HomeMy WebLinkAbout500-599REvfd.tiilGl 1iQ. 599 —_ -(1959 Series) COUNCiL POLiG. FOR .SPECUAL eE'iT1T�t' IGS USID M PLACES MIER TAA.B TEE CITY HAVu =1EN PS, Section 2100.1 of the San Luis Qbispo Famic£pal Cody reguintirg the method of calli_eg special meetings has been in part cuperseded by the Broom Act; an d VIIER -01 S, in repealing Section 2100.1 it is the co =wncil's intention to lim4lt special rneti_ngs held at places other than the City, Hall to discussion and infor- oration sess9.onc only; OW, TRIERIEF0E, BE 1T RUOL`- ED by the coancii of the City* of San Luis Obispo as .foil(rws: 1. That upon the effective date of the repeal of Section 2100.1 of the San Luid Obispo 'Nunicipal Cody the council policy 3h.:11 be that any m^atie:gs held at places other then_ the City Hall shall be open to the public and shall be limited to racessary dist<assiat and information sessions and that no .,otes, decisions, or findings shall be node or taken except after full discLssi.o< rt a regular or special meeting subsequently held at the City Hall. 2. That the notice requirements of the Brown Act shall be complied with for .my such neati_ngs and that regular minutes shall be tucker. by the City Cork end shall bit cirailable for public inspection. PASSED AM— ADO'PTM this 25th day of October, 1959, by the follofr_ng rcli call vote: IVESS- Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters INOES: None AMEN : None ATE EST: CfE� Clerk Mayor 1-7 l e-. 11 1 i RESOT,i7TIO�I N0. 598 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A 40 MPH SPEED L-DaT ON SOiTiH STRY= BErvXEN BEEBEE AND BROAD STREPETS BE 1a RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That having heard and considered the engineering and traffic survey report, the Council hereby determines that the speed limit on South Street between Beebe-e Street and Broad Street shall be 40 miles per hour. 2. That appropriate signs shall be placed on said portion of South Street indicating oaid speed limitation. PASSED ithD ADOPTED this 26th day of October, 1959, by the following roll cell vote: AYES: K uneth 11. .Tones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald Shipsey, J. Barry Smith and Fred Waters. FUS: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ./ _ _. ice � � _ AJAX _IV r � RESOLDTIO,.%q N0. 597 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTM3 ESD..BLISHING A NO pAREM ZONE ON THE NORM SIDE 017 .REY STREET AT ITS IIdTE88ECT w wra SANTA ROSA STREET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That there shall be and is hereby established a no- parking zone on the north sidle of Monterey Street cOmmeacing at the intersection of Santa Rosa Street and running easterly a distance of 60 feet from the easterly edge of the first drivecmy ramp. 2. That the curb on said no.parking zone shall be painted red. PASSED tM ADOPTED this 26th day of October, 19592 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Hiller, Gerald Shipsey, J. Barry Smith and Fred Waters. HOES: None ABSENT: None mayor ATTEST: X17 RESOLUTION H0. 596 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LIENS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR SIDEMX REPAIRS UNDER THE. IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the Council has received and considered the report of the city engineer on repairs made to sidewalk areas hereinafter set forth. That the property owners were duly notified of the public hearing and that no objections were made'to said report. 2. 'Therefore, the Council hereby accepts and approves said report and assesses the cost of repair on the property adjacent to said repair and hereby makes said cost a.lien on said property. 3. Council hereby ordero said liens to be turned over to the city assessor and tax collector, who shall .collect .payment of said amounts from the property owners liable therefor, and in the event said amounts are not paid shall place the charges therefor on the City tax roll. follows: The property ouner,address, assessor's parcel number and cost are as (timer Clarence A. & Winnie Low Brown Otto H. Houser & Ethel Houser Benjamin' Be Hansen Ernest W. & Alice. R. Werbel Ernest We ,& Alice R. Werbel LeRoy A. & Edythe L. Phelan Earl X.. Bernard 4 Grace R. Be Bernard Harry H. & Tillie Lactermsn Fred M. & Juanita Waters Clementine !'Fazio Clementine M=io PASSED AIM ADOPTED this 26th day of October, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald Shipsey, J. Barry Smith and Fred Waters. DOES: A}{ Mayor ATTEST: S'9t_l Parcel Address Igo. Cost 562 Higuera St. 2- 427 -05 $ 78.28 524 Mitchell Dr. 4- 912 -27 13.50 56.8 Mitchell Dr. 4- 912 -33 74.00 225 N. Santa Rosa St.. 52- 331 -13 8.00 225.N.'..Santa Rosa Ste .. 52- 331 -14 109.00 1030 A Sonora 52- 332 -14 7.00 1336 Morro St. 2 -33 -02 5.00 728 Higuera St. 2- 424 -10 24.70 1264 Higuera St. 2- 331 -11 15.00 870 Monterey St. 2- 416 -19 55.46 870 Monterey St. 2- 331 -09 19.00 PASSED AIM ADOPTED this 26th day of October, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald Shipsey, J. Barry Smith and Fred Waters. DOES: A}{ Mayor ATTEST: S'9t_l � J R&,qM1PEFDs go.-. 595 (1959 Series) A RUISOLMO;N ADJUSTM Tm 2959 -63 BUDGE-1 Ds. it PRES£rUM by the Cmmcil of the City of 3m Luis Obispo ca folio-as- 1. That Pecomt No. 372 Water- Office Furniture smd Kquipmmt to increased by $1B3.50. 2. That Acco=g No. 799 T�ater- Ascellanaeaus General Eupemse be decreased by $123.50. PIaSS� �3'4'%i5 t'r.#s X26 ,,,,,day of October , 195930 by the foliowims roll call rote: IWES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Fred M. Waters tm Sg: None AD: J. Barry Smith .A.ST: S9�� RESOLUTION No. 594 (1954 Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 1959 -60 BUIIOETi BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lxiie Obispo as follows: 1. That Acccant Edo. 211.16 Eiedmmt Inspection Fees be increased by $350 and the Unbudgeted reserve be dacreesed by $350. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5 day of October 1959, by the following r611 call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters HOES: None ABSMU: None ATTEST Clerk s4/ / 1 RESOLUTI(RZ ?TO. 93 (1959 Series) MrSar,UTION ACCEPTING TRACT 148 (FERRJrvl RAMCIY HEIGKS) BE 119 FZSOl.BED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follo:,s: 1. That the off-site improvements of tract 148, Ferrini Ranch Estc,•tes, shall be and are hereby accepted subject to approva, % by the city engia. ^2r of the fo?loain; conditions: 1) That a block wall be constructed almgside t ?.,� restricted corner of the reservoir, 2) that one fire hydrant neat the reservoir be raised to proper grade, 33 that as -built plans, level notes and lot stai�irg be completed, 4) that granite screenings on the street be swept and 5) that asl parkways be graded in accordance vrith city ntandirds. FASSED im ADOPTED this 5th day of October, 1959, by, the following roll call vote: AYES: Xernetn,W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald Sbipsey, Dr. J. Barry Szaith, and Vred 14. Waters. FOES: None tME:M I'?oLe 4<, 2 pESO%UTIOId Pd0. 592 (1959 Series) A 9ESOL -4-rI1 ni ACCEPTING TRACT 120 (F:ItUNI IMIGu-j-S po. TH'i.) �E 1T RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the off -site improvements of tract 120 shall be and are hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of October, 1959, by the following roll call vote: h'isS: Kenneth 17. Jones, Donald Q. Killer, Gerald Shipsey; Dr. J. Barry Smith, and Fred Waters. NOES: None ABSENT: n one Mayor n't" tMT; '5-y,2) C . usGLi3's10,i Pdo. 591 (1959 Series) A tiESG t;T %O:3 ESTABL?a:IMIG P. LOLDIVIG ZONE AND t? FC- 1URYSIEG i o??v G2i THE GT`tJE G? C€:Oa,ItG STREET BETb7Em� DmRs'' ; a 2 � �+^;:a,^ D:. .._. F: :i7D 3.�C�L'�t JS.._rri -S EAST °' IT TRES'OLVED by the Council of the City of Sen Luis Obis ,o as ? } 1. That there sha11 be cad is hereby esteblisL•ed a r_o- par -kind cone on the east na?:i ?her1y GO feet Of the == side of Chorro Street between Marsh and tiigucra. 2. That there !;hall be and is hereby estcabisshed a loading zone on the east sale of C -orro Street between March and Higuera Streets tormenting with ?I 2 i ac's: �CCt7 UL• OE 14_rSh .n7trC @t �?nd running north to the no-park-Era zone `�::, U1ishcd in section 1 h_reof. PASSED AIM IUDOPM this 5th day of October, 1959, by the folloAng _o11 C._11 'TOta: AYES: Ron-zleth W. Jones, Donald Q. Hiller, Gerald. Shipsey, Dr. .i. Harry Smith, .rid Fret? Watem, FOES: 1--one ZIZv ' T: None Eyi "? ESM r - C .:y Clerk Mayor -0'v/ RESOLUTIORN 110. 590 (1959 Series) A RESOLU?'IO.d IN- CP"-SING TER, 1959 -60 BLTGET BE IT F_� OLiI by the Council of the City of Sun Lulls Cfltispo as follow-s- 1. That !Account Edo. 211.28 Bowan Inspection Fees be added in tste �Mo:.nt of $ 0.00 and that the Unbud8eted . Reserve be decreased 'J POSED .`ark 002TED this 5 day of October , 1959, by the folloviag roll call vote: ENS: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters ROES: None None ATTEST: �Cit uerk e� fl l � PXSOLUTION No. 589 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION I11CSEASING THE 1959 -60 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That $3,551.29 be tadd"ed to Account No. 210.6 Fire Capital Outlay and that the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $3,551.29.. PASSED AM, ADOPTED this 21 day of September, 1959, by the following roll call vote: :9ES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Wateis WOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: Z -yI RESO%O'non No, 588 (1959 Series) A RESOLF3'LIGH BSTABLISMING BOMANARD STOPS 09 CEAPLIN LP`B AND ALB$RT DICE WHERE THEY T'@x TERSECT WITH FR•iE ICKS. BE 'sT RESOLD BY the Council of the City of Son Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Fredericks Street Ys'•bereby declared to be a boulevard at its intersection with Chaplin Lane and at its intersection with Albert Drive. 2. That boulevard otop sips shali`be placed on Chaplin Lang: st its intersection with Fredericks Street and a boulevard stop sign shall be placed on Albert Drive at its 'intersection with Fredericks Street. PASSED AIW ADOPTED this 21st day of September, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Renneth W. Jones,'Donald Q. miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, D-A. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Maters DOES: Vane AMMM Mone ATTEST: sO d RESOL'DTION U01 587 (1959 Series) A USOLWINN ESTABLESEZG TURI33.i3G 1'0Chtii'1'S AT NWH JO1i'i SON P11D BSTABLISMG NO PARRI&G ZMS THERE0114 BE IT RESOLMM by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follwes: 1. That appropriate street markings shall be placed at the intersection of Harsh gad Johnson to establish'turning pockets and that the following no parking zones are hereby established: a. The northerly side of Marsh Straet...froa:'the westerly groperty line of Johnson to. b5 feet west. b. The southerly side of Marsh Street from the westerly property line of Johnson Avenue to 115 feet west. c. The northerly side of Marsh Street from the easterly property. line of Johnson Avenue to 100 feet east. d.'rhe southerly aide of marsh Street from the easterly property line of Johnson Avenue to bU feet east. eo The westerly side of Johnson Avenue from the northerly property line of Marsh Street to bQ feet north* 2. That said no parking zones shall be designated by appropriate painting and/or the erection of signs. PASSED M tMPTED.this 21st day of September, 19591, by the follotiing roll call vote: AWES: Yenneth id. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald Wo Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, lied M. Waters NOSS: Node ABS0T -None ATTEST: 517 RESO3,yJT► OR DSc. 586 (1959 Series) A RE- S©LfiRION ESUBLISHOG No PAR mG 2osrES 0P3 CH000 SYREET AHED FOOTHILL BOTLEVAR D. BE IT USCLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follcres: I* That no parking soaes are hereby established on the following portions of Chorro Street end Foothill Boulevard: .a. Both sides of Chorro Street from the south proaerty line of Foothill Boulevard to 110 feet south of the south property line of Rougect Place. b. The south side'of Foothill Soulezard from the east property line of Broad Street to the westerly property line of Chorro Street. c. The westerly side of Worth Chorro Street from the north property line of Foothill Boulevard to 100 feet northvesteriy. d. The north side of Foothill Boulevard from the easterly property lime of North Chorro Streettn 110 ft. east. 2. That said no parking cones shall be designated by appropriate painting and/or the erection of signs. PP.SSID ATE ABCFFED this 21st day of. September, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYE'S: Renr_eth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald If, Suipsey, Hr. J. Barry Smith, Fred DL Waters FOES. None ABSEIIUL :;?one ATTEST: sl�'4 v RESOLUTION 30, 585 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: I. That as of September 300 1959, $51,000.00 be transferred from the Off Street Parking Reserve to the General Reserve Account.in partial repayment of the $32,000.00 interest -free loan made in February, 1959 per Resolution No. 516. $7,000.00 was repaid per Resolution No. 536 in April, $5,000.00 was repaid per Resolution No. 555 in July, and after this transfer is made, the amount ('wring the General Reserve Account will be $159000.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21 day of September , 1959; by the following roll call vote: AYES: Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: Rensth W. Jones ATTEST: A- ac RESOLD ION No.584 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DOYibiMM BUSINESS AM AS TWO -HODS PARKING STREETS* BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. In accordance with Section 3200.7 of the San .Luis Obispo Municipal Code the following streets shall be and am hereby designated "TWO- HOUR PARKING STRUM',* a. Both sides of Pacific between broad and Osos. b. Both sides of Pdarsh between Hipomo and Toro. c. Both aides of Higuera between Carl and Toro. d. Both sides of Monterey between Chorro and Pepper. e. The South side of Monterey between Broad and Chorro.- f. Both sides of Palm between Chorro and Santa Rosa. g. The East side of Hipomo between Higuera and Houterey. h. Both sides of Broad between Pismo and Nonterey. i. Both sides of Garden between Pismo and Higuera. J. Both sides of Chorro between Pacific and Higuera. k. The East eide of Chorro between Higuera mad Palm. 1. Both sides of Morro between Pacific mad PsbA, m. Both sides of Court Street between Higuere and Monterey. n. Both sides of Osos between Pacific and Palm. o. Both sides of Santa Rosa between Harsh and Higuera. SECTION 2. That signs shall be erected on each block designating said parking restrictions. PASSED FIND AllOFI'8D this .day of Sepia 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABS=; None ATTEST: RESOLUTION XD. 582 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION CHANGUG TO MUTE PARE= ZMMS TO TWMVE HUM PARS Z008e BE IT RESOLVD by the Coancil of the City of Szn Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. That in accordance with Section 3200.13 of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code all existing tan minute panting zones in the City of San Luis Obispo shall be and are hereby declared to be twelve minute parking zones. PASSED ACID ADOPTED this . 8 day of September , 19592 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, GeraldW. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None AgS None ATTEST. MUM .. Y3 E ~ iLUTION goo, 582 (1959 Series) . A RESOUITION PR0$IBITIEG EARLY HDRMNG PARKM IN D03N ABTA. BE I ^s RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. in accordance with Section 3200,8 of the San Luis Obispo municipal Code the following streets shall be and are declared to be EARLY HO.W A pARMG LYMLTSD STRMS and no vehicle shall be parked on said street between the hours of 3:00 o'clocit A. M. and 5:00 o'clock A. M. of any day with Sundays excepted. 1. Both sides of Pacific between Broad and Osose 2: Both sides of Harsh between Nipomo and Toro. 3. Both sides of Higuera between Carmel and Toro. 4' Both sides of Monterey betiaeen Chorro and Pepper. 5. The South side of Monterey between Broad and Chorro- 6. Both sides of Palm between Chorro and Santa Rosa. 7. The East side of Hipomo between Higuera and Monterey. 8. Both sides of Broad between Pismo and Honterey. 9. Both sides of Garden between Pismo and Higaera. 10. Both sides of Chorro between Pacific and Hignera, 11. The East side of Chorro between Higuera and Palm. 12. Both sides of Morro between Pacific and Palm. 13. Both sides of Court between Higuera end Monterey. 14, Both sides of Osos between Pacific and Palm. 156 Both aides of Santa Rosa between Marsh and Higuera. SECTION 2. That signs.shall be erected on said block to indicate the parking restrictions. PASSED AND this' -�day of September 1959, by the following roll call vote: AyRS Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey,,J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABBE =: None ATTEST: 0 • J, RESOLUTION NO. 581 '(1959 Series) A 13noL rnw A.CCEP'Pm TP,AcT loo. 133 CO_.a".RGS FiIG3�4.e3?