HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/19301 1 1 D J 265 T'he ri: tter 01 the _l)nlicat.ion of rs. ldaty ?udolph for per::lit to lay sideLr!alk and curbing on !slay 4trFCt betL'Jeeil Beach 3tre::t and CErinel : tr'eet ! "uS continued. s coadeJr by (;l_as _'orbes -License ;' 7 r5 - C l 1 °11a C lifo ilia ?o @1 i r..lpsi ?yr 10.00 was orderer° e ,.ncelled. ecl license to ba issued under cl�'s il'icatic ,: of i,erci-�aildise _t •R 2).-50 per •:iu.-�,rter. 011 MOti01! Of ;_.=;.00x sec onded by jo is au61 _,lcailse 7 UOO - J t- ^_ndai "d Rubber CO. 6.00 was ordered cancelled. Oil mOtiO)1 Of Seconded by Chas =orbeS .-L..�icense j= 893 - E.L.O„reilly, ..:ercilLjndi 10.00 :was ordered cancalled. Consideration of jigli winter$ Vrdiyj °., lce left Over for full attendance of Cou-ncil. y•�' d _ei1Uo.Ll_Z "@ :!SSeSS:�ent ::011 _L the IlaprOvei�allt Of 1d2: street fi11d <. right of '•7 °jT OL91led by the O1tJ Of °a_7 Luis S Obispo , ZeSOlAti0i1 Of liltei ?t'_O1? T,iO. Jl9 ( 1,Tevi 5er1@E ) r;fiS sub,aitted 'a v e C. `;ng,i_lecr. On motion of.!`• a'o Forbes seconded by the meetii ?o "a- IjOtT"Ied. ,2 -Approved this — day Of g_t/ 1930. J y� �•� j l City Ci t. tall, :ionday,December lst 1950 - 7 :30 City Council ;net in regular session - vice _resident of the Council Ch::s 2orbes .Dresiding. resent . Chas _ orbes, L.J.Jefosset, H— —(,ox, John Chapel:, bsent : Mayor l:. inshei_-Ler. The :_lrnutes of Iioves;ber 17th and 24th Lvere read and approved as read on motion of .Z.Cox seconded by John Chepek. The following applica'ions for cenait to build were granted on !notion of H.-.Cox econded by John Chape -'7: .i:r.Palaer - Addn to 'es and ;:iortuar-T Lots ., .� 1� -14 -15 Blk 1 �el.itral .':ddn Ferdinand __OSe L.asardi - Garage i s�._4�,e log 8 Block lrr 7 Loorals _:ddn IC.u.L cram - remodeling part 3.i_oc1: 61 Iabert Ewalt - ernodel and repair old buil �� dims on lots s ;; 5 'loci: 87 ':issicn ',ine 7r-rd `.i'rsct Cost 1,000.00 Cost 75.00 "Ost 25.00 Cost 500.00 On -lotion of t.�.Oo :� seconded by Jolsi Chapel: the folloi!ing applications for permit to coiLaect ',h'ith the City Sewer xere + =r._nted J. -Vi ctorino - :iij :010 street bet:aeen Church Strc:_t aria r`igrl traet. ;rs. J. Sanford - Tell := trcc :t bet:,ieen 'road Utruet and ! ipomo Utraet. -Albert _:wilt - Pacific Street bet',Jeen 'ro_.d Street and Garden - 'treet, The report of the City Treasurer for the month of October 19.;0, and the report of the Police Judoe for the :month of = •iovember 1930, vrere received and ordered filed on motion_ of ii.?.Cox seconded by John Chapel•.. The petition of Bertie Beall for trL:nsfer of license for 7,er3handise(CTroceries) at 1401 (;soS street t0 iv`as granted On -lotion Of ,.J._efo-_et Secc-nded by 7 tl � y Ce C) under the supervision of the City Engineer. 011 !notion of H.3.Cox seconded by John Chapek the Hearing on the protest of _:alph C. ?_ennedy the matter of the proposed change of Stre -t Grade on Islay Street betr:�een Beach Street and -r-1el StrE t, _resolution of Intention 110. 1339 ( r,e:� Series ), was continued to :.ionday, Dec. 8th. 9n, at 7:30 ':__Ittar of the co.�amunication of ; :i.'.i -.- : -thews in re 'r_igh power lines of the : :'.idl-:nd Countie ublic :service Corporation at 350 = iguera Street, continued to the ne-xt nl.,eting. _.i :plicatiOn of !:_ary = :udO!ph for perMit to lay side'.ralk and Curbing o1i Islay treet bet,.Veen Bleach .street and `aarme1 �treet , continued to' the next ineeting. 