HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1963REGULIL ?, T-CETIIiG OF THE CITY Cr.U1,1C1L ?Iarch a, 1963 - 7:30 P. tll. City Ball Invocation -v,-as given by layor Clad! Y. D- vidscn.. !loll Call Present: Cla;v ?. Davidson, iliss i°nr;_aret McP•ieil, Donald Q. :-filler, ,�erald 11. Shipsey Absent: R. L. Graves,Jr. City Staff: ?d ss Patricia Clark, Librarian; J. H. Fitzpatrick, City Clerk, 'illiam Flory, Director of Parks and Recreation; I.Tilliam i, Houser, Jr., City Attorney; R. D. Miller, Administrative Officer; D. F. Romero, City Engineer; ?'.illiam Schofield, Police Chief; Jack iiair.scott, Eattalion Chief of the Fire Deoartment. On motion of Councilman Shipsey, seconded by Councilwoman _McNeil, the minutes of the Council maetins of February Li, and February 11, 1963 were approved as read and the minutes of February 15 and February 18, 1963 were held over. On .motion of Councilman Shipsey, seconded by Councilwoman isci4eil, claims a ainst the City for the month of P•larch, 1963 were approved .. >nd ordered paid, subject to approval of the Administrative Officer. X. R. C. Skinner appeared before the City Council regarding Che Planned Develop- ment student boarding house proposals b,,r his firm in the Laguna Lake area. He ' stated Chat after due consideration !:, himself and his firm, he wished to .%,i -U his ap^_.lication for student hcusin;:; in the Laguna area as he has chen�ed :iis plans and he will develope student housing on a parcelof land iur- chasec by his company adjacent to Cal Poly where he believed he and his firm will do a better job, both for the students and the ccllece. 1. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Shiusev, the follow - ir.P7 salary increase ::as approved: DLIJHE. , Kelly, Le J al and Administrative Secretary, fro:a Step 3 at $390 _Der month to Stew L at."L112 Der month, effective kori1 1, 1963. 2. On ,motion of Councilman Shipse r, seconded by Ccunci lman i-liller, the follow - inc contract ,;ayments were aporoved and ordered paid: ? P1. Lyles Est. # v 1,710.00 Nadcnna Road 'dater Line (el--cation North ay Ccrstraction Company Est. #6 : 98,L'10.70 Sewa_e 11orks :-1-!larsement On —otic n of Councilman .tiller, seconded n `j i , j l 1 �• o_.ded b: Councilman � �_psey the fo_l..w- in� Resolution was intro ucec: Resolution No. i0cil, a rest ution increasing the 1962 -63 budget and transferrir. run s. Increase acco,..nt nu:aber 950, sewer end Construction fund, and transfer from general.) 1 Passed and adopted cn the follorin, roll call vote: AYES: i iss i•?ar�aret dcMeil, Donald . s`• ?filler, Gerald W. S: i s soy, . Clav .. Davidson NOES: i�lone !!BS_NIT: R. L. Graves, Jr. 4. On motion of Ccunci? man i-iller, seconded by Councilman Shipsey, the follcw- inr resolution was introduced. Resolution No. 1090, a resolution acce_otin- grant deed from -u.r-ene Petrick for drainage easement on Laurel Lane. Passed and adloted on the followins roll call vote: A`_e.C: i-Liss '_1ar,<areL = 'fcPieil, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald 11•9'. Shipsey, Clay P. Davidson K S: None ABSENT: H H. L. Graves, Jr. 5• hIr. Grossman; attorney representin the Civic Fine Arts Association, Inc., , appeared before the City Council and presented a resolution for Council con- sideration which 4rOilld reouest that the State of California recreation De- oar t.ment oreoar�_ a study and report on the feasi'cili Ly of the _`ormatiol: of 2. recreation and parks district for the develo ?jaent of a cultural center. The :natter was held over to the next meetin:; and copies of the resolution were ordered sent to the members of the City Ccnr.cil for their study. 5. A. City 'Coi:.ncll to ccnsider the request that the industrial study, :,art of the 701 oro;gram, be implemented uricr to approval b;, the HHFA and that the City Council enter into a .:Le::ior ;:.ncbum a:,reeraent with the conss.:.l- tant to proceed. S. 3eco::aendation fromthe Council appointed com:nittee reLardin,� the Proposal for the Chamber of Co:runerce Economic Development pro -rain. C. Com:aun'_ca.-lion from the Citv Pl2nnir.r Commission recaa:aendiny action re garding an indi:strial survey foi•Jthe City of San Luis Obispo. All items %..