�S BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That College RiBhlands bract Yo. 133 including the off - site improvements c;hal.3 be and is hereby accepted. 'PASSED AM ADOPTED -this 8 day of September , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth No Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Sh psey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Waters WOES: bone ArSSPR.: Hone ✓ Mayor b'�TESi 115-5r/ i RESOLUT10H IBO. M (1959 Series) A RESOLM1015 ACcg"ING pEM MAp OF TRACT NO. 179 BOWEN SUBDIVISION BE rr FXSOLVED by the Council of the City of Stan Luis Obispo as follmts: 1. That the final map of tract Ldo. 179, Amen Subditrision shall be and is hereby accepted. 2. Said map t:hall be recorded by the City Clerk upon co plicrce with the Municipal Coda in regard to deposit of necessary fees, cub- division agrement, subdivision bonds, and construction plcr_s, etc. PASSED &TD ADOPTED this 8th day of September, .1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Fe2neth 11, Jones, Donald Q, Miller, Gerald v, #. Shipsey, Ur. J. 'wary Smith, Fred M. Waters, NOBS: 'Hone ABSWT - Wore dayor ATTEM: ,k0 RESOLUTION NO. 579' (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 1959 -60 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That a new Account be added No. 211.27 Salloch Inspection Fees in the amount of $12182.93. 2. That the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $1,182.930 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September , 19593, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Gerald W. Shipsey, Donald Q. Miller, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: J. Barry Smith ATTEST: 7'7 RESoLvrjOW wo. 578 (1959 Series) A RES07LUT1611 OF MEMON Ta GRANT FRANCHISE TO TNION OIL McANY OF C.9LIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as foilmis: SECTITS 1. Pursuant to Section 1.301 of "the San Luis Obispo City Ch.rter notice is hereby given of the intention to grant to tha Union Oil Company of Call - fornia, a franchise for a period of twenty -five (25) years to operate pipelines, telephone- telegraph end poster lines within the City of San Luis Obispo -as set forth in thr•. attached or&Lnarice marked "fthibit V:t4hieW;in hereby made a part of this resolution. SECTION 2. TILt Septeaber 8, 1959 at 8:00 Pia at the City council Cho sexs, 990 Palm Street'.. San Luis Obispo,':California, is the and place fi:.ed far a public tearing being not less than20.days nor more than 50 days .after the passagz of this resolution. SECTION 3. ibe City Clerk shall..p+hblish this resolution at Ieast; once within fifteen (15) days .of the passage hereof In the Telegram -Triba ne, a, aeas- paper published and circulated is said City.:. PASM'AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1959, by the follcri ng roil call vote: AYES: Reaaeth W. 3or:es, Gerald 6.Shipsey, Donald Q. Miller, J. Barry Smitba, ?red M. maters NOES: gone ABSENT: gone ATTEST: �7� RESOLUTION NO. 577 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION HIRING THE FIRM OF HAHN, WISE AND BARBER TO PREPARE MASTER PLAN STUDIES FOR THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the firm of Hahn, Wise and Barber.be retained by the City of San Luis Obispo to prepare surveys and studies necessary to the development of a General Master Plan for the City of San Luis Obispo and the immediate surround- ing territory in accordance with proposal of said Hahn, Wise and Barber, dated July 23, 1959. Finished contract to be approved by the City Attorney. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17th day of August, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: None 0 ATTEST: 577 RESOD go, S (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION IRCREASING TEE 1959 -60 BUD= BE IT RESOLVED BY the COU0*11 of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Account Ho0 2O0,13 Miscellaneous Eapenditures be increased by $677.720 20 That Account Too 203.6 City Clerk-Assessor Capital Outlay be increased by $205.820 30 That the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $883054, 40 That Account Tao, 222 Water Vouchers Payable be increased by $52476,680 50 That Account 1:c, 343 Water Transmission and Distribution Mains be decreased by $5,4769680 PASSED AM ADOPTED this 17 day of August 19590 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Gerald W. Shipsey, Donald Q. Miller, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters I4OBBS :. None ABSENT: None ►yy S 7/ RESOLUTION No, 575 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZILG EXECUTION OF SASffi+ffiiT WITH /jS��,,�Oa/U��*:�RE�SN�,/^�PACIi7IC RAILROAD CO, FQR 12° WATER LINE AT ORCUfT ROAD, . BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of tbal City of Son Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the Mayor shall be and is hereby authorized to execute on behalf. of the City, that certain indenture dated the 28th day of July, 1959, by and bets. -een the SODTHESQi PACIFIC COWAN and the CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO granting to the City an easement to construct and maintain a 1204 water line under the railroad tracks at Orcutt Road, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of August , 1959, by the foll(ruing roll call vote: ,TES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters ?DOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: LAW .� ��✓ S9.17, THIS INDIENTURE, made this - day of , 1959, by and between SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a corporation of..the State of Delaware, herein termed "Railroad"; and CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, a municipal.corporation of the.State of California, herein termed }' Grantee" ; WITNESSETH : 11 Railroad hereby grants to Grantee, subject to the reserva- tions,. covenants and conditions herein contained, the right to con- struct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a twelve (12)inch water pipe line within a twenty -two (22) inch casing, hereinafter termed "structure", beneath the tracks and property of Railroad at or near San Luis Obispo, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of Call- ' crossing the center line of said tracks at Engineer Station. F 9006- +!5 in the location indicated in red on the print of Railroad's Coast Division Drawing LDE -253, Sheet No. 2$, revised ,= 1s}y9, attached and made a part hereof. Jul Y t c, r 959 Said structure shall be constructed and maintained in accor- dance with the specifications indicated on the print of C.S. Drawing 1741, also attached and made a part hereof. As a part consideration for the grant herein given, Grantee .shall pay to Railroad the sum of $Sb.00. x� -l- 4/1/59 F C r 20 This grant is made subject and subordinate to the prior and con- tinuing right and obligation of Railroad, its successors and assigns, to use all the property described herein in the performance of its duty as a common carrier, and, for that purpose, there is reserved unto Railroad, its successors and assigns, the right (consistent with the rights herein grant- ed) to construct,,reconstruct, maintain and-use existing and future rail- road tracks, facilities and appurtenances and existing and future trans- portation, communication and pipe line facilities and appurtenances in, upon, over, under, across and along said property. 3. This grant is made subject to all licenses,'leases,' easements, restrictions, conditions, covenants, encumbrances,,liens and claims of title which may affect said property and the word GRANT as used herein shall not be construed as a covenant against the existence of any thereof. 4• The rights herein granted to Grantee shall lapse and become void if the construction of said structure upon said property is not commenced within one (1) year from the date first herein written. 5.. Grantee shall bear the entire cost and expense of constructing, reconstructing and maintaining said structure upon said property. Grantee agrees that all work upon.or in connection with said structure shall be. done at such times and in such manner as not to interfere in any way what- soever with the operations of Railroad. The plans for and the construction of said structure shall be subject to the approval of Railroad; Grantee agrees to reimburse Railroad for the cost and expense to Railroad of furnishing any materials or performing any labor in-connection with the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and removal of said struc- ture, including, but not limited to, the installation and removal of such falsework and other protection beneath or along Railroad's tracks, and the furnishing of such watchmen, flagmen and inspectors as Railroad deems necessary. In the event Railroad shall at any time so require, Grantee, at Grantee's expense, shall reconstruct or alter said structure- or-,make changes in the location thereof upon receipt of written notice from Railroad so to do. 6. Grantee agrees to reimburse Railroad for any and all assessments which may be levied by order of any authorized, lawful body against the pro- perty of Railroad (and which may have been paid by Railroad) to defray any part of the cost or expense incurred in connection with the construction of said structure upon said property commenced within one (1) year from the date first herein written. 7. Grantee, its agents and employees, shall have the privilege of entry on said property for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and making necessary repairs to said structure. Grantee agrees to keep said property in a good and safe condition free from waste, so far as affected by Grantee's operations, to the satisfaction of Railroad. If Grantee fails to keep said property in a good and safe condition free from waste, then Railroad may perform the necessary work at the expense of Grantee, which expense Grantee agrees to.pay to Railroad upon demand. 8. In the event any work upon or in connection with said structure or its appurtenances, to be done upon or adjacent to the tracks and pro- perty of Railroad, should be let to a contractor by Grantee, such work shall not be begun until such contractor shall have first entered into an agree- ment with the railroad company which operates on said property, satis- factory to said company and indemnifying Railroad from and against all claims, liability, cost and expense growing out of the performance of the work to be done by such contractor. . Such contractor shall furnish, at the option of and without ex- pense to Railroad, a reliable surety bond, in an amount and in a form satisfactory to said company, guaranteeing the faithful performance of _2 _ (1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. City and County of San Francisco ) Nine On th , f is ONE o -- September in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty a Notary in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, Personally appeared before ins; NORMAN T..STONE (65 Market St.) J. If. Corbett and T. F. Rvan known to me to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary also kizbWy� of the: corporation descr*bgd in that +ited f o L" therein named to me to be the person and __ ��kiiowledged to me that such corporation executed. the same. IN WITLESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my t affixed my f'sf cer seal at my `office in the City and County `f San Francisco, ^ tifieate first above written. , 1 Corporation Notary Public in and for the Cit* ana UOuncy v. -- My Commission Expires October 25, 1960. 7/28/58 - F C = all the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said agreement, and a certified copy of a policy of Public Liability and Property Damage Insur- ance,.within limits specified by, and in a form satisfactory to, said Com- pany, covering the contractual liability assumed by contractor in said agreement to be entered into with said Company by such contractor, 9. Grantee shall assume all risk of damage to sa_id,structure and ap- purtenances, and to any other property of Grantee, or any property under the control or custody of Grantee, while upon or near the property of Rail- road, caused by or contributed to in any way by the construction, operation, maintenance or. presence of Railroad's line of.railroad at the above- mentioned location. Grantee agrees to indemnify and save harmless Railroad, its offi- cers, employees, agents; successors and assigns. from all claims., liability, cost and expense, howsoever same -may be caused, including reasonable at- torney's fees, for loss of or damage to property and for injuries to or deaths of persons arising out of the construction., reconstruction, mainte- Nance, presence or use of said structure, regardless of any negligence or alleged negligence on the part of Railroad employees, 10. Should Grantee, its successors or assigns, at any time abandon i the use of said property or any part thereof, or fail at any time to use the same for the purpose contemplated herein for a continuous period of one (1) year, the right hereby given shall cease to the extent of the use so abandoned or discontinued, and Railroad shall at once have the right, in addition to but not in qualification of the.rights hereinabove reserved, to resume exclusive possession of said.property, or the part thereof the use of which is so discontinued or abandoned. Upon termination of the rights and privileges hereby granted, Grantee, at its own cost and expense, agrees to remove said structure from said property and restore said property as nearly as practicable to the same state and condition in which it existed prior to the construction of said structure. Should Grantee in such event fail,. neglect or refuse to remove said structure and restore said property, such removal and restora- tion may be performed by Railroad at the expense of Grantee, which expense Grantee agrees to pay to Railroad upon demand, 11. This indentu_re shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon .the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, - .ine parties hereto have caused these presents _to b,e executed as. of the day and year first herein written, (In duplicate.) Value oVinterest_ ..._ _.. conveyed herein doe-. not.-exceed $100. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, By- Tit Vi� ident Attest: _ Assistant Secretary - 3 - Form Approved.._,.; .n. , ';,T(;" Contract Attorney Approved as to Corporate Owner: Valuation Officer Approved: Chief Engineer Description Correct: Division Engineer Recommended: S`uperintdndent Form of Execution Approved: Contract Attorney r � • 0 . k\ 0 e) 3 170 9 I � I ® ■ NNI 0 o fp rn li ul . m -F� Nit m 70D .0 LP e) 3 170 9 I � I ® ■ 0 o fp e) 3 170 9 I � I ® ■ I Y. L-A C O J' � i l Qe C S^• �� � ^ ,\, 0.� n O � a� y C 0 P ^ C `� a � F!y i ' O y, :'.�b o i. C6 ;o AOO `1�0 aino�tiv otpnoo '°^i� ^o ^n° y ooV�oan �nl. C4. on���o� ��NY�c ,aNN1 ca>�� R C) cb o °nc 4• ^ �a o8i� yN�o0\im^ o \kna,>Q2 >oo 2p qj oz �O ^y,L RN��,ru;0.O \1'. ,�`o nM �•:,�m,p ��•p1�i0 2� O ,.' Nay �N Qo ^� \NNNRt1b,Ra .C>itnC�al MO a2 I C 0 1-41 0 ��i� >�i�a�i��y���COj� �a( ^a 2 y�o �(4� ttia • �^jbj° ,'�Ca?i�pti,•j�•ti�g. . C�b `\ cn� � Z�t tiO q , ti ° c�• aci wtiQ o ^° tiaii� c�o ooyQa ao �Z ti � ti c� B e e l �� R >. 1 ^o31 �. o �a ney o .a °nn ^ to I 3= 0'!/in. ^� 4 �a °ate b ^� L`°ib�' n cD ' y i j � Roadbed= to ti �c 0b N".� o�yoyNg ,ice ^M`�o °�Cyo4�n� A ao Sao a u\ti aVo �v.Rmi �n� a :w 41 oC4f >� �, " , �Qn�yn�a�iL ,�3 >� ^oitiojoDi�°jp�'y q sZ.z Sk Rnti>c >.^l�rtnln'�^.Q�1 ^C R�• O'1�OCA ' O.y`tiQ,p� ^Q�. R ^C Qtl �� `or NRio o� n 0 >�CN 40 ^0 ` \a ain>�aay CN aui�R ra cb cp nceQ `,• % 0,Rk jkpy \ r i� r> i �iag� yorird cl°,C, I*n��� aoy��a �ob ^� °, n (14b rLO % NI 3=0 fling 0 ^004° �a do n,QV �ic>�`�. ^u rb a0 ^o a ^ o of ^ Qj� 'j.� /� a a oyR�CC �.> nn,o \o ��' qua � C J> l kti C >��.\ C `� ti nom',• \� ��� ,t4 (I off. o� i�.A��� b(. io Ct "^ ba ti•R Cc, ^ 0 cs o p r O o 0c K m oz o 0 03 2 -4 () Cn m M m O o fn N yn a -i C n D Z - A o A D n vi ID a Lq o,C..O p H V � y co�W vjO � i (njth J H I > �ac C�01 �O1bA•A•A s .� 0 n ii tb b ��N �) �a y A p H N\ > �O1bA•A•A .� o�R Cb � 2 n Off~ Zrn� ti a� A 'J RESOLUTION NO. 574 Series) A BESOLUnon INCRWING THE 1959.60 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San'Luis Obispo as Follows: 1, That a new account No. 221 Richard District Revolving Account be added to the General P=d budget in the amount of $5,000.00 and that the unhudgeted reserve be decreased by $58000.00. PASSED MID ADOPTED 'this 3 y of 1959, by the folio -ping roil call cote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: RESOLUTION EEO. 573 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION CRWING A RUMVING FMID FOR THE RICHARD STREET' ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as folloae: 1. The City of San Luis Obispo Richard Street revolving account is hereby created within the General Fund and shall be.referred to in'the accounting books of the City as "Richard District Revolving Acco=t," 'rIO. 221. 2. The moneys in said revolving account shall be expended for the costs of acquisition, construction and improvements and costs incidental there- to frcm time to time as said funds are needed therefor. 