HomeMy WebLinkAbout0240LIP AN ORD-191411cle, i"Um"RIDIMG. TM '-M%F1 Fl:!. MTHICIPLI, CODE 3f ADWAG RIGMATIMIS GGVMIIIM FILAPMRBD DISTRICTS. BE 11 ORDAINED by the. Coin-ar-H of the City of Sau Wis Obispo as folle�,,tls SECTION 1� That the, fallowing sections shall be and ate Iner&-y added to the. San Luis Obispo Vivnicival Code, to read as Section 92M18.1 D9VF-W-'Pt-!PXW A. These regulatioD.s are designed and tnteuded to- pei:iaait the 0 Ccwiaslom to recur n& and the City Cotmcl,! to appirove, &ubjezrE t� a conditionall time element, Planned Land Use DistrtPLC lay requAremmts, reg0lat-loz-as, limitations and bip e4th ' rizxm or less rest ricteA thA those specified elsm4hg.pe !A the gantug n7�-An, nc2 for land use districts wheav in t hej o9jn.1ar.,),, sueh planned Districts-will be -in the beat iaterest of Cho public health, . ,nd general uelfare and will create an ewtyironmept in Ikeepiag 'OW, 'C-he, and goals aet forth in 1E.,he Generp.L Plan for the City of San Lulz These regulations are, further inteuded to pr to and to PexM)27'. ':Lo zoe and development of the City by encouraging -.ems alts dove loplxr i" Ax d buildiag arrangament concepts whtch will be ba-,tmaniouya with thn, phy3l-C---n4, terrain and which may reflect ch&ngem in Iiving pattsrni and techniques. B. SC0111%. The Zoning Otdineace may be -°mnaded --0 POCA-IlL Slam ed Develop Wnt Districts In. any land use djstr��t Ion- ed j -n the ajt,,,y 01 San Luis Obispo Zoning Ordinance. Co COVABI14ATION OF LAND USES - LhND USES -!f1P.PkzWk0:i V40 or mafza 14E:-1,-d use districts may be a`iJoved J,n combin*tjon under aae Pi's-Inned District 'when such combi-nation of use iG deemed by the to be in keeptng with the prLnciples and goals of thc- Ge 'aer&j pie D. MR110JIM LAND AM RMMP.3Mff4, P' -qj^red Mcve],CV�aiat be Permitted on any parcel or @Gntismauz- Pare-els of Land capahAe Off Sob,- division into atx (61) or more normal 10t-S, aS sVucifted by the Ordin- mCO for that Land use disIrrio%, VW' districts ghall be R-A df.?-tricts for M 2 4(2 E. TIM L- DaTAT$OR. FINS: is the eassenes of this a °xdipancb �. aged amendment to the. Zoning Ordinance pe itt:ing plar.Led Developwent DiatrLcts shall be for specif ed time periods. Such s=�ndm -,ut shall to ,fmats and be revoYtod and the lead use districts Shall revert to a Classification prce- deterred by the Plenning C-armission upon Mraval of the Planned Develop- meat if development has not been carried sug in aceordan @e with tha terms and time limittatioms prescribed in the Preliminary Development Plm approvclo Section. 9200, 18.2, W LDBSK SONS. A. ?Manned Development Dlstzricts shall, be designated on the Master Plan of Land Use (Zoning ) as folly so 1. I ERM DESIGNATION - upon the adoption by the My Council of the Preliminary Development Plan as described in Section 9200.18.6, the combining symbol "FD" with the cufftc indicating the permitted land uses with a subscript indicating ttae, yea ' and an assi,gnsed chronological member, shall be affixed to the map in combin&tian "Jith the axis ti-mg Lased use symbol (example - R -1-MIR 62-1) . Such interim desi,guati,ons shall be removed at the send of the time period pres Bribed under Secti m 92MISA ii developwnt has not been carried out in accardasnce with the tems sett forth in the Preliminary Development approval. 