-ere held over to the stud;, .meetir: of '"arch 11; 1953. 7. The communications from Ins. John 7razil, Ar. W. Bonham and Chris -Coss, urg- in, that the City bus service not be discontinued. Mayor Davidson ur ed that the City Council consider acouirin., the bus system ' so that an adegii.ate bus system could be supplied to the community. He suggested that the City take over the bus system on an J.nterim basis or until the time someone takes over the franchise. Fe also urg�::c that the su,I esti_on of the Chamber of Co:amerce for the formation of a committee to study ways and _means cf providing bus service to the citizens of the cc:nmu.iity he con- sidered by the City Council. Councilman S`-iipsey stated that if the City takes over the bus system even on an interim basis, the City will always be in the transportation business. '4owever, if the•citizens of the community want a bus service; they should male their desires known to the City Council. Councilwoman rlcNeil stated she aF-reed with Councilman Shipsey that the City should not take over the bus system on ate:,or ry or interim basis. Ccuncil:nan 'Miller agreed with the Chamber of Coamerce's su_fLiestion that a committee be appointed by the City Council to look into the bus system for the City. 6e continued that he is 100;'] for some sort of public transport- ation it the City. On :motion of Councilman :'filler, seconded by Councilman. Shipsey, that the Council be authcrized to aonoint a co'R:nittec to study flays and means of estab•14shin� a bus syste:z in the City with a report to be rett;.rned to the Citv Council by ''lurch 25, 1903. Ccmmittee. 'to consist of rive (5) members: each Council :aember aoo0intin_; one member to the committee. ['lotion carried. ' 8. At this time the City Council discussed the Dropr:sals received from the 3 s B Co.ruaiinications Corporation and the Central California Co,mmuni.cations Ccroora- ticn for CATS franchise for the City of San. Luis Cbisoo. A review of both proposals was in.ade by the City Council, and on -.lotion of Councilman Shipsev, seconded by Councilwoman McNeil, she follorrin: resolution ;:as introduces. Pescluti• =: ^. f`.c. :, a resc M=icn of 'intention to -rant a CAT':, franchise to the Central California 0•::r_'runicaticns Corporation. Passed and adcoted on the followin roll call vote: AYES: ;,Li ss e°Iargaret McNeil, Donald Q. i•liller, Gerald id. Shipsey, Clay P. Davidson_ NOES: None AESEi'!T: R. L. Graves, Jr. 9. Schofield, Chief of Police, presented to the City Council a plaque received by t'-.e Police Department by the State of California for all cities participating in the e State prorn and meetin the minimum police standards. 11ayor Davidson con,;,ratulated Hr. Schofield for the -ooc'. job done by the Police Department. 110. The City Council Co :.lnittee investigating methods of financing sidewalk im- provemenu recoa�lended that any property owner who desired to have a side;-;al' _ place -d in front of nis property should secure an estimate from the City -n- gineer and upor receiving bids, the low bid would he accepted and the City would pay the low bid up to the - n-ineer's estimate. If' tr:e _ :rcpert,y owner put in his own sidewalk, then the City would :)ay only up to the City En- ,;ineer's estimate. flavor Davidson stated he believed the City should also call for bids and a- f-Turn rne worx to the lour bidder and not allow the property owner to get the bids and award to low bidder. D. F. Romero, City in,; ireer stated the eri;,inal committee was to include the City Engineer and the City Attorney and that he and -"L'. Houser had not been consulted on this recora:rendation. He pointed out that the committee proposal would create serious legal and ad:ainistrative probler45. ='S. Houser, City F.ttcrne.7, stated that se, reral problems had been b_•ou:-ht uo in the recommendation of the committee and asked for more time to study the legal implications of the lien procedure f'or collection of the funds. 't was referred back to the Gommittee for further study and report to the City Council on _larch 10, 1;63. At this ti-c the City Council considered the introduction of Ordinance '114-0. ■ 256. An ordinance adopting the urifo m traffic ordinance. sfter discussion the Ciuy.Ceuncil, Ordinance i +1._. 