HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/1929A map of Hollydiuod Subdivision Unit --'io. 1 was approved on motion of Chas Forbes seconded by L.J.Defosset. On motion of Chas Forbes seconded by L.J.Defosset the I.iap of Caudill Tract No, 2 was re- referred to the City Engineer for checking. The matter of Upper I.1onterey Street Improvement was taken up. The City Engineer explained plans and specifications and property owners present discus -•ed the matter with the Council. It �.as moved by E.E.Cox and secunded by Chas Forbes that the plans and specifications for Paving, Storm Drain, Sewers etc. for the Improve::lent of Upper i onterey Street be adopted. The Notion carried. Oil motion of H.E.Cox seconded by L.J.Defosset the m;•eting adjourned. Approved this =f day of - 1929. Mayor City Clerk City Hall, Monday, January 21st 1929 - 7 :30 P.L.I. City Council met in regular session - I.iayor T.F.Sinsheimer presiding. Present : Chas Forbes, L.J.Defosset, H.B. Cox, John Chapek, L.F.Sinsheimer. Absent :: None, The minutes of January 7th and 14th were read and approved as corrected on motion of Chas Forbes seconded by L.J.Defosset. . The following applications for perruit to build were granted on motion of H.y.Cox seconded by Chas Forbes: I:Irs. iviamie Vinson - Residence & Garage lot 24 Breck Tract Cost ti 39000.00 Alvin Boguet - Remodel residence Block 4 Southside Addn Cost 300.00 John Driscoll - Garage Block 1 •,.Ieills Addn Cost 100.00 Eugene Deffa0augh - Garage House Block 180 Loomis Addn Cost 1,400.00 The applications of George Anholm for sewer connection on Chorro Street between '.= iision Street and Venable Street, and of L.L.Trent for sewer connection on Chorro Street betwe Iriission Street and ',lest Street, both in Anholm addition, viere granted, on motion of u.E.Cox seconded by L.J.Defosset with the provision that the work of the latter named applicant be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. The petition of W.H.Porter for permit to do certain work at Service Station corner land Morro Streets, in accordance with application on file, was referred, on motion of L.J.Defosdet Isecmnded by John Chapek, to the Commissioner of Public !- 'iorks for report. On motion of H.--.Cox seconded by Chas Forbes the petition.of W.H.Porter for permit to sewers, water mains, grade and gravel Higuera Street and Selena Avenue, in Hollywood Sub- vision Unit No. 1 , was received and referred to the City Engineer for checking and report to the Council. The petition of ,loses A. ?•ubrin for transfer of licenses for Billiards & Pool and Cigars Sideline at 861 Palm Street to 3.A.Lunian was referred to the Commissioner of Public i ealth and Safety for report to the Council on notion of Chas Zorbes seconded by Johii Chapek. 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 91 The petition of G.111.Skiles, et al. for the .Improve: -lent of high Street, by the laying of paving, sidewalks and curbing, from uiguera Street to Broad Street was received and on otion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas rorbez the petition was referred to the City Engineer or checking and report to the Council. Ordinance No. 132 (Ilew Series ), An Ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance IFo. 122 (Flew Series ) in re parking vehicles in public alleys was finally passed on•motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes by the following vote: Ayes : Chas Forbes, L.J.Defosset, H. .Cox, John Chapek, L.F.Sinsheimer. Noes : 1;one. Absent: ldone. The petition of A..J.Polson for perr:iit to install trio additional underground gasoline storage tanks of 550 gallon capacity at the Broad Street Service Station was granted on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes with the provision that the installation be done under the supervision of the City engineer. The application of H.G.Wilson for license for Lodging house at 860 Osos Street, granted on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes. In re matter of the petition of Anholm Bros for pEarmit to.: extend severs in Anholm Addition : Petitioners submi_ted plans and specifications for the proposed work. The City Engineer reported on the estimated cost.::%:L" I: ?after discussed. Ittiwas_movedwby r..Cch and seconded by Chas Forbes that the plans and specifications as presented for the proposed setwers be approved and that the City nttorney draw an agreement between ;inholm Bros and the City of San Luis Obispo along the same lines as the forrder agreement with 1luaholm Bros. It is the sense of the Council that the contract for the proposed i:iprovement be not let, until Bids for same, received by Auiholm Bros., be- .submitted too, and approved by the Council. Lotion carried On motion of -L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas b'orbes , Louis Vega was to be permitted to place a shoe polishing stand at some location which would be satisfactory to the Council. _.7arren B. Burch, :;ngineer, in a co_.munication, advised the Council that the Oakland Se;�er Construction Co., had completed the work under contract for the construction of the Outfall Seti.-,er, in accordance with the requirements of plans and specifications for same and recoj� mended the acceptance of the work. It was mowed by 11I.E.Cox and seconded by Chas Forbe; that the report be received and filed and that the work under the contract be accepted. 1'he otion carried. In re matter of Bridge over Stelu-L- r Creek on T.furray Avenue. s._atter discussed. ity Engineer gave estimate of cost. Co.- aaiissioner Chas Forbes to take up matter with County rvisor and report to Council. It was moved by Chas Forbes and seconded by H.El.Cox that the i.iap of Caudill Bract o. 2 be re- referred to the City Engineer for conference with the two interested property- rune rs . Ordinance 1 1o. 133 (flew Series ) an Ordinance Revoking the permit granted to the oard of Supervisors of the Cotiaty of San Luis Obispo to use certait pox•tions of ?::onterey Street certain portio-ri of Chorro .treet and a certain portion of higuera Street, and Repealing (Ordinance Ito. 77 (I ?en Series ) was introduced and passed to print on motion of h'.L.Cox seconded by John Chapek by the following vote: (ayes: Chas Forbes, L.J.Defosset, E.;;.Cox, john Chapek,.L.F.Sinsheimer. goes : (done. bseint : ddone.