HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/1949LO On motion of G.W.Baker, seconded by Kline Williams, the City Engineer was authorized to communicate with the State Department of Public Health regarding proposed plans for Sewer Plant Extension as submitted by Mr. Jenks. Communication from Stone & Youngberg of San Francisco, asking support of Senate Bill No. 851 was referred to the Mayor, authorizing him to.write ( the proper authority) supporting the Bill, on motion of Wm. 0. Hall, seconded by G. W. Baker. On motion. of Wm. 0. Hall, seconded by G. W. Baker, the meeting adjourned. Approved this day of K y Citv C rk Mayor City Hall, (Recreation Bldg.) Monday May 16, 1949- 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session; Mayor Timothy I. O'Reilly presiding. Present: G.W.Raker, Wm. 0. Hall, R.P.Howell, Timothy I. O'Reilly, Kline Williams Absent: None The minutes of the meeting of May 2nd, 1949 were approved. The matter of discussion on Boulevard Stop Sie;ns and Engineer's report on Sidney Street grading was held over. Resolution No. 889 (New Series) - A Resolution accepting deed from James H. Murphy and others for a Public Utilities easement was passed and adopted on motion of R. P. Howell, seconded by G. W. Baker upon the following roll call vote: Aves: G.14. Baker, Wm. 0. ?call, R. P.Howell, Timothy I. O'Reilly, Kline Williams Noes: None Absent: None Resolution No. 890 (New Series) - A Resolution providing for the Execution of an Agreement with James H. Murphy regarding water system installed on Sierra Way and Bishop Street was passed and adopted on motion of R.P.Howell, seconded by G.W. Baker upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: r,.W. Ra' -er, Wm. 0. Hall, R. P. Howell, Timothy I. O'Rei11;T, Kline Williams Noes: None Absent: None On motion of G. W. Baker, seconded by R. P. Howell and by common consent of the Council, they recessed at this time, in order that the incoming Councilmen may take their seats. The incoming Councilmen took their seats and Mayor O'Reilly called for a Roll Call. Present: Douglas M. Carpenter, Wm. 0. Hall, Timothy I. O'Reilly, Kline Williams, Frank Vernon Woods The members elected having previously taken the Oath of Office, their Official Bonds were presented. The Official bond of the Mayor was presented and approved by the Council. The following bonds were presented and approved by the Mayor: Bond of Frank V. Woods Bond of Douglas M. Carpenter TheCouncil now proceeded to organize as the New Qouncil as of May 16, 1949: iJ 1 1 1 1 r For Commnissioner of Public Works,- Wm. 0. Hall was placed. in nomination by Mayor i O'Reilly. For Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, Frank Vernon Floods was placed in nomination by Mayor O'Reilly. For Commissioner of Supplies , Douglas M. Carpenter was placed in nomination by Mayor O'Reilly. For Commissioner of Finance , Kline Williams was placed in nomination by Mayor O'Reilly. For Vice- Presidnt of the Council, Wm. 0. Hall was placed in nomination by Mayor O'Reilly. On motion of Kline Williams, seconded by Frank V. Woods, it was moved that the nominations be accepted and approved upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: Douglas M. Carpenter, 111m. 0. lull, Timothy I. O'Reilly, Kline Williams, Frank V.'Voo Mayor.O'Reilly suggested the following appointments be held over for the next regular meeting: City Attorney City Treasurer City Collector City Engineer and Supt of Streets City Police Judge Fire Chief Chief of Police 5 Library Trustees Communication from the United Spanish Wqr Veterans Re: permission to display Chevrolet car on the streets was referred to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety on motion of Douglas M. Carpenter, seconded by 111m. 0: Hall. Communication from 20 -30 