256 eras as and passed to print on :ao--ion of Cei;nciLman Shiosev, seconded by Councilman i'Li ller, and the -'ello:ainL roll call vote: AY .... 1i iss 1.1argaret i1cNei1, Donald Miller, Gerald 177. Shipsey, Clay P. Davidson r rS: None ABSE:T: R. L. Graves, Jr. 12• D. Romero, City = ngineer, asked the City Counc a for permission to take traffic i= counts at the followinF intersections for potential trai'fic signal installation: '. °icriro •i. Monterey Streets; Johr.sc.n Monterey Streets; Palm r Chorro Streets; and California, Karsh e- San Luis Drive. The Council suggested that counts also be ta'sen at Santa -l'osa & i-till Streets and at Garden L HiE1era Streets. Request wz2 approved on motien::of Councilman :filler, seconded by Councilman Shipsey. �13. Communciation fro Systems Ste l Builders requestin;; Council approval for construction of a driveway 90 feet in width at No. 1 Higuera SLreet, which is treater than that allowed under -1u.,-iicipal Code Section 7330.5. On .notion of Councilman Biller, seconded by Ccuncilman Shipsey., the request was approved for a deviation of )G feet drive5•ray. ;- ?oticn carried. L . D. F. Romero, `'ity LnQineer, presented maps and sketches shoi•.ing various routs twat : Madonna ='oad could take east of the inter- change. It could be realigned and connected to South Street, or ::oodbrid�e Street. i•Lr. Ro:aero also di scu<.sed the types of improve.rents and tile estimated cost Of' acquiring land, building, and road construction for the various alternates. Alt. r;'1 gook Strcet alternate :173,000.00 Alt. 1r2 I4adorna -toad angle across :iiguera to South Street 225,000.00 Alt. i#3 Madonna Road- Cicodbrid.e- ScutFi St. 2653000.;0 Ultimate Develope- ment ;•1andonna Road- ?•ioodbrid;e and across SPR:i to Eishoo and Auusta Street 22230,000.00 Mr. Romero also pointed out that the majority of the Planning COlanission had favored ternate #1. fhe City Council discussed the various alternatives as presentee by the City n;ineer. i'•iayor Davidson suggested that the best plan in his opinion was Alternate ##3, aadoonna "oad odbridE;e -South Street, as the City already cams some of the property needed for the right of way. CourciLnan Miller stated that possibly the City should stick to South Street as the major future arterial as the City already ot,ns the necessary right of way. He also sug;;csted that the City pursue Alternate 7#1. Or :notion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilwoman i'ucl:eil that the City Council follow the recommendation of the Planning Ccraaissio n and adopt Alternate , #1. Motion carried. Clell Tahelchel, member of the PlanninE; Co:amission, appeared before the City Council stating that he was the member of the PlanninE Cot,iission who dis- agreed.t.ith the Commission recommendation and urged that ae City Council follow th<: reco:.:mendation of connecting iPiadonna :-toad vrith the e::tension of lvoodbridge Street, or Alternate i #3 or # #I1 as presented by i-Ir. Romero. The City Council continued their discussion cn various frays to realign Madonna =Load and extend it to the east. i•avor Davidson stated that another intersection which should be studied for align:•nent was the intersection of Chorro Street and Foo'khill boulevard. The City Council discussed this *natter and stated that due to the or000sed route for Highway No. 1, within six (6) months this intersection t•reuld a gain be studied. U 15. D. F. Romero, City ingineer, presented a r:ap showing what imarovements ;:ere bein- proposed in proposed ion �•r th the construction of tcie interchange at I•Iadonna Road, e:•aphasiaing particular! -, the iIado -.na toad i:n_vrovements of sidewalk, curb and gutter. The City uouncil discussed the City's not ac_epting the interchange in the City street system until all City improvements are placed. On motion of CrunciLman i- Iiller, seconded by CounciLnan "hipsey, it was roved that the City not accept rmaintcnance a;, the Madonna 'Load interchange and approaches until curb, -rutters and sidewalks are placed on the northwest side of the ramp. Motion carried. 