HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1928The applicatims for 'he licenses kve:ce xreceiv,,-d az,d on motion of L Def oE set seconded b-T Ch.-s. _�;Ior'rje s "he v.7p. re or -de Zrt3d �-ra, a ted c co ill re r-e t it, i On 0-f Ce 0 Lcjnr for cerjii t t0 build a v.-all in Cree-1- at rear of his Oil lov.el: U e r -a e e t n i,.-i o 4U- i j of J0.11 C' z. i) e 1: s e c c; nd e d J. Defosset lgineer to file a �_- tatement L, de tai actuall, p e t, i t i 3 n �va -_ cranted The C_Jt,-. .7 j �01.� done. the a D n 1 i c at i on cc o E Cole ;aid Dennis for license, _- for Soft Driin'rs and Cio-ars �.ideline at 90K, 7.:,.)rro Jtreet -u,ere grant .6d on -mot.11-1 of 1. J. Defo ;s,_,t secciaded b�7 Chas. Ilorbes. one follovii-l'ir- licenses, -etiti,.�ned -for by th-1--l- Luic. Obispo `ecoeation Co. Inc. 0 LI I we-re ,ranted on i-,iot.-Lon of L. J. Defossetu sec-naded by John cl-lapel:: Boviling- alleys, Soft -Drinks, Cigars 'Adeline, and Billiards at 971 Higuera :street. U U Property Owners vere present and discussed v.itll the Council thc- ll-atter of t U he pro- posed i.-_lnroven"ent of Pacific Street and the type of pavei_ient to be used. pile City E'ngi-ileer requested further tui::ie oil the -orepar---t-'on of specificald-ions. There vlas also discussiOn, re- lative to Certain 2,-,cai.-,ore Trees standing ii, the I�ztreet the uijver end of Pacific :street, certain oroperti- ov,,liars reoueSting their rei.io�al. Thrie "'o-Luic-1 to viev., trecs per,-OVIE-Li"'. .1 L U . U Ly. Gil Of T J. DefOSSe� Se 'Conded ow Cha�-. I-or'bes tlie i--ieetinc, ad-ourned. U c 0 k/ Dr)rk)ved this d a-;7 0 f i 1928. IJ l . I., - or " ao C i t C 1 e cite: mall, _Llonda,r, Oc;tt)oer 1st, I928. 7:30 "a �Ul. cit'), Council I.-Iot ill - C! :r SeS51011, - .!ayoY' tiler Pre2idin-. Chas Fo!!Des i7. co:i, John k,h�ipel:, T.. . r absent: �efosset. 1--he �Ilillut�-,S of Septei-ibor l7th and 2,�-th v!efe rc�;-:d ajid arprov-.:d U� 01I 210tiOn U 7,i Co-..: sec:..,nded b; c 7 j r, I- - ': De dj L U 6 -, C�Ilu U - I n z C __ U_v i)er.iit to build v.cJ.­ ­7"'C' 0'1 o The fol101vil-1-27 secoiadvd 'ov john Chapek: ­esidell_-e nd � r a c e iOt 11 J0c-j 7: 17 AlihollA Tr (,Ost I 3,150-00 4,100.00 7'.1-r s T� -: c: e. 3 011a U _1 ":�esidence and Iz, a r e A_iocxl�- 26 2 '_''0.00 Idence mij ar ots 9 , 10 7 V 9,U I_' in s mall e a 4 150 . 00 el residt-Incu, into T-,:,,) 24 cost ai,,i e s od The c,oclicd:tiojj Of ou-.1 3ald---111 fir 'cuilA ail addition tO "'e"O"s L _0 U L. I! U t , b c U: e 0-'Ilted U� v citT 7nr-inecr. un, U U Oil U -.h The u-,7 -01. per- f G Pea,- t tvieen `.'ant_­ ','Osa and Toro !_'Ureet 0' i T by 'John Chapek. e - ­1 3oard b'�r) z-,,- !�iDiieer LI hanc�­ U �Zhm­l U`L-Aoll Of i.". jrc;er for perm-it tD .PC '.I vr,­q i•e-Ferri;d to the 0Orft1--liSsiOhe" Of -,-ublic -,..ealth and I I i I I I 69 f atw for rp,,00rt to the CoLuicil oll moti oil of Chas. ��orbess :3;-! uonddd by H. Cox. cl The report of the Cite Coll le(;t, or -for-. ti-.e _ionth of t"Jeuteriber vial re,,­eivEd and ordered i led oi a ,.io'ui on Of H - E' . Cox L3 ec, clided. by Chas. Zorbe w The De titian of C. BiB-Ilci-i , et. al -'Or e across Zui�i Obispo Creek at a oi-nt, -::here Hi-h Street junctiol-s .