HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/1928A Iaap of Caudill Tract _.1o. 2 presented by 7.l:.,La-:rence eras referred to the. City-_,.,_ Engineer for chec'c_1nc- and report to the Council. 7-he City Engineer reported favorably .,poi the application of G.'d.Skiles for permit to build a Service St_ --tign in Block 118 Reeds i�ddition , and upon motion of L.J.Defos;.:et seconded by Chas Forbes the application was granted, l-,;ith the provision that the pork be done under the supervision of the City :'ngineer. Zhe accoT.- manwiilg a nlicati on for per-lit -to recess curb, sidewalk etc. wa—s referred to the Commissioner of -ublic '.,orks for investi&;ation and report to the 'ouncil. The natter of the petition of C. Bianchi et al , for °ridge wlsS again referred peed r.Tritteii report byr the City' .:,ngineer. On motion of L.J.Befosset seconded by H.E.Cox the petition. of Cline's Electric Shop for permit to hang gn an Electric Si at Clsos 1.tonterey m •treets for Hotel Liildrews, was granted al th the usual reservations. Ill a col= _:lunication the '.! rdrObe Linen :supply Co., protested the prayment of license. Cn motion of _. !.Jefosset seconded by John ;;hapek. file rityr Clerk -as directed to advise the Said ':;ardrobe linen �ui,oly Co_::pany tilat license must be, p ,aide la Iiloti0_i of Chas Forbes seconded by _.iS.Cgx t :..ap Of �esubdivision of ''alifornia =ark i.:as = reproved. =r•e matter of parking G itor�obiies on file �tr:.ets. and pro :osed Street Im_r_rove�ent iVork !!as informally discus--ed. On ,_1Gti0i1 Of !�IiaS _`OrbeS SeCOiided i)y L.u'.JefOSSet the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, "!ov -mber 13th at 7 :30 o'clock Y yes Cn_.S OrbeS, L.J. 'efOSSet, ?.3.Co_, ;?Oi11 Cl:apek, .r'.`_'ii1SI'lel ?ter. _:ces !;one. Lbsent: :!one. a oproved this /f �/ day- of /� 1928. Eayor .leTL City hall, Tuesday, . :ovember 16th 1928- 7 ;30 P.Ivi: "ity Council met in adjourned session - `,ice resident or the Council Chas Forbes prE3Sldlilo. -'resent . "has Zorbes, L.J.�efosset, r.�''.i:o_r, Bolin ;"haper. Absent . -isyor L .B.Sinsheimer. The following applications for per,-.lit to build %,!ere granted. on motiori of 3.x;.00.:: seconded by 70hn Chapek: 012._.:urra;= - :residence w° Garage lock 178 _ooriis addition Cost N 1,975.00 �.C.lOrter �; Z.J.3owles - atore room 31oc•k 7 :s 175. 00 Bey zolds - 'Jars re pt 31ock 93 Oost 75.00 Golden .`,Ante bilk Prod. Co - !:el "i -front to ores i t SE.I'l r' 1'e e1L ��_u.,tll' , Office 'ldg .. Uaraue 3-1 ooh ul Cost Z_- 000.00 , 1 1 1 77 aGpli3ati0n of tale L'idland Counties 17ublic Corpoertiou i!o. i 5o for permit to re -Strlug _present t =ilres with 12- -avier 'rJlre upon ..iarsh Street be t':;een Archer Street and litDomo Street was referred , on mOti0n of Jolin Chape- seconded b�r ?.J.Defosset, to the Cioi'llilissionler of 2?Ublic .i0r'•:S 'v,,i th po'::'er to act. 1n ioti oil of _ . J.:)efos --et seconded b Jr =. .:;0`C the f 011 owing applicat1021d for pe '1i tS t0 hancr Sir11S -:'Jere Sr- anted. v1i th the usual reservations: Archie 7.Tho;aas - .seta! 5ien 1272 �.:onteree raet. Helen E"oute111ier - lectric °i6,1Z Hotel Obispo Court S�trE _t. C'line's E'lectric Shop - -Electric ign ;erv. ta.Corller Drench `: riguera :street. C..!.ine s electric `hop - ! :e0n Sign -uropa Cafe 108ll ,- s_ -'UE 3 6treet. Pickvvicir ::tares Sy stem - 71ectric ; :i_.'n Corner chorr0 _tr:;et a nd .cUn.1IE'_ v Str :sets. '!'the petition of ...J. ' owles for p -,=it t0 hc.21g a sign at 1127 Broad - `tree-t was _ranteG with USUa1 reseriia ions, on motion of L .J.Llefos;;et Secoli ed b%7 = .i'0:. - 1 1'i e peti tics! of ! .'