HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1929City Hall, I.ionday, January 7th 1959 - 7;50 =.I:i. City Council ! :iet in regular session - Mayor L.F.Sinsheimer presiding. Present . Chas 31orbes, L.J.Defosset, H. ox, John Chapel, L.F.Sinshei-rler, absent : None. The minutes of December 17th.,. 54th. and 31st. were read and approved as read on motion of Chas Forbes seconded by L.J.Defosset. The following applications fot permit to build were granted on notion of H.E.Cox seconded by John Crapek: Gust•a i:i. Soper - Residence Bloc =: 5 i,ic -'ride Tract Cost w 2,000.00 Arley Gill - ::esidence & Garage :lock 158 Phillips Addn Cost 5,400.00 C.1'. Car - :esidence Koch 41 Cost 900.00 On motion of H.E.Cox seconded by Chas -, -orbes the following applications for permit to lay sidewalk and curbing ware granted . C.L.Xamm 120 ft full wjidth side;olk on the South side I..'arsh- Street between Broad St. and Garden Street,and 105 1:t full width sidew&lk on the east side Broad St. between T. -arsh ;tr.:et and Pacific Street. Irene I:Ielin - 25 ft full width sidewalk on the wrest side Broad Street li ttiween Higuera St. and I:iarsh Street. . G.;:laucke .J.rictorino 100 ft full !width sidewalk on the west side of ',road :street between I.iarsh Street and =acific Street. 65 ft. ful•1 width sidewalk and curbing on the guest side L•road Street between Upham Street and high Street. On motion of H.E.Cox seconded by L.J.Defos ;et the following applications for Sewer connections were granted, with the provision that the work in comiection with the last named petitioner, be done under the supervision of the City 311gineer. 1.J.I:Ic Int, /re - Leff Street between Santa :osa ;street and uth Street. J. Holmes - 2rcher Street between Buchon Street and ?ismo Street. :.C.Ivey - Beach Street between Luclion Street al-.d Islay 'treet. :i.F.I.Ac Guire I,iurray. ,venue between iathway ;:venue and Steinier Street.. James 'dilson- V"oodbridge , ivenue between Broad Street and :Jard !street :dank of ,tmerica- i,iarsh Street between Garden Street and Chor,•o i"treet. On motion of H.3.Cox seconded by Chas Forbes the Santa i. ?aria Gas Company was permitted to lay new 8" and 4" gas mains at locations set forth in the said application on file. The applications of the Santa ::aria Gas Coi.ipany for permit to break pavement to instal Gas service for the Sank of America, Presbyterian Church, and Lunch 'Stand at rolson's Service :station, were referred to the CoLuAissioner of Public ':;orks on i7otion of John Chs.pek seconded by Chas Forbes. The application of Cline's Electric Shop for permit to install an Electric Sign at the .Li.Yallace Cleaning :corks at 403 Elliguera Street, v.as referred to the Corn :lissioner of Public alth and Safety for report to the Council, on notion of I.E.Cox seconded by Chas r'orbes. The petition of J.S.i :ielton for transfer of license for iddse, 1242 :.:cnterey 6treet, to llis H. Chase was granted on motion of Chas 2orbes seconded by L.J.Defosset. The petition of Anholm Bros for permit to extend Sewer in .;iiholm addition approximately 2 ;locks was referred to the Commissioner of Public tdorks for investigation and report, on otion of Chas Forbes seconded by john Chapek. The reports of the City Clerk and City Treasurer for the month of :iovember, and those of the City Collector and Police Judge for the month of December were received and ordered fil on notion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes. I H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M A petition was received from property owners on Islay Street from High Street to Toro Street, and on Toro Street from Islay to Buchon Street, requesting to Council to cause the (said Streets to the improved by paving, sidewalks etc. On motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by John Chapek the said petition was referred to the City Engineer for checking and report to 'the Council. Claims against the City for the month of December were ordered paid , on motion of Chas Forbes seconded by L.J.Defosset, subject to the approval of the heads of the respective Departments. License No 1146 issued to doss H. I.Iann for Restaurant at 855 iionterey Street was ordered cancelled , on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes, to clear record. License i;o. 1074 - I..;;.I;Ioody , Attorney $5.00 , and License ido. 1075 - John Stowe, _1ttinrhey, $ 5.00 , were referred to the City Attorney on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes. On motion of L- J..Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes license No. 988 - I:iohler Service titation f 5.00 was ordered cancelled - business having been closed. :.n unpaid bill rendered to E.F.'.'lichtendahl for :Eater. Service Connection on Lincoln Ave, and Chorro Street, Anholm Addition, in the amount of u 17.62 was referred to the Chief of Police for report, on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes. A co"riiunication from the Arrowhead Springs Corporation was read, relative to license ..� for the sale of Arrowhead Springs later in the City of San Luis Obispo: Matter was referrI to the City Attorney to take up with the arrowhead Springs Corporation. i.ir. Gratton verbally applied for pe.•mit to place a sign on sidewalk in front of Barber Shop at 862 ziguera 'Street. Frith power to act. In a communication I.Iatter referred to Commissioner of Public Health and Safety Burch & Beck, :Engineers, reported the completion of the Sewage sposal Plant, in accordance with the requirements of the contract and specifications for same, and reco,=ended the acceptance of said work. It was moved by Chas Forbes and conded by L.J.Defosset that the report be received and that the work be formally accepted. e motion carried. The application of the Golden Rule Service Station for permi.t.to install an additional gallon underground gasoline storage tank was referred to the next mee.ting. i'datter in connection with Bridge over Stenner Creek at Eurray Avenue was laid over o the next meeting. Ordinance No. 152 ( idew Series j An Ordinance Amending Section 2 of Ordinance --,,o. 122 ( New Series ),in re Parking of automobiles in Alleys , was introduced and passed to print on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes by the following vote: &yes Chas Forbes, L.J.Defosset, H.L.COZ, John Chapek, L.F.Sinsheimer. P•ioes . None. _zbsent : Done. I._atter in re change of route of California State Higinaay in vicinity of City's Reservoi� involving a portion of City's property: It was moved by Chas ?Forbes and seconded by H..-Cox that the offer of the Highway Commission, to wit: 500.00 in cash , and in addition that the City of.San Luis Obispo be reimbursed for its outlay for lowering and changing pipe line,etc., and all other necessary expense in coiuzection with the change of Route, be accepted. The motion;- arried. ' Fiap of Hollywood Subdivision Unit No. 1 referred back to i.ir Cook.