HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1955�I J 1 1 1 1 City Hall, Monday, March 7, 1955 - 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session; Mayor Fred H.Lucksinger presiding.. Present: Nels Beck, Paul W. Davis, V'oarren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Absent : Plone The Minutes of the meetings of Feb. 7th, 14th, 19th and 21st, 1955 were approved. Claims against the City for the month of r,rarch,1955 were ordered paid subject to the approval of the heads of the respective departments and the Mayor.. ORDINANCE NC. 412 New Series) - An Ordinance providing for the acquisition of real property from John S.Williams was finally passed on motion of PaulW. Davis, seconded by Nels Beck upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: Nels Beck, Paul Ud.Davis, 6'Jarrer, G. Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION 110. 1425 (New Series) - A Resolution increasing the 1954 -55 Budget was passed andadopted on motion of Warren G.Edwards, secondedby Paul W.Davis upon the following roll call vote:. Ayes: Nels Beck, Paul W Davis, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None Communication from the City Clerk verifying the candidates for the Municipal Election was ordered received and filed on. motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by Nels Beck. Presentation of Election Proclamation was passed to print and adopted on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by Nels Beck upon the following roll call vote: yes: Nels Beck, Paul W.Davis, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jon.es, Fred H.Lucksinger ces: None bsent: None Mr. Jess Zanoli appeared before the Council regarding Dedication of the new ibrary Building, stating that they would like to take part in the ceremony, particularly, he placing of the "Native Sons Placque" and if the Council has no preference, Mr. Zanoli entioned that the State Officers of the Native Sons of the Grand Parlor will be here on une 18th for anniversary celebration of the San Luis Parlor, and they would like, if ossible, to have the Grand Officers of the State dedicate the Library Building. The ouncid stated they would work with the Native Sons inorder to make this a fine dedication eremony. cations: unication from A.H. Brazil Re: withdrawal of offer of Mrs. Gjurovich to sell her operty to the City was ordered received and filed on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by els Beck. omm. from the Monday Club Re: urging that comfort station be built by the city in the wntown area was ordered received and filed on motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by arren G.Edwards. The request of the S.L.O. Gem and Minteral Club for an exempt city license was ted on motion of Paul Li.Davis, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones. Re: Claim filed by Mrs. Moore: On motion of Nels Beck, seconded by Kenneth W. s, the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Paul Friedman telling him that he claim. of Moore vs. City of San Luis Obispo was turned over to our insurance carrier action. .99 i 00 Re: Comm. from Corps of Engineers, U.S.Arr-ay Re: License #w -49 -040 ( Salinas River Dam ) was ordered received and filed. On motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by Warren G.Edwards, the request of the Board of Supervisors was approved and taxes were ordered cancelled. Re: Comm. from the Port San Luis Harbor District relative to Resolutions Customs office; the City Clerk was instructed towrite a letter to the customs service protesting the closinj of the local customs office on a part time basis. On the matter of establishing a Division of Marine Affairs, the City Clerk was instructed to contact Gerard Parsons, Secretary of the Port San Luis Harbor District, if ha has any additional information re- garding the establishing of this Division of Marine Affairs. On motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones, the request of the San Luis Garbage Co., that the City declare the week of March 21st to 24th, 1955 as "Annual Clean -up Week" was granted. The claim filed by Delores Smith was ordered received and filed as the original claim has already been filed with the city's insurance carrier. The request of John Badgley, architect, for the new City Library Building, re- garding the new completion date for the City Library as MARCH 29th, 1955, was granted on motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by Nels Beck. Motion carried. The following Salary Step Increases were granted on motion of Nels Beck, seconded by Kenneth Vl.Jones: (effective April 1, 1955 ) Arthur E.Leister - Fire Dept. - from step 3 tc step 4- 336.00 per mop William M. Sumner - Police Dept.. " " " t' " 4- 336.00 " " Oscar D.Lamboy. - Laborer - Equip. Operator - from step 1 to step #2 268.00 " " Dollie Garrett - Typist Clerk - from step 2 to step #3 227.00 t' " The following reports were ordered received and filed: Report of the City Clerk, City Collector, Police Dept., Building Inspector, for the month of February, 1955 and KEPORT of the City Treasurer, for the month of January, 1955. The application of Johnny Vokolek, Jr. for registration as Class "F" Contractor, together with bond inthe amount of $200 and registration fee of $10.00 received and on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by Nels Beck, it was ordered that the surety be accepted, bond approved and registration granted. Mr.Blake of Kirkbride, Nilson, Harzfeld and Wallace presented Resolutions, Notices, etc. for setting up SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT -- RAMONA DRIVE et al STREET IMPROVE'41ENT Project S 55 -1, and the City engineer, Homer Hamlin, presented to the Council,- Plans, Specifications, and cost estimates for the RAMOND DRIVE et al Improvement Project. The City Engineer reported that the estimated cost of the Ramona Drive et al Project would be $65.983.43. Resolution No. 1426 (New Series) - Resolution of Preliminary - Determination and of Intention was passed and adopted on motion of Paul id.Davis, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones, upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: hels Beck, Paul W.Davis, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None Resolution No. 1427 (New Series) - A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report was passed and adopted on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones upon the following roll call vote; Ayes: Nels Beck, Paul W.Davis, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None n J 1 C� 1 1 1 1 �1 Resolution No. 142$ (New Series) - A