,S` i I AM,S` i I CITY/-6 _SA I ■M 1A U. = we fin im . . ............ ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ----- - March 9, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council. City of San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo., California. Gentlemen: With the new contract between the City and Chamber of Commerce., a transfer of $1,600.00 will be needed from the Unbudgeted Reserve to finish out the fiscal year. Another transfer needed at this time is $1,250.00 from the reserve to the Parking Meter Capital Outlay Account to cover the following: (1) Added payments'to the parking meter company as a result of the new meters on Parking Lot No. 2. (2) A current requisition for approximately $1.,000.00 which will cover the purchase of twenty one-hour head assemblies and ten two-hour mechanisms. At the present time., we have more one-hour mechanisms then heads and more two-hour heads then mechanisms. Respectfully yours, Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer R24: cs r 81OCL UMN NOI 46 ,(1956 Series) A RRSOLMON DiMIASING THE 1955 ®56 WDW-9 s0 Puri' Ft 11PUKI 1' SE OF AMMY SITE AND TO SET UP ACC" U PM P:RMANAM E3tiTr., W IN CONiE'd ON WITH CDW-;,HM OffZMT105G BE IT 3E5OI,' M by the Cowil of the City of Saai Luis Obisrs as foUmmi la That the budget bo i=reased by sddiazg aeeamt nmtbar 250012 Purahasep Armory Sit3 to the Public Imro Y mr--cut rmd Bettoment buftvet in the EMOunt of 01O1flt; -00. 20 That the general f=4 budget be increased by tramferring $I-.;OW-v00 from the Bnbud;eted 3eem-zTe and esfablishmg aecoant imber 200.25 Cantermia3. Celebration, PASS M. AND ADOPTED this 5th day of &+larch v 19569 by the -19011 i »"ing ra l Cali. GoUt 1Y. s Lowell E. Christie, Ularren. G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jor_es, Fred H. LucksinScr NOES: none ABSENT: Nels FeCk -/6 RESOLUTION N0. rr,tl95b SERIES) A RIPP }LUTION OF I :dTTHTION TO ACQUI3E A BUILDING SITE FOR {tiT ARMORY. WHIEUAS it is the intention and desire of the City of - San Luis Obispo to acquire a site for the future erection of a NkTIOVIAL GUARD ARMORY; and !,,,HER.EAS a,nighly desirable site is being offered for public sale by the State of California as excess land, consisting of ap :)rbximat.ely 2.38 acres between California Boulevard and the Sout1hern Pacific Railroad right of way and adjacent to the 101 Freeway; and ?+Hr,?, it is extremely difficult for the City of Sara.Luis Obispo to bid at a public auction inasmuch as any prior authority so deligated is a matter of public record. HOW TUrREFORR3 BE IT :I.LSOLVED, by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that: 1. The State of California, Department of Public Works be requested to withdraw said site from public auction or that such public sale be de- ferred to give the City of San Luis Obispo an opportunity to negotiate for the purchase of said parcel; and 24..That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to negotiate with the State of California for the purchase of said parcel. PASSED AND ADOPTED this twentieth day of February, 1955, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Nels Beek 1 yo ATTEST. 1 er �.S STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT V ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO P. O. B X 841 Telephone 2300 Extension 305 50 HIGUERA STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA. 'U -LIG G FE = RI�ARY 23 _,�5 PLEASE REFER TO FILE ND. R/W V- SLO -2 -SLO #23, 692 71 PSR 208 AUCT ON L A N DD SAN LUIS OBISPO Public auction will be held by the State of California, Division of Highways, i for the sale of the following described three parcels of vacant land designated as Items 1, 2, and 3. The auction will commence at the corner of Chorro and Walnut Streets, San Luis Obispo with Item 1 at 1:00 p.m. and proceed to the sites of Items 2 and 3. ITEM ONE: Parcel of vacant land at Northeast corner of Chorro and Walnut Streets, containing approximately 17,480 sq. ft. and more parti- cularly described by attached legal description and map. MINIMUM BID 765,00 CASH DEPOSIT required from successful bidder Pt time of sale $225,00, ITEM TWO: Parcel of vacant land at Northeast corner of Hathway Avenue and Third Streets, containing approximately 1,08 acres and more part - i.cL.ilarly described by attached legal description and map. MINIMUM BID $935,000 CASH DEPOSIT required from successful bid - der at time of sale ~,275,00, ITEM? THREE:Parcel of vacant land located between California Blvd, and S.P. Railroad tracks and southerly of the California Blvd, overpass, containing approximately 2,38 acres and more, particularly des- cribed by attached legal description and map, MINIMUM .':SID t935DOOD CASH DEPOSIT required from successful bid- der at time of sale $275000 ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS OF SALE. r i Q dl v n Q m m � � N It � � a Z� (^ W O� ✓ " ZN 0 FREEWAY L- 05 ANG�LE.S Centerline 4 100 2 SAN FRANCISCO 1� FREEWAY 7� m z Q 3 �Z v � O J d NVV�, Z PEACH e All SLO 2-SLO 71 Sea /e / "_ /00' 5 TREET 7 a � u O r' Q dl v n Q m m � � N It � � a Z� (^ W O� ✓ " ZN 0 FREEWAY L- 05 ANG�LE.S Centerline 4 100 2 SAN FRANCISCO 1� FREEWAY 7� m z Q 3 �Z v � O J d NVV�, Z PEACH e All SLO 2-SLO 71 Sea /e / "_ /00' 5 TREET 7 Item 3 V- SLO -2 -SLO #71 All that parcel of land in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, described as Parcel SECOND in the deed to the State of California recorded May 22, 1951, in Volume 610 of Official Records at page 207, records of said County, particularly described as follows: That part of . the tract of land conveyed by the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association to Theodore M. Maino, et al., a partnership, by deed dated December 15, 1942, recorded in Volume 336 of Official Records at page 217, records of San Luis Obispo County, more particularly described as follows:' Beginning at a monument in a concrete casing set to mark the intersection of the centerlines of Peach Street and Ida Street as said streets are shown on a map of the C. H: Phillips Addition to the Town of San Luis Obispo filed December 18, 1874 in the County Recorder's Office of said County; thence, along the said centerline of Peach - Street, N. 540 06' 45" E., 30.00 feet to a point on the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of said Ida Street; thence, N. 350 53' 45" W., along said prolongation and along the easterly line of Ida Street, 287,88 feet to a point on the easterly line of the tract of land described in the above - mentioned deed to Theodore M. Maino, et al; thence, S. 240 36' w., along said easterly boundary line, 123.43 feet to the true point of beginning of the parcel of land herein described; thence (1) from a tangent that bears N. 53 °.24' 58" w., along a curve to the left with a radius of 548.00 feet;-through-angle of 100 54' 02 ", for a distance of 104.26 feet; thence (2) N. 640 19' W., 550.64 feet to a point on the easterly boundary line of the-right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company ( said right of way is described in the deed from A. R. Hathway to the of oresaid'Southern Pacific Railroad Company, dated December 2, 1890, and recorded ir. Volume 11 of Deeds at page 66, records of said County), said line also being the westerly boundary of the above - mentioned tract described in said deed to Theodore M. Maino, et al; thence (3) along said westerly boundary line, S. 35° 52' 30" E., 627.35 feet to the most southerly corner of the above described tract of land; thence N. 540 06' 45" E., along the southerly boundary of said arcel of land 219.43 feet to the easterly terminus thereof (a 1 112" iron pipe set to mark said easterly terminus of said southerly boundary line of the above described tract of land); thence, along said easterly boundary line, N. 240 36' E., 95.95 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing 2.37 acres of .land, more or less. Condition of Title: Free and clear except subject to such rights as the owners of Lots in Hathway Addition to the city of San Luis Obispo, or the public, may have to use for street purposes, those port "ions of the land herein described included within the boun- daries of Third Street and Monarch Street, as shown on the map of Hathway Addition filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County, by reason of said streets having been shown and designated as streets upon the map of said addition or subdivision. Obispo: I � RESOLUTION NO. 44 (1956 SERIES) A RtSOLUTION AUT111ORIZING THE HIRING OF GEORGE E. PEARSON TO FURNISH ENGINEERING SERVICES TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. BE IT ?'SOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis (1) That George E. Pearson's offer to furnish engineering services as stated in his letter of February 3, 1956, a copy of which is attached as exhibit A and incorporated by reference, be accepted; (2) That the Mayor be and is hereby authorised to accept that offer on behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo. PASSED AND ADOPTED this twentieth: dWdtFebruary, 19561, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOF S : None ABSENT: Nels Beck ATTEST: ityCer a 0 February 3s 1956 Mr. G. H. Hamlin Director of Public Works City of San Luis Obispo Dear tor. Hamlin: In accordance with our discussion concerning construction of the sanitary sewer relief line along the easterly side of U. S. 101 highway between Nipomo Street and Marsh Street S offer to serve the City as follows: 1. Furnish complete construction plans' specifications.. contract doeumentsp and estimate of construction costs. 2. Furnish any necessary easement descriptions. 34 Furnish field survey work incidental to items 1 and 2. above. 4. Start work immediately upon. authorization and prosecute work diligently to completion. 5. Consult with Director-of Public Works on arty "problems arising in connection with the.construction of the sewer. The fee for items 1 to 5 above to be nineteen hundred dollars (81900.)' one half this sum to be.paid as a.progress.payment based upon the progress of the work and the final one half of this sum to be paid upon acceptance of the completed.work by the City. Respectfully sub ted' GEORGE E. PEARSON Registered Civil Engineer No. 8288 GEPAb' N1 1 i �' • r1 i FXSOLUTIO4 No'.U. !._(1956 Series) A PZSOLDTTOU E sC�:tSIM THE 1.95556 MUST B✓ IT MSCIVED by the Qnvicil of tbo City of Sm lAzis O'aisQQ a= 441 _sees: That thm 1955-56 Budget be increased by adding the few ama mts s . Acet. Igo. 154 Phillips Street District Bond z 861;000.00 Rs&roption and Intare3t Accts Noo 155 Ramona street Distviot Bond. 84,500,00 Redsmpvion end interest PASSED Ar:D ADOPM this 20� th ,day of Februarys 19505s by ;hay follaarng ro 1 call vat e: a =St Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NM: None ABSENT's Nels Beck -�J CITY W A ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER . .... . February 10., 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo., California Gentlemen: At the time the budget was adopted., the amount of unpaid assess- ments.for the Phillips and Ramona street improvement districts was not known. Therefore., an estimate of appropriation,needed to pay bond interest and redemption charges was not practical. The first coupons have now been presented for payment, and it is suggested that the following amounts be set up: Acct. No. 154 Phillips Street District Bond $6,000 Redemption and Interest Acct. No. 155 Ramona Street District Bond $4,500 'Redemption and Interest Respectfully yours., Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer !MM:cs f RESOLUTION Igo. 42 (2956 SETM) A RMSOLUTIOPI ESTABLISHM A ONE MM ONE -RALF HJUR LOT TO T1 REAR OF THE CITY HALL. M IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as Poll awa r That the City Earking Lot to the rear of the City Hall9 990 Palen Street., which faces on Osos and ;hill Street be and the same is hereby declared to be a one acrd one -half hour parking lot. BE IT FURTIUR RFZ-0LVZD that signs be erected to suitably indicate this regulation. PASSm) ARID ADOPTED this 20th djW of February 1956; by the following roil. call vote: AYES; Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger '�= None ABSE!'.T: Nels Beck ATTEST: 4; P" W-,OLU IOM NO. k1 X1956 SERIES) v ;?OLUTI -M OF THE, CIT" COMCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN L'JZ`'. OPIS'O %U°i'HORI "IFIG THE CITI j,DMIMISTRATI E OFFICER TO FILL' APPLICATION FOR fi'.. " ?L'F,D 'ERKULT TO USE "ATEri FROM TH^ FALIUA^ 117SEATIVOI1. BE IT H1'.20MD by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that pai-suant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and pro - visions of Division 5, Part 1 Chapter 7, Section 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Bode and all amendments thereto, re- lating to domestic water supplies, application by this City be made to the State Board of Public Health for an amended permit to use water from the'Salinas Reservoir which will be open to the public for cer- dain restricted recreation uses. Further that the Administrative Officer of said Council be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause the nece.saary data to be preparad and investigations tb be shade, and in the name of said City of San Luis Obispo to sign and file such application with the said State Beard of Public Health. PASSED AND ADOMD this 6th day of February, 1956, by the - ollowing roll call vote: APES: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W, Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger WOES: bone ABSENT: Nels Beck AT IT. C ler = (^ 3ESOLUTION N0. 40 i RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN I,UI+S OBISPO ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEME14T FOR EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. WHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accord- ance with a project statement submitted by the City of San tx•i& Qbi.sao for expenditure of the gas tax al- location to,nities for the fiscal year 19,6 , and :.WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said agree- ment in full'and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo. that said projecti statement be and it is.hereby adopted as the budget of proposed ex- penditures of the gas tax allocation tg cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and.the city clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding upon the City upon its execution by /the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this 49 day of 1956 ayor of the Grty Of San. VAis Obispo Attest: - Cit erk of . City oP• San Lids Obispo I hereby certify that the-foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo at a, regular meeting thereof held i.9 56,. r 01 of he y ofS�.n itlis ObiI �0 MC -10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA .� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ` DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS_ DISTRICT V 60 H16UERA. STREET - SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA Jan- 30, 1956 AOORMS ALL COMMUNICATION. PLEASE REFER TO ' TO P. O. BOX 841 - PILE NO. V- SLO -SLO Mr. G. H. Hamlin City Engineer San Luis Obispo, California .Dear Mr. Hamlin: Attached for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk is first supplemental memorandum agreement providing for expenditure of gas tax allocation for the 1956 fiscal year. After execution in the usual manner, please return the original and duplicate copies to-this office for further handling. Retain the triplicate copy for your reference. You will later receive the fully executed duplicate copy,. Very truly yours, L. L. FUNK. Acting.Distr.ict Engineer WSD:jb Attach. Dist -.City & Coop.'Proj. Engineer /Y� CJ Ul RESOLU'TIow No,_ 39 (1956 Serses) PZS,: I .2- a�,y parson o.rAltng real property within the urAAiibited territon^y aooNe descr=y ��ec a�jd proposed to be am -axed to the City of San Luis Obispo and having akY objectiorr..s to the propcs6d arineaation may appear before the Council of the City of Sin Paia Obispo and a ilk cause w'77 such u Anhabited territory should not be so anro ed . to said City of San Luis Obispo, Such protest must be in wri£ings may be filed at any time before the hour set for hearing objections to the proposed annexatIonp and shall state the num. or names of the onmer or osvmers of pxcperty affected and the description and area of such property in general terns, 4. The, City Clean of the City of San Luis Obispo is hereby authorized and - directedto cause a copy of this resolution to be published at least tlw;ceo 'but not oftenar than once a wee1c., In the Tolegmm- Tribme, a newspaper of gemral circulation published in said City of San Luis Obispo, the city to which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid territory, and also in The Morro Bay Suanp sa ne5ispaper of Barerai circulation published outside the City of San Luis Obispo, but in the County of 3a:, Luis Obispo,, California; the county In which is located the territoa� proposed to be annaxed to the City of San Luis Obispos And the .5 a; d Oita* Clerk is farther authorized and directed to cause writ'tan notice of such proposed awsxzation to be mailed to each ;.x rso zn to whoa, Ia',d TL-.thlm the tarri.tory proposed to be aw-=ed is assessed in the last equalized county assessmeant roll available on the date the above said proceedings here xniliated, at the addr-asses shoran on said assessment roll. or Imown to said Clsrkv and to arg, parson >Yho has filed his name and address and the designation of the lzm&; t% - a%ic4% he has an interest, either legal or equitable9 wi.tb said Clarke And the said City Cleric is directed to cause written notice to be giJen to. s;arh other persons as map be legally entitled tharetoy in the manner required by lava �OpT� this 6th deal of February ,. 