HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/193023 3, City Hall, Tuesday July 15th 1930 - 7:30 o'clock" r..i. 'or the lack of a quorum no Meeting ryas hold. Approved this day of 1930. City Clerk I::ayor. ' City hall, i,_onday, July 21st 1930 - 7 :30 F.E. City Couaeil met in adjourned session - -- 7a;;ror L.F.Sinsheimer presiding. Present : Chas Forbes, L.J.Dafossat, H.F,.Cox, John Chapek, I,.F.Sinsheimer. Absent : Krone. The minutes of July 7th.14th.and 15th.wcre read and approved as read on motion of Chas Porbes seconded by .;.Cox. The following applications for permit to build werc granted on motion of r.B.Cox seconded by John Chapek: S.L.O.High School Dist - Gymnasium & Shop Blocks 11 17 Central �ddn Cost $'�61,234.00 s.F.Dotson - 3esidetiee c Garage lot 16 Block 4 .C2udill Tract Cost 3,700.00 Crisse- F,; Trent - 2esidenee Garage lots 1 & 2 Block 16 = ,nholm lddn Cost 3,500.00 k ._i.Bcrnard - _ evidence lot 4 Block 3 Buena 'iista sddn Cost 19500.00 y.F.Burriss - :addition of room lot 20 Block 12 Central _;ddn COst 400.00 :'Fickcnden & IYiekendcn remodeling Store Block 13 - :Cost 19400.00 ::- pplication of H.F.hronch for license for Cigar Store at Hotel nderson was referred 'Uo tno Commissioner of public Health and Lafety for report to the Council on m' otion of H.F,.Cox seconded by Chas r'orbes. The following applications for permit to cohilect with the City Sewer were granted on motion of H.B.Cox seconded by L.J.Dcfosset: a.= .Hibler - Chorro Street between :.fountain liieW Street and Center. Street. Crissey F. Trent - I.ission Street between Chorro Street and Lincoln Strcet. Standard Station - court Street between '?onterey Street and Higuera Strcet. The aDplieation of Fred C. Limball for per,git to install an underground gasoline storage tank of 7,500 gallon capacity at imball Service Co., corner Higuera and high Street 1 was referred to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety or report y p to the council on motion of ii.:�.CoX seconded by john Chapek. On Notion of 7.E.Cox seconded by 1•.J.Lefosset the petition of Theo. -.i. .:aino for permit to place a scaffold over sidevialk on ;Chorro Street between :iontcrey Strcct and _Higuera ' ,street while -repairing wall on Johnson Building :Ias granted. The petition of the Pdazarene Church for permit to hold Stroet Ticctings at corner. of Higuera and Chol•ro Street was granted on motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by Ch: -_s Zorbes. The petition of A.;;.Lois for per,jit to hold a lent Revival L:eeting on corner of Garden and _acifie Streets eras granted oil motion of H.E.Cox seconded by John Chapek. The application of the Union Oil Company for permit to build a Super Service station on a nart of lot 4 Block 41, corner of ionterey and Essex Streets, at a cost of $ 3,200.00 tiaras granted on motion, of n.E.Cox seconded by 1.J.DcfooSet. ;he applications of the said Company for permit to recess curb of side-: :alk and sewer connection was referred to the City Engineer for investigation and report to the Council. 934 In re application of I.Irs. I:Iary ;udolph for permit to lay 88 ft of 5 ft park side calk and curbing on the north side of Islay Strect between Beach Street and Carmel Itrect ; !'latter discussed. Oil motion of 1..:;.Cox seconded by Chas 11orbes the platter was referred to the City attorney and the City Engineer for proper procedure for grades on Islay Strect betwe 3cach Street and Carmel Strect. W.3.3"Iurch, nc-incer, submitted =tans and Specifications for the construction of reinforced Concrete 3ridges in the City- of San. Luis Clbispo Discussion. It was moved by and seconded by L.J.Defos set that the s-2id Flans and SipccificLtuions be adopted; that the City Clerl: bc, and is hereby directed, to advcrtise _'o_ Bids for the construction of said Fridges - Bids to be sub.aittod up to 7:30 o'clock F.: =. august 11th 1950. :.;otioa Carried :,.pplieation of Chas J.Storni for per:.lit to install an underground gasoline storage tails of 0300 gal-on cal::acity at resid-nce 772 Bssea Street .vas ag in laid over. The acolieation of Lirs. LI.F.Simmons for liconsc for Lodging House at 143 Santa Barbara :_venue w�is laid over for report from the CopLnissione-r of Public health and Safety. Application of John J.Lewelling for per:ait to lay sidcr!alk, curbing and gutter on i :o:italban Street between Santa ..osa Street and Toro Strcet Baas laid over pending establishing of grades. _`he application of :_ary Berry for permit to raise house four feet to accor_:rsodate riew plumbing was denied on :notion of L.J.Defosset seconded by 1i.F.Cox. The Diagram of assessment District for the I::iprovement of portions of Santa ::osa, Fig and z;tenner Str� -ats, as per :- esolutioii of Intention JJo 511 ( New Series ) was submitted to the Council by the Cit- ,7 - _:csolution _io. 529 ( i•!ew Series .} A :resolution approving Diagram of :.ssessmeilt District for the I :a m proveent of portions of Santa -.osa, .'ig and �tcnner 'streets in the City of qan _ -uis "bispo, as per ceso 1 ution of Intention I?o. 311 ( New "cries ) was adopted on .notion of "has Forbes sccondcd by ;.Con by the follor.!ing vote; Ayes . Ch.-.s - �Iorbes, ..J.Defosset, '.CO� , Jo' I ip %'r_, .L. .Sinsheimer. hoes : i'!one. _bsent : Done. :resolution of intention Ido. 330 .( I @ew ::cries ) csoiution of tike City Council of the City of nail Luis Obispo declaring its Intention to close up a portion of Pacific :trect in said City was passed and adopted on motion of L•.J.Defosset seconded by F..ii.Cox by the following vote: es . Chas Forbes, L.J.Defosset, z.B.Cor, John Chaper, L.F.Sinshheiraer. ;oes Z�oile. F:bseilt . 1JOne. On :,lotion of L.J.Defosset seconded by John Chapel- the meeting adjourned to : o?ldcy, my 28th 1930, at 7:30 O'clock P ;14. yes . Chas Forbes; L.J.Defossct, H.?.Cor:,. John Chapel;, L.F.Sinsheimcr. ocs : :;0110. bsent None. .nprovcd this day of 1930. City Clor ...ayor 1 1 1