30 All funds expended from said revolving account Shall be reimbursed in full from the proceeds of said special asdessments and assessment bonds. 4. A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the City Treasurer, PASSED Alm ADOPTED this _.L day of August , 1959, by the following roll call vote: Ayng Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters pOES: None ABSE15T: None ATTEST: 6 ,;gi r72 _ (r r r RESOLUTION EEO. 573 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION CRWING A RUMVING FMID FOR THE RICHARD STREET' ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as folloae: 1. The City of San Luis Obispo Richard Street revolving account is hereby created within the General Fund and shall be.referred to in'the accounting books of the City as "Richard District Revolving Acco=t," 'rIO. 221. 2. The moneys in said revolving account shall be expended for the costs of acquisition, construction and improvements and costs incidental there- to frcm time to time as said funds are needed therefor. 30 All funds expended from said revolving account Shall be reimbursed in full from the proceeds of said special asdessments and assessment bonds. 4. A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the City Treasurer, PASSED Alm ADOPTED this _.L day of August , 1959, by the following roll call vote: Ayng Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters pOES: None ABSE15T: None ATTEST: 6 ,;gi r72 RESOLUTION No. 572 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FINAL MAP Q TEAM No, 135 BE IT RESOLM by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the final map of Tract No. 135 shall be and is hereby accepted subject to compliance with the requirements of the San Leis Obispo Municipal Code and approval of the final construction glens and specifications by the City Engineer. PASSER JA1QD ADOPTED this 2 0th day of July , 19590 by the follotaing roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q, Miller, Gerald V. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters i6QES: Atone ABSEiB^a : None ATTEST: ty Clerk A 7 ?. i .-..... y RESOLUTION no. - 571 (1959 Series) A RESOLUi'IOR OF INTMMOR TO GRWT FRMCHISE TO MX014 OIL CM"Pc AAY OF CALIFOmi. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant_ to Section 1301 of the San Luis Obispo City. Charter notice is hereby given of the intention to grant to the Union Oil Company of California, a franchise for a period of'five _(5) years to operate pipelines, telephone- telegraph and pmier lines within the city of San Luis Obispo as set - forth in the attached ordinance marked "Exhibit A" which is hereby made a pert of this resolution. SECTION 2. That August 17 1959 3t 8:00 P. H- at the City Council Chsmbers, 990 balm Street; San Luis Obispo, California, is the time and place fused for a public hearing being not less than 20 days nag more then 60 days after the Passage of this resolution. SECrION4 3o The City Clerk shall publish this resolution at least once within fifteen ,(15) days.o£ tke passage hereof in the Telegram- Tribame, a uowapaper published and circulated in said City. PASSED AM ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 1959, by the follodmg _•oll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith,, Fred M. Waters 11-ORS= None None ATTEST: �--� ( � i RESOLUTION NO, 570 X1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISEiMG STOP SIMS ON SW MD STREET AT REfd'Pt U STREET AST W BEACH STREET AT PACIFIC STREET, BE IS RESOL'ZD by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follow 3: SEMI CH 1. That Kentucky Street is hereby declared to be a boulevard at its intersection with Stafford Street and that stop signs shall be erected on Stafford Street stopping tidific in both directions at its intersection With K4=ucby . Street, SECTION 2. That Pacific Street is hereby- declared to be a boulevard at its intereection x4th Beach Street and stop signs shall be erected on Beach Street stopping traffic in both directions at its intersection with Pacific Street and that the existing stop signs on Pacific Street at its intersection with Beach Street shall be removed, PASSED AMD ADOPTEtF,this 20th day. of Ju1y 1959, by.the' following roll call vote:' AYES: Kenneth W, Jones, Donald Q, hiller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr, J. Barry Smith, Fred Mo haters, DOES: None ABSENT: None ASST: q- 70 RESOLITTIOB No, 569 (1959 Series) A rZSOLUTIOH SEEC M EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF CODRiY G(iMMENT COSTS =•ATED TO SPECIAL MMS OF =INCORPORATED URBAR AREAS. WHEREAS, the problems stemming from urban growth and development in the unincorporated areas of the County of $ea Luis Obispo have brought about demands for increased county government expenditures; and WHEBEAS, the Sheriff's office is requesting an increase of $73,375.009'a substantial portion of which is apparently for policing and law enforcement within urban -type unincorporated areas of ttA county; and WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the Sheriff °e office is law enforcement as distinguished from policing and'regulerly assigned motorized patrol beats; and WH3REAS, these issues raise the question of equitable distribution of these costs to the extent that it appears that taxpayers of the incorporated cities of San Luis Obispo County, as well's- ,4 those of �h¢ truly rural areas are being called upon to pay more than their fair $hare of this burden for law enforcement that benefits mostly the unincorporated urban areas;''.aad so long as these services continue to be provided by the Board, of Supervisors, there will be no incentive for these urban -type areas to undertake to fi*nce their own special needs; and WE MEAS, many statewide'tassocietions studying these issues as well as the 1958 San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury have urged either incorporation or the formation of special districts as'the most effective and equitable means of servicing these special needs of urbanized`uaineorporaCed` areas; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES(?.TW by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo: (1) That the San Luis*Qbispo County Board of Supervisors before adopting in final form this 1959 -0 budget be urged to seriously weigh the equity and fairness of using general county tax finds for servicing these special needs of unincorporated `urban areas; and (2) That said Board of Supervisors also explore the possibility of special district formation for meeting these special needs in those districts u&os3a solution appears not to its in incorporation or annexation. PASSED A19D ADOPTED this 6 day of July 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Gerald W. Shipsey, Donald Q. Miller, Fred M. Waters DOES: J. Barry Smith ABSENT: None ATTEST: Cit lerk C RESOLrION No. 568 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON VIARSH STREET ADJACENT TO POST OFFICE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the,City of San Luis Obispo as follows: L That the passenger loading zone in front of the U. S. Post Office on Harsh Street shall be extended approximately five feet westerly. 2. That the parking metered space east of the driveway ramp, east of McMahan ®s Furniture Store shall be eliminated. That an eight foot no parking zone is hereby established easterly of the east edge of said driveway ramp. 3. That the adjacent parking meter space easterly from said no parking zone shall be changed to a twelve minute parking meter zone., 4. That the next two parking meter spaces lying easterly of said no parking zone shall be moved approximately four feet to the west. PASSED AbID ADOPTED this 6th day of...Luly �, 19592 by the following roll tail vote; AYES: Renneth Wo Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald H. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Mayor Fred M. Maters NOES: Bone ABSEF:'T: None ATTEST: ;r Mayor '5� 9 RESOLUTION N0. S67 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE ALLEY CONNECTING SANTA ROSA AND OSOS STREETS ADJACENT TO PALM STREET AS A SO PARKING ZONE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the public alley connecting Santa Rosa and Osos Streets between Palm and Mill Streets shall be and is hereby declared to be a no parking zone. The no parking restrictions apply to both sides of said alley. 2. That said alley shall be posted in accordance with this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Mayor Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSW:P None Mayor ATTEST: 5'/ 7 RESOLUTION 566 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A TEN MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON HIGUERA STREET. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That there shall be and is hereby established a ten minute parking zone on the East side of Higuera Street for a distance of one car space Southerly from the two existing ten minute parking zones just South of the intersection with Marsh Street. 2. That said zone shall be painted and/or signed to shod said parking restrictions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th ,day of July , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Mayor Fred H. Waters ROES: None ABSENT: None Mayor ATTEST: 15-6V 1_ ✓ RESOLUUGH no. 565 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRIHG FMgDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That as of June 30, 1959, $5,000.00 be transferred from the Off Street Parking Reserve to the General. Reserve Account in partial repayment of the $32,000.00 interest -free loan made in February per Resolution Pao. 516. $7,000.00 Was repaid per Resolution So. 536 in April,, and the amount now oawing the General Reserve Account is $20,000600. PASSED AM ADOPTED this 6 day of July 19590 by the following roll call vote: Ayg,S. Kenneth W. Jones, GemId W. Shipsey, Donald Q. Miller, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: None ATUST: i r RESOLUTION No. 564 (1959 Swiss) A RESOLU cu IIamsING THE 1958 -59 BUIOETo BE IT RESOLVED by:the.Cau=il of the City of San iui3 Ctxisgo as folloWSn 1. That the followiM accounts be increased: 208.1 Police Salaries by $2.,73048o 210. x. Fire Salaries by $944120 1 213. Sew Salaries by $113002. 21161 Street Salaries. by 84194,25o 219 R.etirelwnt (General) by $2077-94 Totals- $6,82741 2. That the foUcraing acco mU be decreased: Unbudgeted Reserve by $2,231.350 y 2000.9 Insurance & Bond Premiums b7 $1,851oO70 200.3 Council. Conference e�nae -by $iSUo00o 200.12 civril D fensri by 8239.31. 200.22 Personnel Testing Service by $F'900.460 21006 Fire Capital Ontlayt bar $5350240 � 213.2 Sever Contractual Swai.css by $498.266 2134 Sewer Kate-ri.als and Supplies by $4ZL.720 Total:® $6,827.41 PAS "N AND ADOPTED tbis,.'- 6 of July 19592 by the following roll call vote: AMS: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None A.BSEN3': None ATTESTS �i0 _���, 5G z ait1L,}IIt.,: I!c).�55�19r,I S es) :z :,�GlUT1,;s; r:c �I311- J T11, 195 »5q I3Un )G.,T* by the Co=il of the City of San Buis Olbiss)o as follcn-s: 1. Mat Aecoimt T9o. 217.2 Mectrieal contra c'tun'l Services be increased by :'l, 812,35, 2. Tili,t the ?nbudgetod Reserve he decrea ad by ^x.,812.35. 3. That Account- Ito. 70L ?'ater Ford ase be increased by ::3, 237.06. !�. That Accour_t No. 21(Y' Vater Bond gedcr#)Ugn be decreased by $3.1237-06. : 'A;',SI :D AND ATX)1M5; tI-ds15 &y of June , 1959 by Via fol? o'Ar ; roll call ti*ate: :gFv: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith., Fred M. Waters ,rte: None ABST:: ;T: None .-Any of ATTZ T; RESOLUTION NO9 562_(1959 Sories) A RESOLLMON EST&BLISHING CLASSIFICATIONS, SETTIM SALARY RANGES nEREFORV ASST YMM CITY EIIPI,OX M TO CLASSIFIZATIONS AND SALARY RAm TIIF..Uov SPLCIFYING IIISTHODS OF ADVAbiM4ENT AND REPFAIdG ALL PREVIOUS SALARY RESOLUTIONS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Conscli of the City of San Luis Obispo as follmrs: That aU pre ous salary resolntions are hereby repealed ani.the follow I ssctions wasted to supersede all preWUUB prodSims: Section l* Sala Rm4w * The follosing salary rams are adopted and applied to the several clasees of positions as i'ndlcated in Section 2 hereof: Salary Normal First Pull Above Avg* Outstanding Range Hiring Incentive Queli.floa- Performance Perfmvwnce Nu-ber Rate Haste Lion Rate Rats Rate 15 $ 250 month 16 265 17 280 18 295 19 312 20 330 21 8 22 3 23 390 24 412 330 350 26 460 27 488 25 515 29 545 30 608 M2 44335 32 645 33 435 3b 720 35 760 8 312 30 368 390 412 45 488 215 8 680 M Section 20 Titles and Rangese The classes of positions 84611 each have the salary range shoran opposite the title in this sections Title Director of PUb3le Works Polito Chiet Vim Chief eater superintendent Su-pt:. of Parks and Recreation Plate Director Supemising Design Engineer City Libr=ian (34) $ 280 295 280 295 312 295 312 336 33.2 330 350 330 350 368 350 366 390 ' 39900 M2 44335 4 488 435 4650 (29) 545 575 488 515. 545 515 545 55l7►55 � 57a (29) 645 608 645 680 (28) 515 760 575 7220 645 7760 � 850. 8 312 30 368 390 412 45 488 215 8 680 M Section 20 Titles and Rangese The classes of positions 84611 each have the salary range shoran opposite the title in this sections Title Director of PUb3le Works Polito Chiet Vim Chief eater superintendent Su-pt:. of Parks and Recreation Plate Director Supemising Design Engineer City Libr=ian (34) 720 760 805 850 900 (33) 680 720 760 805 850 131L 608 645 680 720 760 (29) 545 575 608 .645 680 (29) (29) (28) 515 545 575 bob 645 Ti, tl e Bonding Inspector (27) 488 515 545 575 608 Asst, Street Superintendent (27) 488 Civil Engineering Associate (27) 390 Police Captain (27) 460 Battalion Chief (27) Police Lieutenant (26) 460 488 515 545 575 Fire riarshal (26) Accountant (26) Later Foreman (25) 435 460 488 515 545 Fire Captain (25) Police Sergeant (24) 412 h35 460 488 515 Chief Disposal Plant Operator (24) Civil Eineering Assistant (24) Admin. Assto to Director of (24) Public Works Asst. Building Inspector Po.Uce Officer Fireman Chief Filtration Plant Oper. Hachanic Fie-11 d Auditor- ApTraiser Principal Engineering Aide Equipment Operator- Foreman Senior Librarian Parking meter Repairman Serdor Engineering Aido Chief Clerk Junior Librarian ihsposal Plant Operator Filtration Plant Operator Watei° Meter Reader-Repairman Laborer- Equipment Operator Legal &'Admin. Secretary Groundskeeper Secretary Account Clerk... Janitor Laborer Stenographer moist Clerk (23) 390 412 435 460 488 (22) 368 390 412 435 460 ( 22) r22) (22) (22) (22) (22) (21) 350 -368 39P 412 435 (20) 330 350 368 390 412 ( ?0) (19) 312 330 350 368 350 (19) (1.9) (19) (19) (19) (18) 295 312 330 350 368 (18) (17) 280 295 312 330 350 (17) (17) (17) (16) 265 280 295 312 .339 (15) 250 265 280 295 312 Section 30 Rules a° Lt!e Progression. (a) The following rules shill.govern step increases for all employees hired hereafter and for employees: ;listed under section 3 (b) below: 1. The first step,is the minimm► rate and shall normally be the.hiring rate for the class. In cases',where it is difficult to secure qualified personnel., or if a person cf unusual qualifications is hired., the City Council may authorize the Administrative'Officer to hire at the second .or third step. If a'pemon is hired at the seeond'or third step,, he shalt receive the next.step• when he has filled the time requirement for such advanced step as outlined below and is so approved by the denarbnent head., Administrative Officer and Council for advancement. Tz_ s:czcrL utep 5.s an incentive adSustment to s courage an a..pl3 ua� to �np=.79 Pais ti o t?a apployess may be advanced to the senor& € t. cp 1r_,g 4 s cc�;rlsti on o: six months satisfactary sal �3a, npar: 9' ixy t :,ir depa tuent hoad and the Acsdnistmtive Off ice,,? and appra7al by the City C(ranz- .1. 3. 3 turd step represwnts the middle value, of the salary a8nge and is tho rags at tlich a fully qualified; eQperlenced and ordinarily conscieIrt -Low .anitpl ayee may aspect to be paid after a reas'ona ale period, of satisfac'tary se�ca. An employee m y be advanosd to the third stop after completion of six months service at the s©cond stop provided the. advancement is mom merdsd by the, department lead and the it strat :We Officer and approved by the Cound.10 4. Tha fourth stop is to be avardcd aa%V in case of works abich is Drell above average for the classo An employrae_ may be advanced to the fouwtb step after completion of acne ya r.of service at the third stop proeCZed th3 advanament is recaimnded by the ant bead and the AdmirAstre �v: QMcer and approved by the Caancll. g, The fix" th step is intenc3od as a reve d to outstanding pMf=MaMC. An amployec may be ad�tar ed to the fif th step after c®ap1®tion of two year °s sarvi.ce at the fouath aateg provided the advancement is recowndcd b7 the dzpartmant head and justifiad by a letter of racotmnendatLon and approved by the AdmintffWat1.ve 0=00r and CMW Coun0116 ('b) Tho following namad on, ployess bared on or prior to the effective date of this reso2nUon shall be governed by the rules above for step advancaaant: prarpossa s Step in Ramp Erfective data Timm Class as of July 1, 1%2 last step increase Joseph ttartin Filtration Plant Operator 4 4 -1 -55 12 Margle Jordan exist Clerk 4 4 -1 -57 4 -1 -58 David Mansky Field Audi.toar -Appraiser . fib. 4 -1 -58 Jos Lewis ' LaborerFquipment Opwator 4 - 6-1 -58 Leo Studle . Arthur Madonna Laborer... a pment Opentor 4 : 4 7 -1-58 8 -1 -58 Patricia J. Clark City Librarian 4 8'148 Wi.l]im L. Sperlo Police Officer 4 8 -1 -58 Barry Blumiw=t F5 Leeman 8-1 -58 3'ket!Olfy'n Dixon Fireman . ;4 Burton Walter Asst. Building Inspector 4 4 9 -1 -58 9 -1-58 Vernon skinner Laborer-Equipment Ope tom 4 10 -1-58 :iayme Vogt Account. Clark 4 2 -1 -59 Keith Fraser thank Pwry Planning Director UquIpwvt,0psratW FOrMan 4 3-1 -59 Ronald Millor Police Off law ar Officer, 4 4 4 -1 -59 5 -1-59 Graabr Prescott Police 4 5 -1 -59 Donald Martin Police OfPlaer 4 5 -1 -59 Scott i%CCaskey Police officer 4 5-1 -59 Arthur Blackwell Parking Mete Repairman Jack Wainse"t Battalion Chief .4 6-1 --5599 Tarry Dittman Police officer .4 . 