HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1929I.1 1 Ll I I 103 !._arch 1st 92-D - 8 o ' clock P.-i it --all 0 Council nlet in adjourned -session - 1.�Z�,wor T.7, k-insr1eimer nresi'ino-. City- - e - - a 0 il C, iresent .,"has 7orbes, _.j.DePosset-, .._.Co._, jol l hapel-, L.F.Sinsheimer. ib s EL1. t -!one There was informal discussion relative to ii1atters for betterments of the oi'U0 �7 .L 9 to be submitted to voters at the General _-.'unici .7 4-1- i -.pal Election 'pril lst. On motion of Chas Farr bes seconded by L.j.DeioSset the meeting ,� �d`ourned. - � r _da Of 1929. .ii-3proved this :y or _.- v �, - " i 4- w 0 1 e U 0 City I-Elall, 11�ionr-;,,y, Tml,.�rch 4-th, - 7:30 P. City' 0ouncil niet in rt�pular Y. _Oiiissheirier pr•sidinE,-. P±eseht: Chas -Forbes;.?. j,:Defosset,;.H o J bhn , C �ja b a L Si n s h e im e r 141b s er, t : Done . 25th. , 28th. and 1.1arcli Is'U pi oved . viere read and an - The minutes of 7ebrunr-,, 18th. 9 T as read on motion of Chas. --,'oi-be-- seconded by 1. J. .7- - L, for ­.Ilt -1d an ­ddition of two roor.is to a re-i Application of I.-lary errs ID E 2.; t,,:, build U dente in _,loci: 10, also to convert a �eira----e on sanie premises ilntlo trio all �.aju- a cost ( m U Of ",500-00, 4122 referred to the Comj'.Iissizmr of 17ublic Health and Safety for report to the Council o-i Cioti', o-.,! of Chas. Porbes seconded bar E. Cox. On moticla Of John Clianel: Seconded bey H. E. CC:.: the appljoatio):l Of T. L)I-Meilly for permit to construct _- b::iall buildin,--, to be used as au Office for Used Car. Depa-rtir;ient in Bloc'c: 104 was referred to t'-e Commissioner of Z-ublic Health and 2afet-,, for ren.,)rt. tc tine C I - Council. , 21 - - U 1� Tile petition of the Central Supply Compan-, fo-c perrmi� , to rei_.iodel ulont on 1� - I - I - I Lot 9 -3locj,_- JE-;7-A T-,-F-leside T-,-L,--t at F, cost of e%400.00 vas leferred 'o the Commissioner of U _U U Public for report to the Counc`:! on motion of John Chapel: seconded bw 1. J. Defoss6t. On motion of HE. EE. Cox seconded by Chas. _Forbe.- the foliol. a'ions I to build ::,ere granted: Archie __ins aa) ".4sid-lice, 1- and C­.ran-e C Lot U 2�6 Hoc' 11 j , �ddii ills Z. U Cost 2600.00 Toin Collins - 'esidence nild -,.,,arv.ce C�: Lot E" -loc Z I Daudill ^_ract -1 cost 2000.00 Uicholas "E'. -Eirsch room House Lot 3 Flock 1 3uena '7is'; U. dd-.1 cost 1500.00 T. E. Cox - zLeSidenl-e and U�z _Fe rF 1'. Lot o s t 5500.00 Fa,ye L. Brov;ii - addii to U - .2 ce t. U lo' 1 Bloc}: r--, -= 4. C) 4 Cost 000 00 On motion of H. -7. Co.r seconded b-.7 Clias. liorbels the fc.1lowin-g applications for permit C 1. 1 U :1 uo lay five foot nark sidev;aIll: on the north side of 2treet between Carrnel and Leff 'troets was E_-anted: !7irs. Fa-,:e, L. -Brovm- 50 ft. .5 -ft, park sidI:1-,-al1_; S. S,-nith- 50 ft, 5 ft. rjarK mid Hern12n H. 94 ft. 5 ft. nark, 104 1�ary E,'. lima li.a,: -1-ran' On..r.-iotion of H--. E-. Co: seconde�, b., Chas. _1,7orbes, Uea per ij-,it to la�v 145 ft. of 5- ft. narl: siuev.,1�11- and c;u_,,CinD, on tul-t:! si�Le o-f Jc)'ImS-m _ureet :-.e- U U .., t,,.-e Gn -_Palm --i-, d �.,"ont e re,-V- L': -L, re e t- I-- . m '-he aTxolical'.ion of C'Firlson for permit, to hall a board si:n at 1131 I u ine side:-;a11: u u u _L - k ,arden `:treat, and the caution of C. 