HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/1963ADJOiDEI D ;- IEFiII,?:; CF CITY' COUN-TL . -arch 11, 1963 - 7:30 City Hall invocation was -i;ren by :lager Clay P. Davidson. Roll Call PT'eSerit: Clay P. Davidson. H. L. Graves, Jr., Hiss •'Iarga_ret Iiclieil.. Donald Q. Killer :;ity Staff Absent: Gerald Snipsey Present: J. H. Fitz:)--trick, City Cler,; i?. i. Houser, City Attcrney; R. D. hiller, Administrative Officer; D. c'. Romero, City Engineer On Notion of CcurciLman -Ira,-es, seconded by Councilwoman ;-IcI?eil, the :minutes of the meetings of e ruary o anc -o, 1963, were 2pnrOvEd as read. -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -Oe- 1 .1-0o Da•ri:isen reported to the City Ccu. it that each member c_ the iv . e Ci nc •, � f �' �. Council had nominated a pers•_r: to be a member of the Citizen's Committee tc study the bus problem in the Citr of San Luis Obispo. i•iavor Davidson nominatcd A_rthus HaoCoed, suss �2r are. :Iciieil nominated i��!'rnons r� a_:e, A. L. Gra:es, Jr. no mated :I. A. Landcc'.:, Jr., Donald Q. :Miller nominated' Dr. EdL;ar r . ; yer and Gerald :;. Shipsey nominated iIarr;,a .lrnn�r. i:Tavor Dp .,idsen annoi -raced that the co-,Lmittee l s first meetin.0 will be on a•!arc. j, -;73 at 7 =30 °. bi. in the City }fall :ith report to be made to the City Cctmcil by 1, .'�. Ccrn-unicatlon from the California Association of ::efriCer2idon Service .r7+I1v1r1eeT'S Oi:1Ety t }"tan! {i n` the Ci Ljr Council and the Gity of Jan I,,iS Vbisoc for their cooperation in their Society Is worl: shop held at Cal Poly in January, 1963 2. -iayer Davidson made the following statement: "I am very pleased to announce that for the first time this C;.tv has a proposal before it :.hich can eventually lead to the broad economic de- velc;pment of the City of San Luis Obispc. "Simply stated, this, plan includes an i- mediate Inldustrial Survey, the forma- tion of a co:mnittee to act at once in the manner: 1- ?wise funds the am..ount of y1!1,000.CO, 2- : ?ire a consultant to appraise the area and advise on a prover pro ra:a for economic develop-nent, and 3- Co,c.ittee to proceed on t'e b.sis of at least a three (3} year promotional _oroCram with pledged support from the City and Chamber of Co:lnerce. I "i ',rcUld like to call to the attention of tae people that this proposal is the direct reslul- of a ccoperative effort of L110 City Council, the :;amber of ' Commerce, and the City Plannim- C�ommissi�cn. This type of cooperation must be ccr.tin.ed if ou:• City is to d.eveloo :gin an orderly fashion." J. I.T. F;tzpatrick, City Clerk, read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce rep -ardin the r:crk of the 'Economic Development Cc,~L:iittee of the Chamber and endcrsinC to the City Council the Industrial Survey Prceram as outlined py Hahn iiise "cmpanv under the provisions of the -Cl Grant. Further, the Vham:iEr cf Co i:rerce states t'lat they r.-ere launehin.- c Lund raising •- :allpai ,�:n to raise :77,000.00 to r)re arc- an action Dro;,ral ? cT_• Tndl serial Devc., lop- lent• Of the C0:13u.ni'ty and req'.iestin; that the City i.cuncil match the : 1,000.00 as the �ity'_• share o,' ,.he action prOL'ram. Iayor Dc'.ZCaOri disc used the 'amity participati cc on and financial Laitt- ment as proposed by the Chamber Sconc.mic Develo ,:pent Co:naittee and ne- co:nmended that the funds of the City and that raised by the Chamber for this co :- viittee be not co:1-=i.n ;lcd with other cha.�bcr funds, but be i:andled on a seperate basis. Councilman i•Iiller questioned the urop`csal rf limitin; future fiscal years to x7,000.00 as future Councils may wish to amend this proposal in the future based on the activities and c:::)erience of the joint co ::vaittee. Co•uncil::ian : "The ur_dersimed hereby petition I,p Eonorable Council cf t ?e Citl,' oS can Luis Obispo to r --frain f'rc':'i aCOIDtii" an ordinance establlshin.:r a Setback Line for that port ion of 'Ionterey Street loca.tcd East of Santa. aosa Street. Unless provision is :wade for the cc "lpensation of i•h,,: abi)tt_n' property oimers, whose property ic.