15. At this time the City Council considered the final passage of Ordinance No. 25?, an ordinance a.�mending Section 4231 of the San Luis Obispo Iitmicipal Code. (Power boats at La-una Lake). ' `irally passed on :notion. of Councilman ;Miller, seconded by Councilman Shiosev, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: i•Ziss Margaret I,IcNeil, Donald Q. .filler, Gerald W. Shipsey, Clay P. Davidson I -TOES: P ?one ASSENT:. R. L. Graves, Jr. 17. At this time the City Council considered final passal;e of Ordinance No. 25113 an ordinance providing, for charges to be levied on property not prc:iously serviced by tl-.c City *rater system. CounciLmar, Graves had asked that this item be held over for. further dis- cu5sion with the City Council as he was not ;'pin to be oresent at this meet - in ;: . Councilwoman . °'lcNell stated tha—u she was l•:'_llin� t� held ofi the G'_scussion until Council: ?an raves could be present. Councilman Shi.nsev also a:_reed to wait on a decision on t_�:is :latter. ' ia:or Davidson stated that he disc reed and the Council s:.culd make a de- cislon at this time as the Council ce:1"liutee .,ad s.Udied t'sd.s matter and recommended that it be passed and that he believed that in talking to Councilman Graves that he had notMn; new to add re- ardinE the acrea_e versus the unit cost. The matter was held over to the :neetin7, of ?March 11, 1963. 13. Traffic Co:"L',li ttee Reoort of February 2i1, 1963. JJ -J -lC :r:e Traffic Committee has looked at the redoes t• of Fore:lost Daries for a 12- min-ate par: :inLr zone in front of their office at 570 Hi�uera Strcet and recommends that one 12- minute zone be installed. 63 -3 -2,C It is likei:ise reconmended that one 12- minute �-reen zone be installed in front of the Launderette at 3Li6 lli�Uera Street. 63 -3 -3C in regard to the letter from Andrew Renetzl y re,,ar•din� the hazards s condition caused b cars entering Hathway and California Boulevard fro:;i the alley which runs at right angles to Eath:ra; , the Corinittee feels that a stun si. r. Stooping alley traffic enterin:, tla t ,wav would be helpful as a re:linder to ..:otorists of the law "OVer'ninL SL1C situations. On ;notion of Councilman Iiller, seconded b�.- cunciLian Shiosey, the fe11c:.- ino reSC.lution was intrcduced. i.eSolutlonL No. 1093, a resolution estab11sI1- in� a 12-:1i -ute par! :in,' zone on ;;i uera 3'treet and a 3t0_J si= on the alley ente-i -E �athrray Street. Passed and a_icoted on the follo,:i.rr; roll call vote: ?:'ES: Clay F. Davidson, ";iss Mars-aret. s•Icl,Jeil, Donald Q. :"!_ller, Gerald lvd. Shipsey . ?GFS: efone ABSENT: R. L. ',,raves, Jr. 63 -3-L:C In regard to the request of .the 13oard of Education that the C'=. nittee Sive further consideration to traffic conditions at Lizzie and Johnson, the Traffic Cr:m.aittee feels that a letter should be written to the .3chool :'Card Uri ;'in that they develop a secondary route lditnin the school ca:a_ouses which would connect California Boulevard with Johnsen A•renlle via the hi._ah school and j -,inicr high camnlses . It :may be that a one Uay tra_M c flow wRhin the campuses would be _-.eSirable fro ^1 the stand_ocint of economy and also as far as traffic flows are concerned. 63 -,, -KC in reF-ard tc the recl:est of the Manor that further study be iven to the California-, .1arsh intersection, if the Council has no ob;ec- tion, the Cit-: = Engineer ;a11 take steps to '.-a:e ere recent traffic counts made to determine the .justification or lack of justification for traffic si.-nalS at that intersection, The City L'n incer was instrucL.ed to proceed. 63 -3 -6C In retard to the rec_uest fe the laver that further study be given tc•the d'_rectional signs at Chcrro and i uera, the Committee feels that, iro::'. an en ine er inL,- st^ndpclnt, 1113 _.c _.V so-,,n d installation and that a further period of trial should be given before any thanes are :Wade so that the :nOtorin& public may become accustomed to the new installation. The Public ''_rks Department do plan to c:o some touch -up paintin_ in the area on tnc pavement surfaces. 