HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/1966MINUTES -REGULAR--,MEETING ,,OF •THE-Cl-TY-COUNCIL juneiNj - 1966 ri 7:00..P,.M. V CIT..Y.-HATJ Roll Call Present: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, yij?qnald- Q. I ell .-W.:-Whelchel I, City Staff I Present: P. Chapman, Planning and Building Director; J. H. FitzFzifrFi_Ck,­__- City I !Cl_ e 5k .; F- Houser,, .Attorney; . - 1 R. .1, D . .1iller,- Adminis- trative fficei; D. F. Romero, City- Engineer.; L. SchloboluRl Fire Chief; ErviniRodgers., Police 'Ch e P. Thompson. Waier ...-Su eri4endent;_- W.;. Flory.,- -Superinten e t _of Pc ks,.and..Rei� tion...- p Oru-mbtion of Councilman Gallagher.,: seconded by,_.Councilman..Mi,1ler,,. the -minutes of: the, , g, o. Ma .`j966,were.a0 proved. Motidff-e&ffiTmeetin.. nd l5 On motion of Councilman Gallagher, -seconje'd by Councilman Blake, claims against the City for.,the mouth -of June 1966 -were,.ordered-I pgid sub jjeSt. to.,the. approval,.of.the, Administrative Officer. Motion carried. 7 C ------------ ------------------ 1. Dr. Ronald Notley, Superintendent of the San Luis Obispo Coastal Unified School District, appeared before the City Council notifying the.-Councilithat._Fith.the.,.,;..,... development of the new warehouse and corporation yard on the Sinsheimer School property,_, the,—present bus, barns. on- San Luis, Drive dare ,tjo,jke, removed. He�.contipueo._that:��. :RR*ro, q�X.Agineer. had,meti.with,the, School _,"d .;andj-., ' ­­ ­ 1. - 11-1....- _­� �_ ...- ­­�. .7; discussed acquiring widening from the School,District in order..tohave.a 60 foot., width street improvement on San Luis Drive. .Dr•.- Not I ey,,pt ate d..t.h. a. .t. - . t- h, e.,., -, .S hdd I . --Di-6 C.1r1 1ct: 4. w. o u1 .l d 1 - b. e w il.l - - . -this important property and giv e . - CitX., If or- street .= wi, e ptn g Z purposes, the, following conditions: 1. That the City negotiate with the Southern Pacific Company to see if additional widening could. be.-procured-from the railroad ;so that,the average width being given by the _School District would be liess._.' 12. That the.,City Council proceed with this street improvement during then,,. 1966/67..fiscal year. That the School. District ,would give -the property-.,,;io:t4e., City in exchangp for curb, gutter and 'street. improvements.. If..this proposal.is,not..possible-or.practical,,.the.,School District-would proceed with -their..own developnkent using the:..existipg 'property D. F. Romero, City Engineer, presented the_setback map adopted by the Council showing what was.. proposed, .for. the widening :on San Luis ,Drive. -He •explained -that. -if the. Council, d_ etermined t1iat'the "Wster1v.`cdrb -'should -be placed'. off­t1fd"­Southern,.Pacif ic right,ofwayand at a later date- Southern Pacific determined that-sidewalk.could,not be installed `on` this �property, -the...61ty would have eliminait-ed the p'ossibility,.,.of,.:,.,., Sidewalk on this side. Mr'. Romero stated that he had written to the Southeri`n_. fc..PomR,any. in -an, atte!npt - to procure right of way land for street purposes on their property aaj4cent to San Luis Drive... sz After discussion by the City Council, it was their common consent that the curbs and gutters on the west side of San Luis Drive be placed on the railroad property line so as to take less property from the School side of San Luis Drive. Mr. Romero was requested to again contact the Southern Pacific`:C.o#'ahy1by phon . e- . and.---- the request of the meeting of July 5, 1966. 2.1. On motion of:Councilman Gallagher,-seconded by Councilman Miller, the Mayor:was- authorized to sign the agreement with the Civil Defense authorities for stocking the L, 11 I 1 1 City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 2 City Hall basement with food, radiological instruments, first aide supplies, etc,. as requested by Cdr. Gullickson. Motion carried. 3. Communication from William H. and Rose McKeen requesting a variance on the size of the sidewalk for their property on Laurel Lane lying between the Union Service Station and the Laurel Lane Shopping Center, Me Keens asked for a variance from an 11 foot width to a 6 foot width sidewedk. *Mr. Romero, City Engineer, explained the sidewalk installation to date adjacent to this property, that the property is zoned C -2 and that for this type of zoning wider sidewalks than the 6 foot residential sidewalks are called for by City standards.. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, that a variance be granted for an 8 foot integral sidewalk subject to being expanded to 11 foot width when and if the property develops for business purposes. Motion carried. 4. At this time the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed 1966/67 budget for the City of San Luis Obispo. Mayor Whelchel declared the public hearing open. Mr. Richard Reppert, President of the City Employees' Association, appeared before the City Council and read a prepared report with the following recommendations: 1: Having learned through our discussions with the Council and the Joint Committee, that the Council strongly opposes even the "Conservative 5.6V raise for certain of the supervisory positions, and realizing that the remaining supervisory classes having had their raises cut drastically in 1965 -66, and draping to 14 -187, behind with a 2.7% raise this year, we propose that W. Miller's "conservative" increase of two J -steps be applied to the following classes: Mechanic II Utility Plant Operator I1 Chief Utility Plant Operator Water Supply Operator Water Supply Assistant Utility Plant Operator Police Captain Police Lieutenant Police Sergeant Battalion Chief Fire Marshal Fire Captain 2. For all other classes, we would propose the J -step increase. 3. As a necessary third condition to the two above, we would propose that the Council revise their fringe benefit increase to an amount equivalent to the "in- dividual employee's basic rate." In party with this, the City employees agree to elect the Blue Cross Plan for 1966 =67 with a basic rate of $7.79. This change would return to the City approximately $1,800 of the $9.00 contribution already offered by the Council. The above proposal would require budgeting approximately the same as the Administrative Officer's original recommendation, and approximately the same as the Council's last proposal. While we realize that this is a far cry from our original proposal (which we still contend to be just and accurate), we do feel at this late date that our compromise proposal would be much more palatable to the employees than the Council's last offer, even though at approximately the same cost to the City. Mr. M. Dixon, Battalion Fire Chief, appeared before the City Council objecting to the Council's action relative to salaries for the 1965 /66 budget particularly the arbitrary way the City Council handled the salary increases for supervisory personnel Mr. Dixon stated he objected to supervisory personnel not being given credit in salary considerations for their extra ability and responsibility. He continued that if the Council's present proposal was extended year after year, there would be no incentive for individual employees to take on responsible positions as there would be no compensation for this responsibility. Mayor Whelchel explained the thinking behind the action in the 1965 /66 budget in attempting to raise the salaries of the employees in the lower brackets rather than expanding the difference by flat percent increase for all classifications. City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 3 Mr.-RepperV-again appeared before. the., City;.Council� and stated.. he: felt, the...com promise presented by the Association was fair ,-and..,hop.ed., that ,,th,6.,!.C.ity,-,Council..,would,.pEoceed. on that basis. Mr...Mller,i;,4dmini�§,pr.ati,ve .Of-f.i.cer,--"i.FiEpl&in-*e-di- the —sti-p"p",-'-p'-r-o-r-'e'dure and the...salary,,, ranges in the present salary plan. Several-;.employee�§�;.. bef ore the-,qit.y,..J Council an& reRi��pted tha %) the i City,,,, jppeArq� , _ I­ � -A I .. .. :, -IV I 1�. Council reconsider the salary adjustments for supervisory employees as they felt- ­t+-aik, the!9!e:-,perAq�n 0 te L _nel should be-compensa d.for their,.responsibilit_y,and,added_skills. Mr Ernie Graves:- appeared before th�i!:City.-Caiiincil,.: and �.!,t.tat6d.,,that if.. thi�.;.City ,Council . would quit subslidizing the Chamber of :.C6=ekce, the Juhior•Chanff6r of Commerce and other..organizations,of_! that, 7 y pe-, ; ­there ..-; `wo- uld. :be en -In the Git-y- ., Treasury,, to-I pay. a, decent sal4r7 all �7qf7F 19 '.' e's p. 7; 7 ­C. Mr. Graves further questioned the City Cou�ills­'action in placing the footbridge over San'.Luis- Creek-. ,f rom, the qity,.?.arking.,,Lot private rests�4F-px�t,,. across, the creek stating that people could go from the parking•.lot to.