7 - 1 -59 Silipigo . IMMence . Donald Sw dridge Laborer Disposal- IlanC Operator 4 7{ -1 -59] Patrick J. Bempssy Ti .3 8F -1 °58 (1) For those baving an aradversary..dats.- on - t4% fiivt of the iiai2tho the increava shall be effective that datias .(2).Fm those having an anniversary date on the second of the month ..W. latery the increase shall. be effective the nrst of - the follwAng month. Section St!E!Lj%.RatG6 and Method of Progression for EmP19M Hired 2maga ng aced UFM-S-1 VU is by council Towing named emplayew hal grqp: Prior to AkdovU;n of 'aCIN07r.' T& 3 at we mq- TER"emaTed and will be considered by the department head., Administrative Officer and Council for the neat step. on an antma), basis effective each July I until they. Pave reached the maximum step for their classificaticup Should the employse not be reczmnftd for inm%aB9.9 or should the Cduncil; not approve a reccmnuded, increase an July I of any year., It shall be the privrileg© of the department head and Administrative Officer to.reconsider such Increase and so recommend to the Council at any time.during the fiscal years liLonthly Bf factiv-a Nam clam dats.0 last clans Ste irl�_w: - FrZ2&H Fjin-cm= 3 10-1-58 C VuRtn-fo La7=-rar-Equipment OWratcr 3 11-1-58 peel L n, X11 Civil rZgina8.­irZ Asat'. 3. 11-1-58 D=Z-Oil Typist (;lwk 3. 14-1-59 Ja�:r Dogprar PCLUCZ 0 Mlow 3 5-1-59 LLui4 a Jon6a Account Cleft 3, 5-1-59 ornen Cra:.-,ford Stenographer 3 5-1-59 Evarett Tru--Zove water lister Reader Burke Waldron A&dna Asst. to Dir. of Pubaic Repairman 3 7-1-59 jusn Esc beds Laborer Loretta Blair 7-1-59 Albin lUtunsn Laborer-Equiprmt Operator . 3 . 7-1-59 W:LUi-:!:m Voo&ard Fire Captain A &-l-59 TUv:ira Elcsi Stenographer 3 7-1-59 Fichard spha-tht Police Offljw 2 9-1-59 'ion swT ae:? s Police Officer 2 241-59 M� a Fall 2'is Man 2 2-1-59 William Bisimp Police Officer 3-1-59 Xennith Sl-=t Police Officer 3 41-59 Lyle Bailey Groundskeeper 2 b-1-59 Joseph Rodrigues LaboriermEquipment Operator 2, 4-1 -59 5=s Gingg Principal Engineering Aide 9 5-1-59 Frank Kirclnw Laborer- Equipment Operator, 2 6-1-59 Roma Briar Stenographer L 2-16-59 started Halen Pelham Typist Clark 1, 3-16-58 started Raymond. Elmore Janitar i 4wl6-59 started Roseann VaamEte.1 Stenographer 1 5-16-59 started Reita Moon Stenographer 1., 6-22-59 started (c) In applying the above rulesb the next stop shall be granteds other conditions being met$ an the folloulM basiss (1) For those baving an aradversary..dats.- on - t4% fiivt of the iiai2tho the increava shall be effective that datias .(2).Fm those having an anniversary date on the second of the month ..W. latery the increase shall. be effective the nrst of - the follwAng month. Section St!E!Lj%.RatG6 and Method of Progression for EmP19M Hired 2maga ng aced UFM-S-1 VU is by council Towing named emplayew hal grqp: Prior to AkdovU;n of 'aCIN07r.' T& 3 at we mq- TER"emaTed and will be considered by the department head., Administrative Officer and Council for the neat step. on an antma), basis effective each July I until they. Pave reached the maximum step for their classificaticup Should the employse not be reczmnftd for inm%aB9.9 or should the Cduncil; not approve a reccmnuded, increase an July I of any year., It shall be the privrileg© of the department head and Administrative Officer to.reconsider such Increase and so recommend to the Council at any time.during the fiscal years I liLonthly Nam clam J. H. Fitzpatrick Director of Finance 850 5 Stanley Samoa Accountaut 575 5 Charlotte Earn Chief Mork 390 5 Christina Faller Typist Mark 312 5 David Rome" Direptoor of Pub3le Works 900 5 Robert Vosburgh Sgpervising Design Haginser. 645 4 Anthony Juarez civil a2gineering Associate. 5% 4 Douglas Hmiard Civil &VIneering Assistant 515 5 Burke Waldron A&dna Asst. to Dir. of Pubaic Works 515 5 Loretta Blair SOWOUR7 350 5 I iIo:3t::'sl�' Clams sc" a Fdrr.z p,aglai In d `i08 5 iIno ,air. Assta Strast Septa 6{38 5 c n�Q ids: is S6'r'iV1 Equipmnt Operator Foramn 46O 5 Val Soto Equipment Operator Fm% man 460 5 Teti Stuae Labaw -Equipment Bator 390 5 Foanard PnaI.liltisa Laborers xuipment Oparstor 390 5 Oscar Lamboy Laborer- Eqidpment Opamtor 390 5 Fa Hess Lcmis Laborer -Bgpipment Operatar 390 5 i -like Siena Laborar•- Equipment Operator 390 5 Fralslc Rem Chief Disposal Plant Operator 515 5 Jo.m Ad=s Disposal Plant Operator 390 5 wan Eu" nds Lab Equipment Operator 390 5 William Floz7 Septa of Parks and Recraation 645 4 J. 14a iic,Kanzi.e Janitor 350 5 Iftr7 STIlith Senior Librarian 435 5 Ath? ease Vwu ma Junior Libraries 390 5 olive Cottex Junior Librarian 390 5 Price ThoRmon iJater Supra 760 5 S. Ca Schultz Water Foreman. 545 5 Billia Terra Labarer»aquipment Operator 390 5 Milton Buss Labaver-Iftuipment Operator 390 5 Carl Yomag Chief Filtration Plant Operator 460 5 Harold TJright lister Meter Raeder apai=an 390 5 Lee SM&chu Fire Chief 760 5 Jonas Gin Fire iiarshal 575 5 John Woodward Fire Captain 545 5 Robert Speer Fire Captain 545 5 i-lelvin Jones Fire Captain 545 5 Gerald Babeadc am captain 545 5 Harlan Finch Fire Captain 545 5 Daryl Drake Fireman 460 5 Donald Halo Fire= 460 6 ffem7 Tonini Fireman 460 5 Fxdl Krege Fireman 460 5 Earl Iunker Fireman 460 5 Thomas Epps Firemm 460 5 William i a am Schofield Police Chief., ; 760 5 Ra Ea Haidorn Police Captain. 608 5 Laurance Whoa Police Lieutnssant 575 5 Clem Linde. Palace Lieutenant 575 5 Ergin Rodgers Police sergeant 515 5 William Halmm Police Sergeant . •. 515 5 Ray Paden Police Serownt. 515 5 Frank Oarzoli Police Sergeant 515 5 Richard Ran Police 36rgeen$ 515 5 Worth Babcock Police Ottieer '. 460 5 Glil.ford Byan Police Officer, h6o 5 Ira Halford Police Ofnew 460 5 Rolland Naito Police Officer 460 5 Charles Risley Police Officer , :. 460 5 C 8 bo 5. Bic . T3Vila Monthly eSali' M7 n ,i.s _v a,tive office OU00000 City Attcr- may (Half-- ) 525,00 (Isles w50 day for eouz�v Gz ty P n (Pa8 tb4inm) .150900 trials) S &hool Cszessing Guard (Part -tom, adult) 123000 Assma 131 r of OLVO Defense (Half -tim) 15000 Partdu-ime d%-a22wan, gu aiar grade 8 1.91 hour SMIAW grQ43 2e38 hone section 6.. Part-" gemation Leaders. (a) The range_ for part -time recmtLon leaders shall be as follows: Step A 61.32 hc!tw Step B. 1038 Step C 1046 (b) The follmdmg mInL- time requirM=ts. are hmby imposed for such steps. In addition to fulfilling the time requframentea a leader =wt be mao mnded by tine DeparWent H©ad and A* d rIe=tiv9 Q{'ficer and approved by the Council befma he can be advanced. . Step A Starting rate + The Daapt. Bpi .and 06dristrative Officar may recommend to the Cow a bigba r, ;atirting 1rats . within the ravage in case a person of anal qualincatlorsi As sngagoda Stop B Air 250 hours waking time, 6 moaxths employmentm or one summery, Wbichsvor. is longerr. _ Stop C lifter 750 hours working time,:. A, months emplopmat, or two full summrs, tirhichsver is longero Section 7, Past -time Park and tirannds i Lam., (a) Tha range for par& -time park and .gtrounft ma3:nLenance IW>=er shall be.: Step A 61.32' iaour Step B 1.38 stop C .. l.$6 (b) The follmring minimum time requirements 9" hereby imposed fur such stt -spa. In addition to f l� i?i the time ;Muir s, a part -time park oral grounds maintenance laborer not? be recon untied by the it®parttnerat Head and Ackfi rid stmtivtie Otflcer and approved by the Council before he can be advanced. Strip A Starting Rate ® The Departmelt HWA and AdaInistrative Officer may, recamend to the Conseil a b goer Starting rate within the range in case a person of u u nml is engagsdo Stop B After 5D0 hours satisfactory wosic or 6 months employment_ whicheaar is loxfrg�'. Stomp B After 19,5DO booms workitng, time ar 18 months 40407mant9 whichever is longer. PASST:D ANTI ADC -PUET; TIitS�15 day of June 8 19598 by the foLl.o-+4.ng roll call vota- AM% Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None• AD ELMs None A'TTFZT� Section 90 RecrL_Aon Sys to . D (a3 Tre range for a°ecreatLon specialist shall be: Step A $1. 63 hour Stec B 1072 St', ip C 1082 (b) Tk-4-R following minim= time requirements are hereby imposed for suoh steps. In addition to fulfilling the tie red +airementa„ a recreation specialist +=st be recmnaa.ded lay the d'epartt� head wid Administrative Officer and a,- mro -^ael q he C,)=Ll before hs can be advanasasde ,u o Star, Rata v The Den't.0 fad and Admini.strati-we officer may reeamiend to the Cou=il a hither starting rate *_%thin the range in case a perscra of unnwaal qualifications is engaged. Stomp �. '6':Mer fLandli g two suemsstal inrs�tavaidon series or 120 h,=rs working L-,irP k•.lichaver is longer,, Ste, C Al Ur 18 months satisfactory performanoo or LOD hoam working time., wl iehever is longar SactY = 9: Recreation P tUndant. Me sate for racre .ti,on attendant - -- shall be 'U.00 per hour. __ Section 10. Li �e� The rate for library page shall. not a =eed O�tttt /^�/n� r, 1 , W per h Nb p Section I.I. Effective Date. TbAs resoiLti.on shall be effective July :is ['{� 1977. PASST:D ANTI ADC -PUET; TIitS�15 day of June 8 19598 by the foLl.o-+4.ng roll call vota- AM% Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None• AD ELMs None A'TTFZT� RESOLUTION 110.(1959 Series) A M�sMUTION SPECIFYING APPROPRIATIONS FOR MIIIPIOT FX'FL'kC av""' ' AND LISTING MAINIM PRIOR ACCU IATIONS TO DATiEO BE, IT BESOLM by t'rs Council of the City of Sara Luis Obispo as 2011 M: .&Fiat the following equipment replaceiaeiat appropriations for the 1959-� fiscal yaar uhi.ch remain unspent at the and of' the fisasi .year be added to previous acc�+am lations is the Equip=at Replacement Fandp to be revery ci for the purchase of repla =° =,nts for the individual items of equip umt as listed below: 1. Item, Year FIRE 010 Paned Track NO, C�,,C fire truck, 1955 vbzz. fire truck 19h1 19 -.ck firs to uC 1939 Intarnatlonal. picuup 1953 chevm et sedan 1958 Ford sedan 1959 seagrave aerial laddw 1956 ' No. City Amount Total NO, • ached Accumulation 1 8 200.00 $'p 1s6C0oo0 2 1- 9000000 14,000,CD 3 2;000.00. 16,0'00000 4 2,000000 16soM000 6 175.00 4050,00 7 11004100 800,03 8 400000 L000000 12 1, 500000 . 6500000 POLICE ' Ford ssdaa .1956 CUM27918 21 950000 1,650000 Fob. seckan 1959 1959 Bpid125906 B%U 22 23 900.00 900000 900000 900.cc� ch-1 rolet seta For sedan 190 08667.27019 24 950.00 19650,00 Ford sedan 1959 3.959 MM25904 89RG125905 25 27 900,.00 900000 900900 900000 Ford sedan IT-D tree wheel Was 1957 2957 00* 1t VM946 28 29 300,00 300,00 , 900.00 900600 H -D three ghee! aycl• CITY RIGINE?R Chevro so 1955 A5%M(12D3 25S 375.00 1,225.00 FM-d pickup 2,959 3.950 PIW% 2it379 3A5 M7984 259 756 250,00 300,00 250,00 300,00 Chevrolet survey truck PUBLIC WOMS (Misc, cluvvrolet picukup k dg.) 19511 k54L01.0881 254 300.00 1,,100000 Ford flat bed truck (sewer) 1956 D& 9876 356 458 400.00 250,00 1,200000 500,00 Chevrolet pickup (paint) 1958 1958. 107263 IM462 558 25040 500,00 Chevrolet pickup (shop) STREET RAINTEfdAM Catirpillar P-04W 3.958 7on626 158 2,000900 4,000.00 Elgin sweeper 1949 1950 2292 790838 249 -250 .900,00 2,600000 7,200.00 6,8o0.00 Hough tractor loader Studebaker d=p track 1953 kR17A31922 253 500,00 600,00 3,000,00 12800.00 Chevrolet duMp truck Chevrolet dulzp truck• 1957 1958 102805 107388 256 258. 600,00 1,200,00 Interactional tractor 19131 1953 TMW818 F60 83&221.32 341. 353. 2,000,00 500000 9,000.00 3s00 = Ford dump track Ch•: vsolet pickup 1958 1948. 107593 =2661 358: 448 250a0Q 200,00 500.00 is 6o0.00 standard on distru ~tor 1954 33059 554 35Oo00 1,750.00 Caliou roller Fordson tractor .1955 139999 .855, 350.00 19400,00 Jaeger air aospressor 1955 016557 955. 300000 10200,00 .. If the cost of the equipment Is, leas than the amcu nt of money set aside: (1) The unexpended manses oars be left in the Equips Replacement Fund in the unallocated reserve; or (2) Such monies can be transEWrTOd to other appropriate . If the cost of the equipment is more than the monies provided: r. (l) Funds can be transferred fr m the Gene=1 Fvpd Bnbvdgeted Reserve; (2).Funds which have been acomp fated in the unallocated reserve within the Equipaneat Repl saemanV Fund can be used= or (3) A portion of the cost can be paid It= some other appropriate depart - mental.accounto PASSED AND ADMIED this 15 day of June 1959s, by the following roll Call vote: AYES= Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller,' Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters `,TOES: None' ABSENT: None ATTEST: Y � City Amount Tc t�il Item Year En Noe Buc]geted Accumdation WAT12 Ci vrolet pickup 19511 5"22hl 1% 250.00 10250.00 Chevrolet pickup 1957 1D 307L102935 156 250.00 65o,0o Ford pickup 1957 ?1OFM6847 357 25oaOO 5DO,Q0 Ford express track 1955 i%%R33752 455 :' 400000 19600.00 Ford express trunk 1955 k5D5R33751 555 ' 400,00 1s60o.00 Chicago pneum, air compressor 1954 M5 654► 400.00 20000.00 Ing.-Rand air compressor 1958 658 350,00 700.00 PARK Toro power mokvr 1958 27991152 200.00 400.00 Ford express truce 1955 F?$A5R31914 655. 300,00 1,050.00 Fond pickup 1959 r2�59R19863 159 275.00 275.00 CLK- ASSESSOR Chevml;M sedan 3.955 A55 M6401 355 375.00 4125.00 HUMCIPAL BUILDING ��y Fo s 195 �7 �p ±!I +w— s`� »78 �.y a7! �y� r`�s00 550.00 Unallocated Reserve -- Total 930.E 1b112 BE IT FURTHER RESMVED that s p4aditnres may be made for the purchase of replacements for the specified pieces of equipment onlys and such expenditures must be approved by the Council. Adjustments may be made by the Coundl at the time of purchase to meet prevailing market conditions: If the cost of the equipment Is, leas than the amcu nt of money set aside: (1) The unexpended manses oars be left in the Equips Replacement Fund in the unallocated reserve; or (2) Such monies can be transEWrTOd to other appropriate . If the cost of the equipment is more than the monies provided: r. (l) Funds can be transferred fr m the Gene=1 Fvpd Bnbvdgeted Reserve; (2).Funds which have been acomp fated in the unallocated reserve within the Equipaneat Repl saemanV Fund can be used= or (3) A portion of the cost can be paid It= some other appropriate depart - mental.accounto PASSED AND ADMIED this 15 day of June 1959s, by the following roll Call vote: AYES= Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller,' Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters `,TOES: None' ABSENT: None ATTEST: Y � a� RESOLUTION NO.:• 560: (2959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POLICY ZN,BEGARD /TO OUT OF TOWN TRIPS ON CITY BUSIMSS, MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES BY CITY PERSONNEL.. WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the benefit'to the City in having certain personnel in the City employ attend meeting's and conferences, especially in view of the fact that there is limited direct contact with other city officials and access to current technological, economic and other development because of San.Luis Obispo °s geographical location; and WHyBEAS, it is also important to keep such meetings under control for economic reasons and so that the public will not lose confidence and tend to question the value of all such meetings; NOW, THMEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the following rules are established in regard to out of two travel: 1. It shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Officer to evaluate and pass on requests for out of town travel, taking into consideration the needs of the department, the amount of money budgeted for such travel, the benefit to the City and other factors. 2. The following persons should be considered as eligible for consideration for attendance at the annual League of California Cities conference Administrative Officer, Director of Finance, Planning Director, City Attorney, City Treasurer, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Director of Public Works, and City Accountant. Application for reimbursement of necessary expenses shall be made by the person attending the conference, and the maximum amount of money allowed for such league conference shall be $100.00. 3. The Administrative Officer is authorized to grant one additional conference lasting more than one night out of town or involving the expenditure of more than $50.00 in expense money to each department head of the City. If the department head does not attend the League conference, he will then be entitled to attend two such conferences. 