HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/19751 I- Pledge Roll Call City Staff MINUTES ADJOURNED MEETING OF.THE CITY_COUNCIL CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1975 - 4:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM,.CITY HALL PRESENT: Councilmen Graham, Norris,•Petterson and Mayor Schwartz ABSENT: Councilman Gurnee PRESENT: J.H. Fitzpatrick, City Clerk; R.D. Miller, Administrative Officer; A.J. Shaw, City Attorney; William Flory, Director of -Parks and Recreation County Staff PRESENT: .Ned Rogaway,- Attorney,Lindholm Also Present: .. Bruce Dodson and Edward Ward,-Consultants for the County of San Luis Obispo 1. The City Council.. continued- their._study_and_ discussion from Wednesday,. October 29, 1975, of the County of San .Luis Obispo ..Capital Improvement Program involving the expansion of or relocation of the County Courthouse and Adminis- trative Center. The County representatives reviewed for.the City Council, their.report, entitled "Alternatives", which was to be presented to the County Capital Improvement Committee and Board of Supervisors on the development of, relocation of, or expansion of the County Courthouse and Administrative facilities. The County Representatives went over-the long history of the County in attempting to package up:the entire..Capital Improvement Program for the County government, particularly.the expansion of the Courts and Administrative facilities. It was stated that the process began in early 1967 and had been in progress.ever since with the culmination of.the studies being.presented at this time. The.County representatives.requested that.the City Council not settle on.one site or one alternative at this time but to look-into all the alternatives so that when the final.decision was made, it would.be the best solution for the City and County ....taxpayers. Finally, the County representatives assured the City Council that the County Board of.Supervisors.had taken formal action that any relocation of the Court or Administrative facilities would be within.the City limits of San Luis Obispo or adjacent thereto for.annexation to the City. The.City.Council.then.discussed the-information-submitted by the. -City and - County staffs-on-the consultants proposal-for-alternatives to.the County Courts and.-Administrative facilities location and - attempted to.arrive at a consenus of.the Council's_feelings.on. the various alternative sites for guidance of.the City Council.subcommittee in their meeting with the County Board of Supervisors. 1 . Councilman._ Petter son .- stated...that_.he,..felt_ that he would. like...to.. drop ..(1) Marsh Street site, (2) Laguna. Lake..site,_(3)...the.Dalidio site and (4) the General Fireproofing site from consideration. Councilman Norris recommended dropping from consideration (1).Laguna Lake site, (2)'Dalidio - site and (3) the General.Fireproofing site. Councilman Graham agreed with dropping from consideration (1) Laguna Lake site, .(2) the Dalidio site, (3) General Fireproofing.site and (4) the South Street site. 0 I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5,.1975 PAGE TWO Mayor._ Schwartz asreed.that..(1).Laguna-Lake site .(2.).Dalidio site and. (3) the General- Firepraofing.site._should_be- .dropped- .-from consideration,-although he felt that.the County.should.add _ to . tfieir :.consideration_.an_.enlarged area in central.-San Luis .Obispo and. he_suggested...the...area.. bounded.. by Santa Rosa and Toro Streets from Marsh..to.Mill Streets,..also.the -area westerly of the exist- ing County-:facilities to.Osos Street ..and /or.Chorro Street. -He also felt that the County-should look into an expanded.area.south.of the.Marsh Street inter- change. 5:45, p -.m...: Councilman- Norris left. the_.meeting. It:was.the.- consensus.of. the Councilmen. .present.that- of..all.the.sites presented, the County.study.committee should drop consideration of (1) the Laguna Lake site, City Park (2).Laguna Lake 6ite;._Dalidio:.property and.(3)..General.Fire- proofing site, Laurel Lane -and further that the County Study.Committee should look at-the-suggested.-expanded area.. surrounding the - existing. Courthouse. Finally,.the -City Councilmen present- hoped..that.the.County. in considering the South -Street site. would consider expansion' - .west.- towards Higuera Street. Mayor Schwartz thanked the County representatives for attending and taking part in the discussion on this most important issue. .2. . On motion of.. Councilman.P.etterson,.seconded by Councilman Graham, the - meeting.adjourned.it 6:00.p..m. to.7:30.p.m., Monday, November 10, 1975. APPROVED: March 15, 1976 �-'�� .H Fitzpatrick, City Clerk 1