HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-09 PRC Minutes1-1 Parks and Recreation Commission MINUTES Council Hearing Room, 990 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Jill Lemieux called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Vice Chair Craig Kincaid, Gary Havas, David Hensinger, Kylie Hatch, Ron Regier, and Steve Davis ABSENT: STAFF: Director Betsy Kiser, Marti Reynolds, Neil Havlik, Todd Bunte CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: MOTION: (Kincaid/Hatch) Approve the August 5, 2009 minutes as submitted. Approved: 7 yes: 0 no: 0 absent 1. Public Comment None. 2. Volunteer of the Month Simon Phillips is the September Volunteer of the Month. Simon has been a coach for the Jr. Giants program for the last three seasons. Through this program, Simon has demonstrated his knack for working with youth and how to be a positive role model. This summer, Simon exuded extraordinary leadership to the young baseball players by always doing what was right. He knew how to engage the kids and keep them focused on their tasks while also having fun. Simon was also reliable to follow through with assignments and activities as directed. Simon has been a star in the Jr. Giants program not only for his leadership but also for demonstrating how to be a courteous and respectful citizen. It is with great appreciation that the Parks and Recreation Commission recognizes Simon Phillips as the Volunteer of the Month. 3. Stenner Springs Natural Reserve Conservation Plan – Havlik Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik began by crediting City Biologist Freddy Otte, Ranger Services Supervisor Doug Carscaden for their assistance in this project, and particularly Atascadero Intern Jennifer Lloyd whose persistence he believes greatly aided in the projects completion. Havlik then provided a presentation to the Commissioners explaining the background of the Stenner Springs Natural Reserve Conservation Plan. The plan will guide the management Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 2009 Page 2 of 7 1-2 management and development of the site over the next five to seven years. Explained that Parcel 4 is under joint ownership with the State of California and is governed by rules and regulations of Camp San Luis Obispo and therefore any proposed activities there will require their approval. Havlik also noted the 140 plant species and 90 animal species in the area including at least eight rare and one federally protected endangered species, the California red- legged frog, in this popular mountain biking location. Havlik further highlighted management concerns and plans to address those concerns including a request for a portion of the reserve to be a mountain biking ‘skills area’; erosion from unauthorized trail use and on-going construction of the Nacimiento pipeline installation; non-native vegetation encroachment; restoration and management of agricultural use; appropriate drainage; and protection of sensitive habitats. Commissioners inquired as to funding and more detailed explanation of mitigation plans including training at pipeline construction area, a biological monitor, water accommodation and Cal Poly grazing area, environmental impact avoidance tactics, and potential opportunities with the county. The Chair opened to Public Comment: Jim Aaron, San Luis Obispo, supports trails and skills area project; feels inappropriate trail use can be reduced with this plan and that a broad age base is served by the activity. Clint Edwards, San Luis Obispo, CCCMB, ECOSLO, supports the skills area project. Feels mountain biker trail use and free-riding are increasing as well as unapproved trails. Feels the activity keeps young adults outside, healthy and able to express a talent. Scott Steinmaus, San Luis Obispo, greatly supports trails and skills area. Expressed inspiration from Frank Shorter. As a bio science professor specializing in invasive plants and creekside habitat, is certain of well-documented methods of controlling habitat. Dan Palmer, San Luis Obispo, co-founder of the Freeride and Sustainable Trails Association (FASTA) associated with CCCMB. Supports plan and trails/skills area. Feels management plan detailing building steps and maintenance plan for future upkeep will help reduce concerns as well as ‘enter at own risk’ signage and helmet requirements. Noted the Cities of Santa Barbara and Fresno have had similar projects with success. Greg Bettencourt, Cayucos, CCCMB, supports skills area, CCCMB willing to serve as a guarantor for free ride area if allowed. Commented on research that was done to support proposal and regular ongoing commitment that will be involved. Acknowledged the plan being much more than the small aspect being discussed under public comment and hoped the real significance of the plan would not be lost. Feels plan speaks well for City government. Joe O’Donnell, San Luis Obispo, CCCMB, supports skills area and feels design of trails has come a long way. Will help rehabilitate old trails and mediate shutting down illegal trails to ease pressure. Would be honored to partner with the City. End of Public Comment. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 2009 Page 3 of 7 1-3 Natural Resources Manager Havlik added that his presentation was also made to the Planning Commission who showed unanimous support and asked that 1) priority to environmental restoration be assigned and 2) that the area be a mitigation site for oak impact projects. Havlik then recommended Commissioners approval of plan with mitigation. Commissioner Havas pointed out other successes as models in other regions and the International Mountain Bike Association’s knowledge base to use for information. Has attended their trail building conference and commended their focus on risk management. Havlik then added the expectation with plan approval that there would be a formal agreement entered into with CCCMB prior to construction of skills area. Also discussed question of structure’s removal or abandonment in the future. Will bear in mind in contract arrangement. Structure would be evaluated and either determined to be a positive part of surrounding habitat or removed. Referenced telephone lines at fire lookout which were left in place because they had become excellent perches for hawks. Commissioner Kincaid acknowledged and thanked the Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers (CCCMB) for their years of work. MOTION: (Havas/Hatch) Recommend to the City Council that the Stenner Springs Natural Reserve Conservation Plan and Mitigated Negative Declaration be approved as submitted or as amended, including: 1. Re-routing or closure of undesirable or damaging trails; 2. Development of a formally identified trail system for pedestrians and bicyclists; 3. Placement of protective fencing at identified locations within the Reserve to protect sensitive resources in those locations; 4. Undertaking of oak and other tree and shrub plantings to mitigate for impacts of the Nacimiento pipeline installation project; 5. Development of interpretive and informational signage to assist visitors; 6. Controlling problem non-native plants such as yellow star thistle and purple star thistle, and controlling eucalyptus where they are impacting native trees; 7. Changing the livestock operation to a “grazing as needed” basis; and 8. Proper development, maintenance, and operation of the “skills area” by a qualified organization acceptable to the City of San Luis Obispo. Approved: 7 yes: 0 no: 0 absent Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 2009 Page 4 of 7 1-4 4. Final Report on Slacklining Program – Kiser Director Kiser provided background on the 12-month pilot and monitoring program which was approved on September 2, 2008. The slackers requested the use of another pine tree in Meadow Park and expansion to other parks, specifically Mitchell Park and Santa Rosa Park. Staff recommends the use of the one additional pine tree in Meadow Park however is not recommending expansion to other parks due to current park usage patterns and configuration of trees in the parks requested. Once Meadow Park is established as permanent slacklining area, signage will be changed to include information on acceptable anchor systems (which is currently on website and not used). MOTION: (Kincaid/Davis) Recommend that City Council: 1. Amend the Tree Regulations to allow Slacklining in parks as authorized by the Parks and Recreation Commission; and 2. Authorize slacklining in Meadow Park Approved: 7 yes: 0 no: 0 absent 5. Selection of Wes Conner Award Recipient– Kiser Director Kiser explained the development of the Wes Conner Award and qualifying criteria for the award. Biographies were reviewed for the following nominees: Lee Hollister Barry Karleskint Richard Kriet John Spatafor Rick May Recipient will be honored at the annual Volunteer Barbecue September 23, 2009. Commissioners discussed briefly before making a motion. MOTION: (Kincaid/Regier) Recommend Richard Kriet as this year’s recipient of the Wes Conner Award. Approved: 7 yes: 0 no: 0 absent Chair Lemieux agreed to present the award at the event at the request of Director Kiser. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 2009 Page 5 of 7 1-5 Commissioner Regier acknowledged all nominees were very worthy and feels those remaining on the list to be definite nominees for next year as well as the addition of Bill Thoma, Youth Sports Association. 6. Staff Report – Bunte Golf Course Supervisor Bunte provided a presentation to the Commissioners with updated information on the Laguna Lake Golf Course (LLGC) in which he highlighted revenue statistics and the recycled water program. Although revenues are up slightly, rounds are down, more likely due to the state of the economy and state of the greens than the fee increase. Explained poor condition of greens resulted from use of recycled water that is high in sodium which builds up in root system. The Poana grass, which takes over 95% of the Bent grass after 4-5 years, doesn’t take the stress from heat, high traffic or high sodium, and is prone to disease. Strategy is to overseed with salt tolerant grasses. Because of the long-term negative impact of recycled water, feels greens will eventually need to be rebuilt. Actively pursuing remedy and currently working with Utilities staff for an interim solution such as use of potable water during the non-rainy season or a potable water line to greens. Supervisor Bunte also updated on Hole No. 3 which is doing well. The concession (“That Caribbean Restaurant”) agreement is up for renewal in October. Will consider moving concessioner into old kitchen in pro shop, potential alcohol permit in future. The AT&T cell tower agreement nearly final for $26K includes a small equipment storage area that can be used by the LLGC. $10K will also be available for pro