15956.9 by the followin -g vote: AY�s Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Ered R. Lucksinger VTOFSs None . BSW: Nel s Beck ATTEST /J. Y/ - rft� iESOLUTION 1140; 38 (1956 Series) A RESOUTION IrNcROASING Try 3955.56 BUDC T BE IT RMOLM by the Council of the City of Saar Luis Obispo as fallom.- That the 1955 -56 b udgat be Increased by adding h'. ,,250,.CD to accowrt number 263.1 within the Off - street P- *al Reserve Fusel, PAs= ANA ADOPT= this thday of Fe bruar_ 1956 by the folUnuirg roll can vote: AYES Lowell E. Christie, warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones Fred H. Lucksincrer• WOESS None ABSUITa Nels Beck ATTEST z I CITY SAN _ wPO ( l ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER _ ........ ......... . . _ -. ....m . -_. _ _.._. January 18, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo Gentlemen: As noted in one of the recent Council meetings, there was an error in preparation of final pay estimates for Diani Construction Company in connection with improvements on Municipal Parking Lot #2. Therefore, the budget even as revised would not cover the necessary expenditures. It is requested that $1,250.00 be added to account number 263.1 within the Off -street Parking Reserve Fund. .Respectfully yours, Richard. D. Miller Administrative Officer RDM:cs 1 f maru'Zim ro, 37 (1 56 Series) A Dit'INASl -NG TEE 1955 -56 BUDGE M IT k ;SOLD by the Council of the CitdT of Sarr .Luis Obit as fo:l lows a 1 That the 1955 -56 Water Bidget teixcuroased by addylng 06,000.00 to .iccow,t F•,zr,9ber 143 11-m-s mi_seion. aa7r? DisteLbution Mai y4 ?S:51SM AMID ADUTM this 6th dav of February 1956., by tie: folly*' 1nff roll can votes Av,ESa Lowell E. Christie, i11arren G. EdwardG, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger N roi None AFS_k, T.- Nel "s Beck ATMEST: CITY SAN 1. PO m �!a ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER t.. .:_____ February 2, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo, California Gentlemen: It is estimated that 6$96,000.00 will have to be added to the Water Department budget to cover the cost of the twenty -four inch and sixteen inch pipe which was ordered a short time ago. The attached resolution would make this change. ` Respectfully yours, Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer RDM:cs T.F,s =;sir {ate Sao. 3 (1956 Saziss) ICI� iFSCit UTT`101Ci YRMII?�`�S"s^FVOtxi TT$F.p�O:ttfieAjTZE�l�t}P: i -,jD .1-, ttl��i'1t'gvNcr Gs' ME 19Fi AS . UTS �OKSPO CiT TIRE ai}r'PtLiLaM -rl. bJ�S a4ED by thg C='il of tit � ✓ ©� �2a a lx�� �. &k� IIy sa. €.a t dupe .°�7d'7• 'l�Ii;i to to- ]err:C.'*mz- �s t? L J i a "iv -ape ti Dt4 E] S2T,2 r.1S bi.s�o �•+_ 4g y b �•,. rC'vi5'- i53� W h : h aI?.:-al ba the. PraveraZio;n of Vil%: -�v'ad the PY'4Cl.uL-ctfia 'WL 1' is, and °r°xo.:.£d'_•`ty Y:^ 4.iL`Jz th:z— ' r Smdi dJ ✓e the city of S= Luis O. ii 4pY - s ha.-'.'6by c$'C:;r,tei- S: , -Uon za Thy a6va Departni --,rev sI:�,�. ±. consist of a fire _ cbdef and asai stavt chief and c'%s many other officers md f17.'Sxmwn as the Counc3ll mcy de°am fo%- U%e e--Uc Rive opsrxUon of the de, artmente Sect,'-on 2. The fire cl-iicf shall be the officer of the depwr�me -t and shall oa appointeaJi and may be ramocad ::n accosdauace with the -orov sions of Section 604 of the City Chas. He a" be technically qualified through training and szperience and shall have the. ability to caw=d rzr.. Section 3. An other officers mid firemen shall be appointed in acomlance -Ath sxt'ion Std of th{a City Cheater. Such appointments shad beD insofar as pas si bl W, Tabject to competitive written and oral examination. All of:l'icars and fives er. sb1.1 ba accountable to the fire chief or b s renrwaixtstavese Section 4. hp fire c hizf shall carry out strictly the er orc-me nt og a :ues and uegula ('"..ons of the chaTa. .ent as: hareinaftsr- refereed to amd srm 0 he 4:harged.zd: h the obligati.o of yecam-mmendifi suepar -Blom and/or vmoval teala Service Of. 11T, cffies oN firwen. who in his.- opinion dos s such disciplinary action for ing�rautilczi of said moues =_d regal atioz:s. Sac' >cn .5. lea fire chi€s:� shall be res�so Bible to t� aa#sini st�'ativv of i. s��� cs ` ; �;e Pz of San IRAs Obispo and . shal'1 ' cubr it a texxtative budget for his as rcfguia'edl by gees a&dmist ative, off -:cer and zhall make s ccmllrte a rn^i. rep9rt a:nd such other ienoe+x aa�iaa be rcquirx d concerning ohs iilr ^ dSpw (,4m x¢ in C8rF7$`d.[ y gi-ArA . suMgst ons and rem +m aeI24Q-,Uo..". for riaj or it f.,• nz , end 3isU.."S other taPn sm.as to malnt3in a complete recoil of the rav;:,y"-ities of the. dspaWtMe . Sec'Uoin ' AM.- premises on which fires occur shall be left in 4a cry:f.: tlon which 'sill most rea&uy pest r upan—v; Buell promises shall also be left in z=h con di tion that they All not rekikmUs or cause ther age to liffe eaid pa^ora:.,;y. Sect`:.on ?. he fire chief and his duly zppoLi representatives asa laz- ;Iby authorized, erapnwarod and aagiiaed .to Inspect 12rom time to time bLA not loss i'reTa=tly than n ts:i.m yearly, all buildings and prarAsss otbar than dye lings aml to oa dcr such changes or dl: minati.oans of hazardous conditions that sy East in ,rlolatior of city f'i: `a prevant3.on ordinaxxceso Section 8. The P -re chief shall maintain and o nf'orce an up -to -dates ccrpzvehmsive set o_n' r-dles and remotions goverming the disciplin9,, tr=- rd ,,,g, and op•srzl4or. of the fire departnarsv. Such rules, regulatic=., and any daletiens, chragas or aerations shall be ef'fmrt ve when apprevad by the FUs Chief and . City, A�=.strztivo OffScer and :M1zd with the City Clark. ?�s d,,n 9, The fire &Tarbmnt shall be sO.Upted with- n'sah apparafous arA o .i�-o fi:e fighting oqApmmt as army is the apiullon of the City Comnal iva gequJ rad to m--intain its efficiency, In maldmgg such cetexTYLi ation, t slut Ls •0aidsal by the 2&dva and reammeafttions of -.-he Fie Chief and Ad�- w?4vtti ati^: a 01 Beer. Ceet on l0. rn :? Are oldef sA -t least tY?3 - a montls, provid., fc� sui s' o drills scsv-eelraG the op:. prat: vvi and handling ing of .=111 equi.p_eE-av ess emV,.al for efficia t disc,- nDrral operat on., In addition., §r —ll praeida,� at 1wst OliLry FI %�25 !L a5%I°L'C" 4:8 fYe �S�i �"d, water supplies,. £tnd.. C -V-var a°c�.lzMz -Gd i,6cts i_1� Masi did GS Sn'C`: al to Ocr d i'i r aaskAp.. PASsvo Aids? A,,x)p=;4 this 6th o�y of Februarry 19-56n by t? ?s foi_ me iry u call v0t9a AnES: Lov.-ell E. Christie Wlarren G. Edwards Kenneth W. Jones. Fred H. Lucksinger 'VNYFS: None A?; RiM, Nels Beck u axEST: ..'_ •sl @fir. ...�. .aBVrr' ._.m l!" RL,ies and ReeulaUons for the Adtdnistmtion of the San Luis .Obi -o Citi r:ira All officers ana ::enbe ^s of the Mrs department bQl..0 be furnished with a ;opt,. O� eiY.ese r ules rand :'egn,..Y.rattio c, and it shall be their duty to becona gxi,n i2r 7" ith Vae ccri'c,sats t'k' . -reore .4ny membev of the firs dapartme7_,t sna31 ba subject to repWi_mand, sus, nsIm from. duty or dismilssal rom the aCGtL9Z'CEi.ng to Vie nature and agg2'Lw-�: ti.on of the offease, for any iolatzcsr of these rtiles and recu a`i.ons, All copies of these ra'ies and rguat =on:.- shall reizin the propeety of the f'irn, dspartm, nc of t3ha City of S,-m gals Obispo. In the cvbnt of armn-ft-Lant, Insorts .n_., ,ti wkce s rill be !t n i sr ed if practicable. Tha office of the rite cbdo_° shall be the headTuarter© of t1n fire dejmr. iacnt. =or tho pirpcse of siWlicity and conformity, each piece of ap aratas shall be co =i.dsred and m.%Yr °ad to as a cempany. The ta,:ia ltr�rbea ", avian used in the rules and regul_ztions, s a"11 include All official oc==ications shall be Lre& th .ovgh proper channels, :endine the oug&_ rant in ordar of c orrasrd. No intarve ling offices sh211 suppress azk such c=arication aiid all comunicattions to the governirg authorities s? be maces by wria fire. chief,; Section 1. Fire Chief Artics.,3 1. Tfn fire chef shell be the chief cl -ecuti y4 officW of the ilia dcp2rtment. r,a shall. plan aW direct the u:ork of the department and reoc :niemd aarrges in crganisati,on, personnel axfd equipment nacessary to k66p the ,dS- 1?ezrtV*Ut at a high level of effyciency. He shall maintain discipline ui.thiLn the dslrartw_7ft, Artie'l a i. He shall rove the pourer to reco:.end suspension from se.^-aice of mem am of the fi Ye department for ca �. Such recom^rendutf ons should o h � transmit d to the "dm. nistrative Officer in writing except in case of eni3rgen y rhea the chief may act and receive confirmation rater* Article 3, Ths chief shall have t :e pm-ar to gram leaves of absenm eirithout gay,, su2:vevt to apprcTal of the C -ty Adaid.ni.stmatfve Officer. Article 11. rie shal1 evass to be kept in proper forma, an accurate x =crd of all trasirwss trdrisacted 1<i or by the fire department. Artuicle 5. lie shall recoz .end to the Citor Adhinistrative Officer €rrmm time to time such changes in fire department oq'aip llent and operation and the pz=hase of such apparatus, hose and, ocher e$Apmen necessary for eff icl ent dapartment operation. In addi.i:3on, •he shall fuizaish the Add it>ristrative Officer vi th an amyz aal budget ra}ucs coven fire depas�arrent operation for til ls n€ nt fisw.1 year. A!%Ucle bo He shall !-a a po777 er to assign all subordinates w4t ccrpataies to re dint and s h-.-�il make all aswigmnsea ass details aid t 4nsfem:, as tc ? mfr seen fc^ the best interest of the service. The City Administrative Officer will 3aserva the right to rp-viGw any such ass Poa,l'.`s with t`is Chief. Artic3 e 7, Chief shall cause all ciompar i es not needed at fires to w e`eaLrn prc=tly to quP.?t* s. y y ArvizV_e 8. lie skm.11 d,Sc�w�t✓ Us anti-re „June and cr. rgy to the business of the Saar Dds Obispo fire &-pa" is Article 9. Ile shall nat un- riecessa.r lly Jeopardize the lives and I:Lnbs of officers cr mVrters uands. }ds camnzrd and sha l .be justA dignified and f m in his r- Uati°ians tdith subordirr -tes. ArUcl e 10. lie shall desi gaate officers and members of lower grades to aot in place of officers -uh* may be tereporarily absent frc:a duV. Article 11. lie shall be responsible for all city ordinances pertaining -to t'ho flrz department and to -?lre precentAon. So6t4on 2, Assistant Chief Apt cl.e 1. H$ shall attend all fires prescribed by the fire chief and shaal -.ake -,,=, . -nd at fires during the absence of the clnefe Articls 2. lie_ shall be vested -•ith povers, authority and responsibilities of the fire cha ei c.,zing the abs era= of thaw officer from duty. Article 3. ;Ic shall parfoam such duties as the fire chief shall direct. Article Ile shah mrl nextu to the fire chief and shall have similar quail. fications. In the presence of the chief, it shall be his duty to aid the chief in every possible manner, to maintain strict discipline and to ins-are efficient operation of The departmw.t. Section 3. secretary. Article 1. He shall be that person appointed by the chief for the purpose of maintaining taini.ng departmental records. Artdcle 2. lie shall report to and be under the direct supervision of the fire chief at-d shall perform such duties as the chief may prescribeo Section 4, Alarm Superintendent Article 1. He shall, undor the immediate orders of the fire chief and assistant chief, be in charge of the fire alarm system and all its related equiw=t. Article 2. Ile shall keep records of all fire alarm system a quip.ru mat, meintar=nce and tests and shall be responsible for the satisfactory operation of the fire alarm equipment in use by the community. -2- I � Section 5, Fire Prevention and Public Safety. Article 1. Public safety and fire prevention. activities shall be )m&r the i_'vadia> diraction of tta fire chief and sabject. to the saper�dwon and control of t =ca chi.sf said, h s tally appointed r epresantativea Article 2. The fire chief may assign such rrmters of t3p- firs department to Olre pae7unt.sria duties as h" may !3sea necessary for Vm safety and welfare of the community. i° icL-i 3, dailbw "s assiggic-d to fire prevention and,, puubl -ic saraty VVI -'.t° mast be polite and courteous In their coaWtuct and lenp ag .z devli?w -ith the Vablc and e;ill be exnacted to �-,ofk �•:ath and assist citize*is it a :ery - pcsslble ma.^,,. sr, to teach and practice fire py--avertion and, red=o the fire loss with its consequent loss of 2-ife and intL-ri^i Lion Of business. Article a. Violation of fare prevent:i.on ordinances shall be cited in the :cwmer pr ascrib^ed in '�i e o &`tUIkance or ordinances CoxAGL'rned. Section b. Drillmaster, ,�,ticl© 1 Fie sha?.ly under the immediate orders of the fire chief, ba in ciaarge of all fire department drilling and training. Section 7. Captains. Article ?. A captinn shall be prcvided and appointee for each shift and, each staVLon. ''heno cer possible, there: s7a1Z be a captain on duty at each station.. The, shall, under the, direction of the chief officers, have absolute cam-imnd and co.itrol. of 'their respective slta.x is and shall be held responsible for di sci nli!39 and props r- ainteeraarea and con &-ti on of oquipment. Each eaptai a shall :mi r-tain a J rnal rain he shall meord a brief history of ail the activities of the shift. Article 2. in the absence of a chief officer, the 3eriior captain s& %�lg, take fvA23 clime at fires pondin; arriva of the chief officer or officers. iFe shall repsw to Inm in person upon their sxrival the condition of affairs. Article 3. Thwp shall riot permit apparatus to be driven at a rate of slued in e=Gss o? that dsignated by the fire ch3.ef. Article i;. They shall equalize the work to be performed by fire :en oz: their shift as r.ly as possible. Article 5. whey shall politely escort visitors throe.&% coarters, but shall not parrdt habitual lounging, or visiting in or about company quarters and small not 7jx -.dt children under any ciac-camstancea to enter the station, unless accompanied bye ,an adult. ,� They shall not T peTait women visitors gas or aavmid the station quarters aftr B o'clock P.M. Article 5. They shall be responsible for order and cleanliness in and a=- ound quarters. -3- A Ucla 7. Exorcise a or calisth Ics shall be performed by each shift eac:a day tinilevs eeeused by the captain. Performance or onri?sior of such perf: s'rall be repoebed. in the jounial. Article Troy shall not permit ' beds to ba used tame 7 am and 8 pm ujaless made necessary by siel -messo when permission shall be obtained f,- a Ch of officer. Article 9. They shall ordinarily be near the nozzle at fixes ir_ order to dixhe t moTawmixtus unless t1:ay am in charge at . such fires. Article 1.0. They snarl ;cithout delay chzek th-Ar equipment on return. from' au ala m of fire and report any slioPt. V.. or dsllciercy to the f1re chief. Article 12. They shall not put apparatus out of service or leave quar°text: t:ith same for station inspections or other uurgosea awept alaxw *it eat fi: nt obtaining permission on frvca .a chief.' of..Iftew. Article 12. They shall see t'at sirens and other �:arrdng devices are continuously sounded or usedd while responding to alarms of fire. Warning devices Mill not be rze xI^ retl.)rni.ng fro .n aLsms of f�a. All traff~c regulations will be obo-yed -when re'W -.