HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/19791. MINUTES ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY'COUNCIL CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO MONDAY,. APRIL 2, 1979 - 12:10 P.M. COUNCIL HEARING ROOM, CITY HALL, 990 PALM STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA STUDY SESSION Roll Call Councilmembers PRESENT: Melanie Billig, Alan Bond, Ron Dunin, Jeff Jorgensen and Mayor Lynn Cooper ABSENT: None City Staff PRESENT: Leland Walton, City Administrative Officer; J.H. Fitzpatrick, City Clerk; George Thacher; City Attorney. 1. Mayor Cooper read the following statement into the record following the hearings on the- .appeal of former police officer Donald W. Pratt. "On March 29, 1979, the City Council sustained the termination of former police officer,.Donald.W. Pratt by Police Chief, Roger Neuman. The roll cal l ..vote was 5 to 0 ". " 2. George Thacher, City Attorney, reviewed.for the newly seated City ' Council, the various conditions of the Brown Act of the State of California dealing with secrecy,.open.,meetings, etc. He explained.when and where the City Council can meet, what can be discussed at .various meetings etc. 3. The City Council.then discussed appointing various members to the various subcommittees on which council members hold membership. A. AreaTCouncl- l%:df!!Gpvei^nments Councilwoman Billig B. C.C.C.J.0 . Councilman Bond C. County Water. Advisory Board Mayor Cooper Alternate Councilman Jorgensen D: Whale Rock Commission Mayor Cooper E. Zone 9 Advisory Board Councilman Dunin F. City /County /Cal Poly Advisory Committee Councilman Jorgensen The City Council then discussed the various appointments of Council people to the subcommittees for interviews for the advisory boards, commissions etc. The first designee -is the chairman of the subcommittee. Architectural Review Committee Housing Authority Councilman Dunin Councilman Jorgensen Councilwoman Billig Mayor Cooper Citizens Advisory Committee Human Relations Commission Councilman Dunin Councilman Jorgensen Mayor Cooper Councilman Dunin Design Review Board Park & Recreation Commission Councilwoman Billig Councilman Bond Councilman Bond Mayor Cooper Promotional Coordinating. Committee Planning Commission Councilman Bond Councilman Jorgensen :Councilwoman Billig Councilman Dunin City Council Minutes April 2, 1979 Page 2 On motion of.Councilman Jorgensen,.seconded • by Councilman Bond, -all the various appoi.ntments to•s,ubcommittees-and interview committees were confirmed, except membership on the Water Advisory Board. Motion carried. On motion of Councilman Bond, seconded by Councilman Dunin, Mayor Cooper, to be delegate and Councilman Jorgensen to be alternate to the County Water Advisory Board. Motion carried, all ayes. 4. At this time the City Council considered nominations for the office of Vice- Mayor. Councilwoman Billig nominated Councilman Jorgensen to be Vice - Mayor. Motion lost for lack of a second. On motion of Councilman Bond, seconded by Mayor Cooper, that Councilman Ron Dunin be nominated as-Vice-Mayor. Motion carried 5 to:0. 5. City Council then discussed future meeting schedules for the City Council in addition to regular meetings, study sessions etc. Mayor Cooper suggested that the City Council consider- meeting from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons; adjourn for dinner and then pick up at 7:30 p.m. to about 10:30 p.m. for the regular business meeting. The City Council discussed the type of information that would be carried at these-two meetings. It was felt that the 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. meeting would cover consent.type items, study items, staff reports, and things of this natureFWhile it is a public meeting ;it normally would , not be items in which the public would be granting input, and the meeting from 7:30.to 10:30 p.m.-would be public hearings, ordinance adoptions etc., in which participation by the public would-be expected. After discussion, by common consent of the council, the schedule for regular council meetings on -the first . and -third - Tuesdays -of each-month would be-4:00 to- 6:00-p.m: meeting, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. dinner; and 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.-approximately for the balance of the meeting. - - 6.. The City Council discussed voting procedures-and ways and means of operating the meetings in amore efficient manner. After discussion, the City Attorney-was asked to prepare a memorandum explaining tie -vote etc. for the council. 7. The City Council discussed the possibility of meeting at a joint dinner meeting with the Planning Commission on May 2, 1979 to clarify approaches by both Council and Planning Commission. -: There being no further business to come before the City Council; Mayor Cooper adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. APPROVED: May 1, 1979 . Fitzpatrick, City Clerk I 1