HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/19291 1 1 G 1 1 99 = ,eSOlution Of Intention !o. 265 ilei%! Seri eS A Of the Council of the City Of San Luis Obispo declaring its Intention to improve certain portions of 1._onterey , 7sSel_ and Johnson treets, creatins all asSessillent district to pay the costs and expenses of such Nork and determining that serir.l Onds shall be issued to represent unpaid assess:lents thereon, :as introduced aild adopted , on niotioll of Chas 1''orbes seconded by ?.J.Defosset, by the follov'- ing vote: i,jreS Cfic:S l'orbes, ! .c7.Da-- GSS•et, J0111 Ch:pei., L.i'.SiilSheimer. .foes : NoAe. r.bsent . n.:. Cox. On 1:1otion of Chas I'orbes seconded by John C'hapek the meeting adjourned. Approved this / g day of I'layor 1929. City Clerk City Hall, lTonday, February 18th., 1929, 7 :30 City Council met in recular session -k ayor _. F. Sinsheir:ler pre:sidino. Pre--ent: Chas. Forbe l•. • J. �::loa �'t '- J0111 t i'_alle -_, _ �'. inShclmer. ' ribsent: Co-. The rlinutes of February 4th, 7th, 11th and 14th were read ar!d approved as read on notion Of 1. J. D--fOsset seconded by Chas. Forbes. The f0110'. -:in9 applications for per,'-'it t0 ',:uild r.a1'e g r-' )ltad on moti071 Of John Chaoei. �seconded";b- Chas, Forbes: Garret Bowen- 3esidelice and double Garage hot l0 31oc1. 8 sr_ho1�1 lldditioll Cost 4 4500.OG rontr - Store and 4 apta. -rt. hot u 3lock 97 LI. V. COSH 13400.00 The application of lar Florence l.i. ®arlsoll for lii;ellse for Lunch =oom at 1131 'sar'de: Street .,.,as referred to the COilll".lissioller Of lilblic = =eaith and tiAIeti' t . for _epor� to the Council oil motion of Chas. Forbes seconded b- John Chanel , as .a;_ also the anplic_tion of George lone- for license for rGl_listrY, 874 'r_iguera . treet. On motion of Cha:;. 202:bp-1 Sacondf:d by John Ci?ape'r_ the application of ;.yen J. Sears . for perllit t0 ri:ll0uel Store fr011t at 978 i.:oiltere: 5t_net r:�s granted '.:'i ?ile the a'Jp11c =11011 of the said neti ti 011er for per::lit to rel -love an electric sicrl from 10.20 '.ior_o Strect to 978 1.Tontere 7 street i'�8 referred to '1220 Conilaissioner of Tublic: >rred_th cud safety for report t0 the Council. The petition c_- �suw Bald'.:in iJ_ per,'li.t t0 u1 -Ce c sigh 3 ft. b- 30' ft. oil roof Of Sc;rviCe t% t.'_011 at 40,3 tz'_ l ara tree' b :U re_er:-e;i to t11F Cor :iissi011er Of 1'Lib11C ne? lti? and 1fet� ^ io re;Ort to ti ?a Cou1C11 Ol! i Ot 011 Of Chas. `OrbeS Seconded b 70:;11 C1 ?apes_. Appl i cati0li Of D. :riSSe- for pert? i t t0 UUllller t „`2111 Se,.er Oil Cllorro c tree' be- t';een '.lest Ltreet a11d i.!issip --�i Street gr;�nted on motion of C,'ilac_•. 11orbes seconded b,,• John Chapel:. at ter Of report On 'J.apa licenses laid Ovef t0 tl ?a ]lc: "t meeting. An Affidavit bC the Colulty Clark. J. G. Driscoll setting forth U" e action of the 1)oard of upervisors Of the County oT ,man Luis Obispo in the clatter o= the abandoni.lent of ;ertaill DOrt1JnS OI ;-_iZlera, 10'rr0 and '._J1ltare r trBet 1L file Cit-. of• ,c.i'.11 ?.uis Jbispo a part 10 C ----c -oas received aild Ordered Oil f-Io, oil I."o-Joll O-_ U1 0 1 O_. the System o.L ­jads, r ec seconded bw L. j. De-_Foss._�� a U. :relative to the petition Of H. U. for .