4. The Administrative Officer shall be authorized to grant'permission to attend cne conference a year exceeding cue night out of town or the expenditure 5 (D U of $50.00 or more to the following employees (non - department. heads): Building Inspector, Chief Disposal Plant Operator and' Assistant Director of Civil Defense. S. Other travel out of the City may be autharized by the Administrative Officer, under the following terms and conditions: go employee of the City, department head or,6iherwise, shall attend more then one meeting a month or more than six during say one fiscal year. This limitation shall not apply to out of town trips on city business specifically authorised by the City Council or to neces. sary trips required for police department interrogation or picking up of prisoners. However, the appropriate department head shall transmit a memorandum to the Administrative Officer any time a city employee uses a city vehicle to go more than five miles outside the city limits except when traveling directly to And from a facility owned or operated by the City of San Luis Obispo. If an emergency is involved, the department head may transmit such memorandum to the Administrative Officer within 24 hours after such departure except on a weekend 'when the memo shall be transmitted by Monday moon. The Administrative Officer shall keep a complete and up to date file on such memoranda which can be inspected by the..City Council at any time, 6. Any of the maxim m limits set forth in the resolution above shall be construed as maximums and not minimums. 7. In case of question on any points contained in this resolution, the Administrative Officer shall contact the City Council. S. In any- event, the maximum dollar limit for a conference ±.revolving four or less nights out of town shall be $100,00, and the maximum amount for five or more nights out of town shall be $150.00, except as otherwise specifically authorized by Council action. 9. The budget shall contain a separate item for travel and meeting expense, and regardless of the contents of tbis resolution, the Administrative Officer shall not be authorized to grant permission for attendance at any meeting when budgeted funds have been depleted, without specific permission from the Council. 2. 10. This resolution shall not apply to elected officials, or .members of advisory boards or commissions. PASSED AND ADOPTIM this l day of June , 1959s, by the following roll call vote: , AyES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABA: None ATTEST: � � s CiW -Clerk 3. RESOLUTION ADO. 559 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 1953 -59 BUDGET AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Account No. 250.3 Public Impravement and Betterment - Sewer Program be increased by $23,000.00. 2. That $20,000.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the Public Improvement and Betterment Fund as an interest free loan to be paid back as soon as possible after the beginning of the new fiscal year. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __j day of June , 19590 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, 11 5- F.BSOLUTION 558 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION MMMREZM ffiSCUTION OF "COST SERVICE CONTRACT FOKK A" BE IT °.LSCi'EM by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the !Mayor shall be and is hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the City of Sam Luis Obispo that certain "Coat Service Contract Fors cA'. providing for cooperative personnel services for examination of city employees c,_th the State of Califom- is Personnel Board. PAS5M MD E ;OzPM this . day of June 1959, by the following rol,1 call vote: _ AYES: F. -nmeth t3. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters 1g02u: None :c�SM 1: None mayor ATTEST: / Ci Cleric i F.BSOLUTION 558 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION MMMREZM ffiSCUTION OF "COST SERVICE CONTRACT FOKK A" BE IT °.LSCi'EM by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the !Mayor shall be and is hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the City of Sam Luis Obispo that certain "Coat Service Contract Fors cA'. providing for cooperative personnel services for examination of city employees c,_th the State of Califom- is Personnel Board. PAS5M MD E ;OzPM this . day of June 1959, by the following rol,1 call vote: _ AYES: F. -nmeth t3. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters 1g02u: None :c�SM 1: None mayor ATTEST: / Ci Cleric RESOLUTION 557 (1959 Series) RFSOLs'tTI(3 GRMING A USE J?MaT To RYiRRM FOR OIL °ST'IUM PSG BE IT EMSGI3,M by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as folly s: 1. That there shall be and is hereby granted a use permit for off- street:. park:Lng purposes subject to the conditions hereinafter stated on the property located iu the City of San Luis Obispo described as f0ilmTs: D3eccription: P psrecl located 1N feet South of Foothill Boulevard on the East side of !Broad Street €or'a 62.9 foot frontage ea. Broad Street and 162.84 feet in depth.: 2. That the conditions,of said use permit are.es follow: (a) The planning of a hedge along the -wall on the southerly side of the property. Said hedge to be as high as the wall end ester_3ing as far back as that portion of the property-used for off- street parking. Said hedge _to be =intained and kept in an orderly many r. (b) Two (2) driveways shall be provided and plainly marked "IV' and "GUT". The.desiga and placement to be subject to the City Engineer °s.app=aval.' (c) The front setback other than the driveway portions shall be protected by hedges for planning. (d) `the rear of the parking lot and the north property line of said property shall be protected,.by a 3 foot chain Issue fence may have pedestrian walkways in the north fence. L u K PASSED Am, AiiMED thi:a _ .Ast day of June 195 9s, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters Non: Donald Q. Hiller, Gerald W. 6hipsey ABSENT: rdone ATTEST: C. - Clerk ��5" 7 RESOLUTION NO. 556 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 195; -59 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Account No. 200.4 Legal Advertising Expense be increased by $250.00. 2. That Account No. 200.7 Election Expense be increased by $550.18. 3. That Account No. 214.4 Street Motor Vehicles be increased by $1,000.00. 4. That.the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $1,800.18. 5. That Account No. 744 Water Chemicals and Filtering Material be increased by $223.68. 6. That Account No. 21OW Water Bond Redemption be decreased by $223.68. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1__ day of June , 19590 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES:- None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I so , t RESOLUTION NO. 556 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 195; -59 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Account No. 200.4 Legal Advertising Expense be increased by $250.00. 2. That Account No. 200.7 Election Expense be increased by $550.18. 3. That Account No. 214.4 Street Motor Vehicles be increased by $1,000.00. 4. That.the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $1,800.18. 5. That Account No. 744 Water Chemicals and Filtering Material be increased by $223.68. 6. That Account No. 21OW Water Bond Redemption be decreased by $223.68. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1__ day of June , 19590 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES:- None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I so , »aLMGI ND 555 1959 SerSsa) A RESOLifMON OF INTRITION TO A&M SECTION 920005 OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO M AUCIPAL CODE. WHEREP.y9 the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo feels that it would be in the best.interest of the said City to rezone all or part of the property described on the map attached hereto. NOris TIi:REF=s BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: . That, pursuant to Section 9200.19 of the S= Luis Obispo Municipal Cade the Flznnnirg Commission shall.study and hold the necessary hearings to rezone to CTS all or part of the property described on the map attached hereto. Said parcels are designated as Parcel "A9" Parcel "B," and Parcel nC." PASSED APID ADOPTED this�_9dag oP ^day , 1959, by the following roll ca11 voter AyEa Kenneth W. Jones, Fred M. Waters NOES$ None ABSMTTs None A T TESTS h r,M fS`. Donald Q. Miller, J. Barry Smith, Gerald W. $hipsey, Ham � 1 RESOLUTION NO. 554 (1959) Series; A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE INSTALLATION OF wATEE PIPELINE BY CITY EMPLOYEES tREAS, pursuant, to Section 1207 the City Council authorized the advertisement for bids and the installation of a city water line deoig7z.ated• Froiect W -2 -59; end WHEREAS, only one bid was submitted which was more than twice the city's estimate for said work; end WHZREAS, estimates were submitted by the city water department approved by the city administrative officer which were approximately one -half of the only submitted bid; DTOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the bid submitted is hereby rejected. 2. That thecCity Council hereby determines that the city with its own employees will perform the wo =k more economically, and therefore directs the water department to perform the work set forth in'that document entitled Project W -2 -59. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of tray, 19592 by the following roll tail vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Killer, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith; Fred.. No Waters NOES: None ABSEPTT: None ATTEST: Cler c 1 1 . .. - _; . . ;5 51 SASOLUT_ION NO. 553 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE WHITE LOADING ZONE ON MARSH STREET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo 'ns follows: to That the three parking meter spaces across the street from the Post Office on the south side of Marsh street shall be replaced with two parking metez spaces and the existing white and red loading zoncoshall be extended approximately one -half additional parking space-.... pAS3ED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None a:BSENT: None ATTEST: r RESOLUTION NO. 552 (1959 Series) A RESOLULUON ESTABLISHING A NO- PARKING Z0NE ON 'THE SOUTH SIDE OF PISNO STREET WEST OF JOHLgSON AVE=. I BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the south side of Pismo Street commencing at the Johnson avenue intersection and running westerly for 100 feet shall be and is hereby designated as a No- Parking zone. 2. That appropriate signs or markings shall be placed along said street. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES :. Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters 14OBS: None ABSENT: None Mayor ATTEST: 512_ a RESOLUTION NO. 552 (1959 Series) A RESOLULUON ESTABLISHING A NO- PARKING Z0NE ON 'THE SOUTH SIDE OF PISNO STREET WEST OF JOHLgSON AVE=. I BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the south side of Pismo Street commencing at the Johnson avenue intersection and running westerly for 100 feet shall be and is hereby designated as a No- Parking zone. 2. That appropriate signs or markings shall be placed along said street. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES :. Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters 14OBS: None ABSENT: None Mayor ATTEST: 512_ s RESOLUTION NO, 551 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PORTICS OF SoffrH SIDE O? PISMO STREET BETWEMI CxORRO AND MORRO AS A PLO- PARRING Zp11E BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That that portion of south side of Pismo street ruining frcm Chorro in an easterly direction to the co= acing of the sidewalk area in front of 895 Pismo Street shall be and is hereby designated as a No- Parking zone. 2> That appropriate signs or markings shall be placed along said street, PASSED AIM ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W� Jones, Donald Q. Millerr Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSE'N'T: None Mayor ATTEST: ,5-.,57/ RESOLUTION NO. 550 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION OF. MEI9TION TO AMID SECTION. 9200.19 (a) I OF THE SAN LUIS MUMCIPAL CODE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Section 9200.19 (a)1 shall be amended to require a fee- of $60.00 for a rezoning petition. 2. That the Planning Co=mi.ssion shall hold the required hearings and forward their recommendation to the City Council. PASSED AND ADOPTS this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Duller, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred IL Waters NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: • G1i i !✓ 5 5o RESOLUTION NO. 549 (1959 Series) RESCINDED BY R 5370 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACCEPT AND CONSENT TO RFCORD4TION OF DEEDS OR GRANTS TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. WHEREAS, Section 27281 of the Government Code of California as m-ended in 1957, permits the City Council, by general resolution, to au- thorize an agent to accept and consent to the recordation of deeds and grants conveying any interest in or easement upon real property to the City of San Luis Obispo for public purposes, by such agent executing the certificates as provided therein, which certificate shall.be attached to or printed on the deed or grant; and WHEREAS, it appears desirable to appoint the Mayor as such agent and to authorize him to accept and consent to such recording. NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, State of California: 1. That the Mayor of the City of San Luis Obispo, is hereby designated as the agent to accept on behalf of said city and to consent to the recordation of any deed or grant conveying an interest in or easement upon real property to the City of San Luis Obispo. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to record this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call-vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Donald Q. Miller, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: RESCINDED BY R 5370 VOLZUUZ PAGEZU4 y 7 - � ` d r R,_ LUTION N0. 549 (1959 Series) " A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACCEPT AND CONSENT TO RECORDATION OF DEEDS OR GRANTS TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. WHEREAS, Section 27281 of the Government Code of California as amended in 1957, permits the City Council, by general resolution, to au- thorize an agent to accept and consent to the recordation of deeds and grants conveying any interest in or easement upon real property to the City of San Luis Obispo for public purposes, by such agent executing the certificates as provided therein, which certificate shall be attached to or printed on the deed or grant; and WHEREAS, it appears desirable to appoint the Mayor as such agent and to authorize him to accept and consent to such recording. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, State of California: 1. That the Mayor of the City of San Luis Obispo, is hereby designated as the agent to accept on behalf of said city and to consent to the recordation of aqy, deed or grant conveying an interest in or easement upon real property to the City of San Luis Obispo. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to record this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1959, by the following roll call vote: a 1 AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Gerald W. Shipsey, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Donald Q. Miller, Fred M. Waters -n 77 u, NOES: None CO ABSENT: None z� /s/ Fred M Waters �J Mayor /s/ J H Fitzpatrick City Clerk w TOL�U @2 PAGE29i 13 3. H. Fitzpatrick, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of San Luis Obispo, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No.* 549 (1959 Series), passed and adopted by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo on the 18 day of May , 1959, 141THESS uy hand and the seal of the City of San Luis Obispo this 25 day of May , 1959. CUT erk •1 � r. A -{ Q, v R'EC?fff ft - -• --------------••---- AT J- C) .... IN. PAST- Z._.�-- -. -.M. SAM \6U .oO icial Records COUNTY, 2 6 1959 Recorder By.;; . .�..... kexed p ...- r. • RESOLUTION NO, 546 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING )SPONAM M-E- P 0g1�EMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER SECTION 2107.5 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE WHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into. with the State of California in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City of San Luis Obispo for expenditure of the engineering allocation to cities for the fiscal year , and 1959 -60 WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE,-be it resolved by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo .. that said project statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the engineering allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said city, said agreement.to be binding upon the city upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State.. ADOPTED this Attest: arb day of 9hv • 19 San Luis Obispo I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of at a regular meeting thereof held MY Saan Luis Obispo 19 . 