HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1992191 City Council Minutes Monday, February 24, 1992 - 830 A.M. 'TM Director, Terry Sanville, Principal Planner, Dave Romero, Public Works Director, Kim Condon, Assistant CIty Clerk. Also Present- Mike Kennedy, DKS Associates; Daniel lacafano, Consultant. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD There was no public comment at this time. 1. DRAFT CIRCULATION ELEMENT ISSUES (File No. 462) Council began its consideration of the draft Circulation Element update. Dan lacafano Facilitator, briefly reviewed the 16 issues contained in the "Report on Circulation Issues" dated January 10, 1992, to be considered in the Draft Circulation Element. Terry Sanville. Principal Planner, gave a synopsis of the Draft Circulation Element and discussed the objectives of the element including resource concerns, adequate circulation for vehicles, a shift away from automobile use through enhanced transit system, bicycle paths and facilities, and greater emphasis on alternate forms of ' transportation. Councilman Roalman felt that alternative transportation was not increased significantly in the draft before them and that it should include more specific ways to encourage alternatives to the automobile. Vice Mayor Ranna concurred with this assessment. Councilman Reiss reiterated comments by Police Chief Gardiner related to increased injury accidents related to heavier traffic and that more emphasis should be placed on positive incentives for alternative transportation. He also supported Public Works Director Dave Romero's view that an approach promoting alternative forms of transportation as a resolution to the problems created by traffic increases substitutes municipal judgement for the collective judgement of the community regarding their form of transportation. Mayor Dunin said he did not want to see the Circulation Element used as a tool to limit growth. The Council proceeded with an issue -by -issue review of the element. 1. PRONIOTING ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION Terry Sanville reviewed the policy objectives for alternative transportation. Mayor Dunin favored policy options 1A and 1B; to provide infrastructure to serve all types of transportation and provide incentive and infrastructure for alternative transportation and limited spending on projects that would accommodate vehicles. Councilman Roalman said option 1C would provide moderate movement in the right direction; provide infrastructure for alternative transportation, eliminate spending on projects that would accommodate vehicles except for maintenance of the existing system, and enact disincentive programs for continued automobile dependency. 192 City Council Minutes Page 3 Monday, February 24, 1992 - 830 A.M. Councilman Reiss expressed concern that auto use will continue and that we must continue to provide for that. His suggested approach was that other forms of transportation be made so attractive that people will willingly use them. He favored a policy option somewhere between lA and 1B. Councilmember Pinard joined the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Vice Mayor Ranoa urged staff to be proactive and not create an "either /or" situation. Mayor Dunin suggested that the phrase "limit spending on projects that accommodate automobiles" in policy option 1B be amended to read "be selective on projects that accommodate vehicles" Councilman Roalman asked if carpools would be considered alternative transportation. Councilwoman Pinard said that the community must make a real commitment to alternative transportation. Mayor Dunin asked for comment from the public. Bob Rountree supported providing attitudinal changes. Richard Schmidt encouraged the Council to view this as an opportunity to do something different and champion a true modal shift. Brett Cross. 1217 Mariner's Lane, said Council must keep in mind the most efficient means of moving people and commodities. Eric Greenine said that road widening would have a synergistic effect leading to more automobile use and growth in directions where these roads lead. Rob Strona expressed his agreement with a policy somewhere between III and IC. Dave Romero said that traffic studies show little congestion in the community after 35 years of following a policy a providing the infrastructure needed to serve all types of transportation. After further discussion and upon general consensus, the Council agreed on the draft Element's recommended policy option 1 B; to provide incentive and infrastructure for alternative transportation and selective spending on projects that accommodate vehicles. 1020 a.m., Mayor Dunin declared a recess. 1035 a.m., City Council reconvened; all Councilmembers present. #2. TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT Terry Sanville outlined the various ways that new development should support the provision of transit service and how the design of the City's street network can also influence the ability of transit to provide convenient and timely service. After discussion, Mayor Dunin asked for comments from the public. Eric Greenin¢ urged Council to provide pull -outs for buses that are pleasant and safe for riders. 0 After further discussion and upon general consensus, Council concurred that the transit network should be designed to serve current development and that new development should be created along transit routes to the 193 City Council Minutes Page 4 Monday, February 24, 1992 - 8:30 A.M. specifications outlined in Policy Option 2B; requiring employment or resident - intensive development to be located with 1/8 mile of a bus route and establishing a 1/4 mile standard for lower- intensity land uses. #3. LEVEL OF PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Terry Sanville asked the Council to define the level of specificity that the Circulation Element should contain. Councilman Roalman preferred option 3C; to further define recommended programs and include a more comprehensive listing of programs that will direct budget preparation. Vice Mayor Rapp also favored option 3C. Mayor Dunin felt that the document should detail only those programs that demonstrate a commitment to achieving the element's essential purpose; policy 3B. Councilman Reiss said that this should be a policy document only. After discussion, Dan lacafano suggested that Council move on to Item #4 before reaching consensus on Item #3. #4. SUMMARY OF POLICIES AND PROGRAMS ELIMINATED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION Councilmembers Rapp and Roalman said that they preferred to go through each of the 25 policies or ' programs eliminated by the Planning Commission one by one. Councilmembers Reiss. Pinard and Mayor Dunin did not favor this approach. After discussion and upon general consensus, Council decided to return to their review of Items 3 and 4 at their meeting of March 9, 1992 and after they had concluded their review of the Draft Circulation Element. #5. NARROWING EXISTING STREETS Councilwoman Pinard was in favor of narrowing some existing arterial streets in order to provide bicycle paths and sidewalks. Mayor Dunin did not prefer street narrowing. Councilwoman Pinard said that perhaps the word "redesign" should be substituted for "narrow." Councilman Reiss suggested that the document show ways of slowing traffic. Alter discussion and upon general consensus, Council agreed that streets should be made more liveable, a g., median designs, more landscaping, and sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Mayor Dunin asked if there was any public comment. Eric Greening told Council that streets should be more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. 12:05 p.m., Mayor Dunin declared a recess. 1.00 pm, Council reconvened, Councilmembers Rappa, Reiss, Roalman and Mayor Dunin present. Councilwoman Pinard absent. 194 Council Minutes Page 5 Monday, February 24, 1992 - 830 A.M. #6. WIDENING STREETS Council discussed the street widening projects discussed in the Draft Circulation Element. Mike Kennedy. DKS Associates, addressed the increasing level of traffic on Monterey Street and the possibility of gridlock in the future. Mayor Dunin expressed concern regarding the impact on neighborhoods. when people began to avoid heavily trafficked streets and began taking alternate routes. After discussion and upon general consensus, Council concurred with policy option 6C, as amended; to build new streets to serve new development areas, and identify streets in the Circulation Element for right- of-way preservation using the plan line process. Council also decided to delete level of service references in the Circulation Element and to address the specifics of the plan line width. Council agreed to discuss "Major Street Network Changes" (Beginning on Page 19 of the Draft Circulation Element) at the March 9, 1992 meeting at the end of its review of the element. Wayne Schnell, CalTrans, approved of the plan line process to preserve space in corridors for future development and urged Council to consider encouraging park -and -ride lots and bike paths in new developments and not wider streets. #7. AESI'RE17C IMPACTS OF WIDE STREETS ' Council considered the various options for reducing the aesthetic impacts of wide streets. After discussion, Council agreed on option 7A; to adopt standards (subdivision regulations) and plans (a "Median Plan') to incorporate landscaping and pedestrian amenities along arterial streets. 230 p.m., Mayor Dunin called for a recess. 2:45 p.m., City Council reconvened; Councilmembers Rappa, Reiss, Roalman and Mayor Dunin present. Councilwoman Pinard absent. #8. ALTERNATIVES TO SANTA ROSA STREET WIDENING Council considered circulation issues to address traffic increases on Santa Rosa Street, including A) widening Santa Rosa Street to six lanes between Highway 101 and Highland Drive and a new freeway interchange; B) building a Highway 1 reliever route extending from Cuesta College (or north of it) through the O'Connor Way area, across Foothill Boulevard and the Madonna property to connect with Highway 101 at Marsh Street with a new interchange constructed at Marsh Street; and C) building a Highway 1 reliever route extending from Cuesta College (or north of it) through the O'Connor Way area, across Foothill Boulevard to connect with Los Osos Valley Road somewhere north of the City limits. Terry Sanville presented the background on the issues. Mike Kennedy. DKS Associates, said that the Council would have to make a decision at some time on which alternative they would proceed with as traffic on Santa Rosa is expected to increase 50 %n over the next 20 to 30 years. 9 Richard Schmidt said the stoplights on Santa Rosa create a great deal of the congestion and suggested several alternative routes to mitigate traffic on Santa Rosa. 195 City Council Meeting Page 6 ' Tuesday, February 24, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. Jim Merkel said he would like to see alternatives reviewed in more detail. Bob Rountree supported a parkway extending between Los Osos Valley Road and Highway 101. Wayne Schnell, CalTrans, said a reliever by -pass would be expensive and time consuming. Forrest Watts. 883 Murray, said it would be a mistake to eliminate both projects. Mike Harmon. SLORTA Transportation Planner, reminded Council that the County would have a great deal to say regarding this matter. Brett Cross. 1217 Mariner's Cove, stated that a Highway 1 reliever would never happen. After discussion and upon general consensus, Council directed stair to follow policy issue 8E; to use the EIR to evaluate both projects including a detailed look at the economic and environmental impacts. Councilman Roalman said he did not support the EIR for the Route 1 reliever route. Council agreed to continue their discussion of the Draft Circulation Element at the meeting scheduled for Monday, March 9, 1992. There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Dunin adjourned the meeting at 3:55 P.M. IAPPROVED BY COUNCIL: 3/17/92 :klc ROLL CALL Councilmembers MINUTES ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL - 990 PALM STREET SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA Present: Councilmembers Penny Rappa, Peg Pinard, Jerry Reiss, Bill Roalman and Mayor Ron Dunin (arrived at 7:04 P.M.) Absent: None