shop roof replacement and barbecue area remodel. Commissioner Kincaid inquired on plans to remeasure and repost yardages which are in the process of getting rated according to Bunte. Director Kiser explained background of decision to use recycled water at the course. Supervisor Bunte reminded of 911 Memorial Ceremony Friday at 10 a.m. which will include a color guard. Ceremony was developed by Friends of LLGC four years ago and includes participation from Laguna Middle School. Commissioners invited Public Comment from Mary Parker. Mary Parker, San Luis Obispo, feels the LLGC to be a community treasure and that even outstanding golfers have troubles with greens but that is due to the fact it is a challenging course. Feels fortunate to have Supervisor Bunte managing it and greatly appreciates his work. Added the Ladies Golf League wishes to be visible in their support of the golf community. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 2009 Page 6 of 7 1-6 7. Director’s Report– Kiser Director Kiser briefed the Commission on the following projects: Can accommodate Adult Rugby for the next couple of years at Santa Rosa Park in an area behind the Skate Park. Adult Rugby knows that the area will eventually become part of the new Skate Park, but this gives them time to continue their search for a permanent practice facility. Soccer season has kicked in with lots of playing time on Damon-Garcia. We’re keeping a close eye on the condition of the fields. On September 1, Council approved the donation from Rotary for funding, planning and installing the Community Garden at Meadow Park. Council also executed an agreement with RRM Design for the design of the Santa Rosa Skate Park. Atrazine, a pesticide that has received attention recently in the LA Times and The Tribune for health concerns, is not used on the Golf Course and has never been used by Parks Maintenance. Parks and Recreation is co-sponsoring a free Community Movie Night with the three Rotary Clubs in town for Saturday, Sept. 5 at Damon-Garcia. Movie is Hotel for Dogs. The movie scheduled for August 15 at Mission Plaza was cancelled due to rain, however rescheduled for Friday, September 25. Volunteer Recognition BBQ is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23 at the Ludwick Community Center. During the past week staff has received notification of two grant awards for the Froom Ranch acquisition project. One is for $200,000 from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, and the other is a $100,000 “challenge” grant from the Nature Conservancy of California. Together with the $300,000 in City allocations for the project, these awards bring the total amount for the project to $600,000 of the $700,000 needed. Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik reports that he expects a local fundraising effort for the final $100,000 to get underway in September. This will be in part to meet the “challenge” of the Nature Conservancy grant, which specifies a dollar-for-dollar match from other, non-Nature Conservancy sources. While certain procedural and technical hurdles remain with the project, this week’s news is a major step toward the successful completion of the Froom Ranch project. For further information contact Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik at x7211. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 2009 Page 7 of 7 1-7 8. Committee Reports Commissioners provided the following reports: Tree Committee – Kincaid Joint Use Committee – Hensinger Youth Sports Association - Davis Jack House Committee – Hatch Open Space – Havas Golf – Regier Bicycle Committee – Havas Commissioner Kincaid was not able to attend the last meeting of the Tree Committee. Commissioner Davis reported there have been no meetings of the Youth Sports Association to attend since the quarterly meeting in July. Commissioner Havas had not recently met with Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik and likewise had nothing further to report on Open Space following his staff report. Commissioner Havas stated the Bicycle Committee only meets every other month but did add information about conversation with Kevin Christian with respect to being a part of the CCCMB. Commissioner Hensinger reported on the Joint Use Committee meeting last held on July 25 in which the Central Coast Women’s Tennis League received JUC approval to reserve courts during morning hours when no reservations are normally permitted. Also endorsed continuing agreement between the City and the SLO Rattlers and SLOBALL. Commissioner Hatch reported on the last meeting of the Jack House Committee. Discussed were duplex construction beside the house, endorsed funding for promotional purposes, closure of the house until December, a haunted house proposal for October 2011, using the Buggy Shed for presentations, success of High Tea with 44 tickets sold, Public Works report on fire sprinklers. Director Kiser added that of the 15 bids received all were over the $60K estimate; mid-October anticipated delayed start date. Commissioner Regier had nothing further to report on the Laguna Lake Golf Course due to the staff report. 9. Communications None. 10. Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. to the October 7, 2009 meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission on October 7, 2009. ___/Sgd/________________________________________ Martha M.S. Reynolds, Supervising Administrative Assistant