Club asking permission to park the Fiesta Hoosegow on the streets during the Fiesta week was granted. (under supervision of the Police Dept.) on motion of Kline Williams, seconded by Wm. 0. Hall. Communication from the Division of Highways petitioning for cancellation of taxes on certain properties acquired by the State anf asking for certificate as to cancellation of taxes and tax liens was presented to the Council, and on motion of Wml 0 Hall, seconded by Kline Williams the City Clerk was authorized to issue certificate of cancellation. Approval of the application filed by the Amvets for exempt City License covering a Moving popcorn wagon was granted temporarily for the period, Friday thru Sunday, only and advised to contact the Planning Commission regarding the quarterly license, on motion of Wm. 0. Hall, seconded by Kline Williams. The application for transfer of license of Lloyds Mobil Service at 505 Higuera St. to R. W. Madden was granted on motion of Kline Williams, sedonded by Douglas Carpenter. The following applications for transfer of city licenses were referred to the Com- missioner of Public Health and Safety for investigation and report: Transfer of Wm. C. Cerney 1/3 interest in the Mission and Yellow Taxi and News Depot, to Chas. E. Bell and Forrest E. Bell. Transfer of Arizona Cafe at 562 Higuera St. from Dorothy C. Simpson to Tory Machado, dba "Tony's Cafe ". On motion of Kline 11illiarrs, seconded by Wm. 0. Hall, the following applications for contractor's licenses were approved, sureties accepted and registration granted: 1 - James T. Moore - Floor Contractor, Class "F" 2 - W. H. Combs - Painting Contractor, Class "D" 3 - Aiickson -Bond Maintenance Co. - Electrical Contractor Class "E" The City Clerk was authorized to write the Veterans Administration, offering to extend the present lease covering office space in the Recreation Center Building in lieu of d "Offer to rent contract form" previously submitted by the City. Application of Union Oil Co. for permit to open trench for a distance of eight blocks along Pismo Street was referred to the City Engineer and Fire Chief, on motion of Wm. 0. Hall, seconded by Kline Williams. Mayor O'Reilly submitted the following* program for Municipal Improvements and Municipal functions, begin-iing iday 16, 194.9: ( see next page for program ) )91J 416 0 � -mow 1 f' 'i r �1 f 1 i 1 G6�q --Q, 4 2� P- AIi'fr;W"A' Z' G% G.8,5d.I.Y rLai:.r; Vii, Y ~r ia43 LUIS BY mYt°�IN I. pCIEZILLY FO tYMIZIgilMAi''ION DEC IUNTIUv 'InAY 162 1949. IULLIC 'tJOR ;S Amcpent o gineer3 i ztaff LL-aa ilately. atrrocts: l.v' Yz =Mate lotting to contract of all streetta alre=ady oogintered fzr ntaa canDtruc;.f. mq �.� Zrt :cc9iete orJ;;tneerinS of str,,ietn of ciajor lm- portance upon 4nich :atate -e;asoline taxes ray be ezponded. 3. ✓lzu.--adiata onjo ineerina and progra :,raisin,; of ic:- provement districta for pa7ir'a of atroots not streots of smajor Lopor+ .ce. 4-//1 rec=mend that all city construction in the future be lot to cgntract� -that only sufficiont aquipnont; and crone ho ret,zainod to accomplish Maintena ace uor4. 5o/ `fake iw.aadiate ot.epca to widen ali bridgas is town and to conotruct now onea who: r3 naca4od. 6wlOf prins importance is the p^ash *° throt,.h of Eantalban Jtreot to G anta Roa3 Stroet, sin: the c=plction of the Pesch 3treot to Ni,pamo St3rectr. 