. ;.5r :ilex for permit to remove 100 ft., more or less, of curbing and sidewalk to make approach to ;3ervice St' ti0n, corner of .iruera and _aCif1C treeta : - :'aS or411tE oil P?oti0n of u. .C'ox Seconded by :.J.Lefosset, with the u_nderstandir_g that the Cit r reserves the Y'irr t, ut ally ti "•le , to cause sidewalk t0 be rebuilt according t0 it ' } s SpeClfi CatiOTls. i' he pct1t1021 OZ `.;P.1 C. UQS05� for transfer Of license for ._dSe(rrrOCerleS) a21Q Soft Drinks at 2145 =road -treet to Earl !,:'ilrnot vr_:s granted on motion of L.J.1'efosSet seconded byr u.E.Cox, as :;'aS also the application of _. rs. 17'erki2lS kromberg fo_: license for Sh:otinn- ua =lery at 972 _._orro Street. 1 1 '_he petition of JOS. /ills for e:-tension of water I :lain to serve new residence on ots 24 • 25 ='lock One of Lawrence Tract was denied on motion of . 3.Cox seconded by ? .J.:Oefosselt. _IpplicationS o- the 1:idla�d ;.'ouilties Iublic ;,er"vice "o:porati0n 1;0. 153 and 154 ',vere ]Ontinued at the request of COi :1I issi0ner On motion of T .J.Defosset seconded by '�.;;.Co�_ the meeting adjourned. Approved this 19174_ day of % / 1928. 1 u V -Tor City Clerk. _11E application o-f noss --. mann. fol' licence fol' i,unch ;ouster at 855 - ''onterey ;street Fits referred t0 the Coi1_Imissioiler of Public _ealt1i and 6afetvir 1 o report t0 the COuncil on motion of ?- :.E.Col: seconded by John Chapek. On .,notion of J.E.Cox seconded bJr oh;l Chapek the. following anplicatioils for per -iit to con -sect vJith the City Se;:er ,:ere , ;ranted: to_l 'Potter .o �w v Enue be� � ,:t J een S„� ecoY d .�;. y g reet and `i'rird �treet. J.E.= obi,,son ntucL -, .%%venue bet.een second Ltree ±.and ^_i_d street, i -he applications of ir. ? . J. Fielsen ::nd of ..J. elsor2, of 'he Typev!ri ter Shop, for permit to han, sir-ns at 10';1 L'or"-,o tree± and 1018 Court ;street respectively, ':Jere referred to tlls Uozlissioner of 'ublic e :1tlh and safety for report ,.o l',: Ioti on of .i ox seconded by 1 To Chanek. aGpli3ati0n of tale L'idland Counties 17ublic Corpoertiou i!o. i 5o for permit to re -Strlug _present t =ilres with 12- -avier 'rJlre upon ..iarsh Street be t':;een Archer Street and litDomo Street was referred , on mOti0n of Jolin Chape- seconded b�r ?.J.Defosset, to the Cioi'llilissionler of 2?Ublic .i0r'•:S 'v,,i th po'::'er to act. 1n ioti oil of _ . J.:)efos --et seconded b Jr =. .:;0`C the f 011 owing applicat1021d for pe '1i tS t0 hancr Sir11S -:'Jere Sr- anted. v1i th the usual reservations: Archie 7.Tho;aas - .seta! 5ien 1272 �.:onteree raet. Helen E"oute111ier - lectric °i6,1Z Hotel Obispo Court S�trE _t. C'line's E'lectric Shop - -Electric ign ;erv. ta.Corller Drench `: riguera :street. C..!.ine s electric `hop - ! :e0n Sign -uropa Cafe 108ll ,- s_ -'UE 3 6treet. Pickvvicir ::tares Sy stem - 71ectric ; :i_.'n Corner chorr0 _tr:;et a nd .cUn.1IE'_ v Str :sets. '!'the petition of ...J. ' owles for p -,=it t0 hc.21g a sign at 1127 Broad - `tree-t was _ranteG with USUa1 reseriia ions, on motion of L .J.Llefos;;et Secoli ed b%7 = .i'0:. - 1 1'i e peti tics! of ! .'. ;.5r :ilex for permit to remove 100 ft., more or less, of curbing and sidewalk to make approach to ;3ervice St' ti0n, corner of .iruera and _aCif1C treeta : - :'aS or411tE oil P?oti0n of u. .C'ox Seconded by :.J.Lefosset, with the u_nderstandir_g that the Cit r reserves the Y'irr t, ut ally ti "•le , to cause sidewalk t0 be rebuilt according t0 it ' } s SpeClfi CatiOTls. i' he pct1t1021 OZ `.;P.1 C. UQS05� for transfer Of license for ._dSe(rrrOCerleS) a21Q Soft Drinks at 2145 =road -treet to Earl !,:'ilrnot vr_:s granted on motion of L.J.1'efosSet seconded byr u.E.Cox, as :;'aS also the application of _. rs. 17'erki2lS kromberg fo_: license for Sh:otinn- ua =lery at 972 _._orro Street. 1 1 '_he petition of JOS. /ills for e:-tension of water I :lain to serve new residence on ots 24 • 25 ='lock One of Lawrence Tract was denied on motion of . 3.Cox seconded by ? .J.:Oefosselt. _IpplicationS o- the 1:idla�d ;.'ouilties Iublic ;,er"vice "o:porati0n 1;0. 153 and 154 ',vere ]Ontinued at the request of COi :1I issi0ner On motion of T .J.Defosset seconded by '�.;;.Co�_ the meeting adjourned. Approved this 19174_ day of % / 1928. 1 u V -Tor City Clerk.