-ertain Tr I 1 -­1 , , 1 i % * u on �I'I "I Street City Eno-ineer dire,_-ted to lb-1-iia.8 ill Q sket-�;h of tilt Stre;-;'U- to bj il-,ioroved. The Petition of H. Porter for --ertain imm ove-ments in 111,011�,-%­ood subdivis-' on, the , I - - I L. ❑e'Ation of the HH1---h. School Board of E'duc.-ition clative, to :trectE on High Scllooi GroundS petitions for _"ridges over Stenner Creel- at Avenue and oil Chorfo Stlroc.,t, -..iihclj,.i 2ub- divis-ion, 'L.-;ere laid over to nett meeting. 0 L I u 0 - Pal u application of 17on.cr i.Ting, Chun. fo-, liuciise for Cii�'lr Store L;t 834� Street C, laid over. CitJ Eno-ineer rresented -clads an(! snecifications for the construction of a sanitary "-ei: di�-acced. 1.10tion of C1'. U. 1�0, Oil �.-ontexev Street from r1loro easterly. La L, u _�, 1�_ - second d by John Chapel- the said plans and spccificati Dias a2afi ado-oted. 0 - I - - u LI - I �-,7a Q ?ii ove d b Cha,� . _orb e c and -. e, c o, idc d b J olin C JiL-1 o e 'I - t Im JL; th e C i t,,.- C 1 e ad - - L - t j o a an i �­ ry - e c _c ill a - c; ,D rdaia(� e — I �11 �j n vertiQe for bide for the constra� U,� L ..-U.- ul�_ hereinabove -)i-.s. �idders reaueQ' -cd tL) siib-., 1� rliau o al � e I o bids :l "St' E'lids for all .-,as-tnrial.s ai-lu- all -,'!o2L and labo_,. I - u e 0 ond !-ids for fl*urnish�ill;-- all Nor!: and labor and I-11 necef"Sar.­' 1;k �teria_ls C-r , -1 ' t 2. i o h i ch p i ) e i a Ij b e fr - i i s d b y t h :, Ci o f ]c ^ ^11 L u _ s 0 b 1i o ?ids to be fuel ­it!h " f- Citu .- Olefk, Uo to l:7' o' cl jcI : 2 ?7' - :-7arC1? 11th., 1929. U of Plans &na Pec- ficatu iol'I for `U,-_ C, L Z prer __.7 1tare L' eeL L0 Oc I u the lie _:t .- LI is .en ­rj a' 'h- na:�` mpe'inc-. u --aZinaer `ed of t'le �o­� L)-.' a -�-^lcLr enner Ca.,eel- on y 11 an es 0 "' e 17 A. be u 6 00. 0 r e c t 7 Lo 1 500. -2.a3olutil on ITo. 266 (I7e*,-.r -'e--ries) . 1 ­tion Of 1-11- City Cocn-J-I of the City ,, res,ol,u I - U___ �,_L u _'i ju f ui s Obi�y)o r)-, oi)osl-, an a, endment to tllc. ICI-Lartei- of �-he ol: '�&n Luis Ubisro and ri o-,., i d i-n OT' the 3liUf.li ss On Of L� �,aiae J-C) `h�- Quali-Fi,2-d elecitor.- there..)f for -doptioll c.11d LI.- LI L; I r a t- i fi c �,: t c -,a at the !J e n e ra 1 - '.un i :; i p a 1 E-1 e c: t i oil t0 b c! held on the fir-_-t d.-.. of 1✓ ;2,9, as '1ltro-luced ado.c.ted and passed to print on L1pti01 o Joiln Chapel- . e,_-oiide d by r "or L 7 o Chat' :`,' :, F -,;ns C'hac-, orb e s -7 . 3 e f os s E3 � ) I � L I Ilem'Ie- D I) e I t S a F, s i oil. ti o n o f Uha s . 2 o --.-b .3 s s e C ond e d b-,7 ])efozset the C01121Cil -1111t0 eXeCU'i*%7-_ '. i 1 -1 " i�) -,. The Council is 2­lco. in 013c"I SeSI, I- le ` e r and --�.e s olutio-n i'l- om the 14 i c-h �� Chool _D_ oct 1-d of E"Clue,a t-i oil re 11a tive to L 23-- id -,.e u u - c of 7 eL socondc,,d b-, john ha-pe".-. i,-vaS ordercd received Land ulacud cia f-_'le on riatio-i L)I, GIoticjn 01 '11G.IQ . Zorb•s seconded b i. J. Defosset the adliou-'lied to !.,Ljlldayl 1929 --Ie'-r-czary 25th./at 7:30 � L) �'h-��. joh-, Cl:ai�e'-, I . 7. �`illQhei;lcr. � -1 - - - �_ ­� J. 0.�C : 7- ­E . I.-I _101 I b moved this dr---,,- of 1 S) 2 11) I T 0 :11) e s I I I F I