HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/1924I 1 1 1 In re license for Hospitals and Private Sanitariums : Commissioner C.I_r.Carnenter to check up on same and matter to be brou`ht up at next meeting. In re salary for T.G.Harri s , emrlo�ke as 11ssistant Odin .er or jog . p,an, Tailor and Janitor: It was moved by C.I:I.Carpenter and seconded by liV- B.I1Iartin that the compensation of said employee be increased from $ 110,00 to 4� 125.00 per month, to date from Julie 23d to be apportioned from the respective funds in the same ratio as former com- pensation was apportioned , i.e., Administration Fund 37.50; Fire Department Fund $ 75.00 Public Health and Safety Fund 12.50 The motion carried. There was discussion in re ,- -eater shortage. Street Superintendent L.lT�i.l.loore submitted report of survey of '.`later situation -as requested by Council. It was moved b17 Geo.17.Kilbern and seconded by C.M.Carpeilter that residents on 1st Street , Peach Street and IyIill Street east of Santa Rosa Street be permitted to use .pater for irrigation purposes on Thursdays at the hour of 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock P.Id, motion carried. The death of Calvin Coolidge,Jr:,was ^aimoul•Igedand on motion of Chas Forbes econded by W.B.I:Iartin a message of condolence was ordeTed sent to President and I:Irs.Cool On motion of 17.B.1.1artin seconded by Chas Forbes, claims against the City thr month of.-June �.rere ordered paid subject to the approval of the heads of the respect- ve departments , also , the claim of bliss R. Bianchi in the amount of $ 50.00 , being ,,,ard offered by the City of San Luis Obispo for information leading to the apprehension L persons responsible for the Fire on San Luis lJountain. On motion of ii.B.IJ:artin seconded by C.Ivl.Carpenter the meeting adjourned to wy, July 14th at 7:30 P.M. s : ', ";.�.I•:iartin, C.II.Carpenter, Geo.W.Kilbern,Ch s Forbes , L..r.Sinsheimer. oes : None, bsent : ?done. owed this It / d of � c� 19240 City Clerk. City Hall, I:Ionday, July 14th 1924 - 7 :30 City, ncil met in adjourned session - I:IatT � S nsheimer presiding. .i - j � or L._ . �i� Present 17.B.Ivlzrtin, C.L.Carpenter , Geo.11.Eilbern, Chas Forbes , L.F.Sillsheimer. Absent : Tdone. The following applications for permit to build were n-ranted on motion of Geo,':;'.h'ilbern seconded by Chas Forbes: Edina B. Follett - Pesidence•lot 35 Block 25 Cost 4,000.00 Susan Beardsley - Pesi de7�ce -part lot 5 Block. 48 " 500.00 Susie A.Orr - Garage part lot 8 Block 110 " 75.00 Geo.A. Isola - Garage lot 4 Block_ 66 " 100.00 Vlm.B.Strong - Addn ?rick vialls & Gen Repairs Bloch- 7 IT 650.00 !'Ile merchandising Bond of C.l:'.idewbold, Surety S.l,%Benadom, was approved on PlOtioll of '.'LB.Ilartin seconded by Geo.i,7. .1ilbein, The applications of Ed P.Reilly for license to- conduct a g ^rage in Albert Relsor_ Building on ui�uera Street and that of M.J.T:Iorris for license for Restaurant at 1804,0sos Street Y•�ere referred to the Commissioner of ?ublic Health and Safety for retort on motion of i' ^.B.1Jartin seconded by Geo.W.