2. Ply DESIGHATIMI upon c leticn of the development as stipu- lated in the Precise Development Plan, the existing Land use syffibol shall be removed from the mcp and the Planned Development symbol shall rem-mien as the permanent district deasi,gnatien (example - PDJR 62 -1) . Section 9200.18.3, ORDIMME iM3$x T PRME URE. A. Prccledures The procedures fro %. deabonati,on of Moaned Development Mstri.cts shall iii v$ fol2cn7 -s% 1. upon application for a Preliminary Development Plan, noti.cea and hearings as set forth in Section 9200.19 of the Municipal Code shall be followed except that the Council may approve sescb plan by resolution. Upon approval, the lased use designation shall be placed on the official zoning saps subject to the conditions and time limit- ations set forth in said resolution. o2a 2. Upon application for approval os.a Previse Developm =.t Plan the Planning Commission and Cowan shall hold at least one (1) pablic heari zg, giving ten (10) days notice thereof by publication and posting. Approval of the Precise Development Plan may be by resolution adopted by the counCil and in the event said laud uses are altered or medifiied from the orig�nal resw3ution adopting the Preliminary Development Plan, thda the official, sordng map shall be nodifaed acaordavgiya Said land use designation an the zoning mnp shall be subject to ttw conditions and time liwitations set forte in the resolution. 3. Upon eo letion of substantially all of the developrint called &or in the Precise lmelopment Plan ar any portion thereof by the Play.® i,dns Commission. the applicant may apply for a permanent land use designation on all or any pwtiou so completed an accoxda=e with the procedure set forth in Section 9240.19 of the YAm cipal Code. Po Application. To apply for a Planned Mvelopmut District, the applicant shall Me with the •play; ing Department an application accompanied by p-.elimivqry Development Plau, prepared as described in Seetiou 9200,18.6. After raviens by the Plaizmin3 Department for compliance wSth applicable ordinamess the application shell be cowidered by the Planning Commission as prescribes in Section 9200.19. .�`�t ,yc I cn. 9200.18.4. MULIMMARY DEVELOMM PLAN APPROVAL AND TIM LIM TION a A. After approval of- the Preliminary Development Flan by the planning Commissions the City Council may,, by resolu-Laon, adopt the preliminary Develop- ment Play as an :interim i amd use district and so designate same on the zoning Map., incorporating such modifications and conditions and time limi.tatioas as have been recommended by the commission. upon appro -val by the City Coungi.l the toeing map shall be Changed to shot, the "PD" symbol on the subject property, Chaages by the City Cm=il shall be accomplished in the mannar provided by state law for amendments to precise 014us0 -3- B, All approved Fic-eliminary DevelopMeat Plans shall expire, terminate and became 'void and the -and use revert to the classification pre-dezermialed by the Plannl.ng Conua-ission upon approval of the Planned Dove lopaneent if a Prec se Development Plait is not submitted within the Lima period speci.:Hed. under Section VZOUAM herel,n. Sectloi 9200alrJo5 FRECTSE DEVE-LOPHENT PLAU APPIROVAi, ifflD 'IME UUMITATICill. A. Wit."hin the time liwit approved in the Presliminary Dave I opment Plan, tihe applicant shal? file with the Planning Com-mission a Precise Development Plan pyepa-;-ad as describerl in Section 92004150?, Incorporating all baUdings and structures proposed to be constructed In. tllet first szoge oi development; which Precise Development Plan shall be substantially, in accord with O.-to Preliminary Development Plan, The Planning Commission shall revie-w zhe Pye,- cise J."Ieuplop-ment Kan foi7 conformance with v,-.q LAreme-.-als of the ameaewnt Incorporating the 121•elimi-aary Dave lopmealt. Plano and no building permit foyz bul"le-A.P.gs or structures proposed for undcr this section shall issued prior to approval of the Precise Detialopment Plan by the Planning Coy ission:_ B. All. approved Precise Developrient Plans sLall expire, t_-erminate a7 d be=ac void and the land use revert to the classUf i.cat ion pre-, dete ruli-laed. evelopule"t, if the the P'znn1,ng Connission upon approvai of the Planned D t. constxuct-iai specified in the Precise Development Plart aas not been carried 4._n occcrdai�lce with the terms twithin the ame lAwit presciAbed in One De,.1el-opment Y-L-r app7ovaill ef-_'Aan 9200A8.V.,, PREKIN'lWARY DEVU TL N AA U A. Any appj_kc&t°ion_ foic, Lhe gether wits dai_- P.