6- 3 -3 -7 it has been called to our attention that :rest bound motorists cn Foothill making a right hand turning rnove:ttent onto Ci-orro have difficulty entering the right hand turn poc :ef....ecause of cars parked or the riSnt side of Foothill. It i. therefore suer- est, -!d that 50 additional feet of red zone be placed extendin;- in an easterly direction from the Chorro intersection on thencrth side of the Foothill Blvd. ric;rever, because this zone would be i.Lnediately in front of a residence, it is suggest ed that a hearinL be set by the Council on t:ie question and the propert-" owner notified. The reCG^ImendatiOP. of the Planning Com'nission was adopted and the City Clerk was instructed to notify the crcaertr owner that a Public Hearing :-rill be held cr. this _natter on :larch lo, 1963. ' 19. Report by the -City Library o oard ioY iu rdinC a copy cl' .er n endaticn from the California State Library Staff re�ard.inL coope_-ation 'oetween the City and County- Library, was recei-.cd and the commanic ation from the City Lib- rary Board Trustees rece y::endin._; to the City COlLnCll that• reciprocal borrow - ing Gr_vi.led —es between the City and Ceunt:r be continued. On motion Of C011l:cilSlan_ _•1i1L_r, seconded ty Councilwoman 'McNeil, that the Citj' Council adopt the recom:aendatien c tr:e Library Bcard of Trltstees. notion carried. 20. Co;emunicaticn from Freeman. Sign Service recuesting L-_iat the City Council appoint a co:amittec composed of City and si : -.n business representatives to study the problems in the sign ordinance and zonin` ordinance dealing with signs. Cc!Lmunicaticn referred tc the Planning Conaissicn for a:Dpcinz,:nent of a ccriaittec on this :natter. 21. Cam::unication from R. C. Skinner Coro. reeuesting acceptance of subaivision imorovements in Tract No. 262, was held over at the request of the City Lngineer, pending completion of all improvements. 22. The follo;.rin. report was received from the Cit;r EnCineer regarding im- provement to the setter s;rstem in the Cuesta Drive area: "Our analysis of the sewer backup problem in the Tassajara -Cerro iomauldo , area indicates that the line on Tassajara bet,.een Cerro ?emauldc and Foot- hill Blvd. is overloaded during storms by three times its theoretical capacity. This Can oe corrected by the installation of a parallel 8" serer line along this street irhi ch we ld bring theoretic capacity up to present day flows. -T would reco :,-mend, however, that a 1011 line including cone- nencies and en�in.eering W4 11 be appre ::imately ! ,200.00. Design and construction can be conducted durin; this comin- SCrini j7 desired. "The se•:rer line on Cuesta Drive between Cerro Romaluldo and !oothill is also overloaded at tilis time. F:cwever, we have received no CcmplaintS of no,,se flooding in this block. A parallel 611 line would provide sufficient capacity to serve the future potential flows in Lhis line. This cost would ba appro imately $5,C -0.00. This line need not be installed i:r_aediately, ho,:,-ever, problems will become iaore acute in the future. This line can also be designed and constructed this coming spring, if the Council so desires. "The Adamson .`eport of 1 54 recom-:aended a parallel trunk sewer line from the intersection of Chorro and Lincoln street northerly on Chorro to Foothill, and westerly on Foothill to Tassajara. The report indicated that this line ;•roii.id be needed in the relatively near future to provide for growth of the area. We have not analyzed i:Lr. Adamson's pipe sizing, how- ever, using iris Figures we trill be faced witia an expenditure of approximately Y80,000.00 ;•ritnin the foreseeable future to pre:�ent se:• :ex• flooding. At this time, there a pears LG be no seriOUS i )roblem alon,, the route of This proposed line, however, I merely :ish to infor :rn the Council that this es- penditure will be fac'n3 us within a fc'r; years as the area continues to grow." On -notion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Ccuncilirc:aan i.lcilcil, that the City Engrineer be authorizes to prepare detailed plans and specifications for setter improvements on Cuesta Drive and Tassajara Street. 