-Ki.lbern. , ,3e e, Crdl't1a? ?Ce I O. 101 ( re'•:'/ Series , 1Lr Ordinan, ce chan,3i22,g the official =e of a portion of Sycamore Street , was finally passed on motion of C.i:I.Carpenter seconded by Chas Forbes bie r the folloi�Anp: vote: eyes ''::'.B.I ;I art - C .I,I.Carpenter,Geo.1J.i:ilbern, Chas Forbes, L.F.Sinsheimer, !does : None , bsent :None . On motion of 1q,B.ielartir_ seconded by Chas Forbes , merchandisinc, Bonds of the following named vrere ordered caneelled , the principals nailed therein having complied with requirements of Ordilance and sureties relieved of further responsibilit�r: 1 Union Feed Cc - Surety F.h.l•eiris & A':B.Spooner,Jr. Hovle„r Produce Co " San Luis Iviarket ITrs n.Brovelli " I-Irs C.Paiaroli F1.L.Hockwell A.E.Brooking Lind &.Kemper " H.L.F_empe'r Eagle Pharmacy " Sam Tognazzini San Luis Idattress & Upholsterin.` Works liew ?r^_sterdayr. Casualt-r Cc GViestern Auto Supply Cc " S.G.i.iiles & B.H.l- lesley of Los Angeles. i:Iarsh Bros IT ,London.. & La.ncashire Inderi itjr Cc of 9merica Frank Gore " Winos Jones I.B.F_ipper " F.u.Pearce L.r_.Habey & 'r:1.C.Long IT L011don £: Lancashire Indemnity Cc of _mermca r.I.Iawrence Cc ". T.J.Foley & L.F.Sinsheimer In re proposed navin 'c of Ilvrsh and other streets:.: ' This: bcirla -the ,-date'.•spt in pu.rsu.a.n.ce of•prior proceedings had in re the. proposed paving of iarsh and other Streets fo the heari= or receiving of protests in re same, the petition_ of Betty Bassett, et Ci., protesting a�•ainst the proposed improvement was before the Council. Hamilton Bassett, or. behalf of the Marsh Street Economy association, appeared and addressed the Council in support of the s"-id petition. The petition ;;-as received and the m_.tter discussed at lergthe T.n.Greel�_leaf addressed the Council , urS;ing that the Council proceed with the said proposed viork. Discussion. It was moved by C.I.I.Carpenter :and seconded by l'I.B.I:Iartin that the protest filed be overruled. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes '�'I.p.i:Iartlll, C.IsI.CalpelZter, GeOel °!. _.Llbern, Chas Forbes e (does L.F.Sinsheimer. bsent : Ilone, report was received from '::'titer Inspectors C.L.Dennis and Claude H. Schulze noting violators of restrictions in re irri£,ation regulations. Discussion. it was moved by C.i:.Carpenter and seconded by ':I.B.iYartil? that the Com111issioner of Public 'orks be directed to instruct '!later Inspectors to report in2ii ediately to the :Assist ^.r_t Superintendent of 'elater 'i-Vorks arm'' and all violationd of the sprinkling ordin ,r_ce, and the Assisteiat ':later Superintendent is hereby directed to enforce provisions of Ordinance. Carried, Yo. 172 ( Ivey: Series ) "; A resolution Ordering certain Ylork on �_ert•ain portions of I5arsh,,Higuera, Nipomo, Ida, Toro and i:Iorro Streets, as described in ?esolution.,of Intel?ti on.Ido. 171 ( Ilevr Series ) of the City Council • of the City of San Luis Dbispo, and calling for bids for such work to be submitted on Lugust 4th at 7 :30 P.Iu., vlas introduced and adopted on motion of C.I;I.Carpenter seconded by Geo.V1.Lilbern bJr the following ,rote ivies : W.B.1,iartin,C.i1. Carp enter, Geo.W.L'ilbern, Chas Forbes, ?•.F.Sinsheimer. does Iio?e. - lrsent : !gone, In re relinquishment by ;County of San Luis Obis-no of a one foot strip on 11 ither side of pavement on lower Higuera Street. I11tter left over for the present. Ordinance No. 102 ( 1'ew Series ) ; An Ordinance providing sanitary regulation_ for the protection of the Public Health by the Removal of dirt or rubbish and the elimin_�ti of places liable to harbor rats, was introduced and passed to print on motion of ';l.B.i'::artin econded by Geo.'':1.= :ilbern by the follos ir_g vote: