HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1971L' 1 Pledge Roll Call Present City Staff MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA January 4, 1971 - 7:00 P. M. City Hall . Emmons Blake, Myron Graham, Donald Q. Miller, Arthur F. Spring, Kenneth E. Schwartz Present: R. D. Young, Planning Director; J. H. Fitzpatrick, .City Clerk; W. Flory, Park and Recreation Supervisor; H. Johnson, City Attorney; R. D. Miller, Administrative Officer; D. F. Romero, City Engineer; L. Schlobohm, Fire Chief; E. L. Rodgers, Police Chief; E.P. Thompson, Water.Department Director.. C -1. The City Council approved the minutes of November 16 and 23, 1970. C -2. The City Council authorized payment of claims against the City subject to the authorization of the Administrative Officer. C -3. The City-Council considered continuation of the lease between the City and Jessie H. Ray for the Mini -Park at Hutton and High Streets. The Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement and the Park and Recreation Department was asked to coordinate the clean up of the park by the student group. C -4. The Council received a communication from Alex Madonna regarding lands- caping for the west side of Madonna Road on City property at his expense to enhance the entrance to Madonna Inn. Mayor Schwartz stated it was his understanding that the Martinelli property interests were again interested in placing a service station on the property adjacent to the City owned property and he felt that if the property owners had new information for use of the City owned property, they should be allowed to present it to the City Council so that it could be considered. Paul Davis, attorney for the Martinelli property interests, asked that they be considered in any meeting with.Alex Madonna regarding the City owned property lying between the Madonna property and the Martinelli property. He continued that regardless of what had been said in the past, it was his feeling after a look at the records that this City owned property was really a City street and that his client had the right to use the land for any development (including a service station) that he desired. Further, all his client wished from the City was a permit on the property for a curb opening for access to the service station. He also stated that his client would be willing to landscape the balance of the City owned property in exchange for the curb cut and access through City owned property. P. Davis stated that all the property owners wanted was the Council to allow access through the City owned property to the service station. Mayor Schwartz reviewed for the public past actions of the City Council and Planning Commission in regard to a service station for this site and also requests by the property owners for use of City owned property in order to make access to the station reasonable. He stated that for the record he wished it stated that the Martinelli.interest now'only asked for access over City property to Madonna Road 'and not additional land, nor did they any longer wish access over City property to the Madonna Inn access road. City Council Minutes January 4, 1971 Page 2 H. Johnson, City Attorney, stated that the Martinelli property proposed to be devoted to service station use already has frontage on and access to a major public street, namely Madonna Road, so the request by the property owner to have vehicular access across portions of property not presently part of the traveled way of the frontage road constitutes an application for additional - driveways which can be considered in the light of the safety considerations at the intersection and either approved or disapproved at the Council's discretion. Councilman Graham stated that if the City granted access over City property to Martinelli that this property owner then should be requested to landscape the balance of the City owned property that would not be paved for access to the service station. Councilman Blake objected to any.action by the City Council or any discussion of the matter without getting a recommendation for or against this proposal from the Planning Commission. Councilman Miller agreed, stating that the City Council should not discuss the matter until the Planning Commission had concluded its hearings on the request without prejudicing the.proposal by premature discussion. The matter was continued to January 11, 1971 for discussion. C -5.. The City Council ordered the report from the Design Review Board that a recommendation would soon be presented concerning the Visual Arts Guild , received and filed. C -6. The City Council granted a one -month extension of the contract with Heatherwood Landscaping for the street tree planting project. C -7. The City Council approved the following contract payments: Burke Construction Co. Est. #3 $2,923,93 Santa Rosa St. Widening City Plan 11 -70 J. A. O'Kell.ey & Son Est. #3 $ 277.20 Johnson Ave. Widening City Plan 27 -70 J. A. O'Kelley & Son Est. #4 $ 985.08 Johnson Ave. Widening Final City Plan 27 -70 C. S. Construction Co. Est. #3 $7,606.60 Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing City Plan Nos. 8 -71, 9 -71, & 10 -71 Heatherwood Landscaping Est. #1 $190181.00 Street Tree Planting City Plan 3 -71 C -8. The City Council approved the following change.order: C. S. Construction Company $2,081.00 Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing Project City Plan Nos. 8 -71, 9 -71, & 10 -71 C -9. The City Council received a communication from the County Purchasing Agent regarding the joint agreement between City and County for purchase of petroleum products. The communication and bid summary were ordered filed. City Council Minutes January 4,1971 Page 3 C -10. The City Clerk presented the following report on bids received for supplying chemicals for the calendar year 1971: (See EXHIBIT "A!' attached) E. P. Thompson, Water Department.Director, recommended that the contract for Chlorine be awarded to Georgia Pacific Corporation as they had given good service on this last year's contract. Councilman Blake felt that the City Council should award the chlorine bid to the Paso Robles Seed and Chemical Comp any. as they were a -IocaI County firm. Councilman Graham felt that the County firm should be considered particularly when the two bids were identical. Councilman Spring agreed that the Paso Robles firm should get.preference over an out-of-town company. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Spring, that the chemical bids be accepted from the.lowest bidder in each case, except in the case of the CHLORINE BID which will be granted to the Paso Robles Seed and Chemical Company. Motion carried. C -11. Communi cat ion. from Ready Realty expressing the interest of Bear Valley Development Company (L. J. Morganti, etal) in annexation of their property to the City, was referred to the Planning Director for inclusion in an annex- ation survey. All consent items were approved as indicated.on motion.of Councilman Graham, seconded by Councilman Miller. 1. Communication from the Promotional Coordinating Committee recommending to the City Council that Lee Walters Advertising be granted the 1971 advertising and promotion contract for the City of San Luis Obispo. Thomas G. Smith, Chairman of the Promotional Coordinating Committee, appeared before the City Council and explained the steps the Committee followed in order to arrive at their recommendation to the City Council. Councilman Miller thanked the Committee for a he was aware of.the time and effort -spent by recommendation. He felt that the Promotional sional approach in developing their proposal. vote against awarding the contract as he felt for other needs of the community. job well done as he stated that this Committee in arriving at this Committee had used a very profes- However, he continued, he would .the funds could be better used Councilman Blake stated he, too, appreciated the efforts put forth by the Pro- motional Coordinating Committee in arriving at the recommendation to the City Council for an agency to represent the City.and to promote the Community. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Graham, that the City Council accept the recommendation of the Promotional Coordinating Committee and award the contract to Lee Walters Advertising. Motion carried with Councilman Miller voting no. 2. Dudley Winterhalder, Executive Secretary of the City Housing Authority, appeared before the City Council to present a report on the acquisition by the City Housing Authority of the County Housing property on South.Street and High Street. He stated that the City Housing Authority had proposed a new develop- ment for the High Street property which had been approved.by HUD, Plans and specifications have been approved and all that was needed to push this develop- ment ahead was for the City Housing Authority to purchase the property from the County Housing Authority. He continued that any tenants put out of the High Street units because of the demolition and building of the new development would be placed on top priority for City units. City Council Minutes January 4, 1971 Page 4 Upon the purchase of the High.Street land, the City Housing Authority would then assume management of the South Street units and would hope to complete the purchasing contract with the County. Upon questioning by the City Council, Mr. Winterhalder listed the following priorities that must be met in order to occupy a low rent housing unit in the City: 1. Six months' residency in the City. 2. Families without any housing. 3. Families-about to lose their housing because of eviction, fire, etc. 4. Families living in substandard dwellings. 5. Families paying unreasonable rents. 6. Families of a disabled veteran. 7. Families of a deceased veteran. 8. Families of veterans. 9. Other citizens in need. Councilman Spring asked why the City Housing Authority allowed newcomers to the City who met the priorities to get new units when people who had lived in the City for many years could not get into one of the units. D. Winterhalder answered that each applicant for a Housing Authority unit must meet the criteria established for residency and the other items listed previous - ly.by him. He also stated that the City and County Housing Authorities had agreed on the disposal of all County owned housing units in the City but so far the exchange of property and purchase by the City was tied up in HUD await- ing approval of the financing of the purchase. Mayor Schwartz thanked D. Winterhalder for the report on the progress of the Housing Authority. . 3. Communication from the Design Review Board recommending that the City Council adopt a program of painting all the signal, light and sign standards throughout the City in the same color as was used by this committee on an experimental basis at the intersection of Chorro and Monterey Streets: L. Schlobohm, Fire Chief; asked that the fire hydrants be exempted from the painting proposal as they became difficult to locate if they blended in with adjacent items. He continued that the Fire Department was studying a paint- ing program that it felt would not be objectionable to the City.. D. F. Romero, City Engineer, objected to the proposed repainting of.all public facilities, particularly, he wished consideration of the natural wood poles that were being put in and the unpainted aluminum poles. He.also mentioned the feeling of the State to the City painting State facilities on State highways. Councilman Blake suggested that thy':program be accepted and approved but that the repainting be done on a normal maintenance schedule and not on a crash program of painting all these facilities as rapidly as possible. It was the common consent of the Council that the City proceed on a normal maintenance basis to the new color scheme and not on State routes, and only on items that would normally be painted. 4. Communication from the Design Review Board that they had again.rejected the presentation by the Soroptimist Club. "We (the Design Review Board) have reviewed, for the second time, the presen- tation by the Soroptimist Club to.-have a water wheel constructed in the rear of the Murray Adobe in the Mission Plaza. Our rejection of the above mentioned proposal is based on the following: 1. We feel that this water wheel does not have that'much historic value to warrant reconstruction at this site. A scale model placed in the Museum would be a possible solution. City Council Minutes January 4, 1971 Page 5 2. The exact size and design of the wheel is unknown. 3. The proposed location of the wheel would create a.restriction of the Plaza pedestrian flow and use in that area. 4. Water would have to be piped up to run this wheel and would appear very unrealistic. ' Councilman Blake stated that at the request of the Soroptimist Club, he asked that this matter would be continued so that the Soroptimist Club could make a presentation for placing the wheel in the Plaza. Councilman Spring stated that he rejected the recommendation of the Design Review Board. Councilman Graham asked that the matter be continued so that the Soroptimist Club could be heard on the matter. The matter was continued. 5. Communication from Paragon Homes requesting Council approval and accep- tance of Tract 374. The request was referred to the City Engineer for final inspection and was continued to the meeting of January 18, 1971. 6. At this time the City Council held a public hearing on the recommendation of the Planning Commission to amend the Zoning Ordinance regarding the reduc- tion of INTERIOR YARD SET BACKS. R. D. Young, Planning Director, presented the recommendation of the Planning Commission as they felt it was inconsistent with the intent of a high density district and that strict adherence to the recommendation would make it very difficult to develop a large number of residential lots that were properly zoned. The Planning Commission also felt that this amendment would provide ' more flexibility of design and make it more feasible to develop multiple zoned lots with an average width of 50 to 60'feet. Mayor Schwartz declared the public hearing open. No one appeared before the City Council for or against the proposed amendment. Mayor Schwartz declared the public hearing closed. On motion of Councilman Graham, seconded by Mayor Schwartz, the following ordinance was introduced. ORDINANCE NO. 513, an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance to reduce interior side yard setbacks on lots of record less than 60 feet in width and zoned for multiple family use prior to January 1, 1971. Passed to print on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Myron Graham, Arthur F. Spring, Kenneth E. Schwartz NOES: Donald Q. Miller ABSENT: None 7. At this time the City Council held a public hearing on the recommendation ' of the Planning Commission to amend the Major Streets and Highways Plan of the City of San Luis Obispo by adding the route from Madonna Road and Higuera Street to South Street. D. F. Romero, City Engineer, explained that the proposed addition involved ex- tension of Madonna Road from Higuera Street to South Street, in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mayor Schwartz declared the public hearing open. City Council Minutes January 4, 1971 Page 6 Bob Barrows, 870 Meinecke Street, questioned the proposed change as he felt that it would take out a number of improvements and he did not believe the loss of the improvements would be justified by the ease for the motorist. Mayor Schwartz stated that this was a long -range plan and there were no plans for immediate acquisition of the property but this proposal was for future trans- portation needs fifteen to twenty years away. John Hogan, 411 Branch Street, asked if South Street were to be a four land roac and also would it be possible to have access to South Street if one owned property that went through from South to Branch. D. F. Romero replied that a number of years ago the City Council had determined that access would be permitted from all properties fronting South Street. Charles Long, Village Motel & Mobile Home Park, 145 South Street, asked what would happen to his property when and if the street was put through. D. F. Romero answered that the property would be acquired by purchase with full knowledge by the property owner but he again reminded Mr. Long that this was a long -range plan and he doubted if the City would be acquiring property for many years. Mayor Schwartz declared.the public hearing closed. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Spring, the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION NO. 2140, a resolution modifying the Street and Highway Plan. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Myron Graham, Arthur F. Spring, Kenneth E. Schwartz NOES: Donald Q. Miller ABSENT: None 8. D. F. Romero, City Engineer, presented for the Council's consideration plans and specifications for the traffic signal installation at Madonna Road and Higuera Street. He explained the scope of the work to be accomplished under the contract and the traffic control methods to be employed. He estimated that the cost.of construction would be $21,000. On motion of Mayor Schwartz, seconded by Councilman Graham, that the Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize preparation prior to approval of a call for bids. Motion lost on the following roll call vote: AYES: Myron Graham, Kenneth E. Schwartz NOES: Emmons Blake, Donald Q. Miller, Arthur F. Spring ABSENT: None On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Spring, that the City Engineer prepare specifications and be authorized to call for bids as soon as plans and specifications are completed. Motion carried. 9. D. F. Romero, City Engineer, requested that the City Council consider retaining Paul Adamson, consulting engineer, to up -date the previous sewer study prepared by him for the Los Osos and Edna Valleys. The City Engineer continued that.with the City's interest in these two areas outside the City, he felt that the City Council should have up -dated cost studies for their consideration. The matter was continued for further discussion and the City Engineer was authorized to procure a proposal from Paul Adamson for up- dating these two studies. J 1 1 City Council Minutes January 4, 1971 Page 7 10. Communication from the State Department of Public Works regarding action by the Federal Highway Administrator revising the standards in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices whereby yellow. lines would delineate the separ ation of traffic in opposing directions which means that center line markings on two lane - two way roads would be yellow. The California Traffic Control Device Committee adopted the recommendation of the Federal Highway Administrator regarding this recommendation for yellow lines on'two way roads and they ' recommended that all local agencies in the State conform to the January 1973 schedule of converting center lines to yellow on subject streets. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Miller, the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION NO 2143, a resolution approving the recommendation of the California Division of Highways that yellow lines delineate the separation of traffic on opposing direction. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Myron Graham, Donald Q. Miller, Arthur F. Spring, Kenneth E. Schwartz NOES: None ABSENT: None 11. Communication from H. Johnson, City Attorney, reporting on the research regarding the formation of a transportation commission to serve the County of San Luis Obispo. It was his opinion that in order to be feasible a regional or county -wide transportation commission or group should be formed and the special legislation enacted by the State of California to give life to the commission by establishing jurisdiction, tax powers, etc. Councilman Miller recommended that the City of San Luis Obispo take a lead in organizing a county -wide or regional transportation commission so that a com- plete integrated transportation program could be developed for the county. The matter was referred to the County Mayors' Association for discussion. 12. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT of December 18, 1970. 