23. Communication and r com'aendYtion fro.a the Par L• and =tecreation Co:mnission re- Garding improvin,; the dirt road enterin_; the :each School ;;rounds adjacent to the Little League Field at Throop Par:: as fo_lo- ::s: Their recom:iendations are: 1. The limited use does net. justify the e::pendi.ture for a service road into the: school b o­nd_:, used primarily b: school personnel and maintenance crews. 29 3nectators at Little League games could park on Cuesta and :iarler. :i enues instead of inside the present cart area, an,-: a gate could be installed to eliminate entrance to this area if' cars were to be excluded. from dirt in ouestion. 2'9. Co:2aunication from Fire uhiel Scnoloolus re;ardi ng Une acouisiUlon of a fire house site in the Laguna -Los Gsos area and th offer by the property o-mer to Sell said property to the City and a -skin.; gnat the Gity acqi1ire t ^is property for a fire station and training site for the City Fire Department. Battalion. Chief iainscott appeared before the City Council and presented various factors that should be considered by the fire Department in estab- lishinz a fire station location and e::?lained the need that the Fire Depart- ment has for an adequate trainin[; site w• th water available for testinn; the deoartnent's :pumpers. I-Iayor Davidson suggested that the City Council and the Firc Department investigate City owned property in the area and that the City shcsld attempt to make City oirned property available for a fire station and training site rather than buy additional land for Sovernment .7u-rUGSCS. Cr motion of Counc-LL•ihan Shipsey, seconded by Councilman Ailler, the re- port was referred to the Plannino Co:amission for their studlr and reco:rmenda- tions. :Iot'_on carried. =1ayor Davidson voted not. 29. Communication from the Plannin Dena- -trient, County of San Luis Obispo, ann ouncinE the annual Plarnin Council Conference to be held at Asilornar, 3atiyrday, iiarch 23, 1953, and :inviting the City Council to attend. Ce-:i,ninicaUi on was ordered received and filed. 30. Cera°urication .Crow the General Cervices Administration notifying the City Council that they ::*ish to terminate their lease effective ;aidnight, April 1;.:, 1953, on that portion of the =recreation Building located on the southwest corner of the first floor, ,ras referred to the Park and Recreation Corinission. On motio.:n of Iayor Davidson, seconded by Counci Lman Snipse; , file CoiLn.cil ' accepted the rcco:.vaendation of the Park and itccreaItion Ccrre:Iission. 211. This item was removed from the a;enda at the request of cuncilman _Idler. 25. Request by the WatEr_ Superintendent concurred in by the Administrative Officer to substitute purchase of pipe cutter for air tools under budget Account No. 278. Tcol Shop and garage equipment were approved on notion of CounciL•nan Dhipsey, seconded by Councilman iI ller. 25. Communication from the City Planning Commission fori.arding tentative :nap of Tract Nc. 290, Johnson Hi:;hlands No. 5., for Council's consideration. On :notion of Councilman Shipsey, seconded bj Councilman 'Adler the tract map i,;as approved. 27. Cc:amunication from the City Planning Commission notifying the City Council -that the com:rdssic•n acted avorably on a use permit to allow construction of a telephone company buildin on ?lill Street :;cst of the Cit %r Hal parking lot. The Planning Cc;miission also recerlaends that the City COLmcil approve the ccnstruction of a tunnel beneath Lill Street for the purpose of servinz the existing and proposed telephone company buildings. City- Engineer, D. F. Romero, explained that construction cf the tonne; , ;ould necessitate blockins off a portion of Mill Street for several months durinL- construcUion. On motion of Councilman f filler, seconded b,; COhinciLman. Shipsey, a tun:iel under hill Street was arroro•red subject to: an agreement being filed by the telephone company protecting the City durin -- construction of said tun,_el. Io ti on carrel 2'9. Co:2aunication from Fire uhiel Scnoloolus re;ardi ng Une acouisiUlon of a fire house site in the Laguna -Los Gsos area and th offer by the property o-mer to Sell said property to the City and a -skin.; gnat the Gity acqi1ire t ^is property for a fire station and training site for the City Fire Department. Battalion. Chief