HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/1963ADJOURNED MrL °PING ".OF THE CITY COUNCIL February 11, 1903 - 7:30 P. San Luis Obispo City School's Board Room 1499 San Luis Drive ! Joint meeting of the Cit Council and the School Board. ROLL CALL 1 Present: Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., i•liss Margaret i•IcPieil, Donald Q. !Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey City Staff Present: J. H. Fitzpatrick, City Clerk; William Flory, Director of Parks and Recreation; William i3. Houser, City Attorney; Richard D. Killer, A&, nistrative Officer; David F. Romero, City En .gineer; William Schofield., Police Chief. School Boar: Present: Absent: School Board Staff Present: ----------- - -- - -- C'11airMan Dan D. Law, David H. Thomson, Clerk; Dr. Albert Clawson, Warren A. Sinsheimer. Patrick N. Na�ano Lars narstad, Dr. C. E. Paulsen, A. G. iilson, Say Owens. 1. Policies regardin-- common use and development of school nronerties. Conies of a first draft ontlininr; uniform policies to be .followed for joint use of schcol :-rounds by the City for recreational purposes wer presented to ti:ose present. Discussion centere�: around question of whether or not definite policies should be adopted at this time to cover all school sites or ..hether each site developed should be considered seoarately for conditions pertaining to that particular site. It seemed to be ;enerally agreed cooperative effort between the two groups would result in 'better use of school sites, improve:-ient of recreational facilities, and a savin- to the taxpayers. It was moved :Jy i4r. Sinsheimer. seconded by Hr. Thomson, and carried that the school ad.r,inistraticn be instructed to work with the City administration to develooe for joint recreational use schcol sites t.`iat are not now covered by a written agreement.such as the one under date of August 17, 195L, cover - in the Throop Field at Teach School rrounds , and that a written agreement be oreoared to be presented to the City Council and Lo the °oars of Education within the very near future covering both sites that are now beint jointly used and additional school sites in agreements to cover a period of not less than five years and plans for joint use be reviewed annually. The City Attornev will work with the District Attorney in drawing up the agreements mentioneci in the above action. 2. Development and use of the Conrad L. Smith School >rrounds. The CoTT.ittee composed of two members from the City Council and two members frcm the Board of -duration will continue the study for developi= the Conrad L. Smith School grounds for recreational use by the City. A meetin- will be held Wednesda:::, February 27, at 7:00 A. i;. at Corcoran's Restaurant. for. Law and I'L~. Thomson will be representatives of the Board of Education serving 3, 4. 5 7. on this committee. Draina--e at Pl.c:ieco School. i'Ir. David F. Romero, City Engineer, presented proposal for drainaSe of Slack Street alongthe Pacheco School -rounds and to McCollu:^ Street. It was moved by I -Ir. Thomson, seconded by i1r. Sins:eeimer. and carrier.', that the City Engineer be requested to prepare design drawings and cost estimates for installation of proper drainage facilities from Slack Street across the Pacheco School site to McCcllum Street. Roadway to Teach School Grounds. I'lo definite action was taken on this item-. The two = •rou.�s did not seem to agree on who was responsiole and felt the cost of the project prohibited the development of the roadway at, this time. A. Traffic ancl Safety orobleias A definite traffic hazard exists at the intersection of Johnson Avenue and Lizzie Street. The oroblem needs further study. No solution has been found to this date. B. Junior High School Access It was moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Dr. Clawson, and-carried that the Board of -Education request throu,;h the City Council that the City ::nEineer draw i;n proposed plan for development of the re:gairder of San Luis Drive from California Boulevard to Johnson Avenue includ- ing plans for installation cl' curbs, -otters, and sidewalks and present these clans to the Board of Education. C. Ct,intana School Egress The problem needs further study b,y the co;a-J_ttce. ?annexation eroble,ms The joint co- anittee representing the School L'oard and the City- Council will make a stud-", of the Lakewood school site develooment looking; to aceuisition o£ additional acreage for a school site to be used iointly 'q}' the School District and the City. It will be the policy of t�-:e City Council to solicit the feelin -s of the board of Education before ccnsiderin� annexation or rezoninr- property adjacent to a school. The meetin was adjourned to the City Hall at 9:53 P. ICI., on motion Council- man l-:iller, seconded by Councilwoman "Ic :Neil. Approved this Lath day of 1--larch, 1953. City Cle 1 1