%T n& from alarms of fire. Article 13. They simll have power in an eNmMency such as intadceUG"a.O W13 f-tI dia6bedierce of or&rs, pilfering or where tr9 nest interests of tune depar Anent :.vould suf'f r by his mining on duty to su spend from duty any of flaar or ,,tcnber i*ndzx ibis coruan4 reporting such action with full details its �2ting to the fire chief. ra -Licle 111. They shall see that hose . beds are maintained in a las. , . conati on ,ban apparatus is it service is the stag, No G=eptlon shall be Mde to this rule under any circums°tancese Arti.cla 155. Timmy shall drill and school the menbeas of thaiar shi-ft -.s di.reved I y tbz re chief and his chaffy appointed drUl master. Article 16. They shall perform such other duties as may be required by superior officers and the rules and regulations of the depsrtwAsnt. Section '8. Engineers. Ar- ic13 1. Engineers in charge of mobile apparatus shall act as dwivorz of sc.ch apparatus under direction of the captain and shall be held responsible far the proper real n'oenance and condition of such apparatus, Article 2. They shall, under the direction of the captain, make all ordinary repairs, inform the captain *,Jape the apparatus may require special attention but shall not place troir ap*aratus out of sesvi.co without permission of the cap- tain. They shall report the condition of all apparatus to the captain and the relieving engineer. alt.. Article 3. :hey shaall manes. u-ith their apparatus et fires and alems of frseb. shaUl in the absence of speri;M -c ordars exercise good judgmsr_t as to the opevatioa of their condprent;j and shall under no circumstaaces leave their post of dhaty I-it'wy,r i_�=,rission of the captain of 'their shift. lru: cls Lt. They shall perform duty an tha Lirs line Shan ordered to do so by a. superior cfficore AeUcie In returning -Prar an alarm or, E-i ra, engineers will observe all taafxlc leis and xWalations. A: -Ucle 6. x�.sy shoall perform such other cdaties as may be directed by bia.hqr as�hoa^ity. Sectim 9. F'irema ,".r1ti.cle 1. Firewn shall respond to a"' wa ble alarm. even uAwn off duty and to all Wills received -at the s'tatian whea on euty unless otherwise directed by a higher raa.king officer. They shall eonfam to and obey all oars from their aZperlor officers and the rules and regulations listed in this text. Article 2. `l-,en No or more mombws of ranks below aaptain as engimw fi;ad tl'maselv-es i-n a position which requires initiative ve actions, the sM- for nber c421 &*soma commar_cd unti.1 relieved by a superior officers Articlo 3. They skmll be familiar hair with all uLreets within the City of Saes Luis Obispo. Section 10. Fire Alarm Operators. laticle I. Fire Jam" operators (firemen assigned to stay at stati on) shall; upon receip of a1.a=a, i diately notify all stations and chef off°icGrs *.,ho might not at the time be Jr quar*.,V_-P. If possible, they shall than notify Liar v ter department of tIm lr=tion of the al axa. They shall then noti:' Y the other utility ccmpmieis, 'r.'hon comanc -'ad to do so by the officer in ca maand at the time,, they shall sound the audible slate. arLicIG Z. Thvy shall keep records of all alarm as :nay bo required by +, he fire chief and the aLuv. superintendent. Ax^tic? e 3. They shall maintain a correct record of the r- mes, addresses and telephone nwibers of all members of td* fire depastmert. Captains Uill advise of arq changes to be made in such recorcdse Article s. They shall allow no loitering in the alarm room and shall allt -,4 no visitor -without pe"miss-1cr. of the fire cbiefe Article 5. They shall be familiar with all streets within the City of San Luis Obispo, !article & They shall make a notation of all along distance calls, both incvaiir4 and oatgoin ge .�"7$' &,tads as .76(iVS�'!a llo Ganerel Rules Article 1. P_embers of the fire dopaY'tnmA shall de-rate t ?axis• entire due ar4 attee-doh to the service of such dspLrtmamt, shall attend such fi.rce and a.3laxrw of fire to vfhich they may be assigned, detailed or callsdy and Ehall ride on the apparatus =,hUe respwdiag to or returning f eosa alaams of fires -mess 6� her,,,ise directed* Article 2, All impbers of N-- ftepartment shall be raga-led as a pee% of tha v,or for- -e arzd may bz ra;quxLrsd to ierfona such d~Ytles as circums Eames of the savvice demand. C.TMUcle 3. Troy sa'ma°.l be strictly can time or shift ck2ntga or special assign - ments. Ar t�tcie L�. .2h_sy shrill read and become familiar F :ith all city or'dinwas:c®s, rulzs and crders rai-niit-vig to the fire department. Article 5. They sir-11 eonfow- to and praTiptly obey all rules, regulations ani ordors forr .tho gaver�z nt of the fire dep rent. Artticle 6. As provided in esetion 14;02 of the city e:=ter, no member of the fire dapa7tzaent simll take an active part an ary rounicipal political canpaign th so far as,. such campaign rains to the ncrdnation or clsetion of any c.;r lds; for maaYicipal o2jace in the City of San ?,mss Obispo, nor shall, such perscn,secs, cont<ibute or solicit the contribution of money tmiards the ncmi�, Lion or election of any candidate for municipal office in the City, nor si-e l such person sees signatures to any petition seeking to advance the candidacy of arp pol son for any muni.ai.ral. office is the City. Article 7, wnenever any member is detailed to perfdAn the duties of a Idghar gmda than °fit which tae obficially holdsa he shat be abet' d and respected accordingly. .Article g. Members of the free deptrtment shall not be guilty of irm; al or improper cond=t* Articls 9. Any lumber suspended without pay or leaving the service through E.IW cans.- except mmuai vacation or leave of absence shall r etram. to his corripznding office * all deft propeM charged to bier. Article 109 No members Aldle on duty:, shall be under the ini'luens a of tatexi,cating lla.ucry b:verages, drugs or =mpounds nor have or cause to knave or permit any intordcating liquor to be brought into or kept on deparianent pranises. Any membw absenting himself from duty because of drink or repc for duty under its influence shall be subject to disciplinaz7 action by the fire chimf. M &rticle s3. Cxxjblir g a^+-t7n auy instruss=t or daviae go ;' ;Honey or May articla of ;ralsre € s 4ri^tly prohibited. Article 12. Fach r ezitie"- of the 'r1^partment epos" r+ officers ahzal4l carry 9 &pose spanner ar-d ladder st=p on all alms. All MvIbSTS .hall V-82- hal-w- tus wh"Lls ;iovking at a sifem EAr'title 13. Beds shall be ea:m ired only frcm 8 =3 to.'; m, exwpt as p,=,,ittcd6 by the are cUef, tesrticle Ito. cf the fire departirant refusin. - to obay the ardcrs of superior officem sh 2 be ijvedivke-.3.y susperied fr2n duty by such superiors.- officc< and the proper report :mde to the lire chief. �iJI.Iu e an the part of arly officr3 to s =.sill e..fovae this rule shall by a violation of trLI.s rule on ids par°� A:^ticle 15, change of shift, oithsr tmaporar23y or pe�.,::ze tZy, or s�xuse from serving on. an assigned shift, sk all be granted only e.th permission, of 'tho fire chief, apt in eitcas'gent`ya Artir le 16. Smoking on the app=tus or while in uni. fom on detail here tim public is represented is prohibits& Article 17. uniform regu*la'tions shall be those sprcLficd by the fire chief.. Article 18. 'isles govarra g the, number of men authorized to l.eate to.Jn on thex dP,w off at 2my par icular tine si-n-11 be those specii'led by the chief. .Article 19a Information relative to fires, alas= or department busiMC -S of e W kit d sh- -)l not be given out to anybody =eept by perr.03sion of the fir. chief ^r ins represer tative$ or as authorized "by the administrative of£icaro Article 2% Mevmers of the fire depazftant shall not be mg to any osg=,.izvt5;.on, asarca4tiar_ or society wPdch gill in aa-7 ranner divioia their loyal'oy to tha Ci' 7 cf San Luis Obi,spop State of Califox-P1e or the !hilted States of Amer=wa* Article 21, Me mbere of t1w fire dvpartnent must d=otirLr to an ability to es- 'I ish and min tain good �;orking. relationships Fith fellow offioorEs esployees. Article 22. Iderbers sist not abuse or be negligent in tts ere or op atio n of city tools or equipaent. Article 23. Conti, ued and persistent refusal to pay just debts shall be grounds for dismissal. Article 210. All requests, complaints or reports shall be made thro -agh the proper ch-2-Traels and in writing vhm so designated. Article 25. All members of the fire department *dn reL74 giber that they are public servants and roil conduct thwmlves accordingly& -7- Article 26, if resp�r`nding tot; atef'3irepif it Is found to be beyond city L��.�Q the VS7'.Y. \ ,iO n vUtz. no VS y is Fim Chief � be gjv Y.• erred by his AFS Y.4' -Ons C 111•-* i.lL� "r;o a-vorg take steps to protect proporty vitbin the city which '�.s tYxw4.,r--nad be 14-he ilea* Article 27a P,ny ge r-? cr spec'Mic ordem issued hereafter shall be re-co as ad,& Lions to geese ndes acrd r egulatiom and shan have equal fortes and 01.1 o M I RESOLUTION N0. .3 5 (1955 -56 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A ONE HOUR PARKING TIME LIMIT FOR A PORTION OF MONTEREY.STREET. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that the first three car spaces on the -north side of Monterey Street extending in a westerly direction from the corner of Broad Street and Monterey Street be and the same is hereby declared to be .a one hour time limit parking zone. Said portion of Monterey Street shall be so indicated by the erection-,of a suitable sign. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of February _, 1956, by the following vote:. AYES: Lowell E. Christie,,Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jories, Fred H. uc singer NOES:: ?Done ABSENT:. Nels Beck ATTEST: ay • i , momnox No. 34 (1956 Series) A RESOLUTION IDIGMSMD THE 1955 -•50' SY.�+3s T EE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City cf San Luis Obispo as nollo%mm: -simty the 1955-•56 budget be increased as fo].iovs: 1. T arsfer `2,400.00 from the Unbudgeted P.ezeree to account mmij>ay- 210,6 :,'ire Capital Outlay. / s. Transfer $1,250./00 Aron tha Unbudgeted R-amme to account nmmbsr 215.3 Painting Matvc.rials a-td Supplie 9. J 3. Tranz.ter $500,00 firm tho Unbudgeted Resssrva to a.ccc et, n=.smber 200.13 1.1 6cel a-mous Expenditures. PASSED AND ADOPTED this of January 1956.4 by the following roll call vote: Tye^,; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Marren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NO&S: None .&BsENT: None c AT=-T-. ity lerk CITY A s PO ■VIII �;1'fl �� � €ME ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER January 14, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo, California Gentlemen: During budget discussions last spring, the Council authorized the purchase of 1,750 feet of 2Z" fire hose including 500 feet to go along with the fire truck order. This would have provided one complete truck re -load. As it turned out, there was only money enough to buy 1500 feet of hose altogether. This, combined with the fact that several hundred feet of hose has been discarded since last spring because of failure, has created a situation in which we will not have a complete re -load when the new track is delivered. Van Pelt is holding the bid price open at $1.54 a foot until the track is delivered in case we wish to add to the original 1,500 foot order, even though several companies have announced price increases since January 1. Our last competitive quote during 1954 -55 was $1.90. We would therefore stand to save at least $550.00 on a $2,400.00 order. Final tests on the new truck are being conducted on Wednesday in Oakdale, and Chief Waldmeier plans to make the trip to observe the process. Because of the need for the additional hose and the low price available, Z would recommend that the Council authorize a transfer of $2,400.00 from the Unbudgeted Reserve to cover this expenditure. Respectfully yours, Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER January 14, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo, California Gentlemen: This year's Painting Materials and Supplies budget was set at $29500.00 which included $750.00 for traffic and street name signs and $1,750.00 for paint and supplies. In six months $1,022.43 was spent for signs, $1,044.08 for paint and supplies and an unanticipated $288.60 for striping by contract for a total of $2,355.11. The demand for signs was unusually heavy and included a supply of 25 stop signs, street name signs for the entire Phillips Tract and six pedestal type stop for pedestrian signs which are quite expensive. It is estimated that an additional $750.00 will be needed for paint and supplies and $500.00 for signs, to complete the year, and it is requested that the Council authorise::a transfer.of $1,250.00 from the Unbudgeted Reserve to account number 215.3 Painting Materials and Supplies. Respectfully yours Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER January 14, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo, California Gentlemen: Account Number 200.13 Miscellaneous Expenditures is almost depleted. $1,500.00 was budgeted, but as of January 3, 1956, there was only $245.47 left. Approximately $500900 was spent on phone callsy telegrams and travel expenses for the City Attorney in connection with the Southwest Airways protest, and about $150.00 for a supply of maps and code books which will eventually be sold and the money returned to the City treasury. .It is anticipated that the account will have to be replenished before the end of the year to take care of miscellaneous expenses including the Channel Division dinasr meeting in March at which time San Luis Obispo will be the host city. It is therefore requested that $500.00 be transferred from the Unbudgeted Reserve to Account Number 200.13 Miscellaneous Expenditures. Respectfully yours, Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer REsoLUTIODI NO. 33 (1956 Series) A TJIZOLTiiTION INGBMS NG THE 3955 -56 BOGEET BE IT FSSOLVT-,M by the 0aanc l of he City QY San Lids Obispo as fbncriM a TUt tine i`ark Dudget be tncraasedj, based 0 n uur,22s»tic.1pated revenues reor•3.Ted frcm a ketbr� l entry Sees, to add U20.00 to - aacoun-L rrber 252.3 Sa3aries, X110000 to account n vnber 252.3 materials aru? Supp3iese pF,SSED :aA'0 e1DOPi'Ft7 'Zah9s 16tiday of January, 3956 by tt 7'. oliowi .g ro3.1 call vote: Ate; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger Nom; None AASENT; None ATIMST r 37 -;T 1f F, a • \ REsoLUTIODI NO. 33 (1956 Series) A TJIZOLTiiTION INGBMS NG THE 3955 -56 BOGEET BE IT FSSOLVT-,M by the 0aanc l of he City QY San Lids Obispo as fbncriM a TUt tine i`ark Dudget be tncraasedj, based 0 n uur,22s»tic.1pated revenues reor•3.Ted frcm a ketbr� l entry Sees, to add U20.00 to - aacoun-L rrber 252.3 Sa3aries, X110000 to account n vnber 252.3 materials aru? Supp3iese pF,SSED :aA'0 e1DOPi'Ft7 'Zah9s 16tiday of January, 3956 by tt 7'. oliowi .g ro3.1 call vote: Ate; Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger Nom; None AASENT; None ATIMST r 37 -;T 5 CITY OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION 864 Santa Rosa Street BISPO January 13, 1956 Honorable Mayor & Members of the' City Council San Luis Obispo, ,California ATTENTION: Richard Miller: Request permission.to add the following collected monies to the park and recreation account, numbers listed below, because of league fees which were collected from six (6) teams entered in an unanticipated 1955 -56 city (adult) basketball league. The following has been de- posited to code 6� and it is my recommendation that these . allocations be added to the following account numbers. Collections deposited to code 68 and with.city collectors office: Check from Tower - Beehive - _ - - - - - $38.86 Check from Jr. Chamber of Commerce - - - 38:$6 Cash from Dan's - - - - - - - - - - - - 38.86 Check from Motel Inn - - - - - - - - - - 38.86 Check from Mission Boosters - - - - - - 38.86 Check from Native Sons - - - - - - - - - 35.84 Total Collections X230.14 Request permission to transfer total collections of $230.14 to: 252.1 Salaries & 'gages (officials fee) - $120.00 252.3 Awards (league trophies) - - - - 45.00 252.3 Forfeit fee .refunds = - - - - - - 30.00 (league forfeit fees) 252:3 Forfeit fee refunds,(.league fee - 35.14 refunds under ,forfeit fee refunds in case of no tie games or no league playoffs) Total League Collections $230.14 RYIM�11 ly yours � �I; FLORY SUPT. PARKS AND RECREA ION ttiEF /rb �`", cc c„Y, �y�•,�e(,L C-Z^ -'�"'L r � J 1 RF,SOLTJTIM R10. 