7/ A concerted effort rust be ode to obtain tax aneyn from tho county to au ,ncnt funds novt available for a'trcot ar4 brid,,!.tp e=otruction. I/Conduot i=edlately a count of all se se connections and to Oriqct a m*iage rental charge eufficlont to pay for =.it caaatrucUoa of a(magO plant OXIx=iOn and to provide a oinking ftid for replacemeat and to provido •nds for currant operational costae 2✓Set up and keep oporating a sewage treatment 4,,uper- visor under, the elty anglatering depar=ant and set up and maintain a spwaae treatment laboratory W/ control teato on sewaZe treatment* 3.z'preca for early complation of the as 3yvtom'a for the newly panne zed aroaes 19,/Fleco bow incur Wore thope ople at oarlicat practical date for the f,"Wancing of a water fil-w tration plant•-p•oliminary qlan:; for which havo already boan draw a. 29 ,/iii ediata enactment of an ordin&tce t©- provido for waya *P.A means to datead and/or ergo .e• iztiag wator mains* 3t/ To replace sated /or reline axIztIi%3 daectivo or undersizod wator mains with particular cmphaais ...on ropla-cing those mains undor strooto which should receive immediate attentibn by vay of re- pa ving* 4./KodarnIze as rapidly ae,poaoible the antirawator Oystem with full attention given to tho 011miaation I of dead ende and any ot�.Gr co►itions which tand to qaus.e or do cause diceoluration of the city vater, WILMA* CGIA., le✓(aoso adhemace to traildina, codo reVAreztata moot continue to be enforced—the use,, harviover of aw terir:le eAd toot ai-quas where practical ahoUd be coaazidered Ovon thougth not pr()vidud tar In the codes. Cam should be exercised as woll 10 the types and Unds of aoraZptos salloved in concreto corastructione 2e Build.1tC caues should be rav9iGot where accessary. PUBLIC H=".1 AND S'AMSTi: I* Fire departmant . As , kh gS. '-depa ',.ten appe ara to be.. - functio in excellent faas.ono flowevarg.. chase rc and should continue to be excrelsed in the matter of exp l-w for aquipmant and ; wrconnsle 2e Police depaMent ee ' hie: demrtc4att has oon r1fo with diasamion for some tiwe LeadersMp hao #4t; ba= all that la to by . doai,rule 'tiara have boos diract violations . or fixed pr>7.ic9,4 be ;tats dapar=aat is In need of as^urway as to .p,�rsoa- nel requirements s ¢ the une to which hich porsonnel is prate Care 4hould be g1ven to.detomlala4er vhothor or not there Ss overataffing procente oaasidera- t.ioa , sho ;4d; also be f ;ivan to whether or not them is excoss equiXiant In. ta.saae Park . a. T.o Police Department should be core a sldui olaa In imposing the uce of ur4oading zones b7 a m"orclot. dolivory COMP,an ose "them Is too much double park- ing by largo torucka in the do=tom area* be O.Rf'ooW eoW parking, facili ion a1.iQ'iAd ba i ereavede A survey on this score shoad be 9.wtitutod finedi- ,ately , FINANCING le If rfievenite bond legiolation now pending beforra tho State Legl.olztuee Is successful an we havo otrary reaaara to belleve it will be, as "Ch finaucim; o.0 city impr ovezents a.o po-oz :ble sbould be dono on that @ra exis. . 2. For the bal=ce of fimucing masort should bo had to bond isaaes of the norz al type only !zihora anbsolutoly necaasMo Every of4fort should first be expe�ed to pay for 'all nGcoazarp #r.,praywants out of currout reventw a. $URG!Wss AND J a sLLES: 1. Wherever possible and -practicral, &U ;purchazoa . should be emde locfa3lye 2. A re*daitia a eyetew abould be oatablielzd under the direction and control of the city cn 1ne er under our proseat charter cad uncer the city zarrer if that charter la successful. 1. Forsonnal oaangeLicnt ltackinc.; in the city eovornwut In tho past zusw bo estabgiubad at an early date. 2. ` ho city 2e already cc witted to a wry survey and an adrinistrative survey far thin Fall - -cho stature and type to bo governed by the outcome of the .cbxarter c"action* 1* rjego'tiationag should be o4pe wed lAth the aort9fliDdl rapra aatsr,.4 sai' city czployaes re& =,ding a 10M of pension for .tha city- =P14yr:e.�. p MLIG 4SLAT -IM: 39 The mayor and co=isaionars ahoula Lm to tho po*.plo .. frcm time to t =a on tic radio-with !nzeussious of what is going on in city mifairs - «about thlnrs ace ft plic%cd and about, what is planned for cit:7 dovolopm t.