-ith __ iu uera :street received and G motion of E. Co- conded by Zorbes the v.:as referre-d 'o tuh=- Citir n s' ej)orl 011 es,irj;at,2 of u L - ost ally of -'ner data lin -onnection there-,-.,ith. Tile claim of tile Cai:land Sev!er Construc i;ioa-,. Co. , Contractor, 'in the a:;iouylt of 11,749.39, being E'nSineerl z -Estimate i10. 1 for t.'.e construct.ion of `3utf-.11 ever ill -accordance ith contract v-!a3 ordered raid on motio.-I of E'. Cox sec,,)ndcd b-.7 joh-n- Chavez-1-. City _ 1, Clai;ms against the Cit, for ti-e i'i-ionth of �_:epterabe2: v,,ere ordered paid subject to the norove.1 of the heads of the rc-Qm-7(.;ti-%7e deoarti--lents, On -.,otion of O.',as. ForbeS seconded blv - ox On motion of ;i. E. Cox seconded b.,, Jolin Chapel: the Citv ir Ir directed to loo nto Conditions on Leff Street east of 0SOS Street ann-j reoOl'u- t0 t.ht: Coullcil . There %7vs discu.ssion relative t(.) the T morovement of c+reet. -T.-- atter Con- inued for full attendance t.'e Council. T:--a pet-itioll of 'Ars. Ell- �,Iells for .-rade :m Le_--'f Street, 1.,,as 011tl2luery pendin, a ,cport by the '.;it'i The applications of L'.-belle '�';JL-uder for liven,' for Luiici, CoL:1n'Lp__­ al-d Shooting Gallery -oan�ed on moticm of CO:: �e(; nde d ID 1T C12 a s . Zor e s .t 1002 .-�ai_lroad �ivcnue vie�-e o- u L, V The Pet.ition of tulic it Comr,_Q-,_,%7 for to Dl-c:e a sim-n -Oarcl, (5 ft.Y."50 u c u Oh t'.'---e hillsiCie acl-oss the creel: fl-o.-, .,4Erv1ce St' _%t-ion of 'Ghci Saik--, il-; cou.rse of coll- v StrUC;4-i-i1, Oil 707,or Hivuera :3truet, vi&s buff'cre the Ccumcil. La 'Ll -., e r OL i u s s e d It viz:_s :i,,Oved bc , Co-- and seconded bV v Chas. Forbes t _u u he nctiL_ oii GE r£aLtECi. Pur�he­ di�cussif)n. - -!after ` le-P' over �or 'it- 1 nt'endance o-� "Ile Counci Lr CL .1. - u L, On r_,iotion of :--. E. Co., seconded by Jo.:n the De t"! tic.-I of L. 13utclier for T) e r, i i t t o s t r e t, reel' 11vas Sidi 2 1 ft. 30 i i i c; h e r L ,.; t r -_ et 2. t SO t r e e t we� ann 0 U-1 i -,-1z 3s 2-r,,-.nted for a iE!riod oll' one Tl�e cetition- of _'-errera f:)-c pjrmit to pial;e a 3-nard at 86c',�' ;,--onterev tre-i du-inin- '.1orld on of 12. seconded b,, ,r eau - 11 , 11 Chas. F orbes. The retiticn Of Chris Anholm f.Dr to CQ-nstruct a o-ver Old Carden Oreel: at '."' e n tu e r S t r e e i 1 i ii -Id d i t i,:) n a- an�er 02-1 1 01 ij�, of johii Jr — el c-econdeu- bw Ch_-,�- . -Porbec u u ft 'I u I- -Ia,D I- - v vjrx': to be done u.nder thu� supervision of the Citw %r En-nine(j2:1. - Corm,iissi.,,ner, joilli Cha-ai , 1.,2 a3 directed to -oo" furth=r lino t11e mlat' o- file ocation for LusDline -_�to-oaxe ta--ii, aa�c - � E)ULM 0 u ill l Zorbcc: c��zuo-,ld(-_d b-,T H. -. ad to L-onda- il 0 Z, u �c I ct3ber Gth 2t 7:30 P. 7.. "h 1.. E'. co:-:. John .'hare': -a o 2: i) e - I - oc1c; None - b s ent L. J. -Def Q E S G I . �, . :approved this 1,6 day of 1..=', - T _Of e + e