HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/19231'7 The matter of amending the parking ordinance was further discussed but laid over to the next meeting. Resolution Ho. 155 ( i:ew Series ) , A Resolution_ accepting a Deed from r.D.Caudill and Sahah P. Caudill, to the City of San Luis Obispo, conveying certain rights of gray to said City was introduced and adopted on motion of •C.;:I.Carpenter- seconded -, by• ...B.iaartin bt the following vote : Ay =es : i.B.? :Iartin, C.i:T.Caroemter , Chss. _ -orbes , L.F.Sinsheiraer. rdoes : _L one "bsent : Geo. W. rilbern, On motion of CHs. Forbes seconded by C.iri.Carpenter the meeting adjourned to iaonday, November 26th at 7:30 P.Ia. :Iyes ,'J.B.!.iartin, C.i..Carpenter , Chas. Forbes , L.P.Sinsheimer, I;oes . krone. Ansent Geo. . lbern. Approved this / Clay of ;-vv 19250 Ll yor City Clerk. City Hall, Eor_day, November 26th 1923 - 7 :30 P.K, CitjT Council met in adjourned session - I,ia-,Tor L.F.Sinsheimer presiding. rresent .�.M.. artin, C.1.Carpenter , Geo. V. ii.lbern , Ch,-..Forbes, L.F.Sinsheimer, W absent : hone. The following a —plications for pe :miit to build were granted on motion of Geo. Fi. 1= ilbern seconded by Chas. Forbes : L.':7.Soper - residence lot 4 Block 152 rarford Addn C.L.Slusher - :residence lots 17 col^ 18 Block 35 Phillips Sy_1 zddn R.S.Rair_ey - Garage lot 9 Block 201 Dallidet Addn J.T. Harrell - Garage lot 2 Block 11 Buena list. Addn R.E.Bernard - Store Building lot 5 Bloch 1 Central Addition Cost 29500.00 It 3,000.00 T' 40.00 rr 75,00 IT 1,800.00 James Poletti - Duplex_ rouse and Garage lots 2 &: 3 Block 91 " 32250,00 The following a-Dalications for permit to lay sidevialk and curbing were granted oil motion of Geo, ':!. '%-ilbern seconded by GJ.B.I-Iartin: C.L.Slusher - 45 ft. 5 ft park sidewalk and curbing on the west side Henderson and loo ft of same on north side of i,iurray Street lots 17 &: 18 Block. 35 Phillip Syndicate Addn, Jas. S. Butler - 45 ft. 5 ft. park sidetiralk and curbinpr on the crest side Henderson rvenue between i,lurray and Abbott Streets. J.D.I.1c Farlaud - 75 ft. 6 ft. park sidewalk and curbinS or= the south side S.anta Rosa Street between reach and i:iill Street. Ah. Louis - 110 ft, store curbing on the east side Chorro Street between Pali:i and Llill ... Streets, 1 Oz? motion of Geo. !::'. _ilbern seconded by W.B.I.Iartin the folloviizag applica.ti ions for permit to connect witi? the City sexier were granted : CI' I 1 1 I 1 LI 1 173 A.P.Peterseil - i.Turray Avenue between r enderson Avenue and ?'iollte rey Street. T. Pez-zoni - ?:'IUrray Ave bets "reels - ende-rson Ar•enue gild .1onterey Street. Home Laundry Compa11,;; - I'�10i"i"o Street between Pi sL'lo and Pacific Street. George Miller -Pismo Street between Essex Street and` Sou. Pac. I .3.:ight of ',rn7T. The application Of Geo. _l. lelalld for Server conalection on Santa i'OSa' ,°street be tureen ?:fill and Peach Street ti7Jas anted oil motion of Geo• 1r7. L i lbern seconded by C.i1.Carpenter with the provision that the work be done to the approval of the Cite 1'lgir_ee-i • ete l . ;"3T for iCelSe for lU =1CL iOUlter at 4 tTPe �pi)liCa701 Of piguerc Street ::as referred t0 the Cor!missionei' of Public Health and Wafer, for report on ilOtl0i1 Of ceCOldeO b,-,, ^i18S. -To-r. eSo Cif motion Or 1.:7.8.:!artin Seconded by Chas. ?Orbes the rei)ortS Of ti2e Ci4z _ C1eri and Ci tz — eu.Slirer 1.Or the i110i1thS Of October r:er e 2'eCei Ved Gild oraered filed Die - netition of So -oer & Son for transfer of license t0 si11g G: Shannon w-s ".