'i'chell penJA to iii-qt.-:!ll a �,a�jo_ 170116 _�eze= 0-,1 r.10tioL, of pum 1D , and t a-rilr: Of F7 I I o2i o a,,)Q u. i t Y t 10 5 5 S a2 , t a 0 ", a :-� t re e t C . F u 1, 11, e S Seconded b H. . E. CO:. 1-ho Com-mis:-d oner of 47",ablic health and Safet-v, for --report to the Council. The petition of the Standard Oil Compali-­- for pei,,mit- to breal: side's iallc �_t T."onte-ey- clad -ant, ''osa `'tree:, -, in ordel to is i'ich gasoline fill uire, re- el-red to the Co--n-.Assioner of -:?ubli C 1:027I -KS V.,Iul: T)Ov.:_:r tc. act, on motion of Jnhii Chapey cseconde,_� 1.)y -Tork to be done under suvervision o-' the Cit. u u 6 On motion of H. .". Cox seconded b.-:., Cha,,;. t,UrbeS the fallowing cal)IDlic-;:tiono f01 uermi" L-0 comiect v.;ith the Cit.y Se--:er 11%,erc-, granted: Geo . Vinson- j•iinoon Stre et- het*k-,,cr.n 3, ecx': 'St- reet- alid Lib ie Street. To.m. `_'ollins- !-:iV;hell Drive 200 ft. vv.,C­_-t of Broad t �:, 7 7 1 . I I The uetitlon of tre Sall Ccnina''m 10", nei-:iiit- 1-10 br(-.L�h lull .. __L7 - -1 -i U L _L . _L u Gf street at ti,e in4 er­ectioi-- of ',11011terey -iid Grove :64-reet- to epaii- 2 inch L—S :11-in --rented 0-,) :.',otion of IC1.1. _E. Co-•r s-2conded by Chat. Forbes. moi)lic°tion Of the !;!idlaiad_ Cou.11tief-, ui)11- -I ervice corn0]:ati011 ""0. 158 for nermit to do certain v,-or'r-_ oil "rand, "'mi"urray a-aCl : :,venue:,- bete; .;n '5ailju,c and 11-•Ionterey StreetE as sat forth in application oi-, flip., v.tns received cll_i referred to the Of Tuhlie for ve �zi bi o n tenor' o r' o e coumcil. The renor-,,, of the City Clerl-, for 'Ul,e .-Month of 7 anuary of th- Cil;-i Collec'or and I? L u � U - L or b 1. f Februar-­- aad of t'.,n 70und ',aSter for t.';.-e m02,,thc; Of -anu_ary wild �01d-p. judz-e for the month 0 ebruar-. 7 -�-!e 176 d aild ordered filed on r.io-ion o�* Ch e - r er, e, 1 ve L - ::Iota or:)ec; -,-,eccndcr__-. Q .7 ---. J. Zefos, ct, I e ' L ' re c elver' 'ro-i _ - d tc , ether vlith )!an and sper1-Fica.ticns, praying for ont s- D ��anton ouace 1� o uii t Lie t h City Sever S-, sten, said c;onnection to be --)ad�mm oil Ple_�,s,,)lton SLuare -;,o . 1. Oil -,Iotio.,i I u Of ]LI. J. Deffo,�-,.,Set seconded by Cha,3. tlie referred to the ('oL-.1mi23$i(.)ntr Of Public '..;orks and the CitY Eli�ineer for report to the Council. Claim-c a,:_,_-inst the "'ity for the month of 1.11are oi-dercrl paid subj&r-t to the aunroval of the heads of the respective departmel.its On ':!Ob1Joil of C-r,as. Forbes seu_,nded by 0, I -fo_� t-Ile office-, to be .ot��d Z e t- i �- ions oz� -:', om i 11_�t i O_-i Of C; al, d i d a to : :, u tae f:,elieral 1,7-unli:;ipul- to be held L, tlie City Of San Luis lj'jispo Oii the ist. d� . of Anril i.rere rresented bpi the City Clerk vvith affid2-iit to tjie sufficiency o--,'2 'bile said 9 0 petitions. le follov.-ii--- are t"e re�i4-ioias �iled: 11 - U L, J. For _.-:_,ayor. - L. F. Sinsheimer. - z -:;!or Comlcilme, - jomi ­haT)e1:, G. H. Campbell, L. S. Graver_ jjalter T Lyer 'E. Stephens. For 'School Diroctor - 2--ancis L. Til-roop, T.. ­ Q:,-lj.`-, J. 11. Ile-c7bold. ul- 4, .. 