HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDEX CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOBMx C is m', TI:, CITY _0-Y SAN I:U IS OBISPO i i f j r 1 Appointment in case of vacancy "Tayor.. CounciLian, Clerk 8 School Directors 9 Employees, by Council 25 Accounting, Annual 20 to be uniform 58 duty of IT.Tayor 20 Annual Accounting 20 reports, to be published 30 Assessor, City Clerk to be 46 Advertising., contract for 62 in daily newspaper 62 Acquisition of property ordinance required 40 7)) on execution 45 37 power to acquire 43 5) Auditing claims 56a P Mi Boundary of City Board of Education P .,-,uilding regulations Billboards 3onded Indebtedness Power to issue bonds 3onds of officers Bud Z?et Board of Equalization Council to meet as 4 45 (9) - 45 (10) 45 (17) 43 (7) 13 51 52 Charter effective date 105 Amendment of, controlled by State Constitution Publication of 42 violation of, a misdemeanor 110 Chief Officials Appointment of 26 Chief of Police, nomination of 26 Collusion with bidder 64 65. Com,pensation of * 28 Commissioners to nominate 26 Consolidation of 26 Deputy 27 duties of, prescribed by ordinance 26 enumeration of 26 not to be in employ of public service corporations 32 not to be interested in contracts 32 Police Judge, appointment of ill removal of 26 salary of 28 salary of Police Judge ill Street Supt. nomination of 26 subordinate 27 to pay money into treasury 57 Library Trustees are 26 Chief of Police commissioner to nominate 26 City Attorney to draw contracts 60 to conduct legal proceedings 109 appointive 26 City powers of - Sec,tIPowers of City" judicial power ill Claims against City 56 56a Clerk assessor, to be 46 13 bond of iwordinance 1 general duties 46 - 56 salary of 15 ter-iz of office 10 vacancy in office 8 6 eligibility 49 elective 4 to compute taxes assessment roll, to certify 53 53 has custody of boobs & records 46 clerk of council 46 auditor 56 - 56a duties of 46 - 53 - 56 finances, duty regarding 5G report required 56 coney payable to City, 56 to certify into treasury licenses, duty regarding 56 books to keep 56 apportiowment of funds 56 warrant of 56a co- issioners (Cee also 'Council denIT) 4.1 absent no action taken ci n$ ge A by 24 designation of iwordinance 1 duties, council to deternine 24 ea ploy`aent of day laborers 25 k:'ayor, to n�.:�=�e, t`a:en 2 29 reports by required to make estimate for taxes 49 to nominate certain chief officials26 Coliraissioner of Finance to mate special report regard- ing estimate of taxes 50 Concerts, free 45 (53) Contracts Collusion with bidder 64 - 65 60 form of 62 for advertising (Continued next page) ontracts - continued for lighting 63 hoar dram SO let to lowest bidder 61 majuier .of execution 60 17 ,iayor to require performance ublic.work to be done by 61 300.00 liitation 61 copies of Ordinances r0 (13) ouneil ice also "Pourers of City" and rPoiuers of Council budget, to make 51 absent commissioner 41 34 general powers meetings of riectings to be public e 37 P, esiding officer 35 33 Quoril"I FI�1es of procedure 39 Mice-president of 35 V--ice-president as °Eayor 18 vz-:icvncies alaried e::iployees, to authorize a 25 s1iall appoint employees Board of Equalization 52 Reports, to publish 30 ounc::l aen (Cee also "Comravissioners") 41 absent, no action taken 13 11 bonds of co =issioners commissioner of finance to 50 make tax estimate elective 6 eligibility 5 how elected not to be appointed to office created by hien 31 not to be interested in contracts 32 not to be interested in 32 franchises (Continued next page) Councilmen - Continued not to be in employ of: - public service corporations 32 firm contracting with City 3�: salary of 15 taxes, to finale estimate 40 term, of office 11 to hold no other office 31 vacancy in office 8 51 budget, to make C� day laborers, to employ 25 to nominate certain chief officials 25 reports, to make 29 reports, to publish 30 as Board of Equalization 52 annual reports to be published 30 3?ay laborers, how selected and employed 25 1:)epartun.ents 23 reports by 29 C=-Assioners of 2.4 to mal-ce estim"tes for taxes 49 1)ogs, regulation of 45 (18) P�Aly newspaper) publications to be in 62 Elections - See Article XI Council may make rules 45 (50) Elective Officers A Eligibility I j,I,ayor and Councilmen 6 School Directors 7 City Clerk 6 Employees to be authorized by Council 25 nominated by head of department 25 council to appoint 25 appoint-ment by council 25 day 1,niborers, hovir selected and employed 25 discharge of 25 commissioner may discharge 25 council to determine number 25 council may discharge 25 duties in more than one department 25 rules rir-d regulations 25 salary of to cease, when 25 wages to cease, when, 25 council may create offices 25 subordinate officers 27 compensation of 28 unacting clause of Ordinances 40 (5) Estimate of taxes to be made 49 - 50 Emamination of books- and records 1Q Explosives 45 (6) M none al"o,.,ied to officers 28 to be paid into treasury 23 council to fix 15 (34) -t-'ire Chief Com-,ussioner to r4ominate 26 145 .-Tire Departmen"Cl to establish - (4) Tire limits established Z: changed by ordinance AO - �7� right to prescribe 45 9 Tiscal yezar 47 Tranchises to be granted by Ordinance 40 7)� rens, uml of 4; Q' 12 Voting on granting of 41.0 1 required 90 how granted 91 - 92 stc-J1,0e 1,517 applicable 92 1 JL fI 0 of 93 power to regulate 911 ra�Cocs tmd charges under 96 - 95 97 city may lassaue ordinance required 'J.0 (7) 0-3dim-nee to provide for 96 - 97 acquisition by city lease of 93 assignment of 93 Sao final passage aithin 30 days 40 (12) of introduction not to be renewed before one year of expiration 1-10 (12) sups: rvision by Mayor 2 e 1 holder of to clean LS; paNe streets 99 - examination of books 100 books of holder, may be examined 100 annual report to City 101 report required 101 (Continued next page) -anchises - Continuod percentage to city 102 .1.* o r f e --I, Lure e 102-103-104 non -user, framclaise Jeorl.cited 104 elffective date of ordinance gra-a %'.ing, ordinance granting ref erend-am 72 subject to 72� blinzg, to regulate --bags povier regarding 05-ade of streets .,ower to establish & change 45 (30) 45 (26) 45 (40) jalth remlations Inspection of foods 4-5 �`'55 45(23) - 4-5 45 (214) :-.nprisonment for violation of Charter or Ordinances 110 21�1 able s 45 (7) L-Mliliative, generallIf 44 u10 See Articll le Xi [::n-speetion of foods 45 (23) - 45 (55 ase of property Ordinance required power to O'Sgal proceeding:, conduct of j Mabilitles Of City -.-Ilbraryy po�jer to operate trusteesp no compensation trustees are AM officials :,jcense, power to 40 �36)45 109 2 43 (1) 26 26 45 (27) !Nror appointment of temporary Judge 119 bond charged wIth general oversight 17 duty regarding contracts 17 4 elcetive 6 eligibility f rancIIII -, G S I duty regarding 17 2 1 22 general duties how elected 0 other duties pro -temporo - 15 $II-klary supervi-sion. of utilities 20 19 to give reports 19 to ma.1ce recornrA.-endations to e1jDjoy accountant 10 ter. -ii of office not to be interested in;- 4,71 30�1 contracts public service corporations -02 Firms contracting with City 321 45 (35) urgency fund vacancy in office appointment to fill vice-president to act 18 11-10 accountant.,, to e,,,,,Iploy annually- to enforce ordinances 17 17 ordinances, to enforce contracts, duty regarding 17 reports, mayor to give 19 11"A commissioners, to name, when to name commissioners, when 24 utilitiesp. mayor to suPcrvise 21 30 reports Of2 to be published leetings of Council 456 37 to be public ,honeys payment into treasury 57 116 payment by Police Judge 0 maw "R.'o Ol Citi Iuisances 45 (3) — 45 (10) Newspaper, of icia Oaths, administering 16 Oath of office 14 Officers, elective pi, c s I d in,�; LG pay money into treasur, y 5 7 Officittl newsDaper 6 Officiv'12. - See "Chief Officials" Ordinances Council sh&.11 act by 0 Ay -,,%s {: end !Toes to be -taken 0 riu.";t receive 0" aff irmative votes confined to one subject enacting claue pas"t"ing to print required 0 6 �61 must be printed 40 required for acquisition., sale or lease of public property; le%nying tib, granti-ng franchise, e_,.!tabI_-5'shing or changing fire 7 motion to reconsider 8 vote oil !.,Iotion to reconsider 8 revision of e;o 10 1131 amendment of 40 10 repeal of 40 11 COPY kept in books 40 publication of el 2' existing., continued in effect 106 Violation of, misdemeanor 110 punishment' for violation 110 effective date of 72 urgency clause 72 presentation to Mayor0 9 objections by Mayor 0 9 reconsideration of 40 �z 9 191 veto pouer over 40 effective without Mayor' s signature 40 (9) Mayor to enforce 17 subject of, but one 40 A to be entered upon minutes '40 "1 2 to be signed by I'llayor 40 9 objections to, by ;Mayor 40 9 effective without Mayor signing 40 91 Parks, MI --Y establisIs. els �1) —V -r-te P-ric co;';mission A5 - 51) Penalties, imposed by ordinance only 4,0 (7) Person t 7r, sty I C, 0 (33) Polio -01:—t ILj a '0 i!.- aPpointment and salary of judge ill 43 -1 It 1 -Ai t� I VWC,d It of temporary judge 119 Glectr.-I-Ic .nd gas plants Police to establlsh �C' 5 (4) Political tests., pzolliL)Lted 33 3 Pound,, may establish 45 (19) Powers of City (See also "Powers of Councils?) To acquire: public works of various kinds 43 (1) 43 2 Glectr.-I-Ic .nd gas plants <11 3 2 telephone and telegraph systems 43d 3 land :.nd property 4 CZ 5 To borrow money 4 5 7 To rale rn.oney by special tax 43 To receive bequests, gifts, etc. 4.3 6 To sell gZILS, viater,, electricity ,lin '4 To sue and defend 43 9 Powers of Council generally corporate seal l i lae-s, forfei tures abate"men't of nuisances abEtement of unsafe buildings riuisanceo, abatezient police depart -Ment fire departznient- fire tl"Lln= system explosives storage of infla--=ables stewa, cngines, boilers fire limits (Continued next page 415 4-05 45 Wi 45 45 45 45 '56) 2 3 5 6 7 a 91 Powers of Council - Continued bu3.ldin6s. hei,rhth etc. building regulations Sa*"'ety appliances I L - Jaagerous places e Y- It, " ' speeding ree-jilati-1.0--lz bami(--.rs handbi llz st-les in streets OW-aers to clean pre'raises bili bot:rds doc�s -L ops, regulation of health pour.d,, may establish cruelty to Lqglulate businesses inspectlon of food places housing regulate use of se-uors licen-se" po,'ie- to poj;Cr to '4Cen-o ve-Urole st,M(-7s, -eS welebIts �,.nd I 'U4 sholi.-'S k- ga,mtollng, to regulate Vagi'valts drim-',�ennes s disorderly con -duct taxes, to levy spa,-paont of I -axes fees and. charges, to fix urgmacy fund 1 --ase of lanils purchase 01 property property,. purchase of sale of personal property pl-op"u"rty., sale of trusts grade of streets pa. -%ring st:roets opening str,�ots 4;5 45 'I -'r) 45 (13) - 5 'el j77' 45 A- 4 5- 13' 415 45 4 5 45 (223) - 4 t,,, '5 4 45 EU - 45 12115 9) 110 11 1 fv 14 15 15 15 17, 18� "WE 20 �232 55 25 r `6 27 27 fZU (-0 29 30 30 4 5 43 45 43 45 4, 4 5 4,9 45 45 1115 (44) - 45 45 45 (42) - 45 45 closing streets 45 streets, grade paving opening.,closing 45 lighting (rontimipfl next nate) ,35 136 3) 7 .37 38 33 39 40 4111 d-2 42 4041 411 444 43`, P017ers of Council - Continued water u�,ilittes, supervision of . railroads A-5 47 1481 wires, regulations of 45 pipes and conduits, re -m-!at -tons of ,,,? 5 e- yet? y �g el-ectionsdq to m ak{a rules rules � ei 50 parr, =S'Itl cel e//�yygi t�.�}.�vy , acquiring.; 1., 52 1551 ryry 45 53 food, inspection of 45 (23) 45 Propepty,, sale of, ordinance leAe n.(I , ordinance required f sale hJpsA al Dr}pe7y 1/1C" r lease of 45 (36) "•0 , ) PL7adtyr to acquire on execution 45 pager to acquire on purchase 413 �37) ,) Public "cgools - See ti chools" Public € til .ties acq Contract :'or lighting - F gay car to sum Fr vise monsy frcri City owned s50 city officers ur not to be in OTS%pleY y o:r 39 pipes and conduits, regulation of 4", 49 raTTyy3��lrp�o*�.�'gt�}�±� 45 �47� y y�q over supervision. over 15 'Wires etc., regulation of 45 �46 4� Public forks money from city owned 0. 9 to be done oycontract6-1 let to lowe>A bidder 61 advertie4 ng for 61 0300.00 limitation Nation 631. Publication og, charter and ordinances of annual report of ITayor 30 of €annual report of Councilmen 30 in official newspaper 6 121 Quormay of Council 38 I Recall of Elective Officers See Article Ref erendu:a, Artic-I -- .STV Religlow-, t--si--s., prohibited Z� 3 Repeal o -f ord-In-anues 40 (11) Re p or t: -, Departments to make P, 9 ana�%val CIO plfblicatloll of --0 ITayor to make 13 corMaissioners to make must, receivo Z aff 1r.,zative votes cor-,rzi.ssion-rs to make report rezardine �, tlw�te of taxe0i 40 CoT,m. !aZio-aer of fInance to make ro 14 ,0tio".. 10.o reconzLder special report regarding s estimal;c of ta:�Gs 40 City Clark to -M,,,,ke 56 POIiCe ilidon, to make to treasurer 57 Resoltitiorio Cow-cil sh-all ac by i Ayes tand 1,,Io(,--S to bo tcakian to be ort cred upon minu-tes 2 must, receivo Z aff 1r.,zative votes 4t. cnfined to e subject on 140 4 ro 14 ,0tio".. 10.o reconzLder .9610 s 'Tote or., motion to reconsider 40 a to be ----Igned by Lf--ayor 410 9 objections to,, by i.1'ayor 40 9 pre-sentation to .Twror 4-0 9 'veto po-,.,-er over 40 91 Right, of' City Right to vote, 'I.-Tayor Coul-Icilmen Safety matters 45 (10) - M (13) Salaried EmTloyecs - see Employees Salary 0--:* Officials 'Clo be fi7-_C_ by Cou-ncil Salary of of f -i cerC Sale of Property ordin,_wnce required of persona! property School.-- Jrtice nr L bot rd of h: ducatjor, director. -I, election of elegibility term of of2F'ice salary vacancy in office elective officers of Vacancy Ln office School Directors elI gibility how elected vacancy in office sal,,: y Streets chzangin,g' graele gx'de of opens n pe -b ink deed of closed street Street Supe--rintendent cornaisnioncr to nor.11inate Subpoenns Succession, perpetual Supplies, public 40 4.5 4. 4-5 7 12 9 A 9 7 5 12, 15 45 (42) - ' 5- ("14) 41 5 5 41 ,15 441 26 1C, 1 61 Taxes to be levied by ordinance 110 7��) ow p "er to levy 4,5 3 Spec -7 -al tax 41 � �) '4e,- payulent of ('_ 5 Syster, of 4.8 depa-4,, 'I%A*i_iie-YL' It-, estluates 49 - 50 estimates to be mode 49 - 50 budget., wulm-' le-j:,r of 53 1:41.1Uit of 54 5 onlin-!Vlee inu-i,ledl al,- ely effective 71 COUAZIW'_"! to rvlke, bu,",get tlyue o -C p,,zsi-ng ordinmace 5i3 annual 4evy5 time of Term Of Of -"4 Ce C o""m C I I "I'Lo I -I CI (:,4i -k 10 layo," '0 Treasirrer, dutics ol" Trusts,, oxecution of ('39) Ura . ency Fund 45 (35) 0 Utilit-4--o-e, - see `?lOublIc Utilities" Council-nen, Clei,k acyl Directors 9 of Cowlicil v 18c. C nal C I a s, Mork 6 'Suhooi Directors 9 vice. P-residmat of Colmell 18 - 36 -ji via t e r 43) of -,-ixpply �-o scqiijpe d operate 4 3 2' ui."Ltsidry City., po�mr to supply