70- 12 =1C. The Traffic Committee has considered the recommendations of the Police Chief regarding ground rules for parades. The Committee agrees in general with the provisions regarding desirable times and routings but feels that there may be exceptions with merit. In particular we don't feel too strongly about prohibiting rallies downtown in connection with the parades but whenever possible, we think the blocking off of streets should be discouraged. 70- 12 -2T. In connection with the proposed traffic signals at Madonna and Higuera and tak.ing into consideration the dramatic increases in traffic flows and resultant congestion along lower Higuera Street, the Traffic Committee recommends that all curb parking along Higuera between High Street and Madonna Road be eliminated where it is not already prohibited. Since this is a rather far - reaching change, we suggest that the Council schedule a public hearing on the matter if the Council feels that the recommendation has merit. 70- 12 -3T. It is recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to order street lighting for the intersections of Los Osos Road and Prefumo Canyon Road and Los Osos Road and Laguna Road. 70- 12 -4T. The Planning and Building Department has been working with the City Attorney in attempting to work up some type of simplified "citation" procedure to eliminate service station sign violations. However, we are advised that the Attorney does not consider this practical. A series of formal criminal com- plaints will apparently be required to obtain enforcement through the courts or injunctions which are issued only after long involved legal procedures. It should be noted, however, that final warning letters are now in the mail from the City Attorney which may produce the desired results. City Council Minutes January 4, 1971 Page 8 Thes final warning letters were prepared Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week after receipt of a letter dated December 14 from the Planning Department referring the matter to the City Attorney. As a different approach it is suggested that the Council think about some type of "jaw bone" approach to discourage violatiors, accompanied by appropriate publicity. This would of course be backed up by legal enforcement procedures. The City Attorney be- lieves that minor revisions to the present ordinance would permit costs of summary abatement of non - conforming signs as well as abandoned and non- current signs to be charged to the property owner. However, it must be rec- ognized that, in some cases, the oil company is merely a lessee so this would necessitate notice to the property owner as well as the oil company at all stages of the proceedings. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Graham, the recommen- dations of the Traffic Committee were accepted. Motion carried. 13. Communication from the City of San Leandro urging that the City of San Luis Obispo concur in a recommendation to the State Legislature that all motor vehicles in California be required to carry safety warning flares in case of accident. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Graham, the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION NO. 2139, a resolution urging State Legislature to enact mandatory automobile safety flare legislation. Passed and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Emmons Blake, Myron Graham, Donald Q. Miller, Arthur F. Spring, Kenneth E. Schwartz NOES: None ABSENT: None 14. Communication from Richard B. Taylor, landscape architect for Mission Plaza, stating that to revise the drawings of the restroom building in Mission Plaza Phase II to include building plan elevations, sketches, details, etc., in order to provide a 3' 4" plumbing access space between the mens' and womens' sides of the building, the cost for revisions would be $750. R. D. Young, Planning Director, recommended that the City accept the Mission Plaza Phase II plans as approved by the subcommittee and suggested that the architect not be requested to modify restroom, and that this be done by the City staff. The Council agreed that the City staff should modify the plans with no extra work to be done by the architect. 15. The City Council adjourned to executive session to discuss property acquisition involving litigation. 16. On motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Graham, the meet- ing adjourned to 7:30 P.M., Monday, January 11, 1971. "' ATRICK, CITY CLERK APPROVED: February 1, 1971 1 1 -u G) 1 -00 W 0) (D O 0) (D 'Z C) O n O d _. 3 (D - -I 3 n d n 0) Z I I O 3 (D O O O c 0 0 0 O O O + Q S O N N N { ca- - T U) (7) 3 X Q O a y — n--hN I^ m (D L O m A �O A -I (D CD (D N p 3 r -• 00 (p O 3 (D c < (� O O O d- N N d D_ W �J OaOO N EA EA 6q N O c J C% -I 0 3 1 J O J X (D 3 -• A O A N N d d S C 0 3 0) O (n N; CD: A C) (r� to 6v O N c hill �O Vl O J + 3" y.A O A S O C) 01 O) - — Z; — (D Kl 69 EA N W N co O J N V d 0 W N W — N W O% O O O O O A (D 3 or 7 N O AO N N 03 +N@ O 0- 0 00 OON K u'13,� CL N N O co O n CO 0 obi d 0-0 Q N O N S -- - X — X + (D C� + (D (D 3 O _0 0) N J N 0 N N —• 3 D 0) () J D J O C) 3< C) —• l_n Lo - Ul W Q) (D (D T. 1+ (7 (D .. l - -1 7 0) -. D (D n. 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