-stores on- Higuera%Street. He asked for someone to explain to him how people can walk across the bridge through a private restaurant to Hi era Street... Mayor- Whelchel-,,stated,:p4at.,_the •bridge was .,not, placed. to, .help.,one r;st4u ant.,or-. one. business.. !kt!t__pky�t,:tke bridge ,landing was on an easement, which.coul used-by .-,Other businesses and that negotiations were continuing for'additional easements along the Creek so that ;people; these;business,.places. ;e-,could, walk. alougthe,treek. behiij ­11 �A LJ J i'i CJ 1:, 1,7 1 o :t Counci,lman,..Blake-,answered: that, the bridge was a.bridge tEit wai.mo,yed from the .1-.. .:. ._ . , 'C fc; . r, ­�C; Sinshf-imer:,-��kqpl,p?rope.Fty:.Fhen. Augusta'rStreet.jya�sJ. '64jh,to Richard' _p:,�te thr Streets Councilman Blake"stated this bridge was originally constructed by in _iiicbItect class at Cal Poly with materials furnished by the City so that,•the-s.tudents from Sinsheimer School could cross -this g6rge.during inclement.weather.,_ Councilman Gallagher stai-e-d"-that.-the overall plan -for,the development of the Mission Plaza called for several.,small.fo.o.tbridges of.this%type,#bm the mission side of the -Tr,eek tv.-the Higuera•.Stre-et,side,so that pleasant.walkiiij,ex'periences could be p "iti 'ipaied 9 J. . _L� a d �in by people patronizing the stores across the Creek.' K7 Mayor Whelchel declared the public hearing closed. Wi On motion,of Counc ilman Blake,-. seconded -the _recommendation mi ..�7,_Councilman. Miller,. from the -.City.. Employees'..-As-s6ciation-,was. , held r f or..sf Udy- and `r_evie4 b' �. the'._' ,, j Council at their bud ge t ;session. ..Motion carried*:,, 17• 5. At this time the City Council considered the repo'_r'JCJd"_f­ fh_e_.Cit�.,E�igffieei:.on' properties lacking standard improvements where more than 50% oi; the "'bio"E'k%a5'*' already,.been im ._p D Ii IL'41 TT—RIC2ay Council di's. c- us­ sed Va.r.. io" us i im.. r. ovem e� n. t s,.-: pr-o, po� .- s.e..d - ,',tiy . m: e 0 R oU mero , " i n d ;f-;ilt'- at additional studv-and�discussion.should,be,held. Theor6posal-waQ --conrii6edi6-a subsequent meeting.. 6.! '�!At this time thecCity Council held a piiblic hearing' o'�n"* the -iipoe'al-'6f-)Aaitin"-�" ,� L-) Polin from a decision by the Planning Commission in denying his,request for rezoning from R- 3,to C-.1 the_property located at,., ?9O, Foothi ll.-. Boulevard. - L_.Mr. Chipman,.-.?laniiing.,Director,.,presE!ated.the�.folloi7ing,,report-fkZim.,the Plaiihifig the ... . .. i D . l;,;. r , - -, 0'.. 1 - �;i: 1. 1 :1 - ^I, r' Commission and the reasons for­denjl�i_j 'as kollows: "N' g%" ,1,,_- There. is iil'rea d v..excessive..C-.1-ioning,in,the.vi6inity. :k2 area,zone.-C not -folly developed. . ...... 3.­;'The population.capacity of the service area is not adequate "to' support the current,C-'l.devel 0 pmdnt: p: ._r. j -.::f- IJ 2� k. I I I City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 4 4. The location of this property is poor for retail development. It would add to the traffic congestion and hazards of the Chorro - Foothill Boulevard inter- section. Mayor Whelchel declared the public hearing open. Mr. Martin Polin appeared before the City Council and made a lengthy presentation ' on behalf of his appeal for zoning for property at north Chorro and Foothill Boule- vard for commercial uses. Mr. Polin presented extensive facts and figures supporting his contention that the Planning Commission's family count in the proposed shopping area was too conserva- tive. Further, Mr. Polin claimed that the boundaries of the proposed shopping center area to be served by these stores was much too small and did not take into consider- ation the student population at Cal Poly and the resident population of Mustang Village, Tropicana and the Islander. Farther, he felt that the City Planning Commission had neglected the area along Highway #1 to Camp San Luis Obispo which will ultimately be developing and will be in the City and would be customers of this enlarged shopping center. Mr. A. Renetzky, Attorney for Mr. Estes doing business as the Cork and Bottle, appeared before the City Council urging that this property be rezoned to C -1 as requested by Mc° Polin as his client will be the first one in the new shopping center and will develop a new liquor delicatessen store. Dr. James Mullen appeared before the City Council urging that the City Council approve this rezoning as anything would be better than the development Mr. Polin has on the property at the present time. Mr. Estes of the Cork and Bottle appeared before the City Council urging that they ' approve the zoning as requested as he wishes to construct a new building and move his business to that area. Mayor Whelchel declared the public hearing closed. The City Council discussed the rezoning as requested by Mr. Polin particularly with reference to the removal of the trailer park existing on the lot as this development is an eye sore and a blight on the neighborhood. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Spring. the following• ordinance was introduced. Ordinance No. 351, an ordinance rezoning 790 Foothill Boulevard from R -3 to C -1. Introduced and passed to print on the following roll call vote: AYES: Frank Gallagher, Donald Q. Miller, Arthur F. Spring, Clell W. Whelchel NOES: Emmons Blake ABSENT: None 7. At this time the City Council continued the public hearing on the intention of the City Council to abandon a portion-of Henderson Street between Abbott Street ' and Garfield Street. Mr. Romero, City Engineer, reported that the complete negotiations have not been made with the Green's for development of their property and recommended that the City Council continue this matter until this can be completed. R. At this time the City Council held a public hearing on the request of the property owners for improved water service on California Boulevard west of Cal Poly and to discuss a proposal of the City Council to extend an improved water line under the railroad tracks and install a hydrant providing the property owners and /or tenants made the necessary extensions to the new system. Communication received from the property owners stating they had received the communication from the City Council for improving the water service and stated they City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 5 considered this a fair solution and they would immediately connect_,:their,4q"4t,_lirie-s. to the new meters as soon as they are installed. Mayor Whelchel declared the public hearing open. No one appeared before:.the: Ci y�-Qounqil­.,,.- U k., Mayor Whelchel declared the public hearing closed. The City Council asked if the City had -received;.anv..;communicat-ions.-f-rom,.C;!1 .-,pply,.,.,-,..:-.: as to whether they would improve their water system on the s ame basis iiiadjacent'" - propertiesi:�,.'-_.-,i -..T 7- The Council was informed that no communication n or discussion had - b.een,r-eceivetd, I rom.. the Poly representatives. On-motion,Oft:Coundilm=-Gallagher, seconded-by Councilman !Sprin- _the Water Su per T. intendent -was'.. instructed - to proceed with the - project.. and mthi.;Citv was to P... _,..qontact,, Cal7-Poly,-regardiag-their'connection:to,-the..--improvedwater Mot-ion carried. 17( 9A. The following communication was received from,,thefCity'Sigg,...Committee.- At:-the,.- last meeting the Sign Committee did not have a quorum, however, the members present discus sed!-the %asigning.. in - C- l_.Districts --mart icularly I-as .-related t neigl�4orhood.,rj,,-,�-,4 - - .- .-- ­ - - �_­ ­ � I., ..q shoppixig, centers -and :.agreed. on-the -.follow ingI.reco.mm,-ndatio.nl:. "Area of signs for any one business in a shopping center to be based on frontage.with amaximnm,of 200..§qpqrqJeet.,'1' TheiCommittee stated that-,if this recomme­ii�at_ ion., as.-ada;pted,,-JordanOs'1. an'd ­ ... .- stated - ­. - - ­ .1 . ... ­­w Thrifty both could qualify for-this 200,. foot., maximumi 9B. M. - C.1 -McCauley,,, General .-Manager of - Modern-Neon §igq,-. ,appeared before C. a--- _,pompilpy�, .1 ., the City' - Council .on.-.behalf.-of is (?Tp 's :request,.f or. Council,xic. d - At- - :� . - -.1- - ;--l" Fe f _py a 180 square foot sign for JordAnos Grocery Store in,the,'Po in,.S,hopping-_qenter.., Mr:--Mr_Cauley,g#vee the_-histor -of .-,the. Jordano,sign a4#:;the reasons�for,, their " P., -, - . sL size , and shape. .basedr.on:their experience ,in :thef;Santa Barbara.area. 7 The Planning Director reported that based on the recommendation of the Sign Committee that the sign proposed for Jordanos�-.4e,:)gppTpyq4:,4s,-.it,;Vguld.-.Ibe=under,,thel,;20.0._§q"re;- foot maximum. Pp-,mqtfon_of:.Councilman Miller :-,§tq9pAqd _aby,: Councilman. Gallagher, .-that.: .