32 (1955 -56 Series) A RESOLUTION DECLARIWj THE POLICY OF THE cOuwn OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISFO IW RWARD TO THE UNIFORM[ SAIM AND USE TAX. %HEREAS, the joint efforts of civic groups and business associations throughout Californiap toke$hQr with support of Counties and Cities of the State, have brought about the passage of the Bradley -Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law in 1955, Aich law is intended to remedy the inequalities of the sales and use tau between merchants inside and outside of cities, respectively. And said Act is furtjh(w intended to provide to the Counties of the State., additional funds, where needed, thereby in some cases., preventing further increasea in real property taxes, and WT ER.EAS, said "Uniform Lecal Sales and Use Ts-,T LawO requires the pass of ordinances by the Counties and Cities, raspectively, in order that said Counties and Cities may cooperatively bring about uniformity in the levy and collection of said s0es and use taxes, which local ordinances require prepara- tion and a certain lapse of titres bettfeen their passage and effective dates and WlE,REAS., it is to the advantage of the State, Counties, Cities,, business firms, and all persons to be affected by said ordinances, to plan and prepare the necessary steps to carryout the collection and return of said taxes in anticipation of the effective data of said ordinances, and SMREAS, it is the desire of this Council to publicly state its policy relative to the distribution of the sales and use taxes collected within the City of San Luis Obispo. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED., that the Council of the City of Sa-s Luis Obispo makes the following statement of policy: 1. For the last several years this Council has deemed it necessary to collect a sales and use tax of one percent, to meet the expenses of the City, and the citizens, through their duly elected representatives, have acceeded to such levy for the purposes herein set forth and should not be diverted to the use of arty other political division of the State. It is the conclusion of this Council that the revenue from said sales and use tax is necessary to efficien=tly eft-ry out the functions of our municipal government as was stated by this Council at the time of the adoption of the ordinance adooting said -sales and use tax„ thus avoiding resorting immediately to other sources of taxatlono ':Y�2_ r 2. All sales and use taxes collected within the City should be u56r3 fe-r necesFary municipal expFnses and improvewnts within the City for the benefit of all its eitizens and of all citizens of ether areas who, by reason o% business interests or otherfuUe. may come into the City, sither permanently or temipora7iltiy9 thug keeping faith with the people of the City whom we represent, 3. That inasmuch 28 the citizens of this City alreadj, contribute heavily tward the support of our County Government througb property taxes collected by the County, this Ccutcil feels that no pox-tion of the sales or use tales col- lected within 'be City should be paid over to the County, * The Council of the City of San Luis Obispo respectfully requests the Board of Supervisors of the Cowity of San Luis Obispo to notify this Council, prior to February 20, 1956, of its intentions of adopting or of not adopting a sales tax ordinance pnrauant to the Bradley-Burns Uniform Sales and Use Tam Last, in order Jchat the City of San Luis Obispo may bane u.sufficient time 43ithinuhich to prepare the necessary conforming ordinances permuting the State .to collect said tsaes„ go 'ihat a copy of this Resolution be foreaard®d to the Board of Supar isors of the County of Sin Luis Obispo, ..ocho••-= I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Co-mci3_ of the City of San Luis Obispo at a regular meeting thereof hold on the 16th day of January n 19� b)► the following votes AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOTES: None C Cleo& Marren G., Edwards, Kenneth W. ABSENT: None APPROVED this 16th day of January s 195• a, RESOLUTION NO. 31 (1955 -56 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE HIRING OF PAUL L. ADAMSON TO FURNISH ENGINEERING SERVICES TO THE,CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of'San Luis Obispo: (1) That Paul L. Adamson's offer to furnish engineering services as stated in his letter of December 13, 1955 a copy of which is attached as exhibit A and incorporated by reference, be accepted. . (2) That the Mayor be and is hereby- authorited to accept that offer on behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo, PASSED AND ADOPTED this nineteenth day of December, 1955, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger.. NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ity C e rk M;SCLUTIM 3110. 3(19[5 Series) A pzsclitlTia INC-F ramo THE 1955-56 BUIXTET BR' rp COI, L'y ic"'�a C+o^, ci3 of ti a Oita of S i��3s Obi ro as foliaim.- That tlho 1955 -56 baftet b-i ia?cTeased it .i:= atouat of T.ao 'mac :nand Ssveaa ar sea F.Uftc Dollars (�$2,, "150.40 by addas�g this amamd to Arcouny fimaber 963.1, Municipal PL%rking Lot Number 2, in the MZ- ataeet Ptricirg Reservo FwAd. December PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th ►�' o: � mow. 1;�5` ¢ by the fo3loiaing vote: AM s. Nels Beck Lowell E Christie War en G. Edwa ds -Imneth W. Jones, re ue singer ,. :10F,.S; NONE A3SEI?Ts ONE ... �`. A'f RST: 3 C k. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER CITY/ December 19,1955 0 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo, California Gentlemen: Most of the figures are noF7 in, and it appears that the original budget of $64,000.00 for acquisition and improvement of Parking Lot #2 will have to be increased from 464,000.00 to x^66;750 00 Acquis tion costs did not change, but several change orders were needed to complete the surfacing and related work. It is therefore requested that the council pass the attached resolution which would increase the original budget for account number 263.1 by adding g$2,750.00. Respectfully yours, Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer RDM:cs Enclosure /P �O t' RESOLUTION NO* 4'4? Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 1955 -56 BUDMT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the 1955 -56 budget be increased as follows: 1. Transfer $2,750.00 from the Uhbudgeted Reserve to account number 208.6, Police Capital Outlay, 2. Transfer $4,000.00 from the Unbudgeted Reserve to account number 200.17, Refunds, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of December , 1955 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: NONE Ate: NONE ATTEST: mm -Ijemw- M� WA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER December 6, 1955 Honorable Mayor and City Council San Luis Obispo, California Gentlemens 1. At the time the 1955 -56 budget was adopted, it was not definite as to whether or not the city would receive Federal Civil Defense Matching Funds on an auxiliary generator for the Police Depart- ment. This assurance has now been received, bids called for, and award made to the successful bidder in the amount of $2,673.88. It is therefore recommended that the Council authorize a transfer of $2,750.00 from the Unbudgeted Deserve to Police Capital Outlay, account number 208.6. This should take care o? sce of t1ib incidental costs involved in making the installation. 2. The amount owing the county for the overpayment of traffic fines to the city has been established as $3,509.73. The Refund Account, number 200.17, which was set for $500.00 for this year is almost depleted as a result of several bookkeeping refunds with compensating receipts to the city. It is therefore suggested that the amount of $4..000.00 be transferred from the Unbudgeted Reserve to account number 200.17. Respectfully yours, Richard D. Miller Administrative Officer RDM:cs Te 21 KWHW:EAW:HNB:sa 11/15/.55 .. RESOLUTION N0. 28 ( 1955 Series) AUTHORIZING CITY ENGINEER TO ACCEPT WORK AND FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION PHILLIPS SYNDICATE, TAYLOR TRACT, SLACK TRACT. PROJECT NO. S54 -1 RESOLVED, by the -City Council of the City of San.Luis Obispo, California, that WHEREAS, the City.Engineer of -said City has filed with the City Clerk of said City his'Engineer.'s Certificate as to the com- pletion of all of the work provided to be done under and pursuant to the contract between said City and Valley Paving and Construe tion Co., Inc. dated . kpri1.25. 195 5; and WHEREAS, it.appears to the_satisfaction..of this Council that said work under said contract has been fully completed and done as provided in said contract and the .plans and specifications therein referred.to; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that said City Engineer be, and he is hereby, authorized and-directed to'.execute and file with the County Recorder of the County of 'San Luis Obispo, notice of comple tion thereof, as required by law. 'I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City.Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, at a.meeting thereof held on the 21st day of , 195 5,' by the following vote 07 ie mem ers ereo AYES, and in favor thereof,-Councilmen:. Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie,.Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones,-Fred H. Lucksinger NOES-j, , Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None APPRO Fred H. ucks' ger Mayor e*_'F!�t atri ck City Clerk of the City o3: Sam n Luis Obispo f .t a KWHW: EAW: HNB: sa 11 5; 55 4c RESOLUTION NO. .27 ( 1955 Series) AUTHORIZING CITY ENGINEER TO ACCEPT WORK'AND FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION RAMONA'DRIVE, ET AL. PROJECT NO. S55 -1 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the.City of San Luis Obispd, California,. that WHEREAS, the.City Engineer of said City has filed with the City Clerk of said City his Engineer's Certificate as. to the com- pletion of all of the work provided to be done under and pursuant- to the contract between said.City and Valley Paving and Construc- tion Co., Inc. dated April 25, 1955 1955; and WHEREAS, it appears* to the satisfaction of this Council that said work under said contract has been fully completed and done as provided in.said contract. and the plans and_ specifications therein referred to; NOW, THEREFORE; IT IS ORDERED, that said City Engineer be, and he is hereby, authorized and'direeted to.`execute and file with the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, notice of completion thereof, as required.by law.* I hereby-certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by,the City Council of.the City of San Luis Obispo, California,.at•.a meeting thereof held on.the 21st day of November _, 195 5 ,''by the following vote of e memoers znereor: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None. ABSENT, Councilmen: None . Ci Clerk of �e ZZi y of San Luis Obispo . APPROVED:. ; ayoxr 97 1157 RESOLUTION NO-. 26 (1955 -56 SERIES) VOL 834 aaU'F 271 A RESOLUTIONI ABANDONING PORTIONS OF TURNER STREET, STAFFORD STREET, AND CHAi1IPLIN STREET.. :i7HEREAS, public hearings have been held pursuant to Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 2, of the California Streets and.Highways Code; and ?,FHEREAS, the.City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo finds from all the evidence submitted that-the following streets or parts they, of are unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE', BE IT RESOL77ED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that the portions,of Turner Street and Stafford Street and Champlin Street in accordance with Ordinance Number 11 (1955 -56 Series) and.the'map therein referred to, be-and the.same is hereby declared to be abandoned. BE IT FURTIER RESOLVED, that.the City Clerk is hereby ordered to record a certified copy of this order with the office of the San Luis Obispo County Recorder. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo this.7th day of November, 1955, by the following vote: AYES: Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Nels Beck , ATTEST: /s/ J. H. Fitzpatrick City Clerk /s/ Fred H. Lucksinger Mayor a z 6rJ co a d ox� VOL, x.54 PAGES le I, J. H. Fitzpatrick, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of San Luis Obispo, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 26 (1955 -56 Series), passed and adopted by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo on the 7th Day of ' iovember, 1955• t'JIT!,j2SS my hand and the seal of the C ,ty, of San Luis Obispo this 7th day of November, 1955.r;'";.�' r !, J -15 -%- SAN LUIS On:SPO COUNTY, CALIF, 31 5r- Indexed PiSOLUTIGid w0e(a.955 -56 Series) A IiMidPlIM ABA TG FQRTIONS OF TURRM S M-Ti SzA"M SMETs M CUMn STREET, 'AtF.+9Sa yd"c h=dnp nave been he3.d pry uant to Division 9, Part 3, Cbaptar 2s ecf the C&Wum a Streets and Sighways Code; and tFmMSO the City Couuail of the City of San Luis Obispo finds fr m all the evidence submitted that the fonoving streets or par".,s thegwf are t meew rec for present or prospective paab33.a street purposes; M, TREMM 3. DE IT RMGLM by the Coumdl of the City of San Luis OUspo that the portions of Tamer Staset =A Stafford S.tz%et and Chmqiin Street in aco dance *3_tth Ordinw= Nmaber 11 (1955 -56 Series) and the a$p � 1� therein referred tos be and the same is ber+by declared to be aba4oaedAw BE IT FIStt'MM MSOMMO that the City Clerk 13 hereby ordered to record a cart1fied copy of this order with the office of ie Sax Luis � . . 1:.. c . � PASSED AND ADUM by the Cott 11 of the City of San Luis Obispo this 7t h dig of �. N oo ve mb er � 1955 by the following VVbG: AYESt Lowell E. Christie Warren G. Edwards Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H:. Lu ck s ing er. X-C ��t None ADSENTt Nels Beck i /' M. i FMr;Lt7rj(rj IX, 25 (1955-56 Series) A RESC UTON MAI OMMM A PORTION OF ate M SIREET0 H33MAS, public hearings hsve been held pursuant, to Division 9, Fart 3f Chapter 2, of the California Streets and Highuays CWWf and �&MFAS, the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispc finds from all the evidence suheLtted that the following portion of IMont rey St,,reat Is u-mecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; 10it THf:T�.EFUM, BE IT PJMLVM by the Conimil of the City of San Luis Obispo that the follozdng described partioa, of Hanterey Street., be and chs samo is hereby dee aced to be abmulcnedt That part of the North half of the Northwest Tar er of Section 25s To m&dp 30 South, Range 12 East, :fount Diablo Base and Marldim In the City of San Luis Obispo: County of Sao: Duos Obispo, State of Californi% particularly describer as follcros: _- Commencing at the point of intersection of the southerlyy riglrb of uay Line of this "existing State Higfmyll as described in, the deed to the Stage of California recorded April 25,, 19460 in VolWW 402 of Official Records, at, page 437, records of said co Mty.' With the westerly boundary line of the parcel of land described in the dead to George i, Jovick, recorded uarch 8, 1944, in Volme 358 of Official lecoods, at ;gage 465, records of said county; thence, slang said aoutIierly right of uW line, from a tangent that bea.as No 590 591 h.3" p.n. along a curve to the righht with a radius of 370 feet, t;.rough pan dregle of 3o 05= 50", for a distance of 20,C* feat to the true paint of begin irg; thence (1) N, 120 163 w 34.00 feet; thence (2) N. 690 031 2511 Ems 353.56 feet; thence N tango$ to last described course, along a curve to the right, with a radius of 200 feet, through an angle of 130 251 34 ", for a distance of 46,87 feet; theme (4) N. 820 291 039.1 86080 feet to a point or.