HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/1917OU0., , ( •.'•/ iIi ^iL �'�il lA.•Jr4.�7 ,Vein I fete t r'J ...11 �''c q �C' U. "(W d. City Hall, Zonday, Feb. 19th, 1917 - 7 :30 r.11i. Council met in regular session with I:iayor Stover presiding. m L. Sinsheimer, Geo. H. Roll Ca11: Present, Commissioners llici_ Sa.:ders,H. A. Gos'�..an, F. . Andrews and Fi. i::. Stover. Absent, !?one. The minutes of Feb. 5th and 12th read and approved as read. Attorney Shinsey addressed the Council in bei!alf of Vigo : ar_sen in re the ' City of San Luis Obispo purming ;.rater from the Laguna. The i;iayor appointed Commissioner L. F. Sinsheimer,and Geo. Andrews and the City Attorney a committee to take the W e,4� '"latter up with Hansen. Representatives from the Cit-; Schools Tere present and thar_i_ed the Council for the action taken at a previous meeting in re plo-,ring and harrowing and furnishing later to several lots to be used by the school children for gardening purposes in connection with their course of study. The reoo'_^t of the City Clerk for the month of January vas received and ordered filed on motion of Geo. H'.' Pndre;rs seconded by Dick Sanders. - The petition_ of C. Jar. ?royen for permit to place an electric sign over the sidewalk at c85 I.Ionterey St.. w zs granted on motion of 'r_. A. Go,.:man seconded by Dick Sanders. The petition of Lena Lo�:e for a transfer of filer lodging hol:se license to Clara Orr was laid over for the usual investigation on Notion of. Dick Sanders seconded by Geo. H. Andrews. she following building purmits :ere granted on motion of Dick Sanders seconded by Geo. ;. Andrus: Lily Bouldin - L.ot 2 Block 9 - Frame Garage - Cost 0u 65.00 Lee R. P,Irl sons Lot 11, Block o - Fr: -Jme Dwelling - Cost q 200.00 Louise B. Thurlow - Lot 11 51ock 115 - Frame residence -. -.Cost $1400.00 The City Clerk was directed to communicate with the local contr,:.ctors notifying them that it was desired by the Council that the street grades should be obtained be- U. fore the construction of nee buildings was co-:monced. The follo.;!ing applications for sidewalk, curbing and utters .,-ere granted on motion of L..F. Sinsheimer seconded by Geo. H. Andrevigs. Env..a I•'ari-:t - 97 ft. cement curbing and ,r-utter on north side Palm St. between Osos and Liloro St. Lot 3 block 19. ' ualdo i:I. York and Dennis E. Bowman - 153.3 ft. lull width cement sidewalk on the west side of ?Morro St. between Pismo and Bucizon St. Lots 1 to 3 Blocf_ 103. - i;IaTie i:Ioskimcn - 87 ft, ce�_ent curbing on south side of islonterey St. bet:aeen Cnorro and Broad St. in :.clock 10. 3061 ihe petition_ of ti:e I:",idland Co. Public Service Cor-:oration for permission to relay gas main on La sh St. between Chorro and I.Iorro St. and on Chorro St. bet-:;een P1Sr:0 and I:iarSh 5t. .'.ere granted On motion Of :. c n r L inis .eime_ seconded by Geo. Andrews. Irne a0i ;lication of the Santa Liaria Gas and Power Co. for permit to lay 100 ft. Of 211 gas main on Garden St. beti:een r Church and Leff St. also 100 ft. of 21r ,main or: i:Iorro St. bets :een I:iill and Peach St. were grunted on motion of Dick Sanders seconded by L. F. Sinsheimer. On motion of Dici:_ Sanders seconded by L. F. Sinsheimer, the application of Shifflet for a Taxicab license -�:as laid over for the usual investigation. On motion_ of Geo. H. Andre:-:s seconded by F. Sir:shei.mer, the application of Frank Hampton and H. J. Howard for a 'Restaurant license was referred to the Com- missioner of Public Health and Safety for the usual investigation. In re the matter of the transfer of the 'Lodging House and Restaurant license of H. a. Bence to Lrs. '_. �A Bi. Stephens - same again laid over. In re the matter of the transfer of the ?estau-rant license of y. Luisi to Frank Ha;mnton - same to rest until I:Ionday evening Feb. _26th. ihe petition of Shelby E:nd i.iiller for a transfer of their liaiior license to r�. Shelby which : :as laid over at a previous :meeting for the usual investigation was granted on motion of H. r_. Gorman seconded by Dick Sariders. It as :.moved by Dice; Sanders avid seconded by .;. A. (',owf,1e,n that the following licenses be cancelled, the - parties for whom said licenses ;ere issued being out 0f business: Absent: (done . The matter in re the payment of premium on renewal policy with the State Compen- satior. Insurance Fund was brought up. It 7.7ws moved by Geo. H. Andrews and seconded by L. F. Sinsheimer that a warrant in the sun of x300.00 be dram in favor of the State COmpensation Insurance Fund in na n,ent of s _id premium. I:Iotion carried. It was moved by Dick Sanders and secondedi by H. A. Gowman tl:at the following transfer of funds be made from the General par,, 1 1 1 From General blind to City _arm .r „ fund n n it , N "• ,630..054 IV it Administration Fund 2 0 ,,it e 3 Dent . Farad n " ?ublic Safety ?''urd - 955.02 .. rr rr n .Y „ Street Fund , S:- ttil - r Sewer Fd v 693. 