'Jli ;11Ot.1.011 O_L = .3.i:a1, SEC011dc'd by JOr1i Chapati the mEv'tll' aC1j0Ur11Ed t0 :.c011dc, yr, Becember 8th 1930 :at 7:30 F.Id. sjTeS Chas I'orbes, _.J.Defasset, H. :.Cox, JOI {:tltpel :. i;oes Absent . : :_error h.F.Sinsheimer. c�.arcved this day of 194. t,/ 193 . ;Tor d at, � //7�. 4/ City Cler :. 1 I I Petition of the -issociated Oil Company for perinit to install a hydraulic _cease lift at _ -.s aci ted Oil Co:-,,r :nys SE_vice Station corner of 'ailta _'.asp Street and _iontere; Street , s _:ranted on lotion of H.E'.Co.: seconded by L.J.Defosset. 0_r moo_ pe_-li;, to maintain u teach '.-.'ac-on on �h ! or�n amide o� 1 Petition of L.Z. r for r-, i i a i^ ,,ri the -: t o r %ice 1@ra street bet.;eeli Chorra Street and :.:orro 3U_ ( i.iantha Spengler property ) as referred, on lotion of H.IE.Co7 seconded by John :lhapek, to the CJmmiSSi0ner of Public Health and Safety for 1 investir ~ =:tion and renort to the Council. = -der in the -.noun' of '� 5 051.45 for the construction of Santa :osa 1lie C_Gl;l 0I' 1.7._. , , , rench snd ,ho,•ro 6treet Bridges, sane being �stirnate Ido. 3 of `,: rren B. Burch, �ncineer in ,h-:rcz,e, .: ;as ordered paid on niotio:, of seconded by John Chapek. Claims against the i.'ity for the month of i;ovember 1930 were ordered paid subject to the 1 ai:proval of the heads of the respective departments, on inotion of John Chapel: seconded by =.D.Coz: Ordinance Do. 146 ( Ilew Series ) An Ordinance establishing Grades on _portions of Olive Street, J:ioiatalban. Street and Toro Street in the i;ity of San Luis Obispo, was finally passed, . oil lotion of 1.J.Defosset seconded by John Chapek by the follodrLng vote: ayes Chas i:orbes, ?.J.Defosset, H.E.Cor, John Chapek. Foes 11one , Absent . I.F.Sinsheimer. The anolication of Carl °:;calmer for license for Parcel Service at 960 iiguara Street Was granted on motioli of .J.Defosset seconded by H. F. Co:. The petition of Cline's Electric shop for pen-.lit to erect a vertical double faced Neon Sign at Cul_nillgham and laird garage, iiontere;;T Street, was granted, on -.notion of I,.J. -Defosset seconded by H.?.Cox, ,iith the provision that .:Corr- be done under the supervision of the City -711-ineer and in accordance with the e_:istinr Ordinance, as ,:s also, the petition of _ughes and __ughes for pe.rait to hang a vertical metal sign at 647 Higuera Street. On motion of r.H.Co_ seconded by I,.J.Defosset the application of iioutzahn i;iotor Co:.lpany for per..;it to ramp sider ,j<:lk for driveway at 1530 :.1onterey Street was granted, work to be`-done under the supervision of the City Engineer. 011 !notion of H.3.Cox seconded by John Chapek the Hearing on the protest of _:alph C. ?_ennedy the matter of the proposed change of Stre -t Grade on Islay Street betr:�een Beach Street and -r-1el StrE t, _resolution of Intention 110. 1339 ( r,e:� Series ), was continued to :.ionday, Dec. 8th. 9n, at 7:30 ':__Ittar of the co.�amunication of ; :i.'.i -.- : -thews in re 'r_igh power lines of the : :'.idl-:nd Countie ublic :service Corporation at 350 = iguera Street, continued to the ne-xt nl.,eting. _.i :plicatiOn of !:_ary = :udO!ph for perMit to lay side'.ralk and Curbing o1i Islay treet bet,.Veen Bleach .street and `aarme1 �treet , continued to' the next ineeting. 'Jli ;11Ot.1.011 O_L = .3.i:a1, SEC011dc'd by JOr1i Chapati the mEv'tll' aC1j0Ur11Ed t0 :.c011dc, yr, Becember 8th 1930 :at 7:30 F.Id. sjTeS Chas I'orbes, _.J.Defasset, H. :.Cox, JOI {:tltpel :. i;oes Absent . : :_error h.F.Sinsheimer. c�.arcved this day of 194. t,/ 193 . ;Tor d at, � //7�. 4/ City Cler :. 1 I I