59 filer �lo e y or San Luis Obispo .-spa Roan OU-30 To: From. r OTATH OF CAL7VORIdIo DEPARTMCXT OF' PUMLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS . INTRA- DIVISION C®RRESPONDENC Mr ....... Hash Attention of ...... !47. ... Nlliver _ Nlr. heat ------------------------- &'Ae--------------------------------------- Hdqrs. ��- APR 1959 i DATE-AP 9p 1959 - - - - -- File Reference 3 - r Attached is memorandum of agreement in quadruplicate providing for expenditure of the gas tax allocation to cities covering engineering under Section 2.07.5 of the Streets and Highways Code for the 19DU fiscal year to be executed by the City of San Luis Obispo. After execution by the city and yourself, the original and duplicate copy of this agreement are to be returned to this office for execution by the department. A certified copy of the city's resolution approving this agreement is to be returned also. It .should be noted that this agreement does not provide for an annual report as has previously been required. In the future final reports only will be required on projects financed from Section 2107.5 Funds. It should also be rioted that the various subdivisions of work are lumped into one sum in the U udget. Phis procedure will be followed i agreements, and project statements may be on this basis. Attach e r o an oope ra Projects Ij -1 RESOLUTION ND. 547 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION UKMEASING THE 1958 -59 BUDGET BE IT RESOLD by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That Account No. 213.2 Sewer Contractual Services be increased by $13,500.00 and that the Unbudgated Reserve be decreased by $19500.00. PASSED AND ADOPSG3D this 4 day of A1aY , 19592 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters WE$: None ABSENT. None ATTEST: -5 L` • C RESOLOTIMQ NO. 546 (1959 Series) A RBS0LMMON TRARSPERRM FDIQDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That Account loo. 210 -W Water Board Redemption be decreased by $20,000000 and.Account No. 343 Transmission and Distribution Maine be increased by $209000.00. PASSED AED ADOPTED thin 4 day of May . 1959s by the following roll call vote: AZES: Kenneth W. Jones, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey, J. Barry Smith, Fred M. Waters NOES: None ABSM: None ATTEST: YFF Mayor .�1/l RESOLUTION N0. 545 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 14, 1959. WHEREAS, an Election was held in the City of San Luis Obispo on the 14th day of April, 1959, which election was duly held and conducted in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of San Luis Obispo, and as provided by law. J AND WHEREAS, within four days after such election, to -wit, on the 21st day of April, 1959, the City Council met as a canvassing board and duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at each of the precincts of said election. AND WHEREAS, on April 14, 1959, the City Council duly met and counted and canvassed all absentee ballots. AND WHEREAS, a statement of the results of said election has been duly entered by the City Clerk in the minutes and records of the City Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, as follows: 1. 'That the whole number of votes cast in said election within the City of San Luis Obispo was 5,730. 2. That the whole number of votes cast as said election outside the said City, by voting on school directors only,. was 1,462. 3. That the names of the persons voted for, the office for which each person was voted for, the number of votes given at each precinct to each person, and the total number of votes given to each person is shown by the tabulation of votes attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution. 4. That FRED M. WATERS, the candidate having received the highest num- ber of votes cast at said election for the office of Mayor is hereby declared elected to such office for the term prescribed by the City Charter. 5. That GERALD W. SHIPSEY and DONALD.Q. MILLER, the two candidates having received the highest number of votes cast at said election for the office of City Councilman, are and each of them is, hereby declared elected to such office for.the term prescribed by'the City Charter. 6. That JOSEPH G. MIDDLETON, DAN LAW and ALBERT CLAWSON, the three o candidates having received the highest number of votes cast at said election for the office of School Director, are and each.of them is, hereby declared.elected to such office for the term prescribed by the City Charter. 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to sign and deliver to each of said FRED M. WATERS, GERALD W. SHIPSEY, DONALD Q. MILLER, JOSEPH G. MIDDLETON, DAN LAW, and ALBERT CLAWSON, a certificate of election certifying to his election to the respective offices, as hereinbefore set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of April, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth-W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT:. J. Barry Smith ATTEST: Ciffy' Clerk Mayor RESOLDTION N0. 544 (1959 Series). A RESOLOTION TRANSFERRING VMS AND RE- ESTABLISHING THE SINSBEIMER PARR DBVELOP14M FM- BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San'Luis Obispo as follows: That $20,000°00 be transferred from the General Fund to a fund entitled "Sinsheimer Park Development Fund" and.that this transfer be regarded as an interest -free loan to the Park Department, to be repaid over a period of years in the same manner as the original interest -free loans of 1954 and 1955 totaling . $95,000.00. A portion of the Park Department property tax levy will be used to pay back the new loan and the outstanding balance on previous loans which stood at $77,124.81 as of December 31, 1958. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20 day of April 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Joue s, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: � 5 RESOLUTICAI NO. 5,3(1959 Series) A R.E.SOLOTi0i8 ESTABLISHING A STOP SIGN ON CALIFOR"mA BOWMARD AT MARSH STREET. BE IT ,BSOLVE3 by the Council of the City of flan Luis Obispo as follows: That Marsh Street is hereby declared to be a boulevard and that a stop sign shall be placed on California Boulevard at its intersection with Harsh Street. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1959, by the ffollo'wing roll =11 vote: AYES: Neis Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: f� Mayor ° ---� RESOLUTION NO. 5� 442 ,(1959 Series) A RESOLUTION I11CREASING THE 1958-59 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That Account No. 200.17 Refunds be increased*by $3,000.00. 2. That Accent No. 211.26 Southwood Inspection Peas be added in the amount of $3,000.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20 day of April , 1959, by the following roll call.vote: ABES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSEjqT: None " ' _� .Ri ATTEST: ti- RESOLUTION N0. 541 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF :GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS,. WHEREAS, 'a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accordance with a project statement,submitted by'the City of ,.San Luis Obispo for expenditure.of-the gas'tax allocation to'cities for the fiscal yeiri959 -60 and „ WHEREAS,''the city council has heard read said.agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo that said project statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of..proposed expenditures of the gas tax allocation'to cities, and said agreement be and the same Is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement r to.be binding upon.the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this 80 day of April , 19 '59 san Lu18 vblspo; Attest: 7wclerk-or e city of San Luis Obispo I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of at a regular meeting thereof held San Juji).Obispo 59 n San Luis Obispo 1 540 RESOLUTION N0. (1959 Series), A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 1958 -59 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That Account No. 200.24 Air Service Application be increased by $3,400.00 and that the Uabudgeted Reserve be decreased by $3,400.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13 day of April 0 19593, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: J. Barry Smith ATTEST: -1i�/d RESOLUTION N0. 539 (1959 Series) e A RESOLUTION HIRING BOWSN AW SCOaTT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the firm of Bowen and Scoutt, Attorneys at Law, Washington, D. C., I s hereby retained as special counsel for the City of San Luis Obispo to file briefs and objections, to cross examine Pacific Airlines, pursue and coaaplete the Complaint and Notion to Sever the City's Application and For Immediate Decision, and to counsel, advise and represent the City of San Luis Obispo regarding its application for air service. 2. That the City of San Luis Obispo shall pay the sum of $3,500.00 for said services. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13tb day of April, 19590 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth Jones, Richard Sleight, Fred Lucksinger. NOES: None ABSENT: Dr. J. Barry Smith. ATTEST: Cit erk A� �J 1J RESOLUTION NO. 538 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTHOWIM MMCUTIGN OF ACCELERATED TAX TRAHMUSSIONSo BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the Neyor shall be and is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City that certain agreement Modifying the contract with the State Board of Equalization and providing for accelerated transmittal of city sales taco PASSED AM ADOPTED this 13 th day of April, 19599 by the following roll call vote: AYES: gels Beck, Kenneth Jones, Richard Sleight, Fred Lucksingero NOES: gone ABSENT: Dr. J. Barry Smith ATTEST: G . Mayor v �`2 A r" RESoLuTiow No. 537 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NO FApiItING ZONE ON HURRAY STREET. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That 72 foot portion on the north side of Hurray Street extending easterly from the intersection with Santa Rosa Street shall be and is hereby declared to be a no parking zone. 2. That said portion shall be appropriately signed. PASSED AND A -WPTEO this 13th day of A••pril , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nola Beck, Kenneth Jones, Richard Sleight, Fred Lucksinger. NOES: bone ABSENT: J. Barry Smith ATTEST: I% Mayor .h � 7 RESOLUTION NO. 536 (1959 Series) A RFSaUTION TRANSFERRING FMWS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That $7,000.00 be transferred from the Off- street Parking Reserve to the General Reserve Account in partial repayment of the $32,000.00 interest -free loan made in February.. The amount now owing the General Reserve Account is $252000.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13 day of April 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: J. Barry Smith 10r, _ _. ATTEST: 3� &WM =CV ND. 535 (1959 Series) A RSS0LM70 iNC88ASIM THE 1958 -59 SO= BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That $1,000.00 be added to Account No. 208.3 Police Materials and Supplies and that the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $1,000.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13 day of April 1959, by the following roll call cote: AYES:- Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: J. Barry Smith Sri' ti . n 16-3S RESOLunow N0. 534 (1959' Series) A RESOLMON URGING ADDITIONAL GAS TAX TO CORRECT cIT$ AND COUNTY ROAD DEFICIENCIES* bJMMAS,•it:is established that the financial resources of the City of San Luis Obispo are insufficient to provide adequate street facilities; and WHEREAS, the City of San Luis Obispo receives $53,960.00 gasoline tax revenue annually and its street needs to the year 1971 are $233,5593,000.00 (as reported in the Federal 1121011 study); and WHEREAS, the City of San Luis Obispo is willing to assume its full share of the responsibility for correcting its city street deficiencies within its financial ability to do so; and WHEREAS, a disproportionate share of city street costs are borne by the local property owner; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that it does hereby urge the State Legislature to increase the state motor vehicle fuel tax by an amount of one cent per gallon for allocation to cities and counties for correction of city street and county road deficiencies at a rate comparable to the correction of deficiencies on the State Highway System. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk is directed to send certified copies of this resolution to Senators Richard Richards mod A. A. Erhart, Assemblyman James Holmes, and the League of California Cities. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13 day of April , 1959, by, the following roll call vote: Nels Beck, Kenneth w. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: J. " Barry Smith ATTEST: �3 � BR90LUTION NO. 533 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTM FIM . HAP OF SOYTI'HbJOOD, TRACT 138, UNIT #1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: Section 1. That the final map of Soutbwood, Tract 138, Unit #1 is hereby accepted vAject to compliance with the following conditions: an. Filing bond b. Deposit of .Inspection Fees c. Title Guarantee, d. Completion of Plan and Specifications to the satisfaction of the City Engineer e. Execution of contract containing conditions recommended by the City Engineer PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5 day of April, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Wals Beck, meth H. Jones ;, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: Hone ABSENT: J. Barry Smith `- -�. ��ia= akdgazi� /19�yor ATTEST: Z- 1J J RESOLUTION NO* (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION AUTWRIZING EXECUTION OF OPTION AGREEMENT WITH L & H UMSTHM Catemio BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the certain agreement dated April 6, 1959, by and between the City of San Luis Obispo and the L & H Investment Company shall be and is hereby accepted and that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. pASSED AND ADOPTED this .6 day of April , 19599 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: J. Barry Smith ATTEST: Ci Clerk �r a -) B25OLUTIM W. 531 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION SUPPORT= SM LUIS OBISPO cow ApnicAT m FOR A sr.A uA,TER `COMERSZON PLANTO i.MEREAS, puasuent to Public Lacs 85 -883, the Federal Government and the State of California are planning to build an experimental sea water conversion. aslant in California; end tIMRMS, the prime factors to be considered in locating said plant am: (a) locations where eater to needed, (b) availability of sea water,, (c) cooperations of local agencies, and (d) accessibility to the public; and WgkRMS, the coastal area between K=6 hay and Cayucos is experiencing a phenomanal growth which is rapidly euhauetiug its .assisting water Gupplies; and WMETWAS, such. location would be ideal for public demonstrations, available sea water supply, and wale partially fulfill the need for potable water; WV. THUMORL'o BE IT F.F.SOLOiD by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the City of San Luis Obispo joins with the County of San Luis Obispo in urging that such conversion facilities be located in the area selected ley. the County and pledges its full cooperation in support of the San Lams Obispo County application. PASSED Aim ADOPTED this 6 day of April , 19599 by the following roll call voter AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Bones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES; None AD J. Barry Smith mayor ATTEST: rr 11l RESULIPEIOi@ VD, 5(1959 series) A RESMM- ON INCREASING TIM 1958 -59 BDDMT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That Account 211.25 Deeter Inspection Fees Bo. 2 be added in the mount of $720.00 and that the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $720.000 PASSED ABD AD08TSD this, 6•,�` day of April , 1959s by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger HOES: None AZSEM: J. Barry Smith ATTEST: l" 'Z-A n i� RES0i0'i' N ND, 5, 9 (1959 Series) A RESOLUrICH INC£SI%SnW THE 1958 -59 BEET BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1< That Account No,'200,4 Legal Advertising Expense be increased by 4500,190. 2, That Account No, 210,4 Fire Mtor Vehicle be increased by $00.00, 3, That Account No, 213°3 Seder Materials and Supplies be increased by $2,500,00, 4, That Account No, 214,7 Street Sidewalk Repair Program be increased by $19000„00. 