HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/19277 1 1 1 1 City Hall, Tuesday, July 5tli 1927 - 7.30 P.;'l, Cite Council met in regular session - Vice -President of the Council Chas Forbes presiding. Present : Chas Forbes, l.J.Defosset, H.E.Cox, John Chapek. Absent : Idayor L.F.Sinsheimer. The minutes of June 20th and 27th were read and approved as read on motion of H.E.Cox seconded by L.J.Defosset. The following applications for perlit to build were granted on motion of H.-.Cox seconded by John Chapek : Erna P.Llarsh - Residence & Garage lot 9 Block 12 Phillips Zdition Eiles Sanders Jr - Residence & Garage lot 25 Block 12 Phillips nddn L'dargharita Olgiati - Residence lot 2 Block 49 %eeds �_ddn Rex K.Fuller - Residenc & Garage lot 4 Block 6 J"Irlholm Tract i.F.:'ichtendahL- Residence lot 3 31ouk 1 :.Inholm Tract Je_ulie obasciotti - Residence Block 40 Los _sigeles and Santa Barbara i.:_otor Express Cormpany - Depot F, F,'arehouse Pt Blk 119 .-'eels :_ddri V.C.Briscoe - Tire Shop Block 120 ::eels _,ddn ---Olt Cost N 3,950.00 it 4,000.00 IT 3,200.00 IT 2,800:00 " 2.250.00 1,200.00 IT . 62000.00 " 150.00 Repairs to house pt lot.4.31k 49 Reeds dda 500.00 Oil motion of _.3.Co1_ seconded by John Chapek the folioving applications for permi to lay sidel.ralk and curbing were granted : .Fuller - 50 ft 4 ft park sideLvialk, curbing and gutter on the north side of I.iountain- View avenue. os Lnseles(F Santa: Barbara. otor E4prrss Conr?�1� - 100 ft full width sidewalk on the .south side of Elarsh Street betrreen.Carmel and zrcher utreet; also, to recess the curb for .t!4'o twenty foot drive ways. ille arrlication of :i._._- .`icho1s fol' liop, i0 r Sideline at 511 :'.igueY'a Ltreet was referred to the C- rTluaissioner of Public Health and : whet;; for report to the ,ouncil, on motion duly seconded and carried. Oil motion duly seconded and carried the following applications for permit to ;ormect with the City Sewer mere granted: L.J.Stros - upham Street between ?uth and Willa Streets 'Olt - Buchon S.tr -et b-etl-ieen archer and Carmel Street irlaroharita Olgiati - Carmel Otreet between Pismo and 3uchoh Street. C.A.Balsley i:•:ountain View Lve off ]Forth Broad Street. _he petition of lice i.2. idilson for per.-!it to place a I:larquee in front of- aotel ':lilson, 864 I.lonte-re,: Street, and of the i.:ission Art Shop for permit to place an Electric Sign at 1032 Chorro Street , viere referred to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety for investigation and report to the Council. The Official Bond of Anilie I:.. %illey , as City Collector, was presented and the same was accepted and approved on motion of H.-E.Cox seconded by T..J.Defosset. Petition w &s received from Nara �uis Obispo Board of Education requesting that the i+ater main be extended from corner of Grove ana Higuera Streets to the new High School grounds opposite Grove Street; also,that a pine be laid from said point to the pump house. Citt, to be reimbursed for the cost of the work covering High School property. On motion 4 of H.E.Cox- seconded by i.J.Defosset the petition was granted , and the City Zagineer direct to proceed with the work. ,1'he reports of the City Collector and Police Judge fo' the month of June mere received and ordered filed on motion of H.E.Cox seconded by John Chapek. r 4 el On motion of = .y. Cof seconded by Jo7u1 Ciiapek the petiti•�n of Thos F. Isard, , et .ai, . requesting that the Alley in Block 25 be graded and graveled, eras referred to the City Hr_gineer for checking. The petition of I:Irs. Queenie 1,7arden for permit to erect a reinforced concrete bridge over ;an Luis Obispo Creek in Block 10 , in accordance with plan presented and on file was granted on motion of r.B.Cox seconded by John Chapek. ';fork to be done wider the supervision of the City Engineer. Claims against the City for the month of June were ordered paid subject to the approval of the heads of the respective departments, on motion of John Chapek: seconded by H.E.Cox. In re fire Co— operation: It was moved by L.J.Defosset and seconded by H.E.Cox that the City of San Luis Obispo contribute the )mount of y 200.00 to the Forest Service, to be applied on Salary of Fire Guard. The motion carried. Ordinance ?io. 122 ( i;ew Series } ,.gin Ordinance regulating Traffic upon, and the Parking of Vehicles on the Public Streets of the City of San Luis Obispo was finally pas ,-::ed on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by H.E.Cox by the following vote: s : Chas Forbes , L.J.Defosset , H. .E.Cox , John Chapek. oes : T'done. sent : L.F.Sinsheimer. On motion of H..Cox seconded by L.J.Defosset the City Clerk was directed to communicate with the 'Utomobile Club of Southern California, requesting that organization to place Boulevard Stop Signs within this City, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance io. 122 ( -iew Series). It was moved by L.J.Defosset, seconded by H. .Cox and carried that angle parking permitted on T.Tarsh Street. It was moved by L•.J.Defosset and seconded by u.I;.Cox that the application of Berry for license to conduct a lodging house at 737 I.ionterey Street be refused. The otion carried. On motion of H.B.Cox seconded by %.J..Defosset the Ciimissior_er of Supplies was rected to purchase 12 sets ( 48 ) of turning markers for Street intersections, at a quoted rice of a 2.00 each . Conmissioner,of Public Health and Safety L.J.Defosset was granted a Three Weeks' eave of absence, on Notion duly seconded and carried. The application of He-nry J.Bowers for permit -to place a sign on lot 2 Block 118 eds Addition was granted on favorable -report and motion of 1•.J.Lefosset seconded by . =.Cox , as was also, the applications of J.IJ.Chiari for. licenses for Soft Drinks and igars Sideline at 1023 Court Street. On motion of H. .Col. seconded by John Chapek the meeting adjourned to !Jonday, 11th at 7:30 P.I.I. s . Chas Forbes , L.J.Defosset, H.y.Cox ,,John Chapek. oes . IT one . bsent . I:Iayor 1.2. Sinsheimer. pproved this /gy-/ day of 19276 I:Iayor &-&2 A City C1 • 1 n i 1 1