-&O O. An 1. A plot playa of the area to k-Ye -zi7tciassifted With shown, the widthD location and names cn`. !iurLem3ndln- street�,, Fi d t;i:' adjacent properties-, L A plot plan showilag the location and dimensions of all. ax;sting and proposed struetures,, landscaping, areas an-I other - uses on the subjeci, Property supplemepie6 by a narrative all improvements proposed to be the geasra,,. f_,,3:2,q 0 1,8C on each portion of Zhe property; 3, Schematic dravings and renclerlings showing the design of baildings and structures proposed to be constyticted3 4,, A schedule of time for constructi,al of various .00-t., .Ops as development if the cOnstructi-on to to occil• in stages,, Tbo. sch-:2-6zle shall, be submitted wherein the applicant shail Indicate yhe 'evoinprzent, of his proposed project iu iacrements ti,ed to the developwaant of cIe trade area, 5, in submitting a Planned Development proposing a Convenience Comaercial Distiict, an econoz'il3c re porL sha"YI bc-, support of the appli�stjon indicating that she tNL,11 area iW,7o!vC­7- _iks 0­�- ­ will be developed to such an eittent :hat the proposed tases witihir. t -he development can and will be supported by the I,-.rzde area !.a wb.lch 1, IIs located. 6, The Preliminary Development Plan and any SLVP?IeE(w-ntU2 SIIU be filed as a permanent record S.n the aMlce of the Planning, When a Preliminary Development F.U�x& includes uses of ekes,!,�-D feat-Ures which require a use permit oK variance in acr.nr-&znc,- sections of the Zoning Ordinance,, approval of the pre],Y.M�nary Plans shall include approval of the required use F�er it o, T to be spelled out within the •esolution of approval ani no in in regard to such use permit or variance sh.jj ­.z Section 9200.18,.7 ?RECISE DUMLOPMENT ry,.&N RISMIJ -A, R&M, R�i T A. The FreOse Dave lopxnen`,,. P;,an CM-IsiElk- ct: map. 07 �_ I., 1. Location of all bttfl.dings and stri cturt-5 �:o 4e rcu,"S: c.,,tci-.e4 Mr, mainWaed upon Lhe property oK propeTt4en- the uses contalned the loca9Umi a� nnd clatr&mzce,-4, nuf-iber oIL zze� gross floor area of etch strucv,,re, 2, V�I �,w:O ,,vnys 0,� ro� to ., The p--popossil fini-sii grnde sl�iv­! C=Ced two feev (29) aad the e-ral,­,wagc & The vehie0n�! an& rzaestvica,; r1'r­_10"atA.0-a �Satuv ,S Z.31011,a the site and an adjae2K' : o�q nets av-6 4 The exi� e kit , street pav'king and ftrai_Uties; 5� Tiia -,net C1 3 C,� 1-f i n Z7,., 0- & and ualls, 6, Tile 3.6celklon", SIze- he-131W, ,wte, o-,-n.nkaP.ion of n] 1. &hen those signs fln-,, agni-ast. zha IOU310)JI15S. 2, SuCh OLI,nK infui.-CILILl.ora as cmay be, to fti'YIy Locate all feszvres 09 thT p'-ropospe 8a The Precise Develovloen�-, D_;ua P.7iO, iwy be f0ccl as a perir&aen'c record in fzh� of the except that such §Iana as are Zequive4l by fth-:D Ci.107 be filed as a pezmanenil roroz�d in the ofz"ce o:s �he W-v men •o 90 Upon sOmAnv] of 'the Precise ,fI2Pr_ �Tay changes from the approvze.-I P,, eg.Wina-zy Developmc-o'! Plan tn pe:cMit or variance SIIS13 be Col s.i_deyed Or." ;, P�ktcz has beer. ftl.ed aund a-p-projorad WeOf�v Sca',"Ca W00,17, An-,� v.PPrC)v,;7,! a use permit or vnxiance shAll be unpon end ',,ac-ome rar , the appyoval o zhe Pn :eq..L,9z Developmanh., ) J.nn xefeyzed to herej.n, afleeLive date of the amendreem opplying .-he *"i'-D" symbc" 5-.0 a PZ2_rce' o-Z ➢roPeYtY, nO 97n6inF, Sball `;1C no saucture be usai, crected, ooved, 'Febz:!- - IA, property excep,- t-a cn. p o,anve �.Yi�-h by tha Planuin,&J, Cvo,'!i srA* alle 6.,4: ! ",i v i" 9 0 4. Height limitations on buildings and structures. 5. The locationo width and improvement of vehicular and pedestrian access to various portions of the property, including portions within abutting streets. 6. Parking' ratios and a-geas =presscd in relation to use of various portion o of the property and/or building floor area. 7. Location and size of off-street. l nding areas and docks. 8. PlantinS sad wainteamice of trees, shrubs, pl.-m- ta and fauns :U.i accordance with an approved landscaping plan. 9� Construgtioj& of fences, v)allo and floodlighting of Seneral desig,03 and is locations indicated on are. nyproved plan. M The locaticm, sizeD height,, lighting and orientatLon of sians other thm the silps flat. against tLe building and of advertising structureso 11, Schedule of time for conservaten of the proposed buildings and structures, or any stage of develqpwnt Zhezeof- 12, Measures designed to oiluimize or eliminate noicep dust, odor,, fumes, smokec, vibration, glare, Fadiatiou or other ccnditio-as eAkich Vou!16 have an adverse effect on ebe present or, potential developwmnt; On ssu)�rouad ing properties. Fig All "PD" regulations are f%j:j.-ther designed and inteaded to lnsnre theta development occurs substantially in conforamance with the Preliminary Develop- ment Plan submitted as a basis for a pyoposed reaonlng; to avoid the of providiag an excessive area of land zG206 for the same uses a a result, failure to fully develop rbe land 30 20-Aed2- omd to minlr0ze The use of reF.a7,0.ng primarily as & method of appreciating the value 0,,: as specj,fj� .c parcel of lrrzz' fo-; speculativo purposes when such i!ezoning exellades comparable rezaaing or oVh,?%' propertieso C, These regulatims recognize that more than one parcel or group of parcels of land may be suitable for as spee.ified use,.) but Q hat if all anch suitabld parcels are zoned for such use, there would resulr an unbalance in the area zoned for varims types of uses to the detrimenL of the community of San Luis Obispo or the area within the scope of the. General Plan. ME 1p, .,S the 'pl.15-pVS& o"'.. t.u(!:Se deviatl-on as oa-go' Oet 9100.4 ';-csig-a I St andazds) of the City !,,xt Al dinar -rOI?'-(UZ8 SIA-LIJ be npproved wader Sec - tion 9100,4s c'.3* the - ST.31- "." -. , 4, on OrdInance a i-,A w *,, L , o Produce at 4es-Ii-rp.W,e auid, requi; OR 2v e, ex C=wLin It Y !r. arens, or settl-,n& out parmnaent scenle ou Owsv; SFz)C-:,,S, C'R 3. Reduce who danaer of erosion,; �ap. 4. Reduce the axea and auj: &n .I f S 9 C7,'X 0 V 20 This ordlncnca. topthez with liar- -,-yes e-nei nats� 0z"Ic -Ln All I., at lee--nsi,, thi,eo d-nys ,:!go :e its' f publ axxd citonglated -' YS. sald Wt7x �,t t;zo enniTat ion of 30 dRYS afte�` tt5 ft-nal Oana;,pp, XK.-RODUCED AND rASSED TO 12th day 09 Mavember,, 2.962 by 9ha fo,!I 7 4 a0111 Call vo�e-� A YE v Clay Pa Davidson, R, L, Graves,) Jr., YAOS M-rg=et. D7uMjj, Donald Q,. Wier,, Gerald W. Shipsey. Nate I "j, )3&k-,jTI Kane a�2 tz - - 1?Qq 3rd . . �kl.3:vj nIASI.SEY) December lie 1c Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey None Miss Margaret McNeil NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, will hold a public hearing on the recommendation of the Planning Commission to amend the Municipal Code by adding provisions for regulations governing planned development districts. Copies of the proposed regulations are on file in the office of the City Clerk. The public hearing will be held in the Council chambers of the City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on Monday, October 15, 1962, at 9:00 P. M., By order of the City Council J. H. Fitzpatrick City Clerk