- a sip.. permit be granted for Jordanos sign containing71801sl1jare feet, single ia'ceh wit.. on he be� face toward Foothill Boulevard to be electrified and the of-.35 feet allowed. .:Motion, carried.,,. 9C. The Board of Adjustments received a'ni_'_i-ppli7c`i—oR-'f6-r threeGpignp f9r-.the-.Th#-fty Drug Store in the Polin Shopping Center and in view of the area of the signs involved the application was referredfto the- City. ..Council.;:, -,, r The free standin 1- .ptgn is 3.4 .5- !kquarelfeet. iw. -Tan -,;he i. s the- building are ,.9 ,pKpp� 4_ 225 square feet and 240 square feet respectively. S.T4e,iombined�total is 1,010 square feet. Mr. Chapman, Planning Director, recommends that Thrifty be_ allowed J-a total sign area of 200 square feet. Z Z Mr,..,Finkleberg of.the .'Heath_ Si gn-.Com,pany,,:.appeareg before -the. City.. Council. on , vv behalf.of:. 5he--signs, for, --. ih rifty,Prpg Store.....,He., stated.. that- signs:.being proposed for the store were the normal signs used by T'brIiii-y in all of 'their..�l-Loc�l'ati-ong,aiid,,... that Thrifty management felt that this was something that they could live 'with -_if'_' t hey.-,59mpleted. -their - store,.in., San- Luis., Obispo.. Mr. to� he r. xplained,,1 _..Citt.Council t philosophy-of advertising.and-.the.. .11 use of color and light particularly with knowin iriaidem_-a'rk symb�ol-s"':s.u'c'h.'as"'the"Thrift-Y Drug Store would use-. rZ. . I A 4q,,Sqiinued that, Thrifty felt- tha5 �hese,,.signs were- necessar.�,,'_b6."iftAke free I .. "Is­ 411. - "_ -' I standipLg-,sign, and.,the, signs in rj-to.attract business necessary. .on�the. build 4F ­41 2 City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 6 for their existence. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Spring, that the Thrifty Store sign area be limited to 200 square feet of sign area. Notion carried. 9D. The Board of Adjustments received an application for a sign for Standard Motors ' at 1701 Monterey Street and approved it subject to a determination by the City Council that the area is below'100 square feet. Mr. Chapman stated that the total area of the sign board is 168 square feet but the applicant claims the area is 50 square feet or less. He stated he felt that the sign does exceed 100 square feet and recommended that the Council approve it in accordance with the City ordinance. Mr. Lee O'Reilly representing Standard Motors, appeared before the City Council stating that the outside dimensions of the sign are 168 square feet but that the total area of the letters would measure approximately 50 square feet. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Spring, that the free standing sign for Standard Motors of 168 square feet be approved. Motion carried. Council- man Blake voting no. 10. Communication from the Planning Commission forwarding recommendation that the City Council request improvements to be made by the State Division of Highways on the frontage roads and intersection at Los Osos Road and Highway 101 interchange. Mr. Romero submitted a sketch showing the existing treatment of the frontage roads at this intersection and showing the recommended changes to be requested be made by the Division of Highways. ' On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spring, the following resolution was introduced. Resolution No. 1568, a resolution requesting relocation of the frontage road at Los Osos Valley Road and Highway 101. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Puns Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, Donald Q. Miller, Ciell W. Whelchel NOES: None ABSENT: None 11. At this time the City Council received a communication from the Planning Commission regarding the recommendation of the Minor Subdivision Committee concern- ing application from Mr. Brodie for a lot split at 140 North Santa Rosa Street. Mr. Brodie requested a number of exceptions concerning (1) lot width, (2) lot area, (3) street improvements, (4) curb, gutter, sidewalk on Santa Rosa Street, (5) water supply. The City Engineer recommended as follows: 1. The new 541 wide street should be dedicated and fully improved to City standards, with the exception that a plant mix berm be substituted for curb, gutter and sidewalk on the North side. ' 2. Curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving out to the existing road improvement should be installed on Santa Rosa Street. This installation will enable the City to require comparable improvements by the adjoining Lutheran Church, as this was a condition of the approval of their Use Permit. 3. A water line to be installed along Santa Rosa Street from Foothill Boule- vard to serve this property. The exception requested was to enable the applicant to use well water and avoid installation of the water line. City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 7 LIP The Planning Commission approved the exceptions for lot width and lot area, which were relatively minor, but felt that the City Engineer's recommexid'd�i-i-d'n's"con'c6'ri'in-g- street,and..water.improvements,should be followed. This matter is therefore referred to the City Council for Mr,..Romero,.-City.-Engineer, stated.that Ihis recommendation called ;for standard �e L:U'"::a d id c �1- t ­b ­Voi':ld-ap­'g­ I subdivisionAmprovements,on all en _ .,Streets ut V i prove t t rea.-an - 0 .. io '*�e i�i width except n cause flie nat Ire _tlid property _r Tor Mr..;B...Duveneck,._.property owner,.appeared before the City Council on behalf of .the ., sfnall'-subdiVi6ion of hi s property. �z Mr. Duveneck.asked that-the City Council exempt him, :rom the various conditions established for devel6pmeni 6f this, pfoperfy­by.thd City Eiijind er and Planning 7 ; 'j 7 7, � L' :11 C Commission. Mr. Dl�lieneck ftpted, that. fie c6iala'.', �Lqi afford . to­-� - put -iii 'ii ihi�''-im, 'rotremenf s�'requkked such as drainage,,, curb,-gutter Andsidewilkg- ifid-iaiei-Aifid sewer _mains, in ord4r` t 6La sell this small�arcei­ of "l , D.-F.-Romero..,City. Engineer ine' er `ask6d;th Ciiy 'b ifL th&y LVishbd=td:­abiorb `ihe' cWst-of*putting in th' ' sto drain4and al96the" pavement'- f toe th6`prdl p�e'r­t'y . line to Santa Rosa Street. V~ =.. °'- f The,,tity-doufiLl discussed 'thi'."M'After at 'length igith Mt. Duveii6c 'the `cdiidit ions' of T. ',F C1, 71 1 1.: Ivi off site.. rovements -y L -:U subd �ion and the re-quirements,- On.motion-of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Mayor-Whelchel, that (1) the City I .. :.'J - subject'" ­ — - ncil. Appro-�i__ tlf6_s�lr'-§�Wdiiiisi-on` -- tW'f iilll: gtf6i6t' improvements,--curb- ­ ' Cou _ - I . .. .. Z . guiter and - s'idew`a'lk­bn the east 7side Wthe'Wew 'street' iind_-a-'berm-qn the-west- side; - _: - curb;` 11. . - ; , I .12 , (2) exempt the gas and water lines in the new street and all �the &uW!r'ih&- sidewalk and drainage improvements on Santa Rosa Street subject to the of a • .. - �,_ --- , improvements ". :o­ �, . coveriant. or guarantei�---f� r"futiii�6--416toy6m6rit s'.- - Motion :- carfted:., o_: _'. t., . . , . . .. — - I. r. 'f Councilman Miller left the" me6tin"g'at"1060. t. ' -ih_ 12. Conminication from the Coun 'Y' iWal�t Departmehf 'regikrding 'demciliti6h 'df� a, partially demolished structure at, Monte Vista Place and asking that the City W' _.�.�234­.,.r ,nr;-J�j mme Eai�e- whit ever �t hmerit- Counc'il immediately` diately�I .7 F are! Monte, td:'c-bWl6fe 'th6' debiblis of this building. . , ".. .� I Mr. Chapman reported that his office has started the normal pr6ce'dure 'of'-abatement and that the public hearing would be held in front of the City Hall in.July which would authorize him to hire a contractor to demolish the buildije.., Communication i7eceiv ... e-d- and :;filed. -Chap"As. Pianniiig "Die ame 13A mE �ctor, 'reported' to the "City" Cduhbil' on hdidizks- be ing co�nsildiired--i'o.,'tli'e"'Ua-erg-r'6!ii'W'"'Ut2'.13't Y' ­Oidifiai2ce' tinder "study -by -the- rbunc 11 0 Z r Comm"ittee• _J The matter was referred.to the City's,Underground.Utility Committee. -Od motion 13 mo on oi'� lr6kn'G'allaghdt seconded 'by':-06u'hc1ldan Btake­`Au i's 196; was set as a public hearing for the establishmerif"'o-f Und&fgi6V!hd'-Utr1l1.ty'•- Districts. 2 4 and 5...., Y. Communication from the San Luis Obispo' Christian Ch uf6h"reqv4eitiiig,ihat"-tli6-�~' City,Council abandon a sewer easement which bisects their•property and over which they 14644 -A' to- b dild. t I e i r-new -chiirch-'buildirg.-----" No improvements can be started on this building until after this easement i: abandoned. 7' The sewer terminates on this property and if the City s aw "ffi'to ili iad &n" i H e "ea de L ment they would.be willing to pay for the installation of a lamp hole at the new terminus of -the-ft& sewer ne. anif F I City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 8 Mr. Romero, City Engineer, explained the situation as presented by the Church and• stated that as far as his department is concerned, the sewer easement could be abandoned if the lamp hole were installed at the new terminus of the line. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spring, the following resolution was introduced. Resolution No. 1569, a resolution authorizing quitclaim ' of sewer easement. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur P. Spring, Clell W. Whelchel NOES: None ABSENT:- Donald Q. Miller 14. Mr. Romero, City Engineer, presented for the Council's consideration two proposed streets widening projects for Broad Street on existing building ectbaek lines. Mr. Romero stated he was bringing this to the Council's attention for their guidance as there had been some discussion by the Council that the City should no longer use City funds for street widenings on State Highways. After discussion by the City Council, Mr. Romero was authorized to continue under the existing street widening policy. 15. Recommendation from-the Planting Commission regarding the annexation in the vicinity of Edna Road was ordered received and filed. ' 16. Discussion of the expansion of Parking Lot No. 3 with reference to the buildings facing Monterey Street was continued. 17. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spring, the correction, and cancellations to the 1965 /66 Assessment Roll as presented by the City Clerk and approved by the City Attorney were ordered made. 18. The matter of requesting the City Engineer or retaining an independent Highway Engineer to prepare preliminary studies for the Highway #1 and 101 interchange were ordered received and filed. 19. R. D. Miller, Administrative Officer, presented for the Council's consideration the cost service contract for examination services by the State Personnel Board for a three year period. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, the following resolution was introduced. Resolution No. 1570, a resolution authorizing execution of service contract. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, Clell W. Whelchel ' NOES: None ABSENT: Donald Q. Miller 20. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Blake, the following ordinance was introduced for final passage. Ordinance No. 348, an ordinance selling property to James Frisby. Finally passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, Clell W. Whelchel NOES: None ABSENT: Donald Q. Miller City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 9 21.' - On'motion of Councilman :Spring- secorided'rby`: Councilman -Gal lagher; ,, 'the �follo_wing ordinance •was .introduced,:for :final ,.passage Ordinance: No 349:, - •an'ordinanceiirezoning property on'Galleon Way'to:.R -2; +>:!7 er i r.: •.r C.. Finallq passed on the'fol'Towingroll�)call'- vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, Clell W. Whelchel iJ.. .!1• ... / pia ...• J._ l.. -. � lV. rJ _!'�• NOES: None -o- ABSENT: Donald Q. Miller 22. Mr. Romero, City Engineer, reported on the progress of theL.sidewalk_install- ation at —Bobs Beacon Service stating that the sidewalks were in but that the retaining wall was still to be completed and the slopelto be dressed.;;•,,, '.. After some discussion by t1ie;City- ;Council; it_was:decided., due" to. °the, length of-time„ it has :taken to complete- this..project,. ;that. the•.;Cit.y.:Counc'il- set- ..a,:public+ hearing _. for July 5, 1966 with the intention of withdrawing the use permit for operation of.- the service station if the work is not completed by then. _.:'+ ._ -. 4 . .... � � .. .. _ ....r _... .. .. � . r • 1. , �. a � r.l ] -... � .: 23"- The' - agreement between the City of•.San-Luis Obispo. - and - the, Chamber,.• of Commerce for promotional services beginning ,July 1�_196.6•was,o.rdered' held over and the.City- -- Clerk was instructed to get copies to the City Council for their consideration. 24. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded, by_ Councilman •.Blake,•,the- .Mayor,was authorized to accept and record on behalf of the City the grant deed from Seth G. Kinney" and Theo-1. -.Kinney for: road and `water_'line. ,easements.. Motion, carried. 25. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Blake, the following salary 'step increase was' approved... BARBA, Raymond, Police Officer, from Step 1 at $480 to Step 2 at $508 per omonth,71effective J-uue'.,l,-- rl966. Motion carried. c• `26::'Dv F,.' Rome- ro�''City Engineer.y -presented-.for: the.,City _-:!Council's: cons .ideration;r,: itie- f inal= fmap-•of Tract:No.r -350; la- .subdivis ion .of.:the•,Laguna Lake :area- ,by ;;the: R.