• the above said existing- southerly right of way line; t3-sme (5) along, said southerly right of my line S. 680 3.41 W., 236.60 feet; thence (6) continuing along said southerly right of my line,, tangent to last described course,, along; a curve to the left with a radians of 370 feet, through an angle of 80 141 170, for a distance of 53.20 feet to the true poi:at -of bags nni ng, R_&S_H9VMG to the City of San :Luis Obispo the permanent easemsa':. and right at any time, or 1"rm time to ti,s to construct, S ainta ns operate, replace, remove, and re au sanitazy severs and storm (hgeis and appurtenant structures in., upon, over and across said lard and pursuant to any existing franchises or renewals thereof., or other. wise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, revzove, renew and enlarg;- lines of pipe, conduits, cables, wires, poles, and other convenient structures,, equipmasat and fixtures for the operation of gas pipe lines, and for the transportation or distribution of water and incident21 purposes. _f. S BE IT FMIME RMLVM)y that the City Clerk is hweby ordered to reed a certified copy of this order t dth the office of the San Lrds Obispo County Recamlar, PASSED Arm ADOPTED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo this 7th day of rtovembarb 1955p by the fo1't.avinC vote: AYES- Lo-is31 Christie., Marren E&mrdsy Kermeth Jones Freed Ii, Luelwinger NOE R Nana ABSRTT2 Nals Beck i _ - kin: r .: ...� , _Y BE"iOi,IiflCEN NQ. 4 (1955 -56 SerI93 ) A RFS UITION ASSIC�R= ALIMTJGN TO Cny OF RICO. WIEREAS, the Stator Of California under C%pte r 47, Statutes of 19" (lath Ectra Sms1m) has appropriated Berle for ra3lo",a 9t to Iaoral � cac a, dafie�d �h isa as cities', coumti.= or cities and cmmties for the p'tWsm of defsraYiM not to exceed on�haif of the east of ,S pzrr:b_ Qz"0:L=- g field surays, engineering or architectural des and vmzl- iug rd detai%@ devings and aps*=CatioW', and fear the pie vff psy.., ing one-half ar less of the cost of acquUlt:Lm of rights- of -WW and sites, for ;;sst=.aM- pa)3ic mks prOJeacts In which therm is m state :Lut (a;, a g3za1iffed by the Act) all as set forth in said Act; snd Hl REAS, the aforesaid Act muthori2a� a local agency to a.vsjrA the En3Oy allocated to it thereunder, or my portion thereon, to aq other lcacall agency, or to jmy 90vermmtal unit or district in this State, and t'ML'�S a the ::tg of San Luis Obispo has had allocated to it by said Acct an anceaii cia far lea Fraparatim uiiab costal ze a aaffic: balames to Pem4.a the eseigment tg-a efrom of Sixty - md o'F/I;X0 lD033 ez+�a (M.m) to the City of Chico MMd it is desired to maW suet, mssigrz;-nt; W%I TMMF'CAE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of San brain tfUSpa hereby assigns to tkm City of M.co from the af0maid alienation fo? Piveparat On t€ s sr�a of Sixty Th"O and 07/= (63,07) for tkB sole ueo of such a3si9.ae; such assigmnt to be for the Wes, gna purpQBea or the aforesaid Act; and 0 IT FUF�?zLFi MSOLMM, '*8t certified copies of tbU R�;So3ar.,ict3 Shall be fi?e8 with the A�^sines, the, State, COnttroilaar State Direr ems^ t''3n :cm and the Senate AnOcatiOn Ord. a ?ASSED AND ADO= this ^7 day of Novemb,��9551 ihs following r°on can votet �°°°° —^�- AM$ Lowell E.Christie,Wgrren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H. PIJESt None Lucksinger ABSIEMs Nels Beck IM �,i.:SSV!e�_7'1 J.v.'''; !'l7, 23 {s7�Ji r. 14:sGLLTfIOf; A.j:,]'YjT'IG i07�50L�Z.'ln1,1 jiT(j 75 Apr ?IoliT " 0 Sir iiL2's BF ST RESOL•'. a,' by the Council of the Gity ox' Sat-i Luis Obispo as f ollo'.as : i. Tih2 t :peso l anon.. 1•ics 11;7 � � +�G ;T.. cr .es j ; SeC ;ioP_ 2 be cTtei3(?ci}. 'i;Q delete the folly ire class `'Lc;a•tion a: the range indicated: SLr e°intend nt of : quarni2n ,1 { 354 3i5 3?6 4I 9 ?,4 2. That Scctien 2 be further amended 'co add tx,c aollo-ming classifi.catior.s at %,, ranges indicated: Administrative Assista:A (22) t3514 375 396 419 443 Rechanic (20)M7 336 35h 375 396 3. This Resolution shall be effective November 1, 3955, PASSEL' AM) ADOffrED by .the Council of the City of Bar, Luis Obispo this 7th day of November,____, 1955, by the :folio ing vote: AYES: Lowell E.Christie, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H. L NOES: None Luck singer PBSEhi: Nels Beck �r ATTEST: �3 11MOLUTIO;: j!0. 22 (195.5.56 series) A RMOLMION CWGINO IM9 DUE OF A PORTION OP SOUTH Sl`AEEfi TO BE W4 MIX STRWI L BE IT M OLVE) by the Came U Of the Czty Of S= Luis OUSPo That that por@.lM Of Sauth StrOety 3sS t of the Sueti ern Paci. C Railm e road slwn be and the sam is hereby deaarsa to be ream '4Sas Caseos StreetHo PASSED AND ADOPTED th§.s 17th day of Oct v1955 by the foU. 0WI sE Z�011 call Vote: Av*,SNels Beck,Lowell E. Christie,Wa-ren G.Edwards Kenneth W Jones, ft Fred .Lucksinger NOES: None ABSEgT; None ATTEST: M R 2 v 11MOLUTIO;: j!0. 22 (195.5.56 series) A RMOLMION CWGINO IM9 DUE OF A PORTION OP SOUTH Sl`AEEfi TO BE W4 MIX STRWI L BE IT M OLVE) by the Came U Of the Czty Of S= Luis OUSPo That that por@.lM Of Sauth StrOety 3sS t of the Sueti ern Paci. C Railm e road slwn be and the sam is hereby deaarsa to be ream '4Sas Caseos StreetHo PASSED AND ADOPTED th§.s 17th day of Oct v1955 by the foU. 0WI sE Z�011 call Vote: Av*,SNels Beck,Lowell E. Christie,Wa-ren G.Edwards Kenneth W Jones, ft Fred .Lucksinger NOES: None ABSEgT; None ATTEST: M R 2 r- RESOLUTION N0. 21 (195S4-56 Series) A RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN STRUT BITEBSEC`t'IOn TO BE BOULEVARD STOPS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Se.n Lids Gbispo that the follmiag intmections be and the sane are hereby declared to be boulevard stagso 19 Fredericks Street at Grand Avenue 2a Hope Street at Grand Avenue 3` KoCollvm Street at Grand Avenue 4. Hays Street at Grand Avenue yr. Slack Street at Grand A eme 60 Graves Street at Loomis Street 7. Both directions on Graves Street at HcCcUum Street 8. Both directions on Hmftrson Street at McCollum Street BE IT FM MR R RESOLVER that the Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed to suitably indicate these regulatims as P vided by aection 320002 of the San Luis ObIspo PTi�dPsl Code. PASSM U D ADOPTED t1ds 10 day of Oct. 0 1955 irr trio £ollovir..g roll call votes AYES= Nels Beck,Ldwell E. Christie, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, I.00S s None Fred H.Lucksinger ABSIMi': None ME M. - - ATTESTY j £t OI'JTi 1�I0. 20 5 Serjes) A :Y.SM' UTEON ESTABL SIM-G SICK M CITY a SAN LUIS MSF00 BE IT rJ--'ySCa„M by the Ca=CU of the City of Sacs Luis 7J.sispo a.s +0110 %,M -- T!--at efixective imrsdiatesy sick leave and vacation for re employees of tee- City shall be as aollays: Sic Leave. .we.00n o 1. '�2t*er six ae,.menhs' conti raous ser ice. on a ilzll. -time basis, each citz; e2aployee sh ^'? 'we granted six days sick leave cre &t, D 2. Thereafter, sick , leave vi•t : pay shall be granted �at the rate of o p -.or'__ day for each �^iF11�endar moffch of serd °e. 3- =pick leave shall not be considered as a pr~i•Al.ege which an employee nay use at his dises:retionr but shall be allowed only in case of recessity and ac-baaz sickMWsss or disavi.lity. L jimcac sick leave shall be acmirulated at the 'ate of to Ive rates a Jena tc a total of not more than 60 wort: dayme 59 For the purpose of sick leave acoo--urting Narposesp firemen: shalA be considered to a nave day week, Monday through Friday, 6. No sick ?eava shall be granted except on approval by the department hx-ad. Sick leave in a-cess of three days in amp seven day period s'rall r_ot be granted %ithout an :afffldavit ;.'r a the attending physician. Sick leave in excess of fifteen consecatire days shall be granted only on approval of the City Council. ?. If an employee receives conpensation under the Workman's Compensael or. laps, the amount of compensation so received shall be deducted from the a>nou*t• he may receive as sick leave pay froze the City, However, in such even., the employee shall receive credit for the dollar .amount of such compensation payment in the fora of additional sick leave credit on a prorated basis. 8. Sick leave may be granted an death of a member of the immediate fa?eLly for a length of time not to exceed five (5) working daps. Vacation. 1. After twelve months' continuous service on a full -time basis, each city employee shall receive two calendar weeks ° vacation with pal-. This vacation must be taken between the anniversary date and the end of the calendar year, 2.. Thereafter, the employee shall receive two calendar weeks' vacation during each calendar pear, to be scheduled at the convenience of the City. 3. No vacation time may be acemmalated for use in a follwAng calendar year except t'rat under extreme emergency to the City, the City Council may arder the deferment of vacation for .not to exceed one year, in which case the employas shall. have the right to carry over not more than two weeks' vacation time into the following calendar year. 0 4s If ar. em loyee resips. m, is dismissed Wore r�ad�IDi�; Ids v c3ktion 5/6) of ozw workiir-, day for aach month served si.ras rus last mird:Ter-Bry date but in no case more ?em ten (10) ,midnS days mless ar. c.&, 4 ::sion has beer - ordtired by the Cotvi it wider subsection 3 immediately 4o0^ea : - 5, If "� e=loyce recoi.vss his ammt -1 vacation baf6re his cmniv'ersa -T7 date c.±zd Via= res-igns or is dismissed,,. a doitvaasa adjr»stmen`,; sha-1 be made in his fi-W- pay ciaex?: by stubla>%° ing fits six',hs (.5/6) of one worki� day for earh mon th reraln ng bat;- een the tenTirztion &.te and the anniversary date. nksSi tiim PDonim this 3rd day of October � 1955 by the faUc inn roll call 'rote: aim: Nels Beck,Lowell E.Christie,Warren G;Edwards,Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger xm: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 19 . (1955 Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 1955 -56 BUDGET. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the 1955 -56 budget be increased by transferring $321.44 from the Unbudgeted Reserve to Account Number 200.23 General Government - Weed Abatement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26t h day of September , 1955 by the following roll call vote: AYES: iVels Beck,Lowell E.Christie,Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger HOED; None ABSENT: None i A; :J 2 as follows s TI ESOLUTION 1104 / (19% --55 serer:) A R ESOLMON Pi- OVIDDIG F0,1 ACCLfisIXCE BY TIM CI'sY OF SPW LUIS (31SPO OF PRCP Z BY THE WER TTIBE IV R C(HPANY FOR i''&CFIASE OF P_9Rd rIG M TL•ii,4 MR PARK G riB' ER LUt. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ssn Ud s Obi; po8 That the City of Sang Luis Obispo accept the proposal made by tba TAPER TUBE POLE COMPANY, for the porch -me of 21more or leas, SiMle Dual Automatic at %4*50 each and 26 more or less Double Dual Automtie Fari M Meters at $99.00 each to be Installed In the Moaeipal Parklug He'ter Lot. B'S IT FTj--nW. RESOLVM fhet Uri IlVor of the LYty of San Luis Obispo be, and ha is hereb3r authorized to encute said agreem£' t for and on behaU of said Cityt +which executiam shall be attosted by the City .Cleft -0 PASSED AM ADWO . MIS 7th dqv of Sept 1955p by the foUowing votes A'•'',S :Nels Beck, Lowell E.Christie Warren G.Edwards 4nneth W.Jones, Ffed H. Lucksinger 1b , S: None AB,SWTy None m • t '' _R "�ut�'Ii�:� ii10, ,�7.�5s•56 Sei'ae3� A SQLIY?IODT PROTM7VG rQ� STOP =,NS A_N1) m� Z.aP�'` ZOi w as fc.uozsa BE W P.s:. t LVED BY the Cm,mal of the City CC San Luis Obj2p o Y, That a stop sign be paaced cm Jlentuc2W Stmt v9 we it iatVaMsee6a vith Va=v Street rsquirag ail South bound 'seb iaj3zt traUic on TKentml r tot eke, a bmaeaard stop at maid Intrametion, to be and constitate a cm and *vq�,� hoaar8 parozing tics livit goal as Mmided for for In Section 32Wc6 or the San Luis Cftgpo mm2laipal Cafte Bath sides of Marsh St re4 betwcen OWS and 5.VU Hcva StreeLs and both sides of Sams Rass Street bet=m Xarah en Streets, PASW MD by time City Cowan ce tbq City or %,-Vm Ids ObisRO this 7t �. OS Septembery 1955o - -- �� •• ui��1C_-u�iirr —en t: rdwarmys Karmath t2! slopes iRES: None Fred H.Lucksinger ATMT: None k j I LLD 2 CIs1 o l (3955 -56 Series) t. RE Q:Lu """o N _-C11.; i'�"rTt� OF -rElR OF :^TiS• E70? D & I;IyeSHrhL FCR AUDIT OF CITY BOOS AD RMMMS ffii IT ISOLVE1 by the Colmoil. of the WAY of San Lu::s Obispo as follam s Thrt the offer of WJ.ford e. ?41tshlreg Cwtif Led Put,Ue AccQ,anta tst to au at the books and records of the City of San Lacs Obispo es sot forth In twin pr*osa to tiis City dated Arwast 30, 1955P be and the sane is hemb$y accepted; wad BE IT FUE.TM IMOLY It that the Clerk of the City of San Islas CbUpc Is hereby UIxt. -wted tO zantify said vJillefosd & Wiltshire of said accepta=e of offero PASSED AIM ADOPTED Ala Tvh day of 9epfiemb r, 79554, by the to1.1.Wing vote t AYFB: Note H u /f-- i RESOLUTION NO. 15 1955 Series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIMG DEED FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TCJ THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That that certain grant deed executed August 1,1955 by the State of California and conveying to the City of San Luis Op,ispo portions of Lots 9, 11, and 13, in Block 6, of "Hathway's Addition to the City of San Luis Obispo," in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, and the same is hereby accepted by said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 19 55 , by the following vote: AYES: _Nels Beck.Lowell E. Christie, LIarren G.Edwards,Kenneth W.Joned, NOES: None Fred H.Lucksinger ABSENT: _ None ATTEST: Mayo 16-1 RESOLUTION NO..14 1955 . Series) A RESOLUTION AMF,ND ING .RESOLUTION NO. 11 (1955 Series) AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS & EMPLOYEES TO RETAIN AND USE CITY - VEHICLES At ALL TIMES, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that Resolution No. 11 ( 1955 Series) shall. be and the same is hereby amended to read as f bllows: That the: following City Officials and', employees be allowed to retain city motor vehicles over - night, weekends and holidays, to be used only on official business Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Police Chief, Detective in the Police Department, Director of Public'Works, Superintendent of Equipment, Assistant Street Superintendent, Water Superintendent, Water Foreman, Water Service "repairman and Sewer Service repair- man on call, Building.Inspector, Administrative Officer, City Clerk and City Attorney. All other city" motor vehicles to be left at their official stations. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of August, 1955, by the following vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E.Christie,11arren G.Edwards, Fred H.Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Kenneth W.Jones Mayor CitY trerk /_4 i on MA ♦ Ir ' I ! j1 .Pma oii NO. 13,(!955 Series) A Vx,6'JSaU'.4%L A 16Vtitii'A6.u4G T& 1955 -56 LSijl -Ji T BE IT IRESU9ED by the Cauncii of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows; That the 1955 -56 budget be increased in the amount of 9eeer Hundred Fir4y Dollars ($75o,00) cy adding Account Number 211,9 Richlmd Inspection Feez to the Citg Engineer's budgets WSED AND ADOPTED thin 22nd day of Augusta 19559 b--,r t2:e follovAng votes �. ,Y.,S; Nels Be�ck,L_ow ell E.Christie,Warren G.Edwards,_Fred H.Lucksinger NODS a Q ABS M- T: Kenn eth-W Jonea ATTF -I T % on MA ATTF -I T % on tM07..FTYlkM ICi.� ''¢�� ( 1955 Series) .4p��I'.ES�O�UT�IM.tI AL.M�IDIRIZIDp�IG 'Cli'y CLp�t�'��T�p�`Io AeCrCE�P, AM l"ti!i ORD LITE / OF IR�i , PRO ullf.l PtIM !"liiC� E' 4- OAY?Y BMA I, u`L'U. BE rf t ESMI MD by the Council of she Cit;! of San Luis obispn an £oli.ovs i That., they city 0 irk r+e and he is heMby instructed to receive and mtiord the daeda granting -to the City -f 5,tr Luis Orieuo the real pro- gxxty, described a9 Parcels -1 to F inclusive it Ordinance Mm. 1 (1053 Series) c-f the City r.f San Luis M- ispn entitled "Are Orftl nce P?OvidiM for t1he Acquisition of Certain :2r al Property by the City of San Luis Obispoll a copy of wh$ch is atta&ed hereto as "Exhihit All rnd made a par. hareof, frm the following ng reapectfve as-mera t (a) Parcel l and Pareel 2 from Cemrose Gjvrnvich as guard- ian of the person and Eetate of Maggie A. Carty 9rmm9 en incompetent person. . his wife. (b) Parcel 3 fro-+ lVed H. Johnson and ??iaronce G. Johnson, (Q) Parcel b from rs.Taylor Smith, (d) Parcel 5 from Renj. F. Leveall ' and Ma erite P. Irm- s;l s his wife. (a) Parcel. A froar, Wanda Kam TLident and Leslie W. Kamm, PASSED &V ADOFTED this 22nd day of Aagufft9 1955a by r� the fallowing votes AYESt Nels Beek,Lowell E.Christie Warren G.Edwards, Fred H.Lucksinger NOM s None AMMWt Kenneth W.Jones OLD a? . r /Z "ExhihiL A" to 'o F. Wx to' Ilse old ffiaeeh of mane In rder of a whok as for th of '11 tlr rn rn Ih .w or N, LO Inl Ki tq Iin In In M. In In, :rt r.ri ,no 6.W INT , thl. SM day of July, 1=, th o7le" Tote.. YJ;foN Is 11"k. L P. ". Ed..n1a If, W. Jonte F,od L.ekslmer; OM None. M=T: None IV. rnmD lK ATTEST: (SULK 1-1 J. IT.