iainscott appeared before the City Council and presented various factors that should be considered by the fire Department in estab- lishinz a fire station location and e::?lained the need that the Fire Depart- ment has for an adequate trainin[; site w• th water available for testinn; the deoartnent's :pumpers. I-Iayor Davidson suggested that the City Council and the Firc Department investigate City owned property in the area and that the City shcsld attempt to make City oirned property available for a fire station and training site rather than buy additional land for Sovernment .7u-rUGSCS. Cr motion of Counc-LL•ihan Shipsey, seconded by Councilman Ailler, the re- port was referred to the Plannino Co:amission for their studlr and reco:rmenda- tions. :Iot'_on carried. =1ayor Davidson voted not. 29. Communication from the Plannin Dena- -trient, County of San Luis Obispo, ann ouncinE the annual Plarnin Council Conference to be held at Asilornar, 3atiyrday, iiarch 23, 1953, and :inviting the City Council to attend. Ce-:i,ninicaUi on was ordered received and filed. 30. Cera°urication .Crow the General Cervices Administration notifying the City Council that they ::*ish to terminate their lease effective ;aidnight, April 1;.:, 1953, on that portion of the =recreation Building located on the southwest corner of the first floor, ,ras referred to the Park and Recreation Corinission. 31. Annual report from the clLrator of the Cou:It,, iistcrical riLSeum for the period of ?ebruar;,r, l; ^•02 to February, 1003, was ordered received and filed on notion of Councilman -•ii ller, seconded b;r CourciLnan S:Iipsey . 32. Coilrunicaticn from the Citv of Oakdale, California, Sorwardi nS a cony of a resolution aporovin and urfin­ the adoption by the California Assembly of bills #316 and ,\ ,"h'2, which would have the effect of e: enptins ra;•r materials in the eri ;inal package when held b•,r the manufacturer from per- sonal property ta:•.es, was referred to the City Attorney for inve::ti; ation and report. 33. Communication from the Department of Fish and Game, notifying- the iihale Rock Co;amission that their :rill be plantin, 100,000 finCerlin rainbow trout Ip in the reservoir, was ordered received and filed. 34. D. r. Romero, City En, ineer, .reserrtec: the plans and specifications for t:ie South Higuera Sewer Tr;:n'_c Line for the Council's information and e:: -. plained the various factors involves' in the proposed i.•ipe line. On motion of Councilman 11iller, seconded by CounciLman ahipsey the plans and specifications were approved and bids',.-:ere authorized to ''-e advertised. 35. i..rilliam -r, Flory, Park and Pecreation Director, presented. for City Council's approval, contract change order rIl for the repair and plasterine project on the south wall of the Recreation Building and requested Council approval of said addition. Description is as follo:•rs: "T a and tr s a ,�h w Lo remove ti•;G e?l t II S;GOden S�eJS LC D_aU,OT':� djacent t0 sOL`.• wall of City Recreation Building locatec', at 864 Santa =tosa Street in the City of San Luis Obispo, California. "To replace two steps outlined above with :e:nenL steps. "To paint three new doors, door jams amid casins located on or as a Dart of the existing south wall of City Recreation :wilding. "Total cost of charge not to exceed $440.00.". On notion of Councilman Hiller, seconded by Councilwoman i4ci?eil, the change order was approved. 36. On motion of CounciLman Shiosey, seconded b7- Councill•:cnan iiciieil, the follow - in;; resolution :;as introduced. Resolution Ho. 1110, a resolution providing for the holdinb of a General _'iunicipal election, est• =..blishing precencts and polling places anti appointin election boards. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AIRS: Clair P. Davidson, ,iiss ',IarE-aret :IcHei1, Donald '%. i.Iiller, ;ierald li. Shipse�( 1,70SS None AE L':iT: t. L. Graves, Jr. 37. On Notion of Councilman ?iller, sec._nded by Councili,•oman i4cNeil, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 ?'. i,i. to iiednesda;, -"arch 6, 1963, at 12:30 '. :•S. for a tour of the sewaLe plant project. APproved this 29th day of April, 1963. Ci clerk