•' C._. Skinner Corporation. Mr -Romero's tat ed; -that° he' :had `not : received :the:'construction,plans •in:time:.for:; complete checking =and •for• preparation -of ;.the !subdivision•�agreement, .however,' the :p final map is technically correct. Mr. Romero• recommended (thae'the.:final,.map _nof:,.be::approved. unt3a;-a1•l, submitt-als,,:; have been proper- Ty- made:l:•.rl •cr,'.. -,• Alternatively the City Council could accept the final map subject to approval by the City Engineer, preparation ofcthe agreement,�filing_of: bonds, Mr. Gordon brought .to..the Council's attention-:the -existence of;•a:-public; utility easement through two of the lots that they wish changed but =:felt this could be handled at a later date by deed transaction. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, the following resolution was introduced. Resolution No. 1571, a• resolution -approving -the final map of Tract No. 350. Passed and =ado ted'on`:the,followin •;roll.call vote: `'`r' :' ' _ • AYES: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, Clell W. Whelchel NOES : None :. ... .. _.. - - ABSENT: Donald Q. Miller sin;_ 1 1 City Council Minutes June 20, 1966 Page 10 27. R. D. Miller, Administrative Officer, announced the appointment of Noel Carmack as Police Officer effective July 1, 1966 at $494 per month subject to one year probation. 28. Communication from the State Attorney General's Office requesting that the City of San Luis Obispo deposit $200.00 for out -of- pocket expense in conducting the ' necessary work in regard to the suit against the Western Pipe Company and felt that this would be the only cost to be billed to the Cities. Request approved'on motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Blake. 29. Communication from the Disabled American Veterans Chapter requesting a no -fee business license in order to put on a Donkey baseball game on July 24, 1966. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Mayor Whelchel, the request was approved and a no -fee business license ordered issued subject to all solicitation being done by local chapter members. 30. Communication from the Miss San Luis Obispo Pageant requesting financial assistance for support of Miss San Luis Obispo during her reign in the County. On motion of Councilman Spring, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, that the City appropriate $200.00 from the bed tax for this promotional service. Motion carried. 31. On motion of Mayor Whelchel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, that any department head who lives outside the City of San Luis Obispo on the date of his appointment may continue to live outside the City. No department head once appointed may move outside the City of San Luis Obispo. Motion carried. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Blake, the meeting adjourned to Wednesday June 22, 1966. Motion carried. Approved:. August 1s 1966 J9-fi. -FITZPATRILGE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TBEYCFR%UNCIL June 22, 1966 - 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM - CITY HALL Roll Call: Present: Emmons Blake, Frank Gallagher, Arthur F. Spring, Donald Q. Miller, Clell W. Whelchel City Staff: Present: J. H. Fitzpatrick, City Clerk; R. D. Miller, Administrative Officer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1. Communication from the*City Engineer forwarding his recommendation for major street widening for the next fiscal year as follows: 1. South side of Foothill between Broad and Santa Rosa Streets. 1 2. East side of Johnson Avenue between Lizzie and San Luis Drive and west side of Johnson between Brack and Johnson overpass. 3. West side of Santa Rosa between Palm and Monterey Streets. 4. West side of Santa Rosa between Mill and Palm Streets. By common consent of the City Council, the City Attorney and City Engineer were ordered to proceed with acquisition of the property for the listed widenings. 2. The City Council then reviewed the changes made to the proposed 1966/67 City Budget during past study meetings. 3. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Spring, the meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P.M. Motion carried. , Approved: August li 1966 . H.