-MTZPA Joy ON Cig;k. S,pSCLL'?iaT: 555 Series) cr yam. } .FL �Li°.oJLiTUJ.TUiY iS'iv E?+.�.1'50L7TTMi4 NC. 12(7 (Its':!::j. ) GmY GPTCI; S & EriL "`� ii AMUC) IZTN CEF iATN FL & `L'cii` .44IV1. USE C.IT 1' i.F'IXtl:ri_ BE IT RESO Lb'E,% by the Council of two Clam of San Luis Obispo t iat Resoii.,zm No. 12 ?5 (New Series) shall bed the same is hereby a_manded to read as f.'oilo�'- s: That the foi.l.am:49 Gity Officials and erployees be sllolied - o 1°a- taim. city " aotor ve'li.^les over - night, aeeke ds and holirieys, to be used onit o_- Lifficial business a 'dire Chief, Assistar_t Fire • Chi ®f, Police Chief. Dew t --ei,j e in the Pclice Department; Director of Public ,Turks., Superintbndent of Equipment, Lssisa,,mt SY.i^ee?, Suporintandent, dater Superintendozy, Water Foremmi, dater Service repairman 2-_d Seue_r Service repairman on call, Ad- ministrative Officer, City Gler4 and Ciiy Attorney. All oCher city motor vehiclas to be left at their official stations. PA SED AID AD pm- ,D this 15th day o£ August, 1955, by the follw1mg vote: ? "_'ES: Nels Beck Lowell E.Christie,Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, re NOES: None JIBS smolt T : V KWHW:EAW:S:jm 8/2/55/6c RESOLUTION NO . . AWARDING SALE OF BONDS RAMONA DRIVE,'ET AL PROJECT NO. S 55 -1 RESOLVED,.by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, ' California,, that WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution.No. 1426 N.S. of Prelimi- nary Determination and of Intention adopted by said Council on. March 7, 1955, and its Resolution calling for bids on sale of bonds pursuant thereto, adopted on August 1, 1955,, notice of said sale has been duly given; WHEREAS, this is the time and place fixed 'therein for re- ceiving bids for the purchase:of'said bonds, and said bids have been received and publicly opened,,examined and declared by this Council; NOW, - THEREFORE., IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That all written bids received'for the purchase of said bonds, excepting the bid herein.s.tated, be, and they are hereby, rejected, and'that said bonds be., -and they are hereby ordered sold to', Stone & Youngberg'-and Associates as.the highest responsible,bidder therefor, said sale to,be sub- ject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in said resolu- tion calling for sealed proposals and in said accepted bid. 2. That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to have said bonds printed forthwith, and that the same.be immediately signed, sealed and delivered to said bidder'on receipt of the amount therefor as above stated, with interest but not otherwise, and upon the performance.of the conditions contained in said written offer. '3. That the interest rate of said bonds be, and the same is hereby, fixed at-the rate stated.in said bid.. 11 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and I regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1955, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof,.Councilmen: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None I li ABSENT, Councilmen: None City Cltrfk of the City of an Luis j Obispo ,i APPROVED: i yor I ,i 1 I .I ,I E li a KtaHW:EAW:S:jm 8/2/55/7c RESOLUTION NO. CI N „�q SS • DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE-OF BONDS RAMONA DRIVE, ET AL PROJECT NO. S 55 -1. RESOLVED, by 'the City Council of the 'City of SAn .Lui s Obispo, California, that 10EREAS, said Council did.on March-7, 1955, pass and adopt its Resolution No. 1426 N.S.'of Preliminary Determination and of Intention relating to the construction of public improvements in said City under and pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, and.amendments thereto, and did therein provide that .serial bonds would be issued thereunder pursuant to the provisions of. the Refunding Assessment.Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, reference to said Resolution of Preliminary Determination and of Intention hereby being- expressly made.fgr, further. particulars; WHEREAS.. notice of the recordation of the assessment and of the time within which assessments may be paid in cash, has been duly published and-mailed-in the manner provided by law, and the time so provided for receiving the payment of assessments in cash has expired, and on August 1., 1955, the Superintendent of Streets has filed with the City Treasurer a list of all assessments which now remain unpaid; and :3HEREAS, the Council has duly.-considered said list and has determined .that the same is, an accurate statement thereof; NOTE, THEUWGRE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, as' follows: 1. That the assessments in said unpaid list which now remain unpaid,'and the aggregate thereof, are as shown on Exhibit "A" hereto attache.d.and by - reference made a part hereof. 2. That.for a ,particular description of the lots bearing the respective assessment numbers set.forth in'sai.d unpaid list and upon which assessments remain unpaid, severally and respec- tively, reference is hereby made to the assessment and to the diagram recorded in the.office'of the Superintendent of Streets of said City after confirmation by said Council, the several lots represented..by,,said assessment numbers being so numbered and. designated upon said diagram and assessment as so confirmed and recorded, severally and respective,ly.._ 3. The unpaid list is in''the amount of $39,040.13 and bon shall be issued upon the security of said unpaid assessments in the amount of $39,040'.05 in accordance with the provisions of the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Municipa Improvement'Act of .1913, and.under and pursuant to the provisions of said Resolution of.Preliminary Determination and of Intention and the proceedings thereunder duly had and taken; that said bonds shall be forty -five (45) in number, shall be dated August 20, 1955, and bear interest from'their date at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6 %) per annum; and the denomination of said bonds with their respective numbers and dates of maturity are as shown on Exhibit "B" hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference. 4. Said bonds shall.be issued.in series, and the unpaid assessments as shown on -said list filed with the City Treasurer of said City and determined by said Council, together.with the interest thereon, shall remain and constitute a trust fund for the redemption and payment of said bonds and of the interest which may be due thereon, which unpaid assessments shall be taxable in annual'series.corresponding in number to the number of series of bonds issued, and an even annual proportion of each assessment shall be' payable in each year preceding the date of the maturity for each of the several bonds issued,. and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, together with the annual interest'thereon; shall in turn be payable in installments as the general tax®s'of said City on real property -2- G Are payable, and shall become delinquent at the same time and in the same proportionate amounts and.bear the same proportionate penalties for delinquency. 5. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of said City or bear their engraved; printed or lithographed signatures, and attested -by the City Clerk of said City who shall affix thereto the official seal of said City. The interest coupons affixed thereto shall be signed by said.Treasurer or bear his engraved, printedot lithographed signature; and such signing and sealing of said.bonds by'said.officers and signing of said coupons by said. Treasurer shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each.and.every one of.said bonds and all of the coupons thereof respectively. Said bonds shall be sub stan.tially.in the form set forth in-the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 . as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913. Said Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk..of said.City are hereby authorized and'directed to sign and attest respectively. 6. The interest coupons attached.to each of said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon shall be .numbered consecutively and be substantially -.in the following form, to wit: Coupon No. $ CITY OF SAN LUIS.OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY,.CALIFORNIA Will pay to'bearer hereof on the 2nd day of 19 at the office of the Treasurer o the City of San Luis Obispo Dollars said sum being-the semi- annual interest ue on Improvement Bond No. of Series No.' Treasurer-of City of an Luis Obispo .7. That the City Clerk shall forward to the City Trea and City Auditor a certified copy of this resolution. -3- I hereby. certify, that, the f.oregoing.resolution was.-duly. and regularly adopted by the City Council_of the City of San Luis Obispo,. California., at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August', 1955, by.the following vote of the members thereof : . AYES, and'in favor thereof, Councilmen- NO-Is Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth.-W. Jones, ,Fred H,. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None, ABSENT, Councilmen, None.' C ty Clerk:of the City of San Luis Obispo APPROVED: Mffor -4- EXHIBIT "A" LIST OF UNPAID 'ASSESSMENTS RAMONA DRIVE, ET AL PROJECT'No.'S 55 -1 Assm't Ass'd Value No. Lot Block Sub Amount Land Imp. A4 Sly 198 ft Tract 11 $396.13 + $100. $1,440. of Wly 55 -25 ft of Lot . 6 A5 Sly 126 ft " 396.47 .100. 2,140. of Ely 55 -30 ft of Lot 7 A6 Sly 120 ft of 395.75 100, 2,250. Ely 55 -20 ft A7 of Lot 7 Sly 120 ft of '� 394.34 130. 2,400. Ely 55.00 ft of Lot 8 A8 Sly 120 ft of 397.94 130. 1,200, Wly 55 - -50 ft A13 of Lot 8 Ely 55.25 ft " 396.13 150. 2,400. of Sly 198 ft of Lot 12 A14 Wly 55•25 ft of " 396.13 150, 43190. Sly 198 ft of Lot 12 A15 Ely 55.25 ft " 396.13 150. 2,400. of Sly 198 ft of Lot 13` Wly 55.25 ft " 396.13 150. 39250. of Sly 198 ft of Lot 13 A17 Sly 190 ft " 863.08 400. -- of Lot 14 A18 Ely 55.25 ft " 431.53 150• -_ Of Sly 175 ft of Lot 15 A19 Wly 55.25 ft 431.53 150• -- of Sly 175 ft of Lot 15 A20 Nly 231 ft of 23634.87 .250. 23050. Lot 30 A22) Nly 231 ft of " 2,646.67 Lot 28 690. 430. A23) Wly 70.50 ft " 1,685.4o of Nly 231 ft of Lot 27 A24 Ely 40 ft of Nly 231 ft of Lot 27 and Wly 96.50 ft of Nly 231 ft of Lot 26 33237.25 300. 2,86o. A25j Sly 116 ft of Nly 231 ft of Lot 25 and the Ely 14 ft of the Sly 116 ft of the Sly 231 ft of Lot 26 " 1,983.09 11 A26) wly 85.50 ft 1,560.23 of Sly 116 ft of the Nly 231 ft of Lot 24 A27) Sly 115 ft of " 11983.09 Lot 25 and the 700. -- Sly 115 ft of the Ely 14 ft of Lot 26 A28) Sly 115 ft of ° 1,783.60 Lot 24 A29 Sly 198 ft, ex- " 1,747.96 480. 3,400. cept the Wly 25 .ft of the Nly 83 ft of the Sly 198 ft of Lot 23 A30 Sly 60 ft of Nly " 983_•09 250• - -- 196 ft of the Ely 85.50 ft of Lot 23 and the Sly 60 ft of the Nly 196 ft of Lot 22 A31 Ely 14 ft of the " 376.42 240_. -- Nly 115 ft of Lot 26 and the Wly 38.50 ft of the Nly 115 ft of Lot 25 A34 Ely 52:50 ft of 518.93 24o. 3,650. the Wly 85.50 ft of the Nly 115 ft of Lot 24 . -A35 Wly 64 ft of the 601:36 150. 2,430. Ely 85.56 ft of the Nly 138 ft of Lot 23 A36 Ely 21.50 ft of 466.25 150. 31250. the Nly 138 ft of Lot 23 and the Wly 43.53 ft of the Nly 138 ft of Lot 22. A37 Ely 60. ft of the Nly 138 ft of Lot 22 " 430.19 150. 2,400. A38 All of Lot 1 Block 4 " 430.19 200. 1,920. A41 Sly 115 ft of Lot 30 1,783.6o 100. -- A43 'Sly 115 ft of Lot 28 13783.60 69o. 430. A44 Sly 115 ft of Lot 27 1,783.6o 100. -- A45 Sly 115 ft of the Wly 96.50 of Lot 26 " 1,584.07 100. -- B4 All 3 Block 6 Hathway Addn 299.34 200. 1,720. B6. Prt 2 Wly 110 ft " 5 (1 340.15 250. 3,o6o. B7 Prt 4 Wly 110 ft " 5 " 159.62 170. 1 050. Bll All 12 " 5 " 299.36 170. -- B12 All 14 Prt of 16 Lying E of State H 5 187.56 290. 840. _2_ 4 B13 All 15 Block 5 Hathway Addn B15 All 11 159.61 5 400. B17 All 7 " 5 if B18 All 5 " 5 " B19 Prt 3 159.62 220. 420. 159.61 Ely 110 ft " 5 250. B20 Prt 1 200. 500. 159.61 150. Ely 110 ft " 5 1,400. B21 Prts 5 & 6 1,000. Sly 50 ft " 4 B22 Prts 5 & 6 Sly 50 ft of Nly 100 ft of Lots 5 & 6 4 B23 Prts 5 & 6 N 50 ft of lots 5 & 6 4 B24 All 8 Prts 7 &9 Lying W of SPRR R/W " 4 " B25 All 10 " 4 " B26 Prt 12 Lying Wly of SPRR R/6d n 4 u B27 Prt 14 Lying Wly of SPRR " 4 " B28 Prt 16 lying Wly of SPRR R/G1 n 4 n B29 Prts 1,2,3, 4 Ely 27 ft of lots 2 & 4, Wly 27 ft of lots 1 & 3 5 " f 159.61 9o. 200. 159.62 130. 1,750. 159.61 240. 400. 159.62 130. 2,250. 159.63 24o. 1.,310. 34o.44 210. -- 203.50 270. 420. 159.62 220. 420. 159.61 220. 1,650. 159.62 250. 34o. 159.62 200. 500. 159.61 150. 330. 159.62 80. 1,400. 159.62 30. 1,000. 000.00 24o. 1,260. $39,040.13 $64,390 $10,430 n y EXHIBIT Series Bond No Denomination Date of Maturit W 1 $1,000.00 July 2, 1956 2 12000.00. July 2, 1956 . 3 602.67 July 2; 1956 . 4 .1.,000.00 July 2, 1957 5 1,000.00 July 23 1957 6 602.67 July 2, 1957 . 7 1,000.00. July 2', 1958 8 12000.00 July 2, 1958 g 602.67 July 2, 1958 10 12000.00 July 2, 1959 11 12000.00 July 22 1959 12- 602.67 July 2, 1959 .' 13 1,000.00. - July 2; 1960 14 1,000.00 July 2, 1960 15 602.67 July 2; 1960 16 12000.00 July 2, 1961 . 1.7 1,000.00. July 2, 1961 18 . 602.67 July 2, 1961 19 1,000.00, .July 2, 1962 20 1,000.00 July 2, 1962 21 602.67 July 2; 1962 `. 22 12000.00 July 2, 1963 23 .13000.00 July 2, 1963 24 602.67 July 2; 1963 25 12000.00 July 2, 1964 I 26 12000.00 July 2, 1964 27 602.67 July 2, 1964 28 12000.00 July 2, 1965 29_ 12000.0.0 July 2,. 1965 30.. 602.67. July 2, 1965 31 1,000.00, July 2, 1966 32 1- 2000.00 July 2, 1966 { •33 : 602,67 July 2, 1966 34 1,000.00 July 2, 1967 i 35 13000.00 July 2, 1967 36 602.67 July 2, 1967 !� 37 1,000.00. July 2, 1968 38 1;00.0.00 July 2, 1968 39.. 602..67 July 2, 1968 40 . 1,000.00 July 2, 1969 41 11,000.00 July 1969 II 42 602.67• July 2, 1969 it 43 12000.00. July 2, 1970 44 1,,000.00'. July 2 , 1970 11 45 602.67 July 22 1970 KWW:EAW:S:jm d /Z /5S /bc RESOLUTION NO. I� ./ AWARDING SALE OF BONDS PHILLIPS SYNDICATE TAYLOR TRACT SLACK TRACT STREET.IMPROVEMENTS' PROJECT NO. S 54 -1 RESOLVED, by the City Council of -the City of San Luis' Obispo, California., that WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 1418 N.S. of Prelimi- nary Determination and of Intention adopted by said Council on February 19, 1955,.and its Resolution calling forbids on sale of bonds pursuant thereto., adopted on August 1., 1955., notice of said sale has been.duly- given; WHEREAS, this is the time and place fixed therein, for receiving bids for the purchase of .said bonds and said bids have been received and publicly,opened, examined and declared.by this. Council; ,. NOW, THEREFORE-,, IT IS.ORDERED, as follows:.. 1. That all written bids received for the purchase of said bonds, excepting the bid herein stated, be, and they are hereby, rejected, and that said bonds be, and they are hereby ordered sold to Stone_.& Youngberg and Associates , as the highest responsible bidder therefor, said sale to be sub- ject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in said Resolu- tion calling for sealed proposals and in said accepted bid. 2. That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to have said bonds printed forthwith, and that the same be immediately signed, sealed and delivered to said bidder on receipt of the amount therefor as above stated, with interest but not otherwise, and upon the performance of the conditions contained insaid written offer. 3. That the interest rate.of said bonds be, and the same is hereby, fixed at the rate stated in said bid. r I hereby'- certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City.Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, at a.regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1955, by.the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, - and in favor thereof,.Councilmen: Nels Beck, Lowell E: Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES; Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None , Cit*rCliark ot the City o San.Luis Obispo . APPROVED: mayor i i ' R45TIii3:EATrl:S:.jm 8/l/55/7c C RESOLUTION NO.. ? N.S. DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS PHILLIPS SYNDICATE - TAYLOR TRACT -SLACK TRACT STREET IMPROVEMEMES PROJECT NO. S 54 -1 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo,.California,.that ,,1HEREAS, said Council did on February 19, 1955 pass and adopt its .Resolution P?o. 1418 N.S. of Preliminary Determination and.of Intention relating to the construction of public improve- meats in said -City under and *pursuant'to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act.of 1913, and amendments thereto, and did therein provide that,seiial bonds would be issued thereunder pursuant to the provisions of the Refunding Assessment Bond.Act of 1935 . as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, reference to said. Resolution of Preliminary'Determination and of Intention hereby being expressly made for further particulars; t%TkEREAS, notice of the recordation of the assessment and of the time within which assessments may be paid in..cash, has been duly published and - mailed in the manner provided by lava, and the J time so provided for receiving the payment of assessments in cash has expired, and on August 1; 1955, the Superintendent of Streets has filed.with the City Treasurer a list of'all assessments which now remain unpaid; and WHEREAS. the Council has duly considered said list and has determined that the same is an accurate statement thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED,, as follows: 1. That the assessments in said unpaid list which now remain unpaid, and'the'aggregate thereof, are as shown on Exhibit "A "- hereto.attached and by reference made a part hereof. 2. That for a particular description of the lots.bearing the respective assessment numbers set forth in said unpaid list and upon which assessments remain unpaid; severally and respec- tively, reference is hereby made to the assessment and to -the diagram recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of said City after confirmation by said Council, the several lots represented by said assessment numbers being so numbered and designated upon said diagram.and assessment as so confirmed and recorded, severally and respectiveiy. 3. The unpaid list is'in the amount of $55,585.09 and bond shall be issued upon'the security of said unpaid assessments in the amount of $5.5,585.05 in accordance with the provisions of the i Refunding Assessment. Bond Act of .1935 as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and under and pursuant to the provisions of said Resolution of Preliminary Determination and..of Intention and the proceedings thereunder duly had'and taken; that said bonds shall be sixty (60) in number, shall be dated August 20, 19552 and.bear interest from their date at the rate of not to exceed six per cent.(67.) per annum, and the denomination.of said bonds . with their respective numbers and dates of maturity are as shown on Exhibit "B" hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference 4. Said .bonds shall be issued in series, and the unpaid assessments as shown on said list filed with the City Treasurer of said City and determined by said.Council, together with the interest - thereon, shall remain and constitute a trust fund for-the redemption and payment of said bonds and of the interest which may be due thereon, which unpaid assessments shall be taxable in annual series corresponding in number m the number of series of bonds issued., and an even annual proportion of each assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of the maturity for each of the several bonds issued, and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, together with the annual interest thereon, shall in turn be payable in installments as the general taxes of said City on real property are payable, and -2- .shall become delinquent at the same time and in the same propor- tionate amounts and bear.the same proportionate penalties for delinquency.. 5. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of said City or bear their engraved, printed or lithographed signatures, and attested by the City Clerk of said City who shall affix thereto the -offi.cial seal of said City. The interest cou- �j pons affixed thereto shall be signed by said Treasurer or bear his i3 engraved, printed or lithographed signature; and such signing and l; sealing of said bonds by said officers and signing of said coupons i by said Treasurer shall constitute -and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of said bonds and all of the cou- pons thereof respectively. Said bonds shall be substantially in the form set forth in the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Municipal Improvement'Act.of 1913. Said Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk of'said City are hereby authorized and directe to sign and attest respectively. 6. The.interest coupons.attached -to each of said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon shall be numbered con- secutively and be substantially in the fallowing form, to wit: Coupon No. $ CITY OF SAN LUIS,OBISPO SAN LUIS OBISPQ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Will pay to bearer hereof on the 2nd day of 19 at the .office of the Treasurer o t e City of San Luis Obispo the sum-of Dollars ($ said sum, ei.ng .t a semi- annual interest due on Improvement Bond No. of Series No. Treasurer ot City o . San uis •0 spo 7.. That the-City Clerk shall forward to the City Treasurer and City Auditor a certified copy of this resolution. -3- C I hereby certify-that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the_City of San Luis Obi--po, California, at a, regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1955, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof; Councilmen: Nets Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None Gity.0VIerk ot the City o San Luis Obispo APPROVED: j or 400F. -4- i EXHIBIT "A" . LIST OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS PHILLIPS SYNDICATE, TAYLOR TRACT, -SLACK TRACT PROJECT S 54 -i " Assm't Ass'd Value No.. Lot Block Sub Amount Land IMP- 2 15 & 16 19 Phillips Syn $802.09 $480. $2,590. 5 All 13,Siy 20 Addn 741.93 190• 3,360. 20 ft of Lot 12 & Nly14ft of Lot 14 8 All Lots 11 & 12 " 21 ..802.09 42o. 3,61o. 11 Prt 10 140 Slack 501.31 260. 11200. 14 Wly 100 "ft of Lots 3 & 4 26 Phillips Syn 520.00 510. 3,600. Addn 15 Ely 50 ft of Lots 132,3,4. 26 338.10 350. 2,300. 18 Ely 50 ft of Lots 5,6,7,8• 26 " 6 74.00 400. 2,400. �9 9 26 0.00 10. ; _- 20 1,2,3 & 4-& prt 15,16,17 i "18 27 1.3813.23 49o. 13920. 23A Lots 5 to 9 &pr.ts Lots_ 4, 10,11,12, 13,14,15 27 2,692.69 1,000. 42250. 23C Prt 12, 13,14 & 15 27 If 758.25 400. ". -- 25 Sly 50 ft of .Nly 85 ft of Lots 21 & 22 Taylor 501.31 180. 2,500. 26 Prt 1., 2) 21 & 22 " 501.31 180. 740. 28 Nly 60 ft of Lots 1 & 2 812.19 250: 3,080. �9 3 421.2.5 160..-": -440. 31A) 31B) 5 & 6 " 1,142.46 360.. 5,94o. 36 Wly 100 ft of Lots 1&2 29 Phillips Syn Addn 812.19 250. 21770. 37 Prt 3 &4 29 568.48 200. .1,300: 39 6r& 7,5 29 ;; 730.40 160. 23390. 40 Pt 7 & 8 29 372.47 120: 840. 41 Prt 8 29 " 706.24 200. 1112.0. 42 Prt 4, 5., 6, 7283 9, 102 11212 & 13 2g Philli Syn ps 674.84 160. 1,360. Addn. 43 Prt 9 29 11 713.28 200. 32.050. 44 Prt 9,1_0 &11 29 if. 421.25 200. 21580. 45 Prt 11, 12 & 13 29 �1 338.10 170. 3,200. 46 Prt 13 & i4 29 477.70 170. 2,730. 52 Pt 7 & 8 30 if 250. 2,710. 53 3141 &25 30 421.25 200. 1,100. 57 Prt 12, 13,14, . 15 & 16 30 1:315 89 x+00. 5,990• 59 Pt 7 & 8 Taylor 505.50 180. 3,2300 60 Pt 7 & 8 671.77 250. 32250. 61 g.& Pt 8 " 405,72 210. 3,500: 62 10 & prt 11 439.53 2 0. 4;300. 63 Prt 11 & 12 " 625.14 1 0. 2,320. 65A Lot 14- & pts 15, . 16,17,18 31 Phillips Syn 1,657.76 400. 42000. Addn 67 14 & 15 Taylor- 97.8.12 400. 1,990. 69 122,3,49 &5& prt 6 32 Phillips Syn .11916.69 750. 13250. Addn 70 Prt & 8' 7 32 �� 463.37 200. 2,600. 72 Ely 50 ft of Lots 7,8 & 9 32 489.56 200. 2,250. 73B 10,1.1,12, & 13 & 32 it 632.66 300. -- 74A Prts116, 17 & 18 32 ,' 646,40 300. -- 74B Pats 14, 15 & 16 32 646.39 200: 1,690. 75 Prt 14,15, 16,17 &18 32 631.88 300: 1,800. 76 Prt 8 & 9 33 716.13 250. 3,200. 7.7 Pt 6 & 7 33 338.10 230. 2,100. 80 Pt 1 & 2 33 " 757.77 250• 4,970• 81 Prt 1,2, 3, 4 & 5 33 1?+.9. 04 200. 2,180. 83 Pt 17 & 18 33 839.74 250• 3,200. 85 Prt 13, 14 & 15 33 489.56 230. 2,750. 87 Prt 10 &11 33 " 798.10 1250. 2,250. 89 Prt 5,6,7, 8 &9 33 421.25 200. 1,420. go . 115,16,17, 2 1� Prt 31 43,6,7,$,93 10,11,12,13, & 14 4o 13704.58 1,560. 4_0250. -2- 92 93 94. 96. 100 101 io4 105 107 log 110 112 113 114 117 11 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 136 Pt8 &9 Prt 10, 11, 12 13 & 1�+ 40 5' 'p &r ' 4 t6 10 7,$, & 9 & Prt 6 41 Prt 2 140 Prt 2 loo Prt 1 140 Prt 1 140 Prt 1 140 Prt 1 & 2 140 Prt 2 140 1 & 2 42 5 &6 42 7 42 8 &9 42 N 42 42 5 &6 43 7 &8 43 43 90 43 11 43 12 43 13 43 14 43 15 43 16 43 23 1 12, Pt 11 1 Prt 90 Phillips Syn Addn. Prt 40 Prt 4o 4o ff m Slack Phillips Syn Addn Slack ff „ „ i, Phillips Syn Addis „ „ i, tl „ „ „ „ „ Monterey Hgts. it 538.52 489.56 489.56 84o.22 - 400.30 1,896.20 1,223.91 330.25 3o4.70 300.23 246.85 0.00 587.47 489.56 905.69 587.47 243.85 513.88 421.25 489.56 587.47 1,181.92 512.33 512.33 512.33 4og.87 421.25 421.25 421.25 421.25 510.61 0.00 200. 150. 150. 250. 250. 520. 400. 1.40. 100. 100. 80. 120. 300. 220. 3 70 . 320. 16o. 54o. 1.00. 100. 320. 470. 100. 130. 130. 140. 14o. 130. 130. 100. 26o. 250. 3,520. 4,380. 3,o4o. 3,370. 3,260. 3,540. 4,380. 11790. 1,64o. 1,680. 1,530. 1,250. 1,040. 140. 800. 4,000. 2,210. 2,o6o. 1,300. 2,980. 2,390. 4,110. 3,200. 3,600. 2,000. $552585.09 $22-2510 $190,980 Series V i Bond No.. 1 2 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43' 44 . 45 46 47 48 EXHIBIT "B" Denomination $1,000.00 1,000.00. 1,000.00 705.67. 1,000.00. 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1., 000.00 .1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1,000:00 1,000.00 .1,000.00 705.67 1,000.00 1,000..00 1,000.00 705.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1,000..00. 1,000.00 1;000.00 705.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1,0,00.00. 1,000.00 1,000.00.' 705.67 -1-, 00.0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 - ..705.67 1,000.00' 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1,000.00 12000.00 1,000.00 705.67 Date of Maturit July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; 2; 2, 2, 2, 2., 2, 2, 2, 2; 2., 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 23 2., 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; 2, 2, 2, 2, 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 1960 1961 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1.965 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 Series V C Bond No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Denomination $1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 705.67 i Date of Maturity i July 2, 1968 j July 2, 1168 ! July 2, 1968 j July 2, 1968 � July 23 I 1969 July 2, 1969 July 2, 1969 July 2, 1969 July 2, 1970 July 2, 1970 i July 2, 1970 ! July 2, 1970 r-VV LIMY i L'LL YY :.0 a tuu f / r- V1 77 vc I RESOLUTION 'NO 6 nX.( 1955 Series) CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS 4 1 PHILLIPS SYNDICATE- TAYLOR TRACT -SLACK TRACT ! STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT -NO. S54 -1. RESOLVED, 'by the City Council of the'City of San"Luis Obispo, California, that I 1. The Clerk of said City be, and he is hereby, directed to! call for bids for the sale of improvement.bonds t,o be.issued pur- suant to Resolution No...'1418 N:S. of Preliminary Determination and of Intention,adopted by this Council on February 19, 1955, said bias to be received by said Clerk at.or before the hour of 8:00 o'clockl P.M. of Monday, the 15th day of.August, 1955, and to be publicly opened, examined and declared a't.said time. in the regular meeting ? place of. -said Council, Council Chambers, City'.Hall, San Luis Obispo,:Californi•a. Said notice -in form a copy of which is hereto) attached marked Exhibit. ".A ".shall.be give.h by publication once in the San.Lui_s Obispo: County•Telegram- Tribune,_ a newspaper published in said City, at least five days before said date. i?. 2. The City will furnish the legal opinion'of the law .firm �•. l !;of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld.& Wallace:, San Mateo, California, ,;unqualifiedly approving the legality of the proceedings and the 'issuance of said bonds. i I hereby certify that the. foregoing resolution was duly and .regularly adopted by the City Council of_.the City of San Luis Obispo', California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the lst J'day of.August, 1955, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: [Nels Beck,Lowell.E,Christie,'arren G.Edwards, Kenneth VT.Jones, ? Fred H.Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None II _ APPRO D• l� . j M o City CYeIk o to City o' San Luis Obispo I� r- i F � NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITY OF SAN LUIS-OBISPO PHILLIPS SYNDICATE - TAYLOR TRACT -SLACK TRACT STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. S54 -1 i I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Resolution calling for bids on the sale thereof adopted by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, on August 1, 1955, that the City Clerk of said City will at or before 8:00 o'clock P.M. (California Daylight Saving Time) of MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955, receive at the regular meeting place of said Council, Council Chambers, City Hall, San Luis Obispo, California, sealed proposals or bids for the purchase of improvement bonds of said City to be issued pursuant to the Refunding Assessment Bond. Act of 1935 as modi- fied in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1.913, upon the unpaid assessments under Resolution No. 141b N.S. of Preliminary Determination and of Inten- tion adopted by the City Council of said City on February 19, 1955, to cover the costs and expenses of constructing street improvements in said City. Said bonds are callable at 105 in accordance with theiprovisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. Said bonds will be issued in the amount_of about $55,585.09• The bonds will be issued in fifteen annual series, maturing on the 2nd day of July in the years 1956 to 1970, inclusive, will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6 %) per 'annum and be paid by semi - annual coupons on the 2nd day of January and July of each year, excepting the•first coupons which will be for interest from August .203 1955 to January 2, 1956. Said bonds will be dated August 20, 1955 and will be designated Series "V ". All bids will be publicly opened, examined and declared at the time and place above stated, after which said bonds will be 'awarded to the bidder who offers to take them at the lowest rate of interest plus premium, if any, and interest to the date of delivery, both ithe interest and the amount of the premium to be considered in determining the best bid. All bids must be unconditional and enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for Bonds ". NO BID FOR LESS THAN PAR WITHOUT ACCRUED INTEREST WILL BE CONSIDERED. The original assessment was'in the amount of $91,167.'72. The assessed valuation of the City of San Luis Obispo is approximately $20,0005000. In the event of a delinquency in the payment of any installment of the assessments levied upon any of said benefited properties for the pay- ment of the principal and interest of said bonds, it is a mandatory duty on the part of the City to transfer an amount equal to the amount of such delinquency, with penalties and costs, from available funds of said City. to the interest and redemption fund of said bonds, and in the event such funds are not available then to levy a tax therefor up to 10¢ on the $100 taxable property in said City. In such event, said bonds bear inter©'st after maturity until paid at the rate stated therein. i The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed for the public good. The legal opinion of Kirkbride, Mateo, California, will be furnished by Dated: August 1, 1955• Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, San said City to accompany said bonds. J. H. FITZPATRICK City Clerk of City of 'San Luis Obispo 1i ♦r.rr as yr .a+az rr.v.auva 1 /' —� /JJ vv RESOLUTION NO. ✓5 :S'- (.1955 Series) CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS RAMONA DRIVE, ET AL PROJECT NO.S55 -1 RESOLVED, by the.City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, that 1. The Clerk of.said City be, and_he is hereby, directed to call for