HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/12/1929a�.p' fr�J . i City Hall, I.Ionday, august 12th 1929 - 7 ::50 F.'.i. City Council met in adjourned session - I.,ayor L.F.Sinsheimer presiding. Present Chas Forbes, L.J.Defosset I ; 1 1 1 1 1 153 Ferrifield appeared before the Council relative to the clatter of local radio interference. i::atter di scuse.ed. Oil r otion of 1. J.Defosset seconded by Chus Forbes the City Attorney rrss• directed to dr:.:ft an Ordinance relative to same. On motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forhes the application of tingling Bros. and Barnum E• Baileys Combined Circus for license for Circus - one performance - evening of September 10th TTas.granted. The follow ng applications for permit to hang signs in accordance with petitions cn file, were ordered granted on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes, with the provisic that the work comply with the existing Ordinance& C. �.B.1 :iarket - 661 = iguera Street :Soper Son - 2040 Broad Street; ission :arket - T.: i,� 685 riguera Street; J.P.�Iiison - 2039 ?road Street J.C.Penney Co - 868 -872 _' iguera Street and Security lst. Tiational Bank - Chor_o and higuera Street. Qn motion? of L. J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes the follomring licenses riere orderer cancelled : A 3- - libert17 Cafe Resteurant ......................... 17- - Tuey Bill Restaurant ......................... 87 - John 1E. Vail Cigar Store .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119- - A.W.Polson Cigars Sideline .. ...................... 149 - San Luis F.iotor & Armature lks i,.erchandise ......0........9...... 156. - Calif. Consumers Co 1:idse ( ;,'ater ) ....................... 217• - Faunt Le 'oy & Smith Garage ........................ 388- - J.A.Stebbins Seal testate ....................... 392:' - Gorden State T.ilk Prodets Co i:dilk i;`agon ........................ 448. - Dughi Auto To.p Shop ?,, :17dse .. ......................... 520. - ?iberty Cafe Soft Drinks .............. ...I ..... .. 535 -- ?ors_ L. 'rail Soft Drinks .......................... 483• - Lydia Stratton ?.aseuse .......................... 12.50 J 5.00 5.00 3.00 2.50 f 4.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 + 2.50 5.00 5.00 v 5.00J$69. The matter of the sale of Improvement Bonds in the ariount of ,}. 20,000.00 and 25,000.00, bids for which were received on august 5t., 1929, �•ras now taken up. It appearing that the Bid of the liational Ban'•_italy Company, San = rancisco, for Par, accrued interest and a 2remi m, of N 38.00 and a 238.00 respectively, 1.7!2s the best bid of the t,:o bids received it .as moved by Chas worbes and seconded by .E.Cox that the bid of ?ihtional Bankitaly Company be accepted at th-, figures set forth in their Bid. The - motion carried. Resolution Iio. 293 ( :;era :aeries zi resolution selling a 20,000.00 principal amount Of City of San Luis -bispo Bridge and Culvert Bords of 1929 to i:ational Bankitaly.: .ompany, of San Francisco, �.ras introduced and adopted on aotior_ of L.J..Oefosset seconded_ by Chas Forbes the folloii ng vote: es : Chas Porbes, L.J.Defosset, =.3.Cor., Jots. Chapek, L.F.Sinsheimer. oes : ?done. bsenp : _ione, Resolution i:o. 294 (i ?erg Series ) A resolution selling $, 25,000.00 principal amount f City of San luis Obispo Sewer Bonds of 1929, to Idational.Bankitaly Company, of San Frsnciscc s introduced and adopted on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Chas Forbes by the folio -.ring ote : es . Chas Forbes:; 1.J.tefosset, H. .Cox, John Chapek, L.F.Sinsheiraer. oes : ?'done. bsent: Tone. On notion of Chas Forbes seconded by =..J.-'efosset the certified check which vccompani the bid of.the unsuccessful bidder was ordered returned. On motion of .Z7.Co__ seconded by Chun Forbes plans and specifications for the ex-tens- ion of a certain culvett on :,ants osa Street betrreeimaF ig and Olive :.'treets were adopted, and t':e City Clerk r;as directed to advertise for bids for such work. Bids to be received up to 7 :30 o'clock P.Li. , ?:iorday , august 26th 1929. 154 Engineer '::i.B.Lurch appeared before; the Council and presented a Llap showing..the . proposed ch _ante of channel of Creek and the construction.of a wooden retaining wall, together with plans and specifications for ,the proposed work.. L-atter discussed. it was moved by _= ...Coy. and seconded by ?•.J.Defosset that the plans and specifications be .adopted. That the r `ity 0--lerk be. directed to advertise for bids in a:cordance.there%iith. Did,s to be received up to 7:30 o'clock P.i:. iuesdaSr, September 3d 1929. the motion. carried.. Dr .Yllan F. "illihan addressed the Council relative. to health _conditions. On :lotion of = ._.Co! seconded by John C apek j:he meeting. adjourned.._ =_pproved this /fit day of 1929 CLr City Hall, Monday, August 19th, 1929 - 7030 P. M. City Council met in regular session - Mayor L. F. Sinsheimer presiding. Present Chas, Forbes, L. J. Defosset, H. E. Cox, L. F. Sinsheimer, Absent John Chapek. The minutes of August 5th and 12th were read and approved as read on motion of L. J. Defosset seconded by H. E. Cox. The following applications for permit to build were granted on motion of H. Cox seconded by L. J. Defosset Flora Swanson - Residence and garage, lot 7. Block 21, Central Addition, Cost $30000.00 Katie Anderson - Addition to store, lot 4. Block 80 Cost 400.00 �. 1-t. Anderson - Residence and garage, tart' - lot "5 - Block 80. Cost 29000.00 H. U. Ivens - Residence, lot 4, Block 116, Heed's Addition. Cost 550.00 on motion of H. E. Cox seconded by L. J. Defosset the application of the Midland Counties Public Service Corporation for permit to build a garage and machine shop on lot 14, Block 117, Reed's Addition at a cost of $12,000.00 was granted. The application of J. H Logan for permit to wreck the upper story of residence on lot 1. Block 98 and remove the lower part of the building to lot 14, Block 11, 11eill's Addition was granted, on motion of H. E. Cox seconded by L. J. Defosset. Application of E. D. Sworthout for permit to lay 50 feet of Park sidewalk on the south side of Pismo Street between Toro Street and Essex Street, referred to Commissioner of Public Works with power to act.. The following applications for permit to connect with the City Sewer were granted on motion of H. E. Cox seconded by L. J. Defosset : Joe Luis - Montalban Street between Santa Rosa Street and Toro Street. Garrett H.Bowen - Center Street between north Broad Street and Almond Sto on motion of.L.. J. Defosset seconded by H. E. Cox the application of C. N. Kunkle for permit to'change position of a sign at 712 1.1arsh Street was granted* on motion of L. J. Defosset seconded by H. E. Cog the following petitions for transfers of license were granted