•subjected to said setbaC!: Line: 1Ge L.naersigned netltloners cont:.nd t'l ?at a Setbac':•: Line e :_t• °,})fished ;ursuan.L to future i.;reEt i ;iden ln'� :'r OC•r2_"'. CO: ?s tltLitES a 1�re52[ "tt to !•:1n;� and da!1aFr.i ^. C_: Cf the real orooert�- on whi.:h said -Ictbacl: Line is i:aposed, and the e..rners there- of are entitled to co"1Densation foe' the loss of. anC d �'Ra�C tC, T.! ?eir nrOT?ert �'." ' There ;;ere thrit -; nine (3Q) si; ners. the City CoUnoil to make the selves .?r Como2 i protested that the mere act of setting, V,,;culd t-:e setback line on in t'^ :matter oS buildir_m property reduce the prcpert-. blues as the market value of property i ;lth Cil't th a Luildin setback line :;ould be substaiiti lly ,. stated that this was just or his clients threaten liti7ation if' the City adopts the setback line. ?'X. JC:aO % ":-1 Ur`ed that the City Council not establish a setback ll.ne on :°Icnterey Ct °� Out i•.aii. lint' i1 �!.c Li ty 1s rcadv t0 �7Qcn he. street and nu_rchase the neces ary right -oS -wa - at that tine. 4. - Urt.her, !ie stated ti?at [ ?E' OelieB°ci that the C'itv in establishin; the set - back line, ha.s the ulterior motive of attenptin; to rod ce property values so the City can aurc:rase, tiie land at its da,aas:ed or reduced price. .'r . Solo ;f'_ stated that tale City has the right to estal)lisil ,? setback or- dinance, but in all fairness, thev should '.e ready to oar for the ,•ridenin- uoen adc'ption .ef the ors.inarce. Nr. Drank Fimk, property miner, cfj_cted.. the esta'::lishmen1 oS a building settack line on thiE portion of Monterey Street as the balance of !ionterey Street is not beinrr corsid.ereci for ,:!idenin:� and h:: as'_ :ec ,;hat happens *,.,hen the traffic arri%es at Santa Yosa Street and oroceeds scuth to the area not widened. He sU?_;eSLe.0 that t -'?e Llty' COU-,Cil study adjacent CU.L L.- for lnstallatiOn of one *;air si-reet r)a' -rs. He ur -ed that the City Counc_1 ;o slowly on this :natter and tr to get the f eelinr s of the oroperty owners involves before takinz their property. ;. Houser, City Attorney, stated that an Attorney General's opinion shcwed )'.:1_ 1n_. se ac'.: lines ,.ere le-al and .fi'r. thcr. clued casBB slioM- ing le;_;ality, -1L ad.mitLec. etback line had not tested _n L. ^.a; t11e s =Cn �e5 California ccl.:rts e:ccept in one case. Lloyd. E. :3o "lo' -✓:I stateG Gsiat the rittornev Cone-al's eainicn an opinlc' .•o the :.tterne ":' nrenarin; nc o7 nlonand i.i.7s ncu- Tale result Of court cases. = umber, T.'.':at t!;e Cn1T Callfor::_a case w?- is 'la ":cda COl.'.ntj' where: the ",uDerio'_' Court threw the case oU'G o_ Col1C't and dcclarec Lne ordi- nance ille_al. Q :00 ?.!''_. Ccunc Lman �`Iiosev arrived and took h:l.s seat. -- - - - - -- -- ----------- - - - - -- t,r. i Houser, 1.1ti - t'tOrrie'v, C:.!I��.a =nG'd CO'?d =��Cns 1.1'!der il:':iCh s'.:tb•ack ordinances ,• ;e -e passed ana ! -:ave been declarccl lezal in courts in ctherstates. i'Ir. Franc Funk, asked t-_e Council if they made provisions in the budget to Lmrchase the lane for the street ,aidenin­ fro :a the oroperty or.ners involved and further, asked chat provisions ha :re b =en made by tlic Council to raise the :money for future Yiidenin6 . He also urged that the Gi tv+ Council raise the 'tlty tar. -ate and n_- repare a T. 1. O'�eilla r used the City CoUnoil to make the selves a a.re of the prob e= -�e ore there in t'^ :matter oS buildir_m setback lines i,.hich, in effect, ta!:es propert ' fro a Citl7ens Cf tae Cit':' i ;lth Cil't just CO:apens at "i on and staked !?e did not believe this was just or ri "ht anC fumed t•hai, the C-u.'r Council put the proposed ordinance to the test of court action. t,r. i Houser, 1.1ti - t'tOrrie'v, C:.!I��.a =nG'd CO'?d =��Cns 1.1'!der il:':iCh s'.:tb•ack ordinances ,• ;e -e passed ana ! -:ave been declarccl lezal in courts in ctherstates. i'Ir. Franc Funk, asked t-_e Council if they made provisions in the budget to Lmrchase the lane for the street ,aidenin­ fro :a the oroperty or.ners involved and further, asked chat provisions ha :re b =en made by tlic Council to raise the :money for future Yiidenin6 . He also urged that the Gi tv+ Council raise the 'tlty tar. -ate and n_- repare a fu ":d to start nu.rcnasin;_, the T)ro—.)ert.l' for street: %1Conin. on a 1)lOC>•: 'J :: 2 1cCk basis. - r ^. nnk conti_^.ued that no oronerty Oi•:ner ::n t °lontercy 6Freet c jected to the iIl.dEnln - , bu't they objected t0 the taki:' _; of land. frc,7 �11'TSLi: Oi�17er- i� uh- Cut j-st and fair pay- . :i:nL. Clell l'T. !: lelchel appeared before the C i t ;• Council ur-- i n� that the City u0uncil not widen ,''io -tcrey Street, but take tl,e alternative of usiil ?al .-.1 Street as the alternate -air in a one-,,,Tay COUpl.a and that tale City �ou.ncil sr.euld loop, into this matter tilcrou_ ly before ,;idening Monterey- Street. ouncil :a.. _ ler :-nGce felt; fo a;l_. statE :acne: "T_n evaluating the cost to the taxpayer for the widenin= of !I ntereyr Street, '1V f'ndin; -s are t' ?at tti'E CO ;'t i3 :!Ot jL'.stlfi a':)li:. T:'lE :'C'f0 "PE, 1 ,•T111 re- cc:anend to t!ie City Council the denial c r the hlannlnF" _"eC!uest for a setback line on ilenterey Street fro..:the eastcrl. ,, limits to Santa Rasa Street. "'•!y reasons zor i:en =a1 are as follc-: s: 'Tile nres( -nt street is r=ide encu�h to provide two �2) travel lLnes in each direction if• curb side par, :ink were eliminated. Ti is, in ;ny opinion, is the practical solution to' the problem for file interim. surv._y of the businesses fronting, Aontcley Strcet re:cals _he follm i nr; °!G2 ',aside:: s establi sh:aents ?ro :,i de thel =• o:'rn Of f- street _!ar l-i n -, ten r1 _ n(-)' , Of t! ?ese, two(2) could nro'ride Off - street par'rintL if developec!) and 17 parcels are residences t:nlch in time i-rill be converted to co;a.' :lercial dc- velcDments that could provide oi'f - street oarl.* "One sub :�estlon oi a pro erty ol,ner i•;as that those busine:,s who do not have off- street )ar4:inL- could establish a parking district to .provide t;iese facilities. II:'Iv second reason for denial is that iventually Ia1;1 and i•ionterey Streets could be used as a one- i• :a;; couplet. A structure ,•rould be required on Palm atrcet at the railroad. Good :ud�ement dictates public iaone-: would be prudently spent for prcvi.din,: this structure instead of spendin: like funds for eventual iridenin of Monterey Street. IA third reason is that the plan before the VILy Council stops at `:.lnl'a Rosa Street t' us creatin; a funnel on 'ionterey Street west of 'anta Rosa. 'I ?'!y last reason_ is the City is face. frith street :ridenl.n- projects of Sreater need. ft is ouestionable v.het : ^er en,.cre ,could ever be widened in our time. Tf t: ^.is is the case, it does not seeln '1;;at to- "cloud the title" cf these oeonlels :ronerty :with a threat of a future street Widening 1•rhen there is a euesti or: ::hethcr such a rridcnin� is justifiable. "Tacrefore T recommend to tie <ouncil that we deny the H .nnin, omnission's request for a setback lin on :Icnterey Street." On :RCticn of Council(nari :'Miller, ccondcO by iTc :ei1, pat the City Council cem, the reccirmendlation of Lht� Flan. ^.lnir - 01ruusslon to establish a setbacl: line on :Ionteref Street. Coun::ilinan raves stated that he ClJa-reed with file :aOtipn to abandon the setback line for i-ion- „ere;r St•'eet, but that :1e agreed Lt:at so=me sort cf an ac0ul:;ltion prOE'r a.:: s ^cull oe establisned by he City Council ano :Roney set aside to purchase the ri"ht -of -:ray. He ur ;eC, that the :.fa.',. or a ,point a CO.T_^littee t0 :(leer :iltn the pTOperty Oi.'rier5 and atte :.1 tC CO:,le u;) ,:-iti1 3 co:nrlete proEram for i:idenin- of Aontereyr Street and the acquisition of t! ?e necessary property. :lo "lion waC• loot on uhe follow in- roll call vote: :YES: HiOs !Iar aret ilcileil, Donald . :tiller 1 10 ES Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., Gerald �`d. Slzipsey On :notion of Ccunci lrnan G.xaves, seconded by Counc; l :-.Ian 'hinsey, that the I'layGr ar;7Gint a COI'Lnittee CCns istinI Gf two (2 members of the City Council and tl•:O (2) prO,:erty C'.:'ners to :Beet in an a- ,te'.1ot to resolve this proclem. gassed on the followinL roll call -:ate: i•YL'S Clay P. Davidson, H. L. Graves,Jr., Gerald Sh=csey v.0ES: _•iss MarCaret rlcNeil, Donald Miller A2.SL'i,Pl: Done T. I. G.`- ;iell'J sug estcd that the corrn.ittce consider a friendly court test on the setback matter so as to let this difficult legal matter settled. Council:-,i.--n [liller disagreed rrith the appointment cf this cornnittee as lie does not 'believe it will accO,m_>lish anything as the City aces not or ever ,•;ill have the :acney necessary to iden the streets and urged that the connittee consider the coast ':.;cti on of a sturcture over the railroad at Palm Street could be Used as a ore -,. :ay couplet �rith i-lonterey Street. �a or Davidson declared the nubLic Licarin; closed. �. At this time the City Council considered the final passa;e of Ordinance Igo. 21Z: an ordinance : :rovidinr- for charges to ue levied for property not previously serviced by the City ':dater system. J. H. FITzoatrick, Citv Clerk, read the provilsiGns of the ordinance and the City Cour_cil discussed the various sections of the proposed ordinance. Ma-,or Davidson urged the adoption of this ordinance as the first step to a complete and fair development of the City's water system. Councilman Gra•':es stated that lie agreed :•rith the necessity Of th':s type of ordinance but disagreed with the saet .od of cc:.I�ensation as lie believed that the cost should be based en the use Or unit charge and net si:nni.v by an acreage charge. iie believed that the unit charge would be the fairest method r'f assessin; costs for water service. Mla'Jnr i;a'Jidsen presented ebjectiOns to the '-nit charge, _ncludi ng the ad- ministrative difficulties in establishing and coll�ctinL the unit charge and urged that the City Council adopt the ordinance onthe acrea e charge basis. l.ounc'_llnan :Tiller st: ted that the acreage Charge - :rould be on the same basis for serer and water and that the unit cost was talon care of in the -)resent water service and Sel•:e r service charges presently in effect. The ,•ltj' Council discussed the-�2.r1C'US a °pe C'i,3 Of US— ' -I[ the Ur1 =',: Cllar[.e in- stead c_ the acrea e charge and also list ed the .'ar -or ad'Ilnistrative problems that :;oul arise if the Cit,r did adopt a unit charc for :rater service. It i•-as :coved b-;, Councilman ::raves that the Ordinance be amended, substituting NOES: R. L. C-ra%,es, Jr. A33E1 T: N.,One ;. Cc- .nunication from J. S. Taylor not!fring thr_- Cit! Council that it was nec- essary twat he i..ithcxaw ills c";,dldac­ for the off i cc: of Gouncil: -ian far the City lection to be held on April 'Q. 1963 unit charge for acreage cnar :fie in tl:e proposer, ordinance. i•lotion died for lack cf a second. On a :notion of Councilman seconded by Councilman :•i ller, that or- dinance i•:c. 254, finally passed on tae follo, :rin, roll call vote: A_:i7: Clav P. T). avidson, liss Margaret .Ici'.eil, Donald Q. Niller, G erald , . 3 1 t 1DSCy NOES: R. L. C-ra%,es, Jr. A33E1 T: N.,One ;. Cc- .nunication from J. S. Taylor not!fring thr_- Cit! Council that it was nec- essary twat he i..ithcxaw ills c";,dldac­ for the off i cc: of Gouncil: -ian far the City lection to be held on April 'Q. 1963 111r. Taylor e}-.)Iainetl ths _•eascrns why he -,..-as re'l,3irod Lo -U! '-!craw !--.,Is can- didacy. Co-.-mnication was or6ered received and filed. U. On mcLion of CounciL➢ian --cce.-Ided by Councilman Cray s) the :ieet-i_i-.7 was adjourned. rf. '.npro-ved the 6th day of ""air, l')C')' T. Fit�:�atr