HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/1921City.Eall, I1ondav, -J nuary 101 th . 1 '?1- 7:;0 P. i. was lost by the follc'sing dote: Aves . F.A. Go ".7r;'.:an, James Pirer , Noes : John ch_. iek, L.F. Sins:hei1':er. Absent F. n. -Kirtland. The matter to be t�!.ken ur, at the next meetinor. It vial cued y James Pi_ er that I.-.1i. Ca _ en ter be p= mit to'd to re_ -ai rr � i r ?' r r building in Elock 17 -- The motion w:as lost for the lack of a second sand the matter referred to the Commissioner of Public Torks and the Commissioner of Public Safety for investi,=wtion and report, at the next m- eetin;r. The report of the City Clark ;'or tre r:ont _ of Decea�ber -Ivan and ordered filed. The- application cf O.S. Axtell forl_icen6e for lodging house at 181j Osos Street was referred to the Ccw.mdi sioner-of Public Eealth and Safety on :i:otion of John C}!apek Seconded by James :Pi er, dS was :also the ar- rlicaticn of N. Kasin.:tltis for license for Restaurant at 689 Fig -uera St. On motion of F.A. Gowman seconded by Jaires hirer tLe petition of Helen L. Eenadom for transfer of license for Taxicab to Julius C. Ecnetti was referred to the Coi-i:r.;isciener of Public Health and Safety for inveatisa,tion and report. The netition c'f E.E. L ^n_= Piano Cory:panv for per!nit .to. place an Electric SiZn'at 770 Fi,;uera Street was granted on Potion of E.G. Gcgman secondeLL by John Crapek, with the understanding that the work be done to the satisfaction of the Cc .:T,iasioner of Public zealth ' and Safety. C.F. i,a.m.m aa.s granted nermit to connect with Sewer on Morro Street between Fip:uara and ':iarsh Street, on 'emotion 0f Jchn Chapek seconded .^y J3?ea ?irer. The --uarant.ee merchandising Rond of Robt. amil;on was ac ^opted on motion of Jn_ ^.n rhace'_•c seconded by Jar:es Pirer, The applica"or_ of R. U-.ianovich for license for Fortune Telling 'rids granted cn motion of 'H. A. lic•;rman s =ccnded E•y John r!h.apek by t e _fol l o °Ding vote: Aves . F. A. Go•:r:r:an, James Piper , Jahn C'rapck. ?ices : L.F. Sinsheimer. Absent . H.P. '_irtland. On motion of F.A. Cowman seconded b James Piper 0 S. Axtell dads Bpd A t Y , granted fermi, for an Electric Sign at loll Osos St. The petition of C.R. Mayhall for permit for sign on Carpenter Euilding ir. Monterey Stree u was a:z'ain laid over. 1 yit ',pas Chorro Street be twe -Jher_ sr..e':ifica Lions --cuncil by +,ha City 4 moved. by T-hn en g;iniera and fcr ravem_nt Engine r. C =acek and seconded by =. A. Go'.�rr:Ln that the retition for pwving 'Jarsh Street be laid on table to be called up and acted, upon reouired by Resolution I'Jo.lco, are submitted to-the 545 :. Citp`Council.met in-adjourned aessicn -- :!favor L.F. Sinahei:mer presiding. Present: F.A. Ga;,man, James Pi_ner Joi'n Cha ek L.F. Sinsr:aimer. , , Absent :..... Kirtland. The follc'.ain� ar_r.lications for .,ermit to build rrere granted on - -ctiOn of ii.A. Go` man Csc con:ied by John C'_:wpek: v Johr_ Enes- nerai.rs .r. ] 17 -G3ti _" G�U.OG 1 =oc't. ' John Folmes - F.ra.me residence - Plock 171 Harfor.d Addn- Ccs: 3000.00 F.D. Srrorthout - G:.r .ae - Flock IS Central Addn - Cost z 20C.00 It igaS moved by F.A. 'a-.-ran and seconded by James ricer that C. t. Lora be per:,:itted to : a'_re certain r31:a.irs and extensions to Filling Station in ?lock Q Phillips Addn. The notion was lost by the follc'sing dote: Aves . F.A. Go ".7r;'.:an, James Pirer , Noes : John ch_. iek, L.F. Sins:hei1':er. Absent F. n. -Kirtland. The matter to be t�!.ken ur, at the next meetinor. It vial cued y James Pi_ er that I.-.1i. Ca _ en ter be p= mit to'd to re_ -ai rr � i r ?' r r building in Elock 17 -- The motion w:as lost for the lack of a second sand the matter referred to the Commissioner of Public Torks and the Commissioner of Public Safety for investi,=wtion and report, at the next m- eetin;r. The report of the City Clark ;'or tre r:ont _ of Decea�ber -Ivan and ordered filed. The- application cf O.S. Axtell forl_icen6e for lodging house at 181j Osos Street was referred to the Ccw.mdi sioner-of Public Eealth and Safety on :i:otion of John C}!apek Seconded by James :Pi er, dS was :also the ar- rlicaticn of N. Kasin.:tltis for license for Restaurant at 689 Fig -uera St. On motion of F.A. Gowman seconded by Jaires hirer tLe petition of Helen L. Eenadom for transfer of license for Taxicab to Julius C. Ecnetti was referred to the Coi-i:r.;isciener of Public Health and Safety for inveatisa,tion and report. The netition c'f E.E. L ^n_= Piano Cory:panv for per!nit .to. place an Electric SiZn'at 770 Fi,;uera Street was granted on Potion of E.G. Gcgman secondeLL by John Crapek, with the understanding that the work be done to the satisfaction of the Cc .:T,iasioner of Public zealth ' and Safety. C.F. i,a.m.m aa.s granted nermit to connect with Sewer on Morro Street between Fip:uara and ':iarsh Street, on 'emotion 0f Jchn Chapek seconded .^y J3?ea ?irer. The --uarant.ee merchandising Rond of Robt. amil;on was ac ^opted on motion of Jn_ ^.n rhace'_•c seconded by Jar:es Pirer, The applica"or_ of R. U-.ianovich for license for Fortune Telling 'rids granted cn motion of 'H. A. lic•;rman s =ccnded E•y John r!h.apek by t e _fol l o °Ding vote: Aves . F. A. Go•:r:r:an, James Piper , Jahn C'rapck. ?ices : L.F. Sinsheimer. Absent . H.P. '_irtland. On motion of F.A. Cowman seconded b James Piper 0 S. Axtell dads Bpd A t Y , granted fermi, for an Electric Sign at loll Osos St. The petition of C.R. Mayhall for permit for sign on Carpenter Euilding ir. Monterey Stree u was a:z'ain laid over. 1 yit ',pas Chorro Street be twe -Jher_ sr..e':ifica Lions --cuncil by +,ha City 4 moved. by T-hn en g;iniera and fcr ravem_nt Engine r. C =acek and seconded by =. A. Go'.�rr:Ln that the retition for pwving 'Jarsh Street be laid on table to be called up and acted, upon reouired by Resolution I'Jo.lco, are submitted to-the 545