5, That the Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $49460,00, 6, That Account No, 744 Water- Chemical and Filtering Materials be increased by $2,000,00, }}����y//�� 7, That Account Woo 798 mater- Outside Services Employed be decreased by $29000.00. , PASSED AND ADOPM this 6 day of April 19599 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger HOES: None ABSENT: J. Barry Smith ATTEST: v. S„9- 11 I RESOLUTION 110. (1959 sk—ies A RESOLUTICK AUTHORIZING EXACUTICK OF EASMiEgT TO H. N. AND RUM D. COOBSON, trITOMAS, certain property owners have agreed to acquire and hold laads for city off-street pa'lstin8 parposes; and 1r7jTE MAS, in order to convey said parcels at a future dates it was nacessa_py to relocate an easement fbr ingress and egress; NQI TOMSM BE IT RESOLVED by the CounW1 of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows That, in considgraUon of the foregaing plan and agreementm the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute on'bebfilf of the City that certain easement dated April b, 1959 conveying to Howard He and Ruth De Co.dwon an easement for ingress and egress which the Copncil. bas determined will not interfere with the proposed public use of said parcel:. Said easementi shall be recorded. PASSED AID ADOPTED this 6tn day of Aprilm 1959 by the following roll call vote: AMMs Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones,.Richard G..Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger pjpF$= None 1� A C RESOLUTION N0. 527 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING SENATE BILL 1232 ASSEMBLY BTJX 17699 AND ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 52. WHMWAS, in the 1957 California Legislature it appears that ',.a "gottion•. of the U. JS- Highway 101 (E1 Camino Beal) was inadvertently designated as the "Cabrillo Highweel; and WHEREAS, U. S. Highway 101 between San Diego and San Francisco has been traditionally known as 81 Camino Real, founded by the franciscan fathers in establishing the chain of California's old missions almost two centuries ago; and WHEREAS, the designation of portions of this route°as`.'Cabrillo'Highway tends to nullify this great tradition which has had such great historical significance and influence ion the cultural develo , pnieat: of, California; NOW, TMMURE, BE IT RESOLVED by the- CounciT,of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the Council urges that the Legislature of the.Statetog California pass the necessary legislation to eliminate the designation of all.,portioas Of U. S. Highway 101 and U. 8, Highway 101 Alternate as the "Cabrillo Highway. ". and instruct the Department of Public Works to remove any and all 19Cabrillo Highway" signs from these routes; and That the Legislature of the State of California be urged to designate U. S. Highway 101 from the International Border on the south, to San Francisco on the north, as 11E1 Camino Reals" and U. S. Highway 101 Alternate from San .,Yawn Capistrano junction on the south, to the Omnard Junction on the north, as "Pacific Coast Highway," and instruct the Department of Public Works to erect appropriate signs along these highways identifying them.:as such; and That the State Department of Public Works be requested to place the traditional Mission Bell maskers at or near the points of egress leading from U. S. 101 to the old missions. PASSED AND ADOPTED I this 16 day of � h l March _ , 959, by the £ollatrirng rail call vote: ES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jore s, J. Barry Smith, Fred H: Lucksinger 110-S: None ABSENT: Richard G. Sleight woe CzY aerk ,/ jMSM=03 Noe 526 (1959 Serieo) A RESOLUTION TRANSPERRIM FUM BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That Account 346 Water - Dieters be increased by $11,200.00 and Account 796 Water - Outside Services Employed be decreased by $10200000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16 day of March 1959, by the following roll wall vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger HOES: None ABSENT: Richard G. Sleight �.. _ I I .__ ATTEST: / �� RESOLuTjoH no. 525 (1959 Series) A RESOLDTION REGARDING AIR SERVICE TO SAN LUIS OBISFO AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the attached statements of Mayor Fred H. Lucksinger and Richard. D. Miller are hereby approved. 2. That the Council fully recognizes the poor air service being rendered to our.City and is unanimously behind the City's application to regain convenient.service at our San Luis Obispo airport as A separate and independent stop. PASSED AM ADOPTED this 9 day of March , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger FOES: None ABSEmT: None ATTEST: FzSMDYIOH We 5,,,r 2w 4 A. RESOa. rTION ACCEPTING WATER LUZ EdSElY W PRO14 THE GENERAL. FIREPROOFING COAR'ANY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That the certain deed of easement dated !Barth 3, 1959, wherein The General Fireproofing Company grants to the City of San Luis Obispo a (rater line easement shall be and the same is hereby accepted. 2. That said easement shall be recorded on behalf of the City, Pl15SED AND ADOP= this 16 day of Mare 1959, by the following roll call vote: &YES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None AggEM: Richard G. Sleight ATTEST: '.alp /i / ✓-� I r RESI'LUTIO W, 523 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ACCUP TIM GRAWT DMW FROM M98SHAM RNMLDS AM PATRICIA H. REYNOLDS- BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lois Obispo as follows: That the certain grant deed dated February 24, 1959, wherein Marshall Reynolds and Patricia Reynolds convey certain property therein described to the City of San Luis Obispo shall be and is hereby accepted and shall be recorded an behalf of the City. PASSED An ADOPTED this 9 day of March o 1959, by the following roll cell vote: AM: Nels Beck, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H.'Lucksinger HOgS: None ABSENT: Kenneth W. Jones ATTEST: % Cijqr Clerk r i i Y9�ayor .5�2 � I I^ .1 HBSOLU'TIUN 10o, 55222 1959 Series) A RESOLUTION AU M MIN =CUTION OF AGRg=W AgID OPTIOq WITH THE L & H- nWHSTMMT COMPANY, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That the certain agreement and option dated March 29 1959, by and between the L & H investment Company,, City of San Luis Obispo, and Theo IL Maino Providing for the transfer of certain property therein described from Theo M, Haino to the L & H Investment Company and option to the City to purchase said property shall be and is hereby accepted and shall be executed on behalf of the City -by the Mayor. PASSED AND ADOyW this 9; day of March �_� 19599 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Kenneth W. Jones ATTEST: 1 Mayor )q�V..z 1 RESOLMON ED* 521 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION ES'iABLISEUTG HO PAW= ZONES AND A THE MUTE PARI{IRTG ZONE ON JOH12SON AVMWE ADJACBST TO THE GMUMAL HOSPITAL, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1, That the north side of Johnson Avenue extending 60 feet in a westerly directions from the Bishop Street intersection to the first driveway r=p shall be and is hereby designated as a no parking gone* 2. That the south side of Johnson extending 103 feet in a westerly direction from Bishop Street to the existing loading move in front of the County Health Department shall be and is hereby declared to be a no parking tone* 3. That a ten minute perking sore can isting of two parking spaces shall be and is hereby established west of the existing loading zone on Johnson Avenue in front of the County Health Department, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9 day of March c 19392 by the following roil call vote: AYES: Nels.Beck, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSM: Kenneth W. Jones r ��i f t RESMUrION We 520 (1939 Series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPT W A GRANT DOD FROM DELLIS ?WAD. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That certain grant deed dated February 25, 1959, ohersin Nellie'Penman grants certain property therein described to the City of San Luis Obispo shall be and is hereby accepted and shall be recorded on behalf of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9 day of` March o 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Kenneth W. Jones Cif'-Clerk �a� y =� RDrS01.D1'I014 h1D. 5.(1959 Series) A RESOLSTIOR INCQUSUM TO$ 1958 -59 BUD=* BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lacs Obispo as follows: That Account goo 300024 Air Service Application be increased by $100.00 and that the Unbvdgeted Reserve be decreased by $100,00. PASSED AND ADOPTED thiaL �2 d&y of March., 1954, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Renm th W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger 1g0ZS: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: Cityat erk Mayor ,1'7- That the final map of Tract 144® Hillside Usnor, shall be and is hereby accepted swbject to the installation of improvements and reca =endations of the City Engineer which shall be incorporated in the agree=nt to be executed by the subdivider and the city. PASSED AjD ADOrM this 2 day of March , 19599 by the following roll.call vgtms AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSM: None t - ATTEST. -5/S' . _. , 0 RESOLUTION NO. 517 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION.PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, ESTABLISHING - PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES, AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1. That a general municipal election shall be held in the City of San Luis Obispo, State of California, on Tuesday, the 14th day of April, 1959, for the purpose of electing for said City the following officers for the terms designated: (a) Mayor - two (2) years. (b) Two Councilmen - four (4) years each. (c) Three members of the Board of Education for San Luis Obispo School District four (4) years each. That said officers when elected are to hold office as provided by the ° Charter and ordinances of the City of San Luis Obispo. 2. For the purpose of holding the above election, said City is divided into 21 precincts and the general state election precincts within said City as established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo shall be consolidated and numbered as follows with the respective polling places and boards of election as designated: A-) 7 City Election Precinct #1 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #40 & 41 Polling Place: Milo E. Whitson Residence 268 La Canada St.. SLO Inspector: Mildred Whitson 268-La Canada Street Judge: Helen F. Fisher 254 -La Canada Street Clerk: Mabel F. Bowlby 300- Tolosa Way Clerk: Madelyn Gracta 269 -Santa Lucia Drive City Election Precinct #2 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #42 & 43 Polling Place: Jack Dewar Jr. Residence Rear 265-Foothill Blvd. Inspector: Evelyn Me Falk 283 -Del Mar Court Judge: Marcella A. Maddox. 70 -La Entrada Ave. Clerk: Virginia Jarvinen 295 -Del Mar Court Clerk: Bathlene Oe Greenelsh 130 -San Jose Wourt. City Election Precinct #3 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #39 & 44 Polling Place: Teach School (Nurses Room) Ferrini Road & Felton Way.. SLO Inspector: Mary Hampton, 575- Certo,Romauldo Drive Judge: Sammie Me Dodds 618- Felton Wag Clerk: RoseMarie C. Servatius 490 - Felton way Clerk: Jeanne G, Stone 505 - Felton Way . City Election Precinct #4 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #37 & 38 Polling Place: Lutheran Church (Parish Ball) Foothill Blvd. & Santa Rosa St.,. SID Inspector: Archie Stenner 55 -Casa Street Judge: Mildred J. Compton 1085 - Foothill Blvd. Clerk: Irene Hornor 1290- Murray Ave* Clerk: Valdora,Do Myers 104 -Casa Street City Election Precinct #5 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #35 & 36 Polling Place: Frank Mulligan Residence 3,22 Hathway Ave..., SLO Inspector: Faye Re Hanna 1269 - Stafford St. Judge: Marian Be Whitmer 440 -Kentacky Street Clerk: Ruth Me Fellows 208- Hathwag Avenue Clerk: Mary lie Mott 110 - Kentucky AveIIlle c� City Election Precinct #6 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #33'& 34 Polling Place: Pacheco School (Teacher's Rowe) Grand Avenue & Slack St., SIC Inspector: Ernest B. Hemen 2071 -Hope Street Judge: Mary Shaw 1860 - McCollum Street Clerk: Alice Hutchings 1924 Heys Street Clerk: Carol J. Bedford 1647- McCollme Street City Election Precinct #7 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #27 & 30 Polling Place: Ellen R. Lindesmith Residence 1121 Iris Street, SID Inspector: Zola::. T. GATbrath 1].21- George Street Judge: Frances Chaplin 1127 - Iris Street Clerk: Bella Cantrell 1016- George Street - Clerk: Jean %. Gandy. 1105- George Street City Election Precinct #8 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #1, 31 & 32 .Polling Places Senior High School (Gym Room) .Inspector: Lola M. Pritchard 536- Hathway Street Judge: Lucy L. Riebel 1923 -San Luis Drive Clerk: Edna Plato 2038- Johnson Avenue Clerk: Birdie Bruce 1890- Fixlinin Street City Election Precinct #9 comprisiiig.State and County.Voting Precinct #28 & 29. Polling Place: Beckwith residence 2341 Johnson Ave., SLO Inspector: Bonnie Beckwith 2341 - Johnson Avenue Judge.a Cora Gaustad 3007 - Johnson Avenue Clerk: - Thelma Isola 2976- Johnson Avemie Clerk: Barbara Blake 2525- Augusta Street City Election Precinct #10 comprising.State and County Voting Precinct #25 & 26 Polling Place: W. 0. Blythe residence (Rumpus Room) 2427 Lawton Street, SLO Inspector: 011ie M. Mott 2656- Lawton Street Judge: Cara Skinner 669- Lawrence Drive Clerk: Borrtle Dewbowski 566 - Lawrence Drive Clerk: Elizabeth Miller 590- Lawrence Drive • �J City Election Precinct #11 comprising-State and County Voting Precinct #19, 20 & 24 Polling Place: R.E. Anderson Residence 2056- Chorro.Street . Inspector: May S. Anderson 2056- Chorro Street Judge: Robert E. Anderson 2056- Chorro Street Clerk: Rose V. Bittick 1902- Chorro Street. Clerk: Margaret E. Green 1902 - Chorro Street City Election Precinct #12 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #21 & 23 Polling Place: Serpa Residence 395 Pismo St., SLO. Inspector: Cecelia L. Serpa 395 -Pismo Street Judge: Mary E. Mallory 493 -Pismo Street Clerk: Gladys L. Banks 381 -Pismo Street _Clerk: Hilda J. Martin .370 -Islay Street City Election Precinct #13 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #9,10 & 22 Polling Place: Emerson School ( Hospitality House) Inspector: Lucy C. Heyd 614- Monterey Street Judge; Lenore Sebastian 1241- Hipomo Street Clerk: Eleanor S. Williams 610- Monterey Street Clerk: Rita L, Haywood 697- Higuera Street City Election Precinct #lit comprising State and County Voting.Precinct #16 & 17 Polling Place: Harry Kyle Residence 1747 Chorro St., SLO Inspector: Mary Kyle 1747- Chorro Street .Judge: Donna Mills 2575- Lawton Street Clerk: Alclair Eades 1837- Chorro Street Clerk: Anna L. Wood 685 -Leff Street City Election Precinct #15 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #15 & 18 Polling Place: City Schools Administration Bldgi, 1445 Santa Rosa St., SLO Inspector:" Beulah M. Heidorn 673- Buchon Street .Judge: Lillian G. Leo. 661= Bachon Street Clerk: Grace J. Jones 685- Bachon Street Clerk: Grace St.Clair 662 -Islay Street Clerk: Donna Me Porter 27"anta Rosa Street City Election Precinct #16 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #13 & 14 Polling Place: Park Hotel 1815 osos st„ no Inspector: Dorthea V. Hulsey 1123 -fUmo Street Judge: Helen Burnett 1018 -Islay Street Clerk: Vera B. Carter 1520 -Santa Rosa Street Clerk: Miriam T, Hanze 1190 -Pismo Street City Election Precinct #17 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #11 & 12 Polling Place; .City Hall 990 Palm St., SLO Inspector: Emily Tartaglia 626 -North Broad Street Judge: Georgina M. Gillis 699- Chorro Street Clerk: Rose Lassonde 772 -Mill Street Clerk: Evelyn E.•Butler 789 -'each Street City Election Precinct # 18 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #5 & 2 Polling Place: Veterans Memorial B.Idg. 801 Grand Avenue, SLO Inspector: Ruth Preuss 1440- Higuera Street Judge: Alma McGovern 824 -Grove Street Clerk: Polly Sauer 1951- Monterey Street Clerk: Winnis Gist 1307 -Mill Street City Election Precinct #19 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #4 & 7 Polling Place: Fremont School ( Teacher's Room) Inspector: Ann Marie Mercer 1354 -1'each Street Judge: Ether A. Lawn 1344 -Mi3-1 Street Clerk: Margaret Greenelsh 1306 -Peach Street Clerk: Ida L. 11,1WINis Chan 620 - Johnson Avenue City Election Precinct #20 comprising State and County Voting Precinct #45 & 3 Polling Place: Young Residence 545 Ellen Way,, SID Inspector: Susan Young 545 -Ellen Way Judge: Elinor Diefenderfer 546 -Ellen Way Clerk: Ida Farrar 551- Hathwwr Street Clerk: Donna Me Porter 27"anta Rosa Street 3. For the purpose of holding the above election, said territory outside the City, but within the San Luis Obispo High School District, shall be divided into 7 precincts and the general state election precincts within said territory as established by the Board of Supervisors of thbr,County of San Luis Obispo shall be consolidated and numbered as follows with the respective polling places and boards of election as follows: City Election Precinct #21 comprising State and.County Voting Precinct #6 & 8 Polling Place: Bradbeer Residence 54O.N. Broad St., SID Inspector: Kathryn Bradbeer 540 -N. Broad Street Judge: Ella Gianolini 742- Center Street 61erk: Jeanne M. Wathen 762 - Lincoln Street Clerk: Guilda A. Williams 388- Chorro Street uitiy z.Lection rrecinct ff« comprising Mate ana county voting rrecinct CHORRO do Clerk: Barbara Styles c/q 10- Vetvilles Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo City Election Precinct #23 Comprising State and County Voting Precinct LOS OSOS 1 & 2 Polling Place:., Los Osos School Inspector: Inez Gianolini Judge: Elsie M. Mello Clerk: Flora L. Turri RD 1 Bog 155, San Luis Obispo, CAL POLY Polling Placer C. Poly (Agriculture Education 'B "�. Room 102) Calif. Inspector: Wilma Magorian 10- Vetvilles Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Judge: Irene C. Pierce 15- Vetville, Cal eoly,.San Luis Obispo Clerk: Wilma Eckmeier 57- Vetville, Cal Poly,.San Luis Obispo Clerk: Barbara Styles c/q 10- Vetvilles Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo City Election Precinct #23 Comprising State and County Voting Precinct LOS OSOS 1 & 2 Polling Place:., Los Osos School Inspector: Inez Gianolini Judge: Elsie M. Mello Clerk: Flora L. Turri RD 1 Bog 155, San Luis Obispo, Calif. RD 1 Box 108s San Luis Obispo Calif. RD I San Luis Obispo, Calif. Clerk: _ Marguerite M. Turri RD 1 San Luis Obispo, Calif. City Election.Precinct #24 comprising State and County Voting Precinct AVIL4 Polling Place: Boy Scout Bldg. Inspector: Florence Martin Avila Beach, Calif. Judge: G. Marie Doherty Avila Beach, Calife Clerk: Lela Avila Avila Beach, Calif. Clerk:,. Gladys Ydsakian 395 -lst Streets Avila Beach, Califs City Election Precinct,#25 comprising State and County Voting Precinct MCRRO 1 & 2 Polling Place: Justice Court Inspector: Judge: Plerk: Clerk: Ada Tonini - 560 -Morro Street, Morro Bay, Calif, M, R. Tonini 560 -Morro Streets Morro Bays Calif. Morro Bays Calif. Eda Yost 563-E Street, �i s La Vora Bickford 581-C Street, Bbrro Bays Calif. C� • City Election Precinct #26 comprising State and County Voting Precinct MORRO 3 14 Polling Place: Veterans Memorial Bldg 75 9th Street, Morro Bay. Inspector: Lillie A. Anderson 6th .