7he petition of the Obispo 1.7eat Co. . -I',- -1--! i t to place U. '�] *1 �:,ll E, u =j _.ml fO 1) 1. __ I C ,as on 1,110�ion of T - Q - Rn t Ei d u J. E;:,-cOnded b-, Chn-b. 1,"'orbes C v `1 ioll Of "'I"`1 m 3ros . ill re `e L)-F 1'�4-ree-G es in '-ddi tioi,. U_ 1, ui-- � u u - - L, k - - .-ntinued to the ne_­`u- meeti-,-_,,,T. I I 11 1 L I I 1 I I I F 105 L,_ u the HHE,,h School E-oara' Of _ducr� 4 t iOi I - cel't-! ill "" `tS 011 `le Hi _--h Su ha a i C12-ound-L; .he p, e ti. ti ont Of.... D. --d.-mon for Par-lit to a side-:.allc pl),-, ID an 1 Ij undererouiid ta,lk- of 285 1 on capacit,.- at cu,.b line, aj- 1601 01,os Street .L . U, u L, u Sranted on m3t1on 0 f` L- J- 3a f s 11 t 3 a c ol a d a d by CO.: i t 1 the DrOe "i<;10 _1 t1lat said bE- done wider sur,e_,vision of the -let-ition Of 21. L.. 4ictoril-lo for pe_o,.iit to in-41-all a gRsoline ip-Lu.ip and `a-1- Of "280 L:allo,l ty at 19C)i 3.1-oc,d :;tree %'iL4_,, r,�ranted., 021 rlloti on of L. Defo,-�set secjnded u LI_ by L. E. Cox-, troviSloll usiat tha same be rer.,iovecl at the plea ure Of the C0u'11c1l. '�e�:Olution coluel-ninc- the Dondin,- o--` .nesolutio2l iTc,. 267 (11c'. Series); . .11 . .-I L, u -1 - ulle. City Of San Luis Obispo for certain 11111iCi pal inip-rovu.ments 111"ro-d-u-Ca adopted and passed T, , , adoi)t p oil _'I'lot i oil of C"las. oroeS seconded by Ij. j. -Dofosset. ID the fol-, 0'.:illg vote Chas. -"orbes, L. J. Defosset. H. E'. Co_-�T john Chape":, .does: E one. 1 b S en t : -1.1 1-) 1 a a . esolutio­. (-,,e-.-! Series) I ul :?.E:.s olut i oil U_ il,ecit ilic'. t�l t� Ci t-,.- Z",- 6--inee r to 0 v furnish plans and soecificaticins for the li:i-o-,,oveLient :D�' c-er­j:.j�j Lor,-%;ojl�- 0- --ex I - u IL u Es,j -3 Tohn,,on, ;",,ove all _-PI "j-reet's in the Citi, Of San -,.Ijis Obispo bw a was introduccd u %, - _d - a _i z) L, - ­_ e and adopted on Llotio-.-A off seconded by Char_. l'o r I be s . b".; the follov. ihg vote: A- es: aa s . orbe L . --se, l a L 11 S h e n i m r -%, oe s one. Absent: :.tone. The plans and ---. D o c: olls c'overiil& %the `vorl-%-2Gt_;f ofth � i2-L thel-there J nab ove lami ad u 'esolution '::ere preSei.ited to the Council :L-nd the same v.—i-e o­dered filed. L. - - 'I- 7e:,olutioil e-�optinc- plans and H a --- 0 1 U_'U i �) n 1 .3 . 269 e7.. Seri ea) X.I.. -, - 11 - _u u 0 L, lor the improvement of j)0_Cti0nQ_ Of I.-I 021'UU_Cey JoIlIlsoil, Grove and lalm Streetb ill the adopted on m tion f Chas. Ci'y of '-ate T,UjS Obispo, -..�ass L L, 11 ikorbes s')cllnfted b-.,, LI C) 0 j. j)efoss;t t"e 1`0110-;.,in_ vote u es: Chas. Po r 1) e -3 , T... _T, 3, fo a J- , ". E., JoIlm Cha--pek, L.- '3ins he i.m er . L t, 11 oeS : -!"ogle. absent: hone. map sho-,ii-iR boundary o--," 11s,les smE�nt Dist_ IfJi ULI-e 11,.111.2,oveMlent Of I)orti on"D Of Ont- o- rey, L'31111S 01 v a El I la j. a 1 r:i 5t r e e IU S ;)y :i3nted ,and ordered filed. 0r Tjj�(�Il`jo, I the Counci! of the , 710. 270 (Te-,7. 2esolution oj u u u ZI U_ _L i I C : 2itY Of San Luis U'­;)i��, po Cteclarill�y 7- :,tell -Cj-,')21 t.0 iL.lpi'ove 7e tai11 portions of 1,,o11te2:•ey, s o h2iso n ,rove and ],alm L r u crealj-IIE- -il aasses_-mUli t district to pa; tliJ costs a- r I C Such v-ork and dcteri;ilinC U U serial _ponds shall he- i-sued to renres­nt "all id thereon ,-.,Ls adonterl on moll-ion of 7. Dt�fosset secolided by 'Tol-bes by the u -0,10vii- nE _� vote: A Chaos. 'orbes, L. J. Deflosset, j;