HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/1916City ?Tall, Monday July 31st. 1916, 7 :30 .il. :_djourned meetirg Cit-7 Council Called to order by Iiayor Stover. ?oll Call. zresei:t.,. C.o.m. ?...F. Sinsheimer and 'I:Iaror Stover. Absent: Com...Dic1. ttnders, .H.::.Gowman,Geo. h..Lndre-:s. There being; no quorum present the mooting ..as adjourned. - Approved this � ctay of 1916. Y - 9 N City Clerk. City Hall, P:?ond.ay, ?.ugrust 7th 19161 7 :30 P.I.:. 3ogular C.ession City Council called. to order by ;IayOr toner. Roll Call: Present, F.A.Go�-.Tnan, 7..'. inshei;mer, Geo. u.elndre;vs and 'a.11.;Mover. Com. Lick Sanders arinearing just after roll call. Tithe minutes of July 3rd. ,l7th,24th, -_nd. 31st rea.d..and approved as read. Communications as follov:s: Legal notice from '.!.i: ?.Stover,L?ayor, authorizing Judge i:iallagh to seize as notice Judge during the absence of Police Judge Thos. ihodes. Petition Of L.C.nell t0 ?;lacy aF,'ning over Chorro `„t., entrance of Hotel L'ellman. It vras moved by ^eo. u.lndrevrs and seconded by Dick Sanders that the petition be referred to the Com. of Public _ealth and Safety.c,ith pourer to act. Lotion carried. _rom the national Septic Process Protective Leagie in re membership. It was moved by L. h'.Sinsheimer and seconded by Dick Sanders that the matter be referred to the hiayor with pourer to act. 11,2Iotion Carried, The matter of the amount of premium of State Compensation Insurance was ordered to be placed on file. Otification from the industrial :'.ccident Commission of 'he State of !,t�,alifOrnia, that tree Claim No. 2636 of 2-ndrev, iera.n applicant, vs, the 1 City or 1. -_aai _.leis Qbispo,had been dismissed without prejudice. The report of City Treasurer ':'.:,r. i'liiherS read. It was moved by c L.:.'�insheimer and :-econded by : ?.::..e:.Tman that the report be received and -laced on file. The re-nort of City- Collector iiol =lard read. It was moved by Dick, - Panders and seconded by L.?:.:;insh�imer that the report be received and placed on file. The motion carried. The report of lolice Judge for June and. July read. It was moved by TZ •:: ovm-ian and seconded by Geo.- != .!1ndrew-_ that the reports be received and nlnced on file. ?.lotion Carried. The City Collector requested that the follovrinr- licenses be cancelled._ 34 ,•, ?.l . ,:OOd.s Restaurant _a;.u0r ...... ... . yr 36 Tony Chiesa Restaurant ............... 47 T.`_nIn0 n .. .... T 125 Puncar_ ar!d `7ztKins .1uto ;agency ......... 1 136 -Iva `:'reanor Cleaning & Dyein; ..... 145 T.'aengarich Junk Dealer ......... 146 ;:be 7isiler Junk Collector ...... r, 148 Jim Comas Ice Crean ....... 5.00 If 5.00 5.00 4. 00 " 2.00 2.50 1.50 1. 50 .26,3 2,64... it 2 "0 u 1 i s u r e S Oroduca �i�h . . . . . . . . . . ki 0 'gt 1.25 01 U �71 Dunc an Real :state ............ 3.00 260 Domin:ros T a_x i Cab .............. •00 ............... 3.00. `-'K J. Terrill •...•.......... 3.00 'T 292 •2utrone Jr. T-ransl­ ..............0 3.00 ✓ .1 n X06 ,-, ............ 10. 00 R. CJ nars- 7.7ar V�tq ........ 5.00 64 60.75 tree -bove It moved by Tick Sanders and seconded by H. rov, -m ,12'j that U licenses be cancelled. otion Carried. It wl-s moved by Dic;c Sanders and sec021ded by Geo. that license lio. House ^2'1 2 IT., . Troy 0' 1. 50, for monumental work-1: -and. that LodgingLodging ouse license 2L and. City Personal propertv -tax.es- of Lrs. Dee Chapin be referred_ to--%-'U`1a_ City, .ttarney for Collect=. 1-.7otion Carried. .L :-Ie 7,jetition for tr-nst er Of reataurant liof cenqe o Claveran to f "Iellie De la _­'Osa onlication for Hotel license of The"esa r 41 'eorzet'o; I.1. .)piical io -:�%'- n for -ery from %.E.Allen and the application of 0 1 Dell for license for Feed and Sale Stable were on motion of Geo. H.r,'_ndrtws seconded by Dic'_-K Sanders referred to the Com. of I-lublic Health and. :I'afety. Carried. The -pollowinF were received: a-onlications for building nermits E . ', r c h e r Lot 5 31ocl- 271 Addition to ':rell Anc Cos' 1 2000.00 nitu 'Hatha-,;;a-,.- Lot 12 Bloc: 7 0 I.Ta--f-tha Dunlap :__t lot 31lock 103 residence 9 50.00 h 'i ncl� ddition Li E--h 'Sc'nool BlQ 11 Central A storage Shed On motion of lieu. H.i_nare,-s seconded by 'r;.r.Govnan the .-above r, er mits -.,ere granted. it was moved r side walk 3-1ac:- 4-5. ic -,ation of H.7 - J ones. for 715 ft. P-s__LL by 7.7 r'insheimer an-' se.conded by that action on-the. above application be postconed until the Hoard small determine what style of Side-,71,qlllL small be adootedfor that street- 7-he motion carried. ry;plication of I.J. --ionrshar for I)ermit for ~Heger connection. plication h&7in;� been sio-ne6 by the owner of the prooerty and the. conu-111-ctc=, The a,.). e 0. above it a s rn, o v e d by L n s,-, e i -rn. e r an d s e c ,-) n di ed G r s --r.t t'r,,:- n -e permit be ;-,ranted. u carried. The following P for cement curt):; and g terS -,ere received:- Dich Sanders 52. feet Lot 2 __q J_ 0 c 1 37. 5111 62 feet Lot. 9 liloCk. as roved -,7 7 S nsheimar that the -2 and seconded by Leo. n(led b - u -_ns be granted.. -,.-otion c LLr r i e. d. above au.nlica'io 1 .1 T' Dick Sanders arie. s,3conded by Geo ,'_-Ildrewo thEit the It ,,as moved by City Clerk be allo-xe6 to chan�e the erron-lou-Q assessments as folloWS: F lrjts I to 9 3 1 o C k 19 Buena Vista Addition 1'to 3 20 SO IPE to 23 Cf gate. tuo Unkno-I-In Owner.s,and bein5z. the I)ror 'C'Irt 7 the 5016tree Esi, u 11A SSed to Un.].-nowl C lwners and being, t he r r o r e r Y '!--e �o u�\ i ''arah E. 7..7oreland and Tydia !.soticn C r i e. 6 I 11 I I