HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1916244 City r'all, T: ?onday, Srpil 17th, 1916. 7 :30 P.. ^.:. City Council met in renzlar session. 1.1eeting called to order by Commissioner Geo. H'.Andrews. Roll Call. read. Present : Commissioners..H:.i.Gorm,an;.L. Sinsheimer;Geo.> .Andree;s. absent: Commissioners Pick Sanders;1.1ayor !:to•.-er. The minutes,of April 3rd .4th A.111. 14th P.1U.,6th and 10th read and approved as Communications from widland Counties Public wervice Corporation acknow- ledging receipt of Resolution 1:o.65 (il.S.) in re City of San Luis Obispo owning, controlling and oper,-itina its oern gas plant and from the Mayor of :;an Rafael ex- tending a cordial invitation to City Officials and citizens in general of San Luis obispo to attend a street pageant to be held in that city on IT 19th, 1916. On motion of L.F.Sinsheimer seconded by_ H.A.Govman the above com- nanications „,ere ordered on file. On motion of >r.A.Gormian seconded b.y L.F.Sinsheimer the report of Pound h1as- ter Chas, Bowden eras received and filed. Building permits follow: Stafford :spencer lot 7 Block 25 Gar-.re :ood Cost tir 50.00 elm. Richards Part Lot 14 _ Block 1(':0 Loomis Addn Residence 71;ood Cost x:1800.00 'l'm. Brocksieb Lot 23 Block 25 Garage °food Cost =,5.00 On motion of L.F.Sinsheimer seconded by H.A.Go,•man the above permits ':'ere granted. On motion of i..A._Go„7man seconded by L.F.Sinsheimer the petition of A.F.Noe for a transfer of Restaurant license to V. Luisi was granted. 1,L s.idichols of Los Angeles Probation Officer addressed the Council in re the unsatisfactory manner in which cases in the Juvenile Court are handled by the County. As far as juvenile.offenders of the city are concerned the matter was re- ferred to the Commissioner of Public health and Safety. Claims for 20.00 for Stamps for City Collectors and for City Attorney Oscar Gibbons for 9.75 for. _l;lerl ° s,Sheriff! _and.. Notary's fees. in re suit of City, of San Luis Obispo vs. Clara Sauer in re 1.1arsh Street 'Kidenin8 ,,sere. on motion of H.:i. Goraman seconded by L.P.Sinsheimer.ordered paid. It °as moved by L.F.Sinsheimer and seconded by H.q,.Gow-m n that Resolution No; 66 (N.S. ) in re 1.1arsh Street :iidening be adopted. Roll Call; Ayes: H. A. Govrman ;L.F.Sinsheimer;Geo.H.Andrer;s. . Yoes; Kone. obsent: Dick Sanders; '-, .E.Stover. The -passage of the Emergency Ordinance in re turning lower Hignera Street over to County was laid over until a full board would be Dresent. ry� On motion of L.F.Sinsheimer seconded by H.A.Govanan the Commissioner of Sup- plies was authorized to buy as much pipe as is.necessary for carrying enter from Hansen Creek to sand box in ,San Luis Obispo Creek. Motion carried.. On motion of H.:.Govrman seconded by L.F.Sinsheimer Resolution I;o.67 (li.S.) a' Apparatus r in re bids for a Linuid Chlorine Ap Q s _ for the purification of water was a- w�j,,U�(,� dpoted. by the following vote: R oll Call: :_ yes: H.A.Go, roman; 1. :'.6insheimcr;Geo.F..Andrews. Noes: Eone. Absent; Dick ;:tinders;; ;245 it was moved by L.F.Sinsheimer and seconded by H.A.Go.mrn that Resolution B. 68 (F.S.) in re work to be done and materials to be furnished in re the ex- tension of Serrer System from present Sewer Farm to.,proposed new City Farm and calling for bids for same be °adopted. Roll Call: Ayes: H.A.Go-:r min ;L.F.Sinsheimer;Geo.H.Andrerrs. Floes :Plone. Absent: Dick Sanders;is.IJ.Stover. Q*^•^ The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Producers Transpor- tation Company in re the data required of them by the Council in re amount due this City for franchise ( See Ordinance No. 158 ). The matter of Howell & Price refusing to pay Taxicab License was reported by Commissioner H.A.GoYcman. It was moved by L.F.Sinsheimer and seconded by H.A. Gowan that the matter be referred to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. On motion of H.A.Gov+man seconded by L.F.Sinsheimer the meeting adjourned to Irlonday April 24th, 11.-'16 at 7 :30 _11 M. �oll Call: Present :Commissioners H.A. Gov�man; L.F.Sinsheimer;Geo.H.lindrer,s. Absent :Dick Sanders; 1.I.I.Stover. Approved this day of 7L4 1916. i - e, IITayor. f City Clerk. City Hall, I.Ionday, April 24th, 1916, 7 :30 P.IrI. adjourned meeting City Council called to order by Commissioner L.F.Sin- sheimer. Roll Call: Present: Commissioner L.F.Sinsheimer, Absent: Commissioners Dick Sanders ; H.A.Gowman; Geo. H. Andrew s;N.E. Stover. Ho quorum being present the meeting adjourned to Thursday April 27th, 1916 at 7 :30 P.I1. City Clerk. Lpproved this/ day of 0160 Mayor.