•r.—ited oil mot.i011 of C.!:!.Ca-ri)enter Secorded by 1.7.2R.i.ialtille The rietltlon Of Cline's Electric Sinop for 'OeriJlit t0 h -!D1 lOCtriC Si -I-- Oil Silva r -i l - U , COi ier 3r oad and rl`u?r'' streets and for i'::OttoT s TaXi , Paiar 011 uiliLiil , L'IO_r0 Street , rallied 011 IlOt1011 Of Geo. ';. 1_OEit1 seconded by Ch-s. = 'OrOeS. 011 motion of Geo, seconded by Ch o''Jes the !acme Electric Shop C._'.Pray for per. *lit t0 hanL,: an ElectIrie Si,_n for the De-Po sset 1 _im. iture Co:Ilpany HiE'J_era Street , viaS `rai_l L ed l-.'1 th the pr OV1S10.n i_, .at S-Sid- sign be installed udder the sus.,ervisi 011 of the CO:'drlissl0ner of Public i?ec:lth and Safety* T-re A)'G'i)lication of isle s..ecreation Billiard _.ar10 "!'S fU r 1Jermit to place a framed canvas sign , 42 x 6 ft on Steinhart Building , said sign to be hung flush with front of building was received. 011 Lioti On of 1' .B.i.7a tin seconded by Geo. '::I. iii lberYl the matter was referred to the Coanissioner Of Public Health and Safety for investigation and report. Petition ;as receiver from 3. J. Turner et al fro permit to grade all Street 111 141t. P'le Sa21t011 ±iQtlaree Discussion • '_t FJas moved by Chas. Forbes and seconded .by Geo. ):r', ailbern that the petition be granted r;itil the provision that said Streets be put to the official grade and that work be done u_ndel the supervision of the CitL, Engineers Teal motion carroed, The petition Of James POletti for permit to construct a reinforced concrete culvert , 35 ft long, on carts of lots 2 U 3 31oey 91 to connect with present culvert under Gardens Street - size and type to conform to present culvert, -was rece:ived. the petits o: was granted on motion of Geo. !'7.Lilbern seconded by !.7,BD .i.Iartin subject to the approvalof the City Engineer. 011 motion of C.I :i.Carpenter: seconded by !7.3.':7- the petition of the Home laundry Compaly for permit to remove a porti On of the i•iodern laundry Building to the Site of the Home laundry oil 11!Forro Street was referred t0 the Commissioner Of Public aorss with power to act, The petition of J.L.anderson eta p 1, for permit to pave i�.Lorro Street Active I-_iguera Street and i' :ionterey Street with a six inch concrete pavement was Uranted on nloti of C.I,T.Car1aent•er seconded by Geo. ' :i. L "ilbern. 'isle application of G.T.I'razier for appointment as _c „ per at Laguna pumping plant , at such time as a vacancy rJa77 Occur, r;as received and Ordered filed The application of P. Savio for permit to repair front of building occupie by the Yosemite Cafe on Chorro Street -,.;as again before the Council. i; atter discussed attlen.gth, and permit granted on notions of Geo. !I. _:ilbern seconded by Chas, Forbes, Application of i:irs. A. Brovelli for permit to place all Electric Sign at 1019 L.iorro Street was granted on motion of C.II.Carpenter seconded by Geo, !r. yilberli, 17 The application or I17rse ii,Brovelli fog license for Soft Drinks at 1019 I:_orro Street granted on motion of C.I:i.Car))enter seconded by Geo. i::. Vilbern. On motion of Geo. 17.Eilbern seconded bir O.I:'. Carp enter