Resolution establishing Prevailing 11age Scale was passed and adopted on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by Nels Beck upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: Nels Beck, Paul W.Davis, ldarren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None Resolution No. 1429 (New Series) - A Resolution appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in relation to .proposed improvements, and directing notice was passed and adopted on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones upon the following roll cal]. vote: Ayes: Nels Beck, Paul W.Davis, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger noes: Prone Absent: None Resolution No. 1430 (New Series) - A Resolution calling for Sealed Proposals was passed and adopted on motion of Paul W.Davis, seconded by kenneth W.Jones, upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: 'Nels Beck, Paul ',!.Davis, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None Old Business It was moved by Paul 1I.Davis, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones that continuation of the "non- conforming use" be allowed and that Mrs. Lewis may use her building for blacksmith shop,upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: Nels Beck, Paul. W.Davis, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth "'I.Jones Noes: Fred H.Lucksinger Absent: None The communication from C.A.Maino suggesting solution t oparking situation in the downtown area was ordered received and filed on motion of Kenneth W.Jones , seconded by Warren G.Edwards. On motion of Paul 1I.Davis, seconded by Warren G.Edwards, it was moved that the Proposal of Willeford and Wiltshire, C..P.n. and John Luthin, Water Utility Engineer, be adopted for the establishment of a Separate Water Departmdnt in the Accounting System and the City Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. 1'illeford and Mr. Luthin of the Council's decision. By common consent of the Council, Mr. Richard Miller is to make a survey of the area covered by the petition for annexation of the South Broad Street area of the parcels of land not included in the petition filed with the City. Re: REPORT OF THE TRAFFIC CONg-TITTEE: Item 1- The request of the Safeway Store for a loading zone on Higuera St. was denied on motion of Nels Beck, seconded by Kenneth W.Jones upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: Fels Beck, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: Paul W.Davis Absent: None The Traffic Committee was instructed to study the possibility of placing a 12 minute meter zone in the area of the present Safeway Store Building. Item 2 - The recommendation of the Traffic Committee was adopted and the City Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Talbot and tell him of the Council's decision regarding the traffic and signals on Pismo Street. Item 3 - The matter of the intersection of Santa Rosa and Marsh Streets was held over; the Traffic Committee was instructed to study the possibility of placing AUTOMATIC STOP SIGNALS at the four corners of Marsh and Santa Rosa Streets, and the committee is asked to have a complete report on this matter including a TRAFFIC COUNT, to be presented at the next meeting of the Council on March 21, 1955. i®1 20 The City Engineer, Homer Hamlin, is to get the cost of installation of "Automatic Signal Devices" at this corner. Re: Comm. from the Dept. of Public Works, State Of California, regarding Notice of- Intention to relinquish portions of State Highway was held over. On motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by Nels Beck, Mr. Richard Miller was in- structed tovrite a letter to Senator Erhart and Assemblyman John Holmes, asking their support for legislation, exempting cities and counties from paving diesel fuel tax on diesel fuel use by street equipment. Re: The matter of fire insurance f or the year 19 55-5 6 for the Old City Library Building was held over and the City Clerk was instructed to get yearly costs of fire insurance for the old library building. Re: Protection Gradings concerning Sewage Treatment Works: Resolution No. 1431_ (New _Series) = _ A Resolution directing the Fire department of the City of San Luis Obispo to respojd to any and all alarms of fires occurring on property of the San Luis Obispo, the city's sewage treatment plant was passed and adopted on motion of Nels Beck, seconded by Kenneth III.Jcnes upon the following roll call vote: eyes: Nels Beck, Paul 'se.Davis, �narren G.Edwards, Kenneth 1,,.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger Noes: None Absent: None Re: The matter of the request of the Security National Bank for a portion of inactive account of the city to be placed with their bank was held over. Re: The matter of "Re- staffing" the Fire department was held over. Re: Communication from Assemblyman Vernon L. Kilpatrick was held over. Re: Report of John Luthin on operations of the San Luis Obispo Dept. of Public Works was held over. j�e: Progress Report by the City Engineer regarding the P.G & E for Street Lights was held over. Communication from the San Luis Obispo Grange, inviting the Council to attend dinner and reception on April 3, 1955 at the Grange Hall was read to the Council and the City Clerk was instructed to contact the members of the Council individually, and to make reservations for those who wish to attend. The following Request Payment was ordered paid on motion of Kenneth W. Jones, seconded by Warren G..dwards: HARALD N. NI SEN - CITY LIBRARY - Request No. 9- Amt. $ 14,067.$4 Re: Comm--nuni cation to the Housing Authority of the County of San Luis Obispo, notifying them that the City of San Luis Obispo has received :the property formerly operated by the Housing Authority, and known as "Santa Rosa Park Homes" in the condition expected by the City, and that there are no claims against the Housing Authority of the County of San Luis Obispo arising out of its former occupancy of the site was ordered received and filed on motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by Warren G.Edwards. On motion of Kenneth W.Jones, seconded by the Nels Beck, it was moved that a one and one -half hour parking zone be established on Higuera Street ( on both sides of the street) from Toro to Santa Rosa Street, and that the City Attorney, George Andre, present Resolution affecting this parking. On motion. of Paul ,d. Davis, seconded by Nels Beck, the.City Clerk was instructed to direct a letter to the State Engineer, of the State Highway Division, requesting that the State continence beautifying along the Freeway through the City of San Luis Obispo.I 1 1