16 - 39.35 r r,972.Ft, i:o. 714 - I:.. M. Graham - Lodging house - ;3.00 741 - ?. Pedrizetti - L'igar stand _ 78 I7 - Santa Iaria Junc Co. °5-, 2. 50 7£39 - ?, L. 13ennett - Lunch ';:agon 0 4.00. 800 - Santa Fe Dairy - Lill- ' „agora _ 2.50 o, 857 - Axel Berne - Grocery Store - 1.25 � 904 - Souza .;ment Agency _ 3.00 IF 919 - D. Ames _ Taxicab .„ab ,: x.00 920 - L. Jure _ ,� _- 3.00 921 - J • _hompson _ - .022 - .r NY. J iward s _ _ .00 3.00 ' 9c Sc i d t - rr - 3.00 92 - 5 • A. r aS , �rO _ n _ 3.99 v 39..25 It ,.as moved by Dick Sanders and seconded by Geo. H. Andrews that Ordinance silo. 60 (New Series) amendirie Article I of Ordinance IIIo. 429 Relatinp- to the Creating of a Board 0f I -ealth in the City of San ru Ou_„po and defining its powers,• be finally passed. Roll Call: Ayes: Dick Sanders, H. A. Go:=:man, T. F. Sin sheimer Geo. H. :^ 10. .ndrews, Stover ices: ?ione Absent: (done . The matter in re the payment of premium on renewal policy with the State Compen- satior. Insurance Fund was brought up. It 7.7ws moved by Geo. H. Andrews and seconded by L. F. Sinsheimer that a warrant in the sun of x300.00 be dram in favor of the State COmpensation Insurance Fund in na n,ent of s _id premium. I:Iotion carried. It was moved by Dick Sanders and secondedi by H. A. Gowman tl:at the following transfer of funds be made from the General par,, 1 1 1 From General blind to City _arm .r „ fund n n it , N "• ,630..054 IV it Administration Fund 2 0 ,,it e 3 Dent . Farad n " ?ublic Safety ?''urd - 955.02 .. rr rr n .Y „ Street Fund , S:- ttil - r Sewer Fd v 693. 16 - 39.35 r r,972.Ft, 1 1 1 1 1"._- . Sins'r_eimer brought up matter of 11.7idland Counties Public Service Cornor- at ion and asked for written opinion from the City Attoryey as to their right to do anything additional to the old provisional constitution. I,Ir. And.rev!s to see shat Mr. Arata had accomplished in the matter of codifying the City Ordinances. �{ J Ordinance I:o. 61 (Mew Series) in re establishing new Curb grades and Street grades on Iea.rsh St. between the southerly curb line of Santa osa St. and the northerly curb line of Osos St. was rem -.d by the City Attorney.. It was moved by H. A. Go rman and seconded by Geo. H. Andrews that the Ordinance be passed to print. Roll Call: Ayes: Dick Sanders,. H. A. Go%1nnon , L. F. Sinsheimer, Geo. H. Andrews, G'. M. Stover. i:oes : .;one. Absent : +one / .Resolutions 11o. 60 Nle:a Series) in re tl ree (3) ?proposals for the amendment of the Charter of the City of San Luis 0b .sP0 , to be submitted to the nualified 1� "electors of the City of San Luis Obispo, at t::e General Election of said City to be held on the 2nd day of April, 1917, was read by the City Attorney. It v;,;:s moved by H. A. Go„rnan nd seconded by Geo. :. Andrea:s that the Resolution be. adopted. -loll Call: Ayes: Dick Sanders, H. A. Go wman, Geo. H. Andre' ',i. I:1. Stover. ,oes: L. F. Sinsheimer. Absent : None. It :;as moved by Geo. H. Andreas and seconded by A. Gov.-man that the Commissioner of ?ublic t'rorks be instructed to scarify and roll Broad St. -from Pismo St. to the City limits. The motion carried.. It ::as sur.ested ti•_at there should be some investigation in re the manner '_ in- :; :hich: t -:e Pool___all at the St.. Zanies iiotel is conducted. Dr. Stover asked Co -mii ssloner Sinsheimer if he would have L-larsh St. between Garden and �oro Sts. scarified and rolled at his personal es,-.ense. It : as moved by Geo. H. '.ndre, :s and seconded by L. F. Sinsheimer to adjourn to Llonday evening Feb. 26th, 1917 at 7 :30 P. id. Roll Call: Ayes: Dick Sanders, A. GOVII-ian, L. _. Sinsheimer, Geo. H. Andrews Stover. Noes : _lone. Absent : _::one. Approved this �r` day of 141,6,11 � 1917. ✓Y x1. _ City ,lerk.