the Commissioner of Supplies was authorized to purchase a Transit for the CitW of San Luis Obispo at a cost not to e,_ceed � 500.00 . On motion of Geo. Lilbern seconded by C.i.Cazpenter the Couilissioner of Supplies :.7as also directed to purchase 14 manhole cover equinLients. The *natter of arranging for e:,_tra assist; nce to the Engineer of the Fire Denartrient ,-,,as deferred to the next meeting. Claims of Wha Lane in the amounts of Q 617.25 and $ 525.54 , sale bein payment :..on Chorro Street Bridge coiltract and for extra work connected therewith, respectively, were orederd paid on riotion of Geo. ';i. Tr_ilbern seconded bIr ".5.i:iartine Communications of Southern Pacific _' ilroad 'Company and 'rI.B.Boselip ordered filed. In re amoointhient of Consulting Engineer : Discussion, It vras moved by Chas. Forbes and seconded by V1.3.Hartin that the idayor be empowered to appoint a Consulting; _ngineer Subject to the approval Of the Councils Discussiolhe I`i0 action. Eiatter to be taiien up at the next meeting. On motion of C.M.Ca-_penter seconded by 17.B.1i:•_artih it ;ras ordered tFlat fees deposited by bidders for plans and specifications for Seiler Extensions Divisions " J " 0 IT K " and " L " be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Tlhe matter of the ai)poiihtment Of a Police Judge was ne : =t before the Counci lle =:.!.Perry l.;as placed in nomination by Chase Forbes seconded by Geo, ':V. Y_ilberne 17.B., :!actin presided and 7..F.Sinsheimer nominated Chas. Palmere The domination was seconded by C.I�.i.Carpenter, Upon roll call the vote stood as follows : W.Be Martin .. C. E..Cwl;)enter O. Geo. ':7. Kilbern, Chas. Borbes ., `. L. ?erry J1i C- s e A. I almer .?..Ferry T.p.Sinsilein ?er Ch'ns A. Ialmere B.! .Perry having received a majority of thevotes cast, tiaas declared appointed _olice =ltdge of the City of Sail ?ais Obispo, to fill the une_cf-ired term of the late 2.1....8utnam, said appointPlent to become effective December lst 1925. or at such time as he duly qualifies. fatter of paving side strips of loneriF_'uera Street ;,as again discussed at length i•.iembers of Council to confer -:ith Board of Coall�y Supervisors is odday, DeC 5d at 2 c'clock P.1:i. relative to sane. =etition "c:aS received fro_,i pr0'y)C'1'tf owners requesting the Council t0 cause to be l)caved, Curbed wild Slde::alked, where tllE same 1S iZOt al�'eada i)a "ved, Curbed and. SiCLei'i ;l 'k- t that _)ortio %� of _ :_arch Street beti-ree %) Hi?'uera and Ida St eets and that n0 %'tloih OT (ia Street t?etFJeen i._?rs h and lg era Street. Tinid i;iatter was discussed at l ei?o:tIl and Commissioner rt1i1 seconded by Geo. `.,. Kil been offered the follo i—ni?; I:_Ot10il: That the City ineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications , and to present the same to the Council, for the i� iprover-ler.t of 11•iE'uera Street from Santa Rosa Street to Grove Street, and for the improvenhent of i;tarsh Street from LOPIer Higuera Street to Ida Street, and Ida Street I-Tarsh Street to Eliguera Street, by constructing in said streets 5 1/2 inch asphalt cor_ciete ase and 1 1/2 inch Bitulithic top pavement, and also the construction of concr s and gutters along both sides of the above mentioned streets where conctete curbs ase tiers do not already es.ist. The motion carried. 1 1 1 HI