bids for the sale of improvement bonds to be issued pur- suant to Resolution No. 1426N:r:S.of Preliminary Determination and of Intention adopted by this Council on March 7, 1;955, said bids to be received by said Council at or before,the hour of 8:00 o'cloc P.M. of Monday, the 15th day of August, 1955, and to be publicly opened,'examined and declared at said time in the regular meeting place of ._said Council, Council Chambers, City Hall, San Luis Obispo, California. Said notice in form a copy of which is hereto attached_ marked Exhibit. "A",*shall be given by publication once in the County Telegram- Tribune, a newspaper published in said City, at least.five days .before. said date.. 2. The City: will furnish t.he.legal opinion of the law firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace; ,San .Mateo , California, unqualifiedly approving the legality of the proceedings and the issuance of said bonds. I hereby certify 'that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of-the City of San Luis Obispo., California, at .a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of August, 1955,'by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in'favor'.thereof,.Councilmen: Nels Beck,Lowell E. Christie,1larren G.Edwards Kenneth tid.Jones, Fred H.Luck -sing er .NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None y cleric-01- City of San Luis Obispc r a �s 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO RAMONA DRIVE, ET AL PROJECT NO. S55 -1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Resolution calling for bids on the sale thereof adopted by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, on August 1, 1955, that the City Clerk of said City will at or before 8:00 o'clock P.M. (California Daylight Saving Time) of MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955, receive at the regular meeting place of said Council, Council Chambers, City Hall, San Luis Obispo, California, sealed proposals or bids for the purchase of improvement bonds of said City to be issued pursuant to the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modi- fied in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, upon the unpaid assessments under Resolution No. 1426 N.S. of Preliminary Determination and of Inten- tion adopted by the City Council of said City on March 7, 1955, to cover the costs and expenses of constructing street improvements in said City. Said bonds are callable at 105 in accordance with thelprovisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. Said bonds will be issued in the amount of about $39,0+0.13. The bonds will be issued in fifteen annual series, maturing on the 2nd day of July in the years 1956 to 1970, inclusive, will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6 %) per annum and be paid by semi- annual coupons on the 2nd day of January and July of each year, excepting the first coupons which will be for interest; from August 20, 1955 to January 2, 1956. Said bonds will be dated August 20, 1955 and will be designated Series "W ". All bids will be publicly opened, examined and declared at the time and place above stated, after which said bonds will be' awarded to the bidder who offers to take them at the lowest rate of interest plus premium, if any, and interest to the date of delivery, both the interest and the amount of the premium to be considered in determining the best bid. All bids must be unconditional and enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for Bonds ". NO BID FOR LESS THAN PAR WITHOUT ACCRUED INTEREST WILL BE CONSIDERED. The original assessment was in the amount of $50,676;28. The assessed valuation of the City of San Luis Obispo is approximately $20,000,000. In the event of a delinquency in the payment of any installment of the assessments levied upon any of said benefited properties for the pay- ment of the principal and interest of said bonds, it is a mandatory duty on the part of the City to transfer an amount equal to the amount of such delinquency, with penalties and costs, from available funds of said City to the interest and redemption fund of said bonds, and in the event such funds are not available then to levy a tax therefor up to 100 on the $100 taxable property in said City. In such event, said bonds bear interest after maturity until paid at the rate stated therein. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed for the public good. The legal opinion of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, San Mateo, California, will be furnished by said City to accompany said bonds. Dated: August 1, 1955• J. H. FITZPATRICK City Clerk of City of San Luis Obispo RESOLUTION N0. 4 (1955 Series). A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION FUNCTIONS, CONDUCT AND OPERATION OF THE OFFICES AND DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, Section 1000 of Article % of the City Charter of the City of San Luis Obispo requires that the City Council provide, after con- sidering the recommendations of the City Administrative Officer, for the organization, functions,.conduct and operation of the several offices and. departments of the City; and WHEREAS, the recommendations..of the City Administrative Officer have been received and considered; and WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of-'establishing the structural I organization, functions, conduct and operation of said offices and depart - ments; i NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo: SECTION 1. That the Administrative Service of the City shall be divided under the City Administrative Officer into the following depart- ments and heads thereof and shall.be responsible for the designate id functions :: A. De artment of Administration . , p City Administrative Officer (1) Purchasing (2) Personnel (3) Budget (4) Planning. 5 ( ) Building Maintenance QLty Hall B. Department of Finance. . .. . ... * . .,. , Director of Finance. (1) Accounting' City Clerk- Assessor (2) Collection (3) Assessing (4) Insurance (5) Clerical and Central record - keeping C. Department of Public Works .,; ,; Director of Public_ Works. it (2) Engineering Office ncluding surveyiiig.and Building Inspection inspection) (3) Street Cleaning and Maintenance (4) Sewer Plant (5) Sewer Maintenance (6) Painting (7) Electrical (8) Shop (9) Parking Meter Maintenance (10) Weed Abatement (17) Maintenance of Street Trees, Sidewalks and Creeks (within limits established by Council policy) • i i 9 0j 000493 _12�__ D. De artment of - Utilities kl) Water Department E. Departmentof Police. . . . . . . 9 * 0 (l ) Police (2) Animal. Shelter 1 12, Water Superintendent Police Chief Fe Department of Fire 0 *,6 9 0 0 a 0 0 Fire Chief Go Department -of Parks, and Recreation Supt. oflParks and 1) Park I s Recreat I ion Recreation H. Department ct Library. City Libi - arlan I. -Part-time Offices (1) Office "61-rit-y Attorney, (2) Office of Civil Defense, (3) Office of City Treasurer. (4) Independent Audit (by contract), SECTION 2., That iihere a function is not specifically mentioned herein but has otherwise'bd6n assigned to a department head in the past, by ordinance, resolution., council motion or administrative action and which assignment does not conflict with this resolution or the cha!rter., said assignment shall continue in force until changed by council resolution, ordinance or administrative action. PASSED AM ADOPTED by the Council il o f "the -City of San Luis Obispo this 18th day of July q 1955, . by.'the - followlng vote: AYES- Nels Beck, Lowell E. .Christie, Warren,G. Edwards .liKenneth W. NOES: None Jones-, Fred H. Luck singer ABSENT: -None yor 'I 1 --000434 914(i ; KWHW: EAW: HNB: vl 7/14/55 8c ' RESOLUTION 'NO. 3 (1955 SERIES) AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MAKE SPLITS IN THE ASSESSMENTS - PHILLIPS SYNDICATE - TAYLOR TRACT' - SLACK TRACT STREET IMPROVEMENTS . PROJECT NO. S54 -1 RESOLVED, by the'City Council. of the City of San Luis Obispo_, California, that WHEREAS, the owners of property designated by diagram and II assessment Numbers 31 and-73 in the assessment filed pursuant to ii Resolution of Preliminary Determination and of Intention No. 1426 adopted by this Council o.n February 19, 1955, have re- i quested the split of said assessments due to the sale of portions of said parcels of property; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That the City Engineer be authorized and.he is hereby directed to indicate'a split in Assessment No. 31 consisting of Lots 5 and 6, Taylor Tract, in the amount of $1,142.46, as follows: Assessment No. 31A The northerly.75 feet of.Lots 5 and 6, Taylor Tract $714.03 Assessment No--31B - The southerly 60 feet of Lots 5 and 62 Taylor Tract $428.43 2. That the City Engineer be authorized and he is hereby directed to indicate .a split in Assessment No. 73 consisting of Lots 101 11, 12; 13.,-and the northerly 15 ..feet of Lot.14, Block 32, Phillips Syndicate Addition, in the amount of $2,056.16 as follows: Assessment No. 73A - The easterly 90. feet of .hots 10, 11, and 12, Block 322 Phillips. Syndicate Addition $949.00 Assessment No. 731. The westerly 60.feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 321 Phillips Syndicate Addition $632.66 Assessment No. 73C - - Lot.i3 and the northerly 15 feet of Lot 14, Block 32, Phillips Syndicate Addition $474.650. 3. That the.City.Engineer be, and he is hereby, directed to.make the changes on the face.of the assessment or by filing an amendment thereto, I; hereby. certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the-City Council of.the City of San Luis Obispo,'.California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day � of July;.4955, by the following vote of the members.thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Nels Beck, ` Lowell-E'. Christie-Warren G. Edwards,jenneth W. Jones, Fred..H. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT., *Councilmen: None. . City Clerk of the City- of7San Luis I� Obispo ;I APPROVED: I mayor, C 1 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 2 (1955 SERi:m:S) ... RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS 0 ISP0 APPROVING A16ENDMENT NMABER 3 TO AGRMT;NT FOR &.IAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF $� jig p�gpp WHEREAS 9 the State of California, through its Department Department- of Public Works, Division of Highways,.has presented Amendment Number S to the Agreement for Maintenance of the State Highway in the City of San Lui8 Ob18p0 n dated dune 1. 1958; WHEREAS,, the City Council has heard read said Amendment Number $ in full and is familiar with the contents thereof, THEREFORE9 be it resolved by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that said Amendment Number S is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED this 18th day of July �, 19a AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards Kenneth W. Jones, Fr H. Lucksin r Kenneth. W. None / ABSENT: None ayor o the 1 t,y f an u� 8'�`�` Gp Attesto CityTlerk�!` the City of San Luis 0b%po I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo at a regular meeting thereof field July 18 (B) ierk of--the Uity of Sia ®igpp AMENDMENT NO, 3_ CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO DATE ;une A. 1988 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY entered into by and between the City of San Lois Obispo , hereinafter referred to as "the City ", and the Department of Public Works of the State of California, acting by and through the Division of Highways, hereinafter called "the Department". WITNESSETHO WHEREAS, an Agreement for maintenance of State highways, as provided for in Section 130 of the Streets & Highways Code, was executed by the City August 1 , 1950 and by the Department Augnst 24, 1950 ; and WHEREAS, said Agreement by its terms provides that it may be modified or amended at any time upon mutual consent of the parties; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto now desire that said Agreement be amended, NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood a-rid agreed that said agreement be and the same is hereby amended in accordance with the attached pages dated Tune 1. 19 55 and numbered 10. 11 8md 13 which attached pages shall be substituted for like numbered pages in said Agreement, and shall cancel and.supersede such like numbered pages, becoming a'par•t of said Agreement for all purposes. In all other respects, said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, r DATE - aune 1. 1955 AMENDMENT Noo . 8 This Amendment shall become eLie,,tive t.�is leer day olf sun®. 1958. Approval Recommendedo District Engineer Maintenance Engineer Approved as to form and procedures Attorney Department of Public Works City Attorney By C I `.[°Y OF SAN 1=8 OBI SPA By. Fred H. cksi ger MaTOID r J.H itzpatrick Ci u,y- Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GEORGE T. Mc:COY STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER $y- 21. ROUTE DESCRIPTION ROUTE LENGTH NO. MILES _ J i DESCRIPTION OF ROUTING 2 2.83 U.S. 101 Highway (Freeway) from south city limit at French Road to north city limit near Caesta Park, a distance of approximately 8.83 miles. 56 1.0E Santa Rosa, from walnut to and exit Highway, to near Old Mo; distance of 1008 miles. State Sign Route 1, Street at entrance from Q.S. 101 north city limit ero Road, a approximately 147 1.71 South Broad Street from south city limit at Mutsuhito Avenue to Marsh Street, thence along Marsh Street to Higuera Street, at entrance to end exit from UOS. 101- Highway, a distance of approximately 1.71 miles. -i0- 0 22. DELEGATION OF MA:L..LENANCEo The maintenance .irk to be performed by City and /or Department shall conform to the provisions hereof and shall include those operations as hereinafter indicated.- Item No. MAINTENANCE:.FUNCTION (Traveled Way. ....... o.. 1 (Improved Roadside...... (Unimproved Roadside.... 2 Bridges and Culverts... (Guide Signs............ (Warning Signs.......... .(Regulatory Signs....... 3 (Traffic Stripe......... (Favement.Markings...... (Traffic Signals........ (Highway Lighting........ 4 Sweeping and Cleaning.. 5 .9(Landscaped Areas....... ( T ree s . . . . C . . . G . . C . G . . 010 6 Curbs and Sidewalks.... ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AGENCY TO'PERFORM WORK RTE. NO. RTE. NO. RTE. NO. 2 56 149 Deptj jig—pt ; Mroy Dept. Dept. City Dept. Dept. City Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept, Dept. Dept. Deptj Dept. Debt, Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. (1) Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. City Dept. Dept. Dept. De CL y City City RTB. NO. Dept (2) City (3) (4). City City City Encroachment........... Dept, Dept. City Transportation......... Dept. Dept. Cit y (1) Length of street to be cleaned 0.00 curb miles. (2 ) ae n er oa w ea n (3 ) ( 4) ve p When and, as specifically authorized by .they:.:. District Engineer as provided for under Section 13 hereof. -11- Y. ROUTE N0. LENGTH MILES $ 2.83 88 1,02 147 1.71 f� MAXIMUM EXPENDITURE PER MILE TOTAL EXPI11DI UMS 147 019898.83 N(me ion® 01,110,25 RI _1 (1955 SERIES) A RESOLUTION DECLARING A CERTAIN PORTION OF CHORRO STREET TO BE A NO PARKING ZONE. WHEREAS, under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.4 of Ordinance No. 122 (New Series) of the City of San Luis Obispo, entitled: "An Ordinance Regulating Traffic Upon and the Parld ng of Vehicles on.the Public Streets of the City of,San Luis Obispo" as amended, the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo is authorized.to establish by resolution my street or a portion of any street within the City of San Luis Obispo to be and constitute a NO PARKING ZONE; and WHEREAS, said City Council is desirous of establishing a certain portion of Chorro Street to be and constitute a NO PARKING ZONE; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that South side of Chorro Street from Monterey Street to Peach Street be and the same is hereby declared to be a NO PARKING ZONE, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed to suitably indicate these regulations as provided in section 4.4 of said ordinance. _ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo this alt h day of July , 1955, by the following vote: AYES :Nels Beck,LowellE. Christie, Warren G;..Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones NOES:: N on e ABSENT: Fred H.Lucksinger' A-I Mayor o tem ATTEST: