HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/1963years At }1 City ta.'_eS at three (3f Dcrcent interest rate. "Decaase of the title involved in :.ear•chi n =; descriDticr :s, mi.m.crshi h, enLincer- in;, cost CStL-,ate_, notice-, Tustin;; and bid rec ir•,? ents, the Em' .ineerin, Deoart.mcnt -lay need additional perSonnel to effectively continue the sidC- lial'L reGa'r ;:rol-ram, i,!lc 1911 Act construction n-oCra m and the new C.:.sess- 'icnt 64—strict pro :- ,ra-a. This :latter ­hculd b c considered at I.:UC-ct time. "Because of the ti: e and mcncv e:_pondcc: on 7rGnert; descri_Dticns, o:mer- sniG, Dublications, "Dostin;- and en, _.lcerin , t " °_ CG':.1011, a{ `vcr enact :gent of the assess.dent district ordinance, should consider a--: a .matter of policy i.:zether a mini :au:a of a certain number cf lets or front fcota :fie would be re- cuired to rccuce the proportion cf overhead and cash c :mcnsc of each !oro- ceedin -. "!n conclusion, the C0:11'_ttee rec071laend's as follows: 1. That the srecial assessment district ordinance be enactod. 2. Council consider the minimum footae or number of lots to be i-.andled in each preceedind,. 3. Council consider the persc'nnel proble.l at bullet ti:nc." Com- unciation was referred .Lo the City Attorney for preparation of the necessary ordinance. L4. i•ia:•or Davidson sun ested that the City Council set un Study session to reVle:.' vie fL' = rG7;ra ;a.'aS pL'oDGS ell for the Clty Of man W.'_S CbiST:O before the final accentancc by the Council in crde.: that the City Council may be aware of all responsibilities that :.ilc City is assuminC under this ccn- tract. The discussion.;ras set for March 25, 1963. Cn 1Ot10n Gf LGll7 CilRan ShQSeyseconded. b CounciL lan vraves, Lire re 'tint 115o :IaS adiOl.i2'? -le6 t0 �k1rC.1 , , b, . ADprr_,ved this 6th day of ' -la7,, 1903. AD.iC'. ;iZiLD AEETIP ?i: CITZ COU ? ;CIL March 25j 1963 CITY -L-ILL — 7:30 P. '­1. Invocation was given by = '.ayor Clay P. Davidson. Poll Call Present: Clay P. Z'avidccn, IIiss iiarEaret ?.clleil, Donald Q. Puller, IZ. L. Craves, Jr. Absent: Cerald i. Shipsey City Staff Present: i. !'itznatric : :, City Clerk; , ouser, City Attorney; D. ?-I.iller, Administrative Off lcer; D. _ . �torlel "o, Ci't;r LnLineer; ':`. Schclfield, Chief cf Pclice; L. TilCM.Oson, ?:Ia'ter Superint,:�,Ildent; J. '- ainscott, Battalion C. ^ -ief. ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ------- --- ------------- ---- 1. D. i4i i lei', %_ ::linistr0Live Officer, announced Lhe fsllor :irb appc;inTm. :nts of City Personnel: i. Ann. te, ?--rl :in Inforce-;ionL Ci:i-Er, ef_eC tiv6' r':J:''_1 17 "t'la per :,,onth. P_1L••ert, Fireman, effective April 1, 19i�3, at .;412 -er month. r!r. = Tiller also announced t. ^.e Dromotlon of John JL :va AS =ire Ca7Lain effective April 1, 1963, at v.,4y per 6iontli and 1;0 bll Considered for the next step on July 15 1963. r Can Motion Cf rjunci l:man :'filler, Seconded Ly C011rcil7dc -pan icl :tail, Lhc 'JrG- Zctier. was approved as _ec_:maended by tha Ad ^Iinistra Li re Officer. 2. Di —coDed from the a: -cnda. 3. �a tlilu ti:mB til 'wit;;, Council held further rii�Cussion on the ..cle O'_' the i :ate- re,T('.nue Oono.s. i4avor Davldl-on Cre e:!Lec. an n2.-: sc :nedule 'prepared by f-Ir. T ;,o.nI) son for be- '_nnin; CCI1S ruction of the water flltrati� :ri :�lar,t SG t;'8t it may be com,_ :leted by July, 1964, and urged that Lilo City Council rroceed aitll tine folloi-rin.- schedule: "rS'. i:daIP.SOn Su :.) :witted a Or000sal to design our nei.., filtration plant -nich iias acceutcd by the Cit'; Council on July 2, 1962. T:-Lis :proposal provides for plans and soecificat!.ons to be delivered to the CitT; 1•llthin nine mo•nt :ls irc.i tali: date of acce.. :tanci; by the City. "The dilater;; effects of the Cit,,-Is negotiations with other a�encics :Iaose plans and p_ercZativcs are bein ; considered in f'orml :lacing the filtra- tion plant clans and specifications Gave _precluded ;-1-. Adamson =resi com- pletin_ the iior!C in the '. ille COntemOleted in his Gro:,os-l. " I therefore !'rcoose that t]io City Council e::tend the -Lime of delivery of the plans and SOecifications to :•lay 27, 1963, and tliai uhe scheclule Of the ' ,,York bc: as follows: Approve plans i'11y 27, 1903 Publisn notice to contractors clay 28, 1953 Oilen bids and award contract July 2, 1903 Si;;n contract :c start :•:orb: July- 12, 1963 Complete '.•.'orb: July 1[, 1,00% "I have checked this schedule with Ir. Acla :mson and a1L:IOu.;-h it will re- cuire luci;bratin'.- in re'pect to final _Alan -)reparation, it :appears ':ca-.i1: le and ,:ill cc :•mpe:.saLe for lost tilme." 'ia-vor Dab =dson uri;ed that Lhe Council ta':•;e action on the water 7lant con- s ruction at this -meetinC, particularly by apprevin, the construction Sc '.edule as Presented and the,: could settle on the finances at a later date : ith the possibility cf' torrc,,:in;; a tax anticipation r.Gt as Iias dote for the sower plant construction. lt. D �111er , Ad:(iinistr alive Cfficer, s lL; -Csted that the Ci Ly Council 1-.ailt until the- '.avc had an O:i :101 "tunit�T to caeca_ i:•ith "tone `ou'n+„Der;- on time ,later planL 'fond Sale to s,::e if' there liould be an', conflict ,:i'hi the )cndS Lein - sole for the sewer plant. On motion of Coi.;ncilman !°li -ler, seconded by Counci l.nan Jraves -, that Lh( City Council entr.tive_y adopt the schedule for Lhe i•;at : :r )lane con- struction as oresonted b'r �' +r. Thompson. Notion carried. 4. Councilman filler brou ht to the Ci tv ounc J I I s attention. the smatter of motel si, :ns that were ordered removed by the Council at the i-Iarch 13, 1953 Iaeetin.�. He stated this action brOULht to his :mind the injustice of the present sign ordinance and r'_cc.i mended that thle City COl1nC11 a; point a coin :mittee to study the overall sign pro _I ems in the City and have this cc. �4lttce OrinL- th1S sign : :.atter tC fa=ir conclus _on. i'IP SU- �csted that ti-,e CoPLllttce consist of t,;G (2) CGuacil men 4. - (2) ? " �' n �l 1 , J 1 -n yin: Co;2nissi..ners, one (1' re-lre e ntauivc C'f the Si :mn - nd.urtry, ai:: one (1) :P.r,mh'.I' of the Tourist P.nd Son��cr :ticn Co,riittce c_' Zile Cila:,iser of Cc;li icrce. Council.r.an :Miller moved that the City Council anpcint a co :rimittee consistiro of two (2) Councilmen, two (2) Plannin.•; Cc:n]lissioners, Gne (1) representative of the sin industry, and one (1) _ :ieraber of ;;he Tourist and C=onvention Committee of the Chamber of Co'n^.rerce, to study and ;make reco:n:,2endations on the revisions to the sign ordinance and [ma.L:e it :lore flexible, particularly the provisions of o£_ -site free standing; siCns. :Motion died for lack of a second. : : ^ :enneth Schwartz, Chairman of' the Plannir.L Ccr_nissio :•, reported to the City Council that t.Ie :lannin C0 :lniss_Gn nor: ha. a cc.miiiittee studyin.- the sior: or- dinance and attemotin�r to make reco.lnendaticns to have the sion ordinance and zoning ordinance conform. ne He continued that if this matter was not too ::ressing, could the Council wait until the Planning Co :.xission Committee had completed their studies before appointing a Council CGnnittee to cover the same jrcu.nd. :•1tiyor Davidson suggested that the City Councilr;ait until the Planning Com- mission Co- Pittee had co :mpleted their studies on this si -n flatter and suggest- ed that one (1) City Councilman, one (1) representative of the sitar, industry, and one (1) representative of the Tourist and Convention Co:2littee be added as e::- officio member of the Planning Commission. C,.:nnittee to take oart in the Planning Commission studies on signs. On .motion of Councilman filler, seconded by Councilman Graves, t :gat the City defer action o r•emo vin's motel signs from City ri;iht of rays until the sign ordinance had been revised. The City Council then discussed the possibility of placin, a sign on the freeway north and south of San Luis Obispc on behalf of the tourist industry reading, "San Luis Obispo next five or six, off- ra :mps ". On :notion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilwoman McNeil, the "Mayor was authorized to write the State Division of Highways regarding the place- ment of an adecuate si=n on the freeway with appropriate wording. :Motion carried. 15. The City Council discussed the matter of the exceoti On ,:- , ranted Ted Ilaino from the provisions of the small subdivision requirements for instaJ.iinc curb, gutter and sidewaiks on his pcopert_ on California Boulevard between toe free- way and Phillips Lane. The City Council also discussed the provisions of tile :- Iunicipal Code which allow- ed the Planning Co.n:nissior_ to except sidewalk requirements and the Council having; no authority to overrule the Co:mrissicn. The Council also discussed conditions to be placed in the covenant which was required by the Planning Cormaission as a condition of the eyception. ri. Houser, City kttorney, stated that in this case the City Cc..ncil has original jurisdiction as tht_ sidewalk, curb and gutters were recuired as a con=dition of a small subdivision and not as a condition of a building; permit. Cm motion of Councilman Graves, seconded by Councilman :filler, a hearing was set for April 1, 1903, on exceation to the sidewalk, curb and gutter re- quirements for PLr. Ted Haino. i-ioticn carried. J. ;:. Fitzpatric , City Clerk, wasinstructed to notifyr'Ir. :Zaino on the time and date of t.�e hearing. ' s °Iayor Davidson requested that City Attorney Houser notify _dr. i -iaino of the sections of t;tc Code that the City Council *.•rill be hcldin` the hearing- on. 6. Communication from Iarien -;maral, 1316 Taft Street, appealing a decision of the Planning Co:2nission in denyin_ her request for an e.•:ception in curb, butter and sidewalk requi re:nents . Gr motion of Council-nar, Graves, seconded by Co.ncilwoman i4ci eil, the :Hearin; was set for April 1, 1963. 7. L.t this time the City Council considered the contract between the City of Can Luis Cbispc and tine C_ca:nber of C- :mnerce 3cc•nc fie DevelGO:ment Committee for a joint effort for the Econo=mic Develoo::ient of the City. `:cLaer, City Attorney, e :alained the varic _ s provisions of tae aEree- ment with partiC::lar e:. ^._'?hasls on JCction 7; "3 involving; dis burs emen ts of funds under the ai-ree;i!enl.. Cn :lotion Of COu'ncil?an '_iraves, seconded b;- Councilwoman 'ici%eil, the fcllc lint resolution was introduced. tesolutian.No. 1111, a resolution aoprcvind the contract between t'_e City of San Luis Qbisoo and' the Ctiauioer of Co:mlerce t;ivernin Economic Development studies. Passed and adopted on the . YBS: Clay P iCy: Denalc: follcwin� roll call Vote: Davidson, R. L. Qravcs, Jr., i;iss i- largaret ?ci!eil, C�. ;Miller �7. ShipSCY U. CommaniCat'_on from Southern Pacific Ccmn- and= forwardinIz a Droncsal to in- stall automa ".4C cressln�- Cates al: the Foothill- Californis Eoulcvar,^ Gros .,ln­. 'T'-.e City's share of Lhe construcLlon was est'_:nat:d to be $3,5J0.00. dayor Davidson stated tl at this cressin„ . as the .post dap erpus n the City and urged twat the Council do somethim about it at this time. Further, that a new alit_•cent at Foothill Boulevard should be :lade so that this crossir.0 could 'cc made safer. 's setbar'1C lines !iay.e been established on root-] ill :culev_,rc, he also reconlend- ed that the City i:frleC:iate _y widen Foet' -_;11 from Casai Street to California _CllleVard and also t' ^au. the Southern ',�aci F4 s; ?ould be notifiei.i to �:riden their ri ht of fray to the new street width and then place the crossing dates at the new width. The City Council discussed the proposal of the .1a,;o:• to ;a ider. Foothill Boule- vard and to install the crossin; dates at t',-.,e proper street width. Cn motion of 'ia:=cr Davidson, seconded by Councilman 'Miller, the City , Engineer, was instructed to prepare a cost estimate to widen foothill Boulevard from Casa Street to California Boulevard and to notify the Southern Pacific to amend their olans for the crossinf: !:Fates- to acco.- mmodate the new width of Foothill I'culevard. City En ineer is to present his report by April 1, 1963. 9, S'. _' . RCmerO, -l.tv EnL?inecr, Dre:!_'nted a rcnert CO' Grin$ Street defiCier'.CieS in the City of San Luis Obispo and orojectin City street needs until 19 C. The reoori i.;as a compilacicn cf three (3) r, --:)orts orevicusly submitted coverin- various phases of street deficiencies. %s. Romero briefly presented a discussion on sacra of the ::?ajar reoorts nresented to the Co 'roil in. the past. A. S PRE'ET R-I F Et PRIC�tITY LIST - 1 °h2 /h3 . Ti ?is is basically a r'.JDort of e.cfr_rre6 :1aintenance. The priority list and cast Considered the least improvements needed to p ":'ovicc a satisfactor1 real ona::ly . oermanent repair. 1i. JCR—J2 LLYC'3T sa:;aary of the report which *.•:as presentedrto the State for ' comoilation of St'_te -wide street deficiencie . D "' l' 1. i..I, :is- . F.•r1.! �,.. .4 .Li' 1062 This re_aort covers essentially tiie same street systenl as the 33:Z -52 Report. '�o;•rever, it does consider streets neceSsary to Handle -;rowtn within the plar:ninr; area 1"T. ^.1ch includes the area acjacent to the City limits. ilr. ?omen_ Caen proceeded to Sc througi? the various reports ir.cludin rierit_;, coF,t esti.lnates, etc tie concluded by stating thai; ccnsidcrin` Gnl;,•i these projects which are rea ona't.;le anri needled. the street deficiencj will &Mount t0 ti?,2• :`. 'y�C'.CU and that the City should be exoendln_; funds at an annual rate Gi ;i54 ,V "2C.CC' in order to overcome the defici.enc;i by 19io 'i,Le City Council discussed yaicus asnects of the st r' reet dcficiencv report as each item was pres :anted '�.y i r. Ito -nere. a-..•or Davidson a: reed with the City Dn.-ineer's statement, but _u; �estec. 1rSL of all, that all r•ities in tl -.e vcuni :'�;� should .2—ee on what standards U'. 4es ire the Count'; tc mainta -.n and then proc.:ed with reco "L'nendaticns to t: ^-e County i taro r-•f S, perviscrs . Ia ;cr Daviaon reporters on reco:Lmendat;_ons prerrEd by Dr. i :pore harper setti_n forth thirteen. (1 ") standards f'or safe operation cf Santa :'•argarita Lake. 1Ia'rGr Davidson stated. that these standards :•rere turner down Dy U CCU.Iity Doarc of "unervisors,,but ,•rere referred tc• the State Health D._oartment for their approval and co :n:aent. 1. iayor Davidson suested that the CiL'y Council should approve these stand - ar,:s and :Hake a recommendation to the State Health Denartment for their approval. On ,Motion of Councilman Graves seconded by .Councilwoman Nclleil, that the City Council approve the standards for operation at Santa = YarEarita Lake a.s set. fc.rth in the better from Dr. Geor. e Harper dated. :March 19, 1953. :iot.icn ca.rriecl. 1C. [,favor Davidson. introduced the :natter of 701 Funds and planning pro;;ra,2 with particular reference to the preparation of the capital i:aprovement pro - r�ra_m by the Planr.in etc ::inission and statcc that h,� '.- ,e1ieved that this bub- ject of capital improvement bud. ctin; 7•,mss a prcpro2 tive of the City Council and they alone should b° i.he on .s to prepa_•.- this bud: et. Councilman '.'raveS disa reed, statin "fiat he i elievid that this was a matter for the Adviscry Plannin`; CcWnission,to make. StL!dlES, pre_ ^are plans, etc., for the Council's ir,fcrmaticn. ?urther, he believed t "ne Plannins' o.nrission rculd establish r. ­riority P or capital improvements for the Council's consideration and that after all, the City Council .lad the final sa, as tG.I :.fiat public works would be com- oleted in any gi-ven year. . is or Davidson stated that he disa.ereed, as ani' acticn on the capital i,n- proveTent oro_r'mSilas the duty and responsibility only of tale City Council and not of the ?lanning Commission or City department heads as he be- lieved that the oriorlties for C^.r!1t2.1 iTDrO'vE:lept3 and methods of financ- ins_ are the dut' -es of flee Cit %r Council and not o tle Plannin,, Cc - -i ion. Coync_lwoman !''IcNeil st ated that she a-reecl with rcuncll;'!an 'Craves that the Council could cc a .More aceouate job if the Planning Ce Lnissi -cn would :Haire z•he necessary studies, establish priorities, and make reco:2mend- 1 to L'ne Cit., Coiznei_ for their infcrmation on capital i., o Semen s. The City Council then discussed, the :natter c+"' the Planning Cnsinissicn nrepari n - ca vital i morovenient orogra.n for the Cot nci 1's information, under the provisions of Lhe State Plarinina Act., 'Ir. Henneth Schl•.artz., Chairman of the Planning Con.ission, appeared,. be- fore the City Council and briefly e::plained how he se.,s the capital ila- provement program for the City as it relates to the :lannin; CcTi?:i1::sicn in its advisory capacity to the City Council. D. P . Romero, City In inecr, asb:er. treat the C7.t:yr Council pass a rasolu- ticn suoportins the CGunty Director of Public .!orks' standards for County roads in vie-•; of the fact that the City may some, day 'oe require(:, to accept County roads as City Streets when arms adjacent to the City are annc:;ed. a-..•or Davidson a: reed with the City Dn.-ineer's statement, but _u; �estec. 1rSL of all, that all r•ities in tl -.e vcuni :'�;� should .2—ee on what standards U'. 4es ire the Count'; tc mainta -.n and then proc.:ed with reco "L'nendaticns to t: ^-e County i taro r-•f S, perviscrs . Ia ;cr Daviaon reporters on reco:Lmendat;_ons prerrEd by Dr. i :pore harper setti_n forth thirteen. (1 ") standards f'or safe operation cf Santa :'•argarita Lake. 1Ia'rGr Davidson stated. that these standards :•rere turner down Dy U CCU.Iity Doarc of "unervisors,,but ,•rere referred tc• the State Health D._oartment for their approval and co :n:aent. 1. iayor Davidson suested that the CiL'y Council should approve these stand - ar,:s and :Hake a recommendation to the State Health Denartment for their approval. On ,Motion of Councilman Graves seconded by .Councilwoman Nclleil, that the City Council approve the standards for operation at Santa = YarEarita Lake a.s set. fc.rth in the better from Dr. Geor. e Harper dated. :March 19, 1953. :iot.icn ca.rriecl. 1C. [,favor Davidson. introduced the :natter of 701 Funds and planning pro;;ra,2 with particular reference to the preparation of the capital i:aprovement pro - r�ra_m by the Planr.in etc ::inission and statcc that h,� '.- ,e1ieved that this bub- ject of capital improvement bud. ctin; 7•,mss a prcpro2 tive of the City Council and they alone should b° i.he on .s to prepa_•.- this bud: et. Councilman '.'raveS disa reed, statin "fiat he i elievid that this was a matter for the Adviscry Plannin`; CcWnission,to make. StL!dlES, pre_ ^are plans, etc., for the Council's ir,fcrmaticn. ?urther, he believed t "ne Plannins' o.nrission rculd establish r. ­riority P or capital improvements for the Council's consideration and that after all, the City Council .lad the final sa, as tG.I :.fiat public works would be com- oleted in any gi-ven year. . is or Davidson stated that he disa.ereed, as ani' acticn on the capital i,n- proveTent oro_r'mSilas the duty and responsibility only of tale City Council and not of the ?lanning Commission or City department heads as he be- lieved that the oriorlties for C^.r!1t2.1 iTDrO'vE:lept3 and methods of financ- ins_ are the dut' -es of flee Cit %r Council and not o tle Plannin,, Cc - -i ion. Coync_lwoman !''IcNeil st ated that she a-reecl with rcuncll;'!an 'Craves that the Council could cc a .More aceouate job if the Planning Ce Lnissi -cn would :Haire z•he necessary studies, establish priorities, and make reco:2mend- 1 to L'ne Cit., Coiznei_ for their infcrmation on capital i., o Semen s. The City Council then discussed, the :natter c+"' the Planning Cnsinissicn nrepari n - ca vital i morovenient orogra.n for the Cot nci 1's information, under the provisions of Lhe State Plarinina Act., 'Ir. Henneth Schl•.artz., Chairman of the Planning Con.ission, appeared,. be- fore the City Council and briefly e::plained how he se.,s the capital ila- provement program for the City as it relates to the :lannin; CcTi?:i1::sicn in its advisory capacity to the City Council.