& D Street, Morro Bay, Calif.. Judge: Marcia A. Strom 948-E Street, Morro Bay, Calif. Clerk: Jessie C. Gwinup Main & 8th Street, Morro Bays Calif. Clerk: Jessie Morris 980 -E Street, Morro Bays Calif. City Election Precinct #27 comprising State and County Voting Precinct BAYWOOD Polling Place: Community Bldg. , Baywood Parks Balifo=ia Inspector: Ardith Wagner Rt 1 Box 816 San Luis Obispo Judge: Jean Liljestrand Clerk: Margaret Smith c/o Rt 1 Box 816, San Luis Obispo. c/o Rt 1 Boa 816, San Luis Obispo. Clerk: Mrs. Re Diefenderfer 352 -3rd Street, Baywood nark, Calif. City Election Precinct #28 comprising State and County Voting Precinct ORCUTT & CORRAL DE PIEMA Polling Place, Grange Hall S. Broad.St., SIX Inspector: Laura Be Hoover Judge: La Verne Robasciotti Clerk: Josephine Zela.zny Clerk: Lorene Faustino 3081- Rockview Place, San Luis Obispo Rt 2 Box 160 San Luis Obispo Rt 2 Box 110 San Luis Obispo Rt 1 Box 10A San Luis Obispo 4. Said polling places shall be open between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M. and 7:00 o'clock P.M. on said election day, and members of said boards of election shall be paid in the amount of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) each. 5. The City Clerk shall publish notice ofsaid election officers and polling places as set out in Section 9754.1 of the Elections Code of the State of California. vote: PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2 day of March, 1959 by the following roll call AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayo ATTEST: RBSOYA=IM moo. 5,�1®, -;1959 Series) A RESOL n7W ' YMM AND IImp==G THE 1958 -59 BOGET, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lois Obispo as follows; 1. That Account Noe 26304 Municipal Parking Lot No. 4 be increased by $30,000.00. 2. That $32,000.00 be transferred from the General Reserve Account td the Off- street Parking Reserve Fund as an interest free loan to be used for the purpose of acquiring properties in cormetion.wIth Municipal Parking Lot No. 4 and to be repaid when possible. PASSED AND ADOPTED this� .24 day offr,®h , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AY8S7 Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None - ATTEST: �67& O EM M 195"0 eBE IT MESSOLM��ey�the =il�iofff the City Of Sin Lams Gbiag as fogllCm-es; bhGe GCC.eYei�.���g aED. Fs .24 Aft �VeSVBce Applicre2tL98 be iuri.l��%°.ased by �69.70CWotia� a" d that the 4$Scte Reserve be decreamd by y�op�aQ:�o PAS gg.=L.&W of March 19590 by the following roll call vote: awt Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger $: J. Barry Smith ADS=: None i .. PAW 0 ( o r. i RESOLUTION NO, 5(1959 Series). A RESOLUTION INCMSING THE 1958 -59 BUDGET AND AISO TRANSFERRING FUNDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: 1, That Account No, 211,3 City Engineer Materials and Supplies be increased by $250oOO. 2. That Account Ho, 212,3 Building Inspector Materials and Supplies be increased by $250,00. 3, That Account No, 214,3 Street Materials and Supplies be increased by 62,000.00. 4. That the General Fund Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $2,500,00. 5, That Account No, 156 Jobnson Sanitary District Bond Redemption and Interest be increased by $500,00. 6, That Account No. 346 Water Meters be increased by $1,000,00. 7, That Account No, 774 Water Customer Account Expense be increased by $250,00, 8, That Account No; 222 hater Vmchera Peyeble be decreased by 01,250.00, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16 day of February , 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES t Ne.ls Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger. NOES: None ABSEFTz None ATTESTS /v r REWLUTIOH 80, 513 „�,(7S59 Series) A RESOLIFPION ACCEPTING OMITS ANTS IN TRACT 960 COLLEGE HI(H W3D.S, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as followe% That the offsite Uproeements including arq and all easements for drainage or public utility purposes in Tract 96, College Highlands, shall be and are hereby accepted, PASSED AVID ADOPTED this 16 of February 19590 by the following vote: . AYES% Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight; J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT% None �i _ r ATTEST: 5l3 RESOLMICH WO 512 Swim) BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lulls Obispo an roll ass That the offaite improvements Including mW and all easements for drainage or public utility purposes in Tract 3260, College Highlands Woo 4., shall be and am hereby accepted subject to the conditions that the subdivider (a) Deposit with the City Clerk 820,000.00 cosh together with smitten authorization to the City to use maid sort to complete the required subdivision improvements in the event the subdivider fails to complete them to the satisfaction of the City Engineer within 30 dsysi aand.(b) Deposit with the City Clergy written assurance from the Pacific Gas and Electric CampwW that the required electroliers have been paid for and care installado PASSED AIID ADOpM this 16 � of February „ 2090, by the fo3.lowing .....o.._. . ems.. m.....�- mall call votes. AYESr Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES s None ABSENTs None ATTrSTs „�. MIM VDs Sir.` '�8) A RESSOLUMU AOCEPT330 c> 'sITS VGRXMGM IN 7PACT 127a PAR=4 HOMES 460. 29 BE IT RESODM by the Cow of the City of San lobe Obispo as folio -mt Thst the offeite Uprovemmts Including aW earl all easements for drainage or public utility purposes in Tract 127, ParkrU m Hones lo, 2, shah be and am hereby accepted subject to tie conditivwthat the subdivider (a) Deposit with the City Clerk $1,000,00 cash together with w itten authorization to the City to* use said mm to complete the required W24VWUM hp a Aunly i t the event the sub. divider foils to complete them to the smtisfactUs of the City Eztgineer within 30 dsye; and (b) Deposit with the City Claris written assurance from the Paolgic Gas and Electric CompmW that the required elactroliers have been paid for and are �tstallad, PASM AND ADOPTED this 16 d&y oY February a 1959a by the folloAng roll can 1 vote t AYESt Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSEN t None ATTEST: �/ �• M RESOLUTION N0. 510 (1959 Series) A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE HONORABLE EDMUND G. BROWN, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City of San Luis Obispo and the State of California are conducting an official ground breaking ceremony for the Whale Rock Project on this date; and WHEREAS, Governor Edmund G. Brown has kindly consented to.make the trip to San Luis Obispo for the ceremony, taking time out from his very busy schedule to do so; and WHEREAS, the Governor's presence will aid greatly in .emphasizing the importance of the occasion, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: That.the warmest greetings of the City be..extended to Governor Brown along with our appreciation for his official visit. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1959, by the following roll call vote: AYES: .Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Dr. J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger. NOES: None ABSENT: None Attests �1� RESOLUTION NO. 509 (1959 Series) RESOLUTION A UPHORIZJWG EXECUTION OF AGREE M FOR MAIP,'Tf�U?. m OF STREET REFUSE RECSPTAwm, BE IT RESOLVED by %be Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows; That the Mayor shall be and is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo an agreement with Donald T, Gallock for the maintenance of street refuse receptacles for a two year term with an options to extend for a two year period of time, PASSED A_WD ADOPTED this 16 day of February 9 1959s by the following roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W.-Jones,, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger ROES. None ABSENT: None ATTEST: WMAMOO FMAWF 'x017 508 RESOIMM series) A RESOLUTIM ACCFPTnM DEED FROM WOM P. AND DOROTHY BABCOCH, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Lois Obispo as follows: That certain grant deed dated February 9, 1959, wherein Worth P, and Dorotby Babcock convey certain property therein described to the City of San Luis Obispo shall be and is hereby accepted and aha21 be recorded in the County Recorder's office, PASSED AND ADOPTED this _6day of February 2959, by the fo2lowlstg roll call votes AyES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smit4 Fred H. Lucksinger ALOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 5 0,-F R.ESOLUTIC +1 1100 507 ]S'9 8) A RMOLMTOX 3ECR,EASZNG THE 1958.59 SST BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Inis Obispo as follm t IUt ACCOMt Roo 200,24 Air Service Appllaatim be Increaeod by $12000oOO and that tho Unbudgeted Reserve be decreased by $19000o00o PASSLA AND ADOPTED this 16 day of . 0 19599 by the fob lowing roll call vote: AYESt Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES, I None p,BSEy-TS None ATTEST t nTHW:EAW:HNB:jm C • RESOLUTION NO. 506 (19 59 series) A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT AND DIRECTING REIMBURSEMENT ALRITA STREET, ET AL PROJECT NO. S -58 -9 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, that WHEREAS, the property assessed as Diagram and Assessment Number 616 -B in the proceedings had pursuant to Resolution No. 373 -195$ Series. of Preliminary Determination and of Inten- tion is not benefited-to the full extent of its original assess- ment from the improvements constructed in said proceedings; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That said Diagram and Assessment No. 616 -B is hereby reduced from $1,656.72 to $1,123.44. 2. That the Director of Finance reimbruse the person paying the assessment the amount of $233.28 from the Construc- tion Fund of said project. % i I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2 day of February , 19 59 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None APPROVED: City rk of tAW City of San Luis Obispo RESOLUTION No, 505 (2959 series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIRG A PORTION OF THE OFF_SITE.. DIPROVEMnS IN PIEDMONT ESUTHS AND ACCM3NG GRP_NT DEED FROM ANNA R, GALLAGMR* BE IT RESOLVED by the Cotancil of the City of San Lei Obispo as Pollouss 1, That a portion of tkm off -site izprovements in the Piecb=t Estates, to wits Unit A, span be mad Is hereby accepted by the City of San Lewis Obispo, 29 That certain Gaut Deed dated January 290 19590 wherein Anna R, Gaileghar conveys certain property therein described to the City of Son Iola Obispo shall be and is hereby accepted, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2 day of February a 19592 by the following roll call votca: AM: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES:. None ABSENT t N on e ATMSTt •FYI � e `"l 015- RESOLUTION Ii0. -(1959 Series) A RESOLUTION MUM= THE 3958-59 BI7 &T BE IT RESOLVED by the Gomcil of the City of Sin Luis Obispo as followe: That Accoimt No. 233a2bd Johanson Lsispection Fees be raddd. In the amomt of �3Oa00 and that the Dnbudgetad Reserve be decreased by 1630.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this clay of February a 19590 by the fol2cw1mig vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Luck-singer NOES: None ADSMTs Richard G. Sleight ATTEST: '5D4/ RMOWr]XM 10.5(209 SerUs) A RESOLUTION AUMORTZIM THE MYM TO ACCEPT GRANT DEED FROM ELM W. AND KA2HERdE A. SP7M* BE IT RESOLVED by the Cotmoil of UW City of Sea Luis Obispo as follows: That certain Grant Deed dated JaansrY 27, I959, wherein Elmer W. Smith and Katherine A.. Smith ccnsey a portUm of Lots 1 and 220 Tract 11, to the City of San Luis Obispo @hall be and is hereby accepted, PASSED APED ADOPTED this22day of February , 195920 by the follouaing roll call vote: AIM, Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, U. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES= None ABSUITZ s None ATTEST: '10 M0001; :c• RESOLUTION NO. 502 ( 195 9 Series) - SION _OF SHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE - CITY OF OBISPV ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT.FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED. UNDER SECTION 2107.5 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE WHEREAS, a. memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accordance with a project statement submitted.by the City of San Luis Obispo for expenditure of the engineering allocation to cities for the fiscal year 195$'59, and WHEREAS; the city council has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it xesolved by the city council of the City of San Luis Obispo that said project statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the engineering allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on .behalf of said city, said agreement to be binding upon the city upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this 2 day of February 1959 Attest: ,y I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of, San Luis Obispo at a regular meeting thereof -held. February 2 1959 Mer c oKAne Z y San Luis $53.spo A'/7 CSTATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT V 90 H_IGUERA STREET' SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO P. O. BO% a41 Mr. Dave Romero City Engineer City of San Luis San Luis Obispo, Dear Sir: January 20, 1959 / A"r0�. Obispo California Attached is memorandum of agreement in triplicate providing for expenditure of the gas tax allocation to cities covering engineering under Section 21073 of the Streets and Highways Code for the 1959 fiscal year for execution by the authorized city officials.. PLEASE REFER TO FILE No. V- SLO- SLO After execution by the authorized city officials, the.original and duplicate copy of this agreement are to be returned to this office for further handling. A certified copy of the city's resolution approving this agreement . is to be returned also. The triplicate copy is for your file and reference. CEM :ni Attach. Very truly yours, A. M. NASA. District Engineer City na� C C- M C= Cal 1 C . y r� RF.SOLD'PEew M 501 9" A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIM GRAN MW FROM BENS CONSTRUCTION C014PAWY AND APPROTWO AST BEMW TO CITY AND KiEDENS CONSTRUCTION COMPABY Fri DFRW8lI13tiTS OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD IN ACCMWCE WM THE PLAN LW* BE IT RESOLVED by the Couaoil of the City of San Luis Obispo as follon: 1. That certain Grant Deed dated Janus 20g 1959,, wherein the Movens Constraetion'Conp q grants certain property to'the City of San Luis Obispo is hereby accapted, 2, That the Mayor shall be and is hereby authorized to execute an behalf of the City of San Luis Obispo that oertaia ag wmmt dated January 20,, .1959,, bet son the Klevens Construction CcmpseW and the City of Sau Lurie Obispo providing for Improvements for Foothill Boulevard, PASSED AND ADOPTED this, 2 �dsay of Feb ® � mp 1959,0 by the allowing roll call vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Richard G. Sleight ATTEST: __Ii� 0/ RESoLmics wo, 500 (29S9 s) A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE 395'&59 BBDGET BE IT RESOLM by the Council of the City of Sam Buis Obispo as folloza®: That ACCOMt No, 211;23 F®arimi Inspsctiom Fees Noo 4 be added in the &want of 66;;0,00 and that the Mbudpted Reservm be decreased by 060ooOO, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2 day